Avatar of UndeadEyes


Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
Current *Sets down Halloween cake for everyone and heads back off into the abyss.*
4 yrs ago
*Places down a rhubarb crumble for everyone and heads back to her projects.*
4 yrs ago
My biological father passed away last night of a heart attack... I'm not even sure how to process everything I'm feeling right now.
4 yrs ago
Lol Never lie to your massage therapist about how much you drank before a massage. I'll know within 20 minutes if you lied. Fun time at work. X.X
4 yrs ago
*Cuts up banana cream pie for the status bar.* I think we could all use this... Lol.
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Most Recent Posts

I wrote up a new plot and I'm super interested in giving it a go.

I'm looking for a partner who is 18+ simply because I'm old.
I'd prefer a male partner.
High-Casual to Advanced.
PM or over Discord.
Time to RP would be nice, as I'm not interested in waiting a week for every post. I just can't keep an interest in it then.

The RP is, in a way, 18+. It will involve adult content, especially blood and killing. There is also a strong possibility of sexual content.

The plot is below. If you're interested, send me a PM. :)

° When all is Lost °

✫° Series/Fandom Roleplays °✫

The majority of these plots are Canon X Original Character, with me as the original character.
I'll play canons as secondary characters (not for doubling).
In a few rare cases, there are OC x OC pairings.
Message me for plot details.

✫° Movies / Shows °✫

° Pirates of the Caribbean °
Jack x OC

° Jurassic Park °

° The Avengers °
Loki x OC
Thor x OC
Captain America x OC
Captain Strange x OC

° Harry Potter °
Adult Draco X OC

° Riddick °
Riddick x OC

° Hellboy °
Hellboy x OC

° X-Men °
Kurt OR Logan x OC

✫° Video Games °✫

° Mortal Kombat °
Your choices:
Scorpio, Goro, Cage, Erron Black, Kano, or Quan Chi
x OC
I will actually accept a lesbian pairing of Cassie Cage x OC if you are interested.

° Resident Evil °
Wesker or Chris x OC

*Both Wesker and Chris are needed for the plot though.

° Arkham City °
Joker or Scarecrow x OC

° The Witcher
Geralt x OC

(lesbian option)
Ciri X OC

° Hitman °
47 X OC

✫° Cartoons °✫

° Avatar ~ The Last Airbender °
Adult Zuko x OC
Lu Ten x OC

° Hunchback of Notre Dame °
Clopin X OC

° Justice League °
Your choice of character from the show x OC

✫° Anime °✫

° Zoids ~ Guardian Force °
Karl L. Schubaltz x OC

° Samurai Champloo °
Mugen OR Jin X OC

° Rurouni Kenshin °
Your choice of char from show X OC

° Yu Yu Hakusho °
Hiei x OC
Kurama x OC
Kuwabara x OC
Ask about others.

° Dragon Ball Z °
(Bad ass) Future Trunks x OC
Shin (Supreme Kai) x OC

° One Piece °
Your choice of main male cast (Canon) x OC

° Pokemon °
Guzma x OC
Sycamore x OC
Giovanni x OC
MewTwo x OC

° Inuyasha °
Sesshoumaru x OC

° YuGiOh °
Kaiba x OC
Pegasus x OC

° Naruto °
Kakashi x OC
(Adult) Neji x OC
(Adult) Gaara x OC
Jiraiya x OC
Ask about others!

° Slayers °
Zelgadis X OC


You've reached the end of the thread!

I hope to hear from you soon!

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