Avatar of UndeadEyes


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3 yrs ago
Current *Sets down Halloween cake for everyone and heads back off into the abyss.*
4 yrs ago
*Places down a rhubarb crumble for everyone and heads back to her projects.*
4 yrs ago
My biological father passed away last night of a heart attack... I'm not even sure how to process everything I'm feeling right now.
4 yrs ago
Lol Never lie to your massage therapist about how much you drank before a massage. I'll know within 20 minutes if you lied. Fun time at work. X.X
4 yrs ago
*Cuts up banana cream pie for the status bar.* I think we could all use this... Lol.
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Gooooood'a mornin' to ya! Lol.

-Flops tiredly onto the ground.-
Let's make this quick so you don't waste your time!

If you're:

🌟18 or older (I am too old to roleplay with anyone younger than that, sorry),
🌟Can write on a high-casual to Advance + level,
🌟Enjoy roleplaying and have time to roleplay,
🌟Are happy to play Canon characters,
🌟Are content with my desire to play an OC,
🌟Don't mind RP through PMs or Discord,

Well, keep reading as this thread is for people like you!

Series and pairing Options:
**Note: we will both, in some, be playing other canon and OC characters to advance the RP

Resident Evil:

Wesker X Female OC
Chris x Female OC
(In both cases, Wesker and Chris still need to be played, but as a secondary character. We can share the responsibility or just one of us can).


Kakashi X Female OC
Adult Neji X Female OC
Adult Gaara x Female OC
(May be open to other male characters; just ask!)


Zuko x Female OC
Lu Ten X Female OC
(Lu Ten, given he was never in the show, outside of a childhood flashback, can be more played as one would expect him to be played as there is no actual guidelines for his character.)


Guzma x Female OC
Sycamore X Female OC


Zelgadis X Female OC


Kaiba x Female OC
Pegasus X Female OC

And with that, if you are interested in any of the pairings, send me a PM and we'll discuss the plots. :)

Toodles, my Poodles!
Sure, we can give it a shot. Send me a PM and we'll talk.
Also, nice new avatar.
Let's get to it, shall we?


Here, you'll find many plots for roleplay, both original and series.

Please, don't skip the rules and regulations.
I give cookies to the good students...
I spank the bad students...

Enjoy your stay!

Oh, and I rarely see posts here, so PM me to ask about RP!

♪ Since I'm 28 years old, my partners must be 18+ for comfort sake.
At this time, I'll only roleplay with male partners for Hetero... BUT if you see a plot you REALLY like and want to make it a lesbian plot, we can talk privately...
* I have my own reasons for the rule above. I'm sorry if it hurts your feelings.
♪ I roleplay at high-casual to advance + depending on the flow of the RP. I'd appreciate you being similar.
♪ Proper spelling, punctuation, and grammar (errors are natural).
♪ I can type fast and post multiple times a day. I don't expect you to, but don't offer to RP if you have no time to RP in the first place.
* Actually, come March, I'll be working from home, so... Yey for free time?
♪ I draw my own characters, but I don't care if you use pictures or text descriptions. Just know my character is my design.
♪ I don't use character sheets unless the characters ALREADY know each other from the very start.
♪ No incest, pedophilia, etc. You know the basic rules of the guild...
♪ While I'm open to hearing your plots as well, please don't do a 'my way or highway' type of greeting.
♪ Do NOT control my character's actions, thoughts, or feelings unless discussed prior.
♪ Contribute to the plot. Don't make me do it all.
♪ PMs or Discord for RP and Third Person only.
♪ Please, write character speech correctly. Two different people shouldn't speak in the same paragraph... Ask for clarification.

Original Plots!

Each plot has a character listing. These are for MAIN or IMPORTANT characters.
We still have to play others as well, these just dictate the main.

Scify / Horror

Feudal Japan

Dessert Themed





Fantasy / Medieval

Red Light (18+)

Series Roleplays

For series, I will just post the pairings to save time.
If the pairings interest you, message me for the plot.
Most are Canon X OC (where I play a female OC and you a male canon).
Unless it specifically says OC x OC as an option, then it's not an option.
I will play canons from the show as side-characters and supporting characters.


Avatar the Last Airbend

Main Pairing: Zuko X OC
Other characters from show to be split up among us for the sake of the plot as needed.
Since these are the lesser chosen pairings, plots will be shared when interest is peeked.

Justice League

Main Pairing: Your choice of canon from the show X OC
Other characters to be played by both for the sake of the plot as needed.

Hunchback of Notre Dame

Main Pairing: Clopin X OC
We can consider other characters for side characters. OC or from the movie.

⊙ Beauty and the Beast

Main Pairing: Gaston x OC

Video Games

Resident Evil

Main Pairings: Wesker X OC or Chris X OC
Chris/Wesker is to be played by either of us, or just one of us as needed for plot focus.

Devil May Cry

Main Pairing; Dante X OC or Vergil X OC

Arkham City

Main Pairing: Joker X OC
Other characters to be played by both for the sake of the plot as needed.

Tales of Symphonia

Main Pairing: Your choice between Zelos, Regal, or Yuan X OC
Other characters to be played by both for the sake of the plot as needed.

Mortal Kombat
Main pairing: Take your pick x OC
Personal favorite male OCs: Scorpion, Goro, Erron Black, Kano, Quan Chi...


Main Pairing: OC x OC


Main Pairing: Agent 47 x OC


Dragon Ball Z

Main Pairing: Your call X OC
Other characters to be played by both for the sake of the plot as needed.

Samurai Champloo

Main Pairing: Jin x Mugen x Fuu x OC
In short, we're going to have them all in this. :)


Main Pairing: Zelgadis x OC x xellos
Other Characters: Lina, Amelia, Gourry
Xellos can be played by one of us or both of us.

Zoids ~ Guardian Force

Main Pairing: Karl x OC
Other characters to be played by both for the sake of the plot as needed.


Main Pairing: Preferably; Kakashi x OC or Neji X OC.
Other characters to be played by both for the sake of the plot as needed.

Yu Yu Hakusho

Main pairing: Your choice between Hiei, Kurama, or Kuwabara x OC.
Other characters to be played by both for the sake of the plot as needed.


Main Pairing: Kaiba x OC, but it may adjust as the story goes through due to plot.
Other characters to be played by both for the sake of the plot as needed.

One Piece

We're playing everyone, let's leave it at that. :)


Main Pairing: Sesshoumaru X OC

Rurouni Kenshin
Due to being very Au most likely.

Any male Character you like (from the anime) X OC


Main Pairing: Your choice between OC x OC, Mewtwo x OC, Brock x OC, or Professor Sycamore x OC



Main Pairing Options:

Dr. House x OC
Dr. Chase x OC
Dr. Wilson x OC


Main Pairing: Hellboy x OC


Main pairing: Riddick x OC

Pirates of the Caribbean

Main Pairing: Jack x oc

Harry Potter

Main Pairing: Adult Draco x OC
Other characters to be played by both for the sake of the plot as needed.


Main Pairing: Kurt x Logan x OC x Male Oc
Other characters to be played by both for the sake of the plot as needed.

Jurassic Park

Main Pairing: OC x OC

Cabin in the Woods

Main Pairing: Fornicus x OC


Main Pairing: Your choice between Thor or Loki x OC
Other characters to be played by both for the sake of the plot as needed.

Main Pairing: Michael Myers x OC

I'll be around. :)
Bonjour, Mes Amis.

Welcome to my 1 x 1 Search thread.
It's nothing special, but hey, I got a craving, so here it is!!!

As it states, I'm looking for someone to play Guzma from the Pokemon Sun and Moon Series. I think he's a cool character and I've wanted an RP with someone playing him since I played Moon (I was sad that he got less screen time in Ultra Sun).

So, if you think you'd be up for it, here's a few things to know:

~ I don't play kids outside of NPCs. My main will be a full grown adult. Since Guzma is also an adult, I think that's for the best anyway.
~ Be 18 or older because I'm WAY too old to play with kids. -Cries- I'm twenty-eight!!
~ Know that I like these Pokemon RPs to be more realistic. Pokemon are deadly...
~ PMs or Discord only for the RP itself.
~ High-casual to advance + please. Short posts are fine when needed, but let's try to build this up!

If interested in knowing the general plot, feel free to PM me or add me on Discord: L'Nai #8754

Thanks for stopping by!
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