Avatar of Twisted Mind


Recent Statuses

9 mos ago
Current I visited the face of the earth.
1 like
1 yr ago
Poll(5+ likes and I do it): Do I finish my cheesecake story even though cheesecake seems to be dying out here?
1 like
1 yr ago
What’s the best thing about Switzerland? Idk but the flag is a big plus.
1 yr ago
I would tell a seaweed joke, but then you would suggest I seek mental kelp.
1 yr ago
The Earth threw me off its face. I'm back.


The Most Important Thing Ever:
RolePlayerGuild and The Haunted Cheesecake
Thanks to the status bar for the idea. Thanks to myself for the writing.

The intro-pic thing I have is not up to date. Turned 18 on June 24th

I won't bite you, if you don't bite me.

Most Recent Posts

Don't forget to @ everybody. ;)
@Midnight stars

Don't be forgetting about Deaik!
You sure about that? Last time somebody fought one variation of Jaden... well, Midnight can tell you.

Pretty sure, yeah. I have an acid mage for a reason.
<Snipped quote by Midnight stars>

you should probably have at least twenty bodyguards

She has Zi. She'll be fine.
Banned for calling me calling you calling me calling you calling me calling you a coward, coward!!!
Banned for calling me calling you a coward coward, coward.
Banned for being a coward.
Banned for not being in a group roleplay I'm in.
Already accepted via PMs. Let's let this go well.

Would you be able to die the way you died the first time? Say if somebody was poisoned, would they be able to get killed by poison again? Would it have to be another way? A different type of poison?
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