Hi! I wrote up a new plot and I'm super interested in giving it a go.
I'm looking for a partner who is 18+ simply because I'm old. I'd prefer a male partner. High-Casual to Advanced. PM or over Discord. Time to RP would be nice, as I'm not interested in waiting a week for every post. I just can't keep an interest in it then.
The RP is, in a way, 18+. It will involve adult content, especially blood and killing. There is also a strong possibility of sexual content.
The plot is below. If you're interested, send me a PM. :)
° When all is Lost °
Main Female: Female Survivor Leader Main Male: Male Survivor Leader Main Others: Created/Played as Needed
The world has been lost for years after its sudden demise to a change in the weather. Floods, storms, and endless snow led to famine, death, and change. When the snow melted and the flood waters evaporated, the world was nothing but a shell of its former self. Endless wastelands and crumbling cities are all that's left. People are now a dying breed as disease and illness become their greatest threat next to the wild beasts and other survivors.
She had been born in the Chaos and raised to know nothing else. The small group of survivors were her family and they taught her how to live in a dangerous world where no one could be trusted. Through her life, she'd witnessed many attacks by other survivor groups wanting what few rations and supplies they had, but they always managed to fend them off. Sadly, as a teenager, a sneak attack would leave her as the only survivor to walk away with her life, but not without injury.
Now an adult, she is the leader of her own group that is of decent size and scale. Unfortunately, they are not the strongest due to lack of weaponry and people willing to fight or kill. Even so, they had been going strong for years, able to fend off numerous attacks thanks to the few fighters in their group, including herself.
One morning, she is awoken to the sound of the alarms going off as the group comes under attack. By the time she manages to work her way to the area where the main battle is raging, most of her fighters have been overtaken.
He was not born to the chaos, but was a child when the civilization collapsed. When he was a late teen, he was part of an attack on a group for supplies where they were the victor. The only survivor of the opposing group was a young teenage girl who was heavily bleeding from her arm. Figuring she'd die of infection or starvation, his group decided to let her run.
Now in his late thirties, he is the leader of one of the strongest groups of survivors. He's roguishly handsome and terrifying all at the same time.
When his group become ill with a disease, he learns of a group with a leader who specializes in diseases and injuries recovery. After sending a messenger to request (threaten) their assistance in the matter, they are refused. He's not surprised. He and his group are not exactly known for their charity or kind nature.
Late night, they attack the group to force their hand in the matter, and soon he is standing face to face with a woman that looks familiar to him, though he can't place it. She's attractive, clearly tough and ready to fight, and once he realizes she's the leader, knows she has a valuable skill that is needed in his group.
With her group already overtaken, he tells her fighting is pointless, but he'll make her a deal. If she surrenders and becomes his property, he will spare her group and even let them become part of his. Surrendering means her group will be fed and safe due to the power of numbers his group has.
Not wanting to watch another family of hers slaughtered, she chooses to surrender for their safety, even if it means the loss of her freedom...
The majority of these plots are Canon X Original Character, with me as the original character. I'll play canons as secondary characters (not for doubling). In a few rare cases, there are OC x OC pairings. Message me for plot details.
✫° Movies / Shows °✫
° Pirates of the Caribbean ° Jack x OC
° Jurassic Park ° OC x OC
° The Avengers ° Loki x OC Thor x OC Captain America x OC Captain Strange x OC
° Harry Potter ° Adult Draco X OC
° Riddick ° Riddick x OC
° Hellboy ° Hellboy x OC
° X-Men ° Kurt OR Logan x OC
✫° Video Games °✫
° Mortal Kombat ° Your choices: Scorpio, Goro, Cage, Erron Black, Kano, or Quan Chi x OC I will actually accept a lesbian pairing of Cassie Cage x OC if you are interested.
° Resident Evil ° Wesker or Chris x OC
*Both Wesker and Chris are needed for the plot though.
° Arkham City ° Joker or Scarecrow x OC
° The Witcher Geralt x OC
(lesbian option) Ciri X OC
° Hitman ° 47 X OC
✫° Cartoons °✫
° Avatar ~ The Last Airbender ° Adult Zuko x OC Lu Ten x OC
° Hunchback of Notre Dame ° Clopin X OC
° Justice League ° Your choice of character from the show x OC
✫° Anime °✫
° Zoids ~ Guardian Force ° Karl L. Schubaltz x OC
° Samurai Champloo ° Mugen OR Jin X OC
° Rurouni Kenshin ° Your choice of char from show X OC
° Yu Yu Hakusho ° Hiei x OC Kurama x OC Kuwabara x OC Ask about others.
° Dragon Ball Z ° (Bad ass) Future Trunks x OC Shin (Supreme Kai) x OC
° One Piece ° Your choice of main male cast (Canon) x OC
° Pokemon ° Guzma x OC Sycamore x OC Giovanni x OC MewTwo x OC OC x OC
° Inuyasha ° Sesshoumaru x OC
° YuGiOh ° Kaiba x OC Pegasus x OC
° Naruto ° Kakashi x OC (Adult) Neji x OC (Adult) Gaara x OC Jiraiya x OC Ask about others!