Avatar of UndeadEyes


Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
Current *Sets down Halloween cake for everyone and heads back off into the abyss.*
4 yrs ago
*Places down a rhubarb crumble for everyone and heads back to her projects.*
4 yrs ago
My biological father passed away last night of a heart attack... I'm not even sure how to process everything I'm feeling right now.
4 yrs ago
Lol Never lie to your massage therapist about how much you drank before a massage. I'll know within 20 minutes if you lied. Fun time at work. X.X
4 yrs ago
*Cuts up banana cream pie for the status bar.* I think we could all use this... Lol.
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I am UndeadEyes!

~I’m 29. So Old! -cries-
~I roleplay at a ‘high-casual’ to ‘Advance +’ level. Basically, I’ll always stretch for a few paragraphs, but I’m not going out of my way for pointless fluff at all times. I look at my post realistically and won’t stretch it on if there isn’t any point to it.
~I am considered ‘dominant’ under most situations. So, don’t expect me to play a damsel in distress. I’m not against my char needing help from time to time, as that’s realistic, but she will be very self-efficient for the most part.
~I am looking to play an OC. I will play Canons as secondary characters.
~I’d like my partner to play one of the male canons suggested near the series.
**Note: this means canon as your MAIN character. If your goal is to swoop in with an OC as your main or secondary main, then it won't work. Please, don't offer to do these plots unless you're intent is to play the canon as your main character.
~I have time to RP, so please have some as well. I also have school and busy schedules sometimes, but I'll let you know if those pop up!
~I’m friendly, so expect me to want to OOC a bit either on Discord or in a separate PM.
~If you’re interested, you can PM me.
~Plots will be discussed over PMs to interested parties. Why not here? Well, simply put, not enough people are interested in playing canons for me to spend a bunch of time writing them up. So, it’s easier on me to wait until I get someone who IS interested.
~ When it comes to ratings, well, I'm open to a lot. I'm not against adult content, but most of these it would come as second nature to the plot.

So, what am I looking for?

+ Xellos as an antagonist
+ Amelia, Lina, and Gourry as important secondary chars as needed.

So, basically, I have a love story in my head that is full of drama, betrayal, pain, etc.

<3 I've wanted to do this one for a LONG time, but so few people have seen slayers. :(
So, hoping, hoping, HOPING!

PM me if interested for full details.
Okay, hi!
Let's get to this!

Are you:
Okay with adult content of most types?
Can play decently evil or dark characters with excitement and joy (A.K.A. liking to play such characters)?
Do you like some smut with your plots or plots with your smut?
Are you at least casual+ to advanced+?
Open to most Genres?
Can play multiple characters for story purposes?

Well, if you think you're all that,
send me a message and we'll do some discussion about RPs.

If you haven't put it together,
I'm looking for a adult RP with plot and smut mixed in.
Let's do it! Lol
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