Avatar of UndeadEyes


Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
Current *Sets down Halloween cake for everyone and heads back off into the abyss.*
4 yrs ago
*Places down a rhubarb crumble for everyone and heads back to her projects.*
4 yrs ago
My biological father passed away last night of a heart attack... I'm not even sure how to process everything I'm feeling right now.
4 yrs ago
Lol Never lie to your massage therapist about how much you drank before a massage. I'll know within 20 minutes if you lied. Fun time at work. X.X
4 yrs ago
*Cuts up banana cream pie for the status bar.* I think we could all use this... Lol.
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✫° The Undead's List °✫

Welcome, one and all, to the mighty Mimic Undead's List!!!

Here, you'll find an immense list of original plots and plenty of series/fandom pairings as well!

What's more horrifying than the current length of the list?

I'm always adding more!

Thanks for visiting!!!

✫° Rules °✫

∞ Partners must be able to roleplay somewhere between a 'high-casual' to 'advance +' level.
∞ Partners must have a general grasp of proper spelling, punctuation, and grammar.
∞ No incest, pedophilia, blood-related romantic relationships, etc.
∞ Partners must be at least eighteen years of age or older.
∞ Partners must contribute to the plot/storyline.
∞ Do not control my character.
∞ PMs or Discord only.
∞ Third person only.
∞ PM me for RP.

✫° General Facts °✫

∞ I don't use character sheets unless the characters are required to know one another ahead of the start of the plot.
∞ I've got a lot of time to roleplay, so I appreciate partners who have or can make time for Roleplay as well.
∞ I try extremely hard not to ditch, so...I'd appreciate it if you tried not to as well.
∞ I will let you know if I decline a roleplay due to 'literary / level' differences
∞ I draw my own character, but I don't care if you use an image or not.
∞ I only play Female MAIN characters. Males only as secondaries.
∞ I'm a nice person and enjoy chatting OOC with my partners.
∞ I prefer male partners, but may consider females.
∞ I don't tolerate idiocy and immaturity well.
∞ I may consider lesbian pairing if asked.
∞ I'm open to plots other than my own.
∞ Discord: L'Nai #8754

✫ Know that, when I roleplay, I don't use center alignment. It's just formatting that I'm not interested in correcting right now. ✫

✫° Current Cravings °✫

These are simply the roleplays I desire the most to do at this time. :)
Basically, I'll love you forever if you pick one of them!
Plots to these are in the main lists below.
Of course, I'm open to all Roleplays.

✫° Avatar ~ The Last Airbender / Zuko x OC or Lu Ten x OC
✫° The Witcher / Geralt X OC or Ciri X OC
✫° Slayers / Zelgadis x OC
✫° Pokemon / Guzma x OC
✫° Bonded by the Sword
✫° Freedom from a King
✫° Born by the Sword
✫° Crown of Blades
✫° Drawn in Death
✫° Rome's Blade
✫° Gem Born

✫° Original Roleplays °✫

Each plot has a character list:

Main Female = Me
Main Male = You
Main Others =
People we will play as secondary characters to enhance the story.

✫° Fantasy / Medieval °✫

° Realm of the Imagined °

° Freedom from a King °

° The Golden Soldier °

° Tears of an Angel °

° Of Rose and Thorn °

° A Race for Life °

° Crown of Blades °

° A Dragon's Heart °

° Love of a Beast °

° The Mana Core °

° Mirror-Mirror °

° Time-Lock °

° Gem Born °

° Dance °

✫° Scify / Horror °✫

° Evil Genius Revolution °

° Drawn in Death °

° Arachnophobia °

° Jasper's Asylum °

° A Deadly Past °

° Black Escape °

° Enclosure °

° Mimic °

✫° Feudal Japan °✫

° Bonded by the Sword °

° Born by the Sword °

✫° Western °✫

° ARMs of a Drifter °

° Glint of a Barrel °

° Hot Fangs °

✫° Pirates °✫

° Davy Jones's Treasure °

° Legends at Sea °

° Treasure that Be °

✫° Arabian °✫

° Anubis's Mistress °

° In Your Hands °

° Desert Curse °

✫° Modern °✫

° The Jester °

° Help Me °

✫° Roman °✫

° Rome's Tranquil Blade °

° A General's Affair °

° My Lady's Heart °

° Rome's Blade °

✫° 18+ °✫

✫ Note: While adult themes will be present in the roleplays, each story has a plot to follow ✫

° Peace, Love, and Bloodshed °

° White-Eyed Beauty °

° Ink and Paper °

° Winter Moon °

✫° Series/Fandom Roleplays °✫

The majority of these plots are Canon X Original Character, with me as the original character.
I'll play canons as secondary characters (not for doubling).
In a few rare cases, there are OC x OC pairings.
Message me for plot details.

✫° Movies / Shows °✫

° Pirates of the Caribbean °

Jack x OC

° Jurassic Park °


° Harry Potter °

Adult Draco X OC

° Thor/Loki °

Loki X OC

° Riddick °

Riddick x OC

° Hellboy °

Hellboy x OC

° X-Men °

Kurt OR Logan x OC

✫° Video Games °✫

° Mortal Kombat °

Your choice between Scorpio, Goro, Cage, Erron Black, Kano, or Quan Chi x OC

I will actually accept a lesbian pairing of Cassie Cage x OC if you are interested.

° Resident Evil °

Wesker or Chris x OC

*Both Wesker and Chris are needed for the plot though.

° Arkham City °

Joker or Scarecrow x OC

° The Witcher

Geralt x OC

Ciri X OC (lesbian option)

° Hitman °

47 X OC

✫° Cartoons °✫

° Avatar ~ The Last Airbender °

Adult Zuko x OC
Lu Ten x OC

° Hunchback of Notre Dame °

Clopin X OC

° Justice League °

Your choice of character from the show x OC

✫° Anime °✫

° Zoids ~ Guardian Force °

Karl L. Schubaltz x OC

° Samurai Champloo °

Mugen OR Jin X OC

° Rurouni Kenshin °

Your choice of char from show X OC

° Yu Yu Hakusho °

Hiei OR Kurama OR Kuwabara x OC

° Dragon Ball Z °

(Bad ass) Future Trunks OR Shin (Supreme Kai) x OC

° One Piece °

Your choice of main male cast x OC

° Pokemon °

Guzma OR Sycamore OR Giovanni OR OC x OC

° Inuyasha °

Sesshoumaru x OC

° YuGiOh °

Kaiba or Pegasus x OC

° Naruto °

Kakashi OR (Adult) Neji OR (Adult) Gaara OR Jiraiya, etc. x OC

° Slayers °

Zelgadis X OC


You've reached the end of the thread!

I hope to hear from you soon!

New art, Woo!
Long story short...

Seeking male, 18+, for 1 x 1 RP of The Witcher (AU-ish), who can play Geralt in pairing with my OC.

PMs or Discord for RP.

High-casual to advance +.
Time to RP.
Don't ditch without notice.

We can discuss more when I'm contacted.

Thanks. :)

So, I've been in a zombie kick since starting a Twitch channel where I've been playing a zombie game. :)

I'm interested in finding a partner, male or female, to roleplay out a specific storyline. :)


Be 18+ because blood, guts, zombies, etc. It's going to be dark and gritty. Oh, and I'm nearly 30... Playing with kids is weird.

Be able to write at a 'high-causal' to advance+ level. Basically, give when needed, give a bit less when not.

Time to RP. Look, I TOTALLY get that life = busy. However, I can't keep interest in an RP where I never know if I will get a post that week. Basically, I have a rule of, if I don't at least get OOC telling me of you being busy, I drop it after 10 days of no notice. If shit comes up and you warn me, I totally understand!! Just don't start this RP with no time to actually do it. Thanks!

Don't-fucking-ditch. Let's face it, it sucks to have to say "Hey, I don't think this is working". If it's hard for you, lie to me!!! Say you don't have time or something. I know we all fear the 'anger' some people get, but I won't get mad unless you insult me in the process of telling me.

It can be through PMs or Discord.

If interested, PM me or message me on Discord: L'Nai #8754
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