Zi sighed at the unknown voice's words.
Well, he's trying to kill her, He guessed. Nobody ever worded a kind gesture as a threat, even if it was unintentional. Besides, the back door was most likely rigged or a setup for an ambush- knowing his luck. He moved closer to Bee, pretty much glaring daggers at Whisper. He put a hand on Bee's shoulder, a weak attempt to be comforting considering his normal attitude and such. "
So what are we up against? Genosist? Axe murderer type? Evil genius hacker? You can't just tell us nothing and expect us to believe you, not with what's at stake." His tone was challenging. He was trying to Whisper piss off while getting information; his usual behavior at the rate this was going.
Whisper glared right back at Zi, her smirk hidden behind her black mask. She took out one of her pistols and inspected it, her eyes flicking between it and Zi. She wouldn't shoot him, but she wasn't against acting like she would. "
Actually, I can," She shrugged, not answering Zi's question. "
I've already said more than I-"
On and on. Do you ever get tired of lying? What are we up against?" Zi repeated the question with a snarl, suddenly stepping away from Bee and towards Whisper. He saw the pistol, and drew his own. But he wasn't kidding. If she made to threaten him again, he
would shoot her. And while he might not bother killing her, he had no intention of letting the disrespect stand. He was her boss, technically. He wasn't about to get called off by Bee either.
Whisper almost laughed, her eyes glittering with sick entertainment. She was smirking behind her mask. "
I've already said more than I-" She sighed, cutting herself off. "
I'm not answering you when you're threatening me." She used her empty hand to adjust her mask a little, considering it had slid down a fraction. It hadn't fallen far enough to be noticeable, but she always fixed it if it even moved an inch.
Zi stepped forward again, turning his pistol fully on Whisper. "
Take off the mask." He ordered. It was a sudden change of events, but he wanted to see if she'd take orders from him even when there was tension. "
And put the pistol away."
That got Whisper to freeze. She hadn't expected
that. Her eyes flicked toward Bee but she decided against getting the girl involved. This was Whisper's fight, and Whisper's alone. Well, Whisper and Zi's. She met Zi's gaze, determination set in her glare. "
No." She raised her own pistol, turned on not Zi, but Bee. Zi wouldn't dare when Bee was on the line. It was unfair, but life was unfair.
Zi switched the safety on his pistol off. "
Put it away and take off the mask. Now." He wasn't joking. He lowered the pistol a fraction, toward Whisper's leg. He wouldn't kill her, as aforementioned, but he was damn willing to hurt her. Even if Bee might get mad at him- unlikely, considering Whisper had just turned a pistol on her.