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Sergio della Gherardesca

One of the boons of home visits is that home really is the only place in this land I can fetch good tobacco. I can weather Abele's ridiculous antics if it means I don't have to inhale the roasted moss common in some parts. I'd rather not have to spend such expenses on some sleazy charlatan to give me something I can get for a quarter of the price back at home.

I talk as if home itself isn't a gift to visit - my corner of Thaln never ceases to surprise me with how well kept in its beauty, despite my absence, but on this occasion I hadn't had much chance to appreciate the sights. I'd received a letter from my cousin that my younger brother - Abele - had fallen ill. I feel guilt now that my first instinct was to suspect a macabre joke that he'd reeled my gullible relation into. The timing too, was poor. In the midst of the ball fiasco, no less, I was given the letter by a nervous courier who I'd likely made ever the more antsy by my less than cool conduct. I took flight homeward bound almost immediately after reading the letter in full - concluded with my cousin reporting an urge from Abele for me not needing to visit. It was uncharacteristic enough to shock me into action - brief flashes of my father's last days controlling me more than anything.

Quite the luck that it turned out to be a false alarm. Abele had contracted some obscure fever and in the time it took for the letter to deliver had seemingly mostly recovered - although still bedbound. Normally this would have elicited anger, but this time it sparked relief. He was well enough to only require me to stay a few days to ensure the illness was not to have a recurrence. I considered petitioning for more time away, but I'd missed enough with the situation at the ball that I couldn't permit myself to remain more than that. My best physician was to keep me updated with regular letters for a month. I suspect my brother would refuse to see him longer than that.

Now back at Candaeln, I fan the cigarette smoke away from my face. I've been watching it burn away outside the Iron Roses' keep, dressed in shirt and trews. Starkly modest, frankly, but the stress of the past week has stripped my extravagance bare. It'll return - likely as soon as I'm sent out on task. For now, I'll bear the cross of modesty.

And as quickly as it was lit, it fades away. Such is life.

I find myself floating back towards the keep, mostly aimless in direction. And then I looked down to my shirt sleeve, to notice a dispersion of ash across my top.


This shirt wasn't even a favourite. In fact, it almost wasn't worth the visit to the maids to have it cleaned.

Angrily, I stormed into the keep, looking for the maids quarters. A week ago, this wouldn't have happened.
Here with my tail between my legs, how far fetched would it be for me to return with Sergio back from a smoke break? I think I've figured the problem out.
Sergio della Gherardesca

Sergio breathed in as Gerard lifted the scarf, glancing to Tyaethe with an annoyed look as she tapped him. He'd been too quick on the draw. Unbefitting.

He slowly let the Nem down, twirling his dagger in his other hand as he looked to Dame Serenity, suggesting they hand her over. He quietly nodded, eyes softened as they moved to the Knight-Captain.

"May I take a moment?" He asked of Fanilly, tone of voice lowered considerably.

@VitaVitaAR @HereComesTheSnow @Raineh Daze @Psyker Landshark @ERode
Sergio della Gherardesca

His head twisted in confoundment at Tyaethe, disregarding it once it had finished by taking the initiative and simply grabbing the Nem by the scarf on her neck, raising her up as he held his blade firm in icepick grip in his other hand. His fiery eyes burning right at her, two blood moons in the sky.

"You understand us talking? Eh?" Words angled to be delivered as clearly as he could manage, with enough sharpness to them to cut through any language barrier in the way.

@VitaVitaAR @HereComesTheSnow @Raineh Daze @Psyker Landshark
Sergio della Gherardesca

Sergio found himself envious that Gerard had brought his battle weapon with him.

Instincts smashed gears together in his machine of a brain, moving into overdrive, he silently disobeyed Serenity's suggestion in favour of Tyaethe's. The Knight's concealed dagger dropped from his sleeve into his hand as he sprinted, not too far behind Ser Renar, after the assassin. His eyes flashed as the threat came close.

@VitaVitaAR @Psyker Landshark @ERode @Raineh Daze
Sergio della Gherardesca

Although Ser Sergio had yet to be formally introduced to Renar's half-brother, were he a betting man he'd have put good stock in Renar mopping the floor with about 70% of a lot of the noble stock roaming around, especially around at the ball. Truthfully he could have made that bet about any of the Iron Roses (Gerard sprung to mind) but Renar's ferocity and disregard for acting in "good form" for an enemy built him as a dangerous adversary for old-guard style Knights. He allowed himself an impressed grin at the defeat of Felix, and raised his glass to Renar.

"Ser Renar likes to make his points...eh...bluntly, your highness." Sergio chuckled, glancing briefly to Dame Serenity as the First Princess walked away.

"If we're not careful, the Crown Knights will start poaching our stock." The redhead grinned to his compatriot, quietly, nodding again to the victorious Iron Rose.

@VitaVitaAR @ERode
Sergio della Gherardesca

“The respect is a grace, your highness. I thank you for your gratitude. It isn’t, ah, expected, but it is appreciated, hmm. Dame Serenity will agree.” He smiled.

The respect was more appreciated than his performative manner let on, of course. Those who would wield power often would often find themselves taking those with loyalty for granted, maybe not even out of outright maliciousness all of the time. But the power can disconnect you - and those who rule well tended to circumvent that - they tended to keep themselves tethered to those under them.

This was knowledge not only gained from social insight - but just as much from blood spilled.

Sergio glanced to Serenity - his job was not to dominate the conversation as much as help make a memorable impression. The younger Knight should have her say.

@VitaVitaAR @The Otter @ERode
Sergio della Gherardesca

Admittedly, Sergio was more entertaining the girls than he was particularly interested in the tales of folk lore, although he noted Gerard's openness in knowing the Captain probably saved his life. The humility was perhaps, again, something Lucas could learn from, even if the frankness worried him, ever so slight.

And then, as the story concluded, the moment of the night occurred. The two princesses arrived, notably without the prince in tow - perhaps he was of ill health? And yet the absence, by his view, was negligible, as the two's presence drew the attention of most everybody in the room (besides a few straggling Knights he'd been paying little notice to). The elder's shimmering dress was magnificent - he'd heard previous of its rumoured Elven origins but to see it in the stitch was something else. His thoughts aligned with Gerard's - it was unlikely there was anyone in the room whose attitude was more suited to their role.

As Gerard glanced to him, he grinned back. He was remiss not to avoid being too brash, but his duty as a landed Knight was to make a strong, warm impression - the others certainly weren't doing so. The Knight of the Harvest Moon warmly and politely nodded without word to the girls they'd been conjugating with prior - he'd have offered a kiss on the hand but to keep the princesses waiting would be poor form. He strode across the hall, somewhat boldly, past the others, though not so close as to be tackled by a royal guard (that would be the metric for "too bold")

He brushed a strand of hair out of his face with his hand, making eye contact with the elder princess.

"With respect...ah...your grace, our eagerness likely outweighs your own. It is a priceless honour - and a pleasure - to see and speak to you both, I'm sure my comrades would agree." His words came out like smooth honey - secretly practiced for days.

@HereComesTheSnow @VitaVitaAR
Sergio della Gherardesca

Sergio sipped his drink almost in parallel to Violette, humbly smiling as the other two complimented their bravery. It was superficial, but it was still a gentle reminder that he was doing what he'd intended to do since joining.

"The Witch-Queen? Perhaps you should regale me, eh? Not a tale I'm familiar with."

@VitaVitaAR @HereComesTheSnow
Sergio della Gherardesca

He did sort of deserve that, really.

Sergio smiled politely, reluctantly nodding in confirmation. He’d tell his tale, he didn’t quite have the heart to disappoint the girls.

“Well…eh, my side of the skirmish was bloody in itself.” He closed his eyes, for dramatic effect. “Many men had gathered in an attempt to protect the giant that Ser Gerard and the Captain were preoccupied with - I…was unlikely to let that happen. Amateurs though they were - it was perilous!”

His eyes were open again, gesticulating his arms as he told his story.

“But me and the others held the line. As is our duty, eh?” That signature shine in his pupils.

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