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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by DELETED08740


Banned Seen 4 mos ago


Location: The Royal Ball
Interactions: Tyaethe @Raineh Daze Fionn @The Otter

"How scandalous, Herr Fionn!" Lein said in a veiled blush, eyes glinting at the opportunity. "If you seek to loosen a lady's laces, then surely we should move to a more proper venue? My word, the Knights are truly a ravenous company."

Lein shook his head. His disguise may have been impressive enough to fool the unfamiliar, the unwise or the unaware, there were still few in the crowd that had made the connection between the rambunctious barfly and the refined baroness. Was it his walk, his posture, his rolling Ithillin accent, all exaggerated in their refinement? After all, it was only natural that years of wandering across the land without recourse to royal comfort would degrade one's remembrance in noble conduct. Or perhaps it was merely a difference of intent; that playfulness and mischievous delight of the parodier was in some way mismatched - and any genuine article would merely pose a sense of true malice, a predatory gaze that sought to twist words not for a good tale to recall, but to expose tender veins for parasitic succor.

This smell though... Tch. Ty. What was to say about Tyaethe? A lot of colorful choice words that went something along the synonyms of 'decrepit' and 'crone'. Although she had been one of the first Knights that Lein had met, she was also the first that went up on Lein's 'To Avoid' list. Perhaps it was a one-sided rivalry, perhaps not. Either way, it was one that was built upon a foundation of several busted attempts at smuggling food out the Castle, and it overcame Lein's usual aversion to spitefulness. Had Lein been in any setting other than a ball, he would have openly scoffed at the old hag's remarks. But he was confined by the eyes of the uninitiated, and if Tyaethe had been expecting the usual bite-back that the Hundi offered whenever he was caught with something, she wouldn't hear any hint of snarkiness in his voice. "Guten Tag, Dame Tyaethe! What a pleasant surprise! I heard you were wronged to be barred from these occasion - another agreeable face is sure to light up our company."

Lein groaned a little as he watched others help themselves more and more to the opulent furnishings at the banquet table. "Though you are right. I can scare believe the endurance of some of these noblefolk to wear such outrageously tight dresses. A day's preparation gets a day's show, I suppose. Please, Herr Fionn, if you would do me the honor." He pulled back his hair and presented the corset laces to Fionn.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by The Otter
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The Otter

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Fionn MacKerracher

@PigeonOfAstora@Raineh Daze

Fionn shook his head as Lein began to turn. "Jah, Frau Lein," he said after a moment with an entirely straight face. "But not right here, that might look scandalous. There's a little alcove off from the entrance where I can attend to your needs without too many stares." His jokes at Lein's expense might seem a bit mean-spirited, but given how uncomfortable Fanilly had looked from Fionn's glances over, the Hundi deserved it in his mind.

Besides, at least Tyaethe might enjoy the jokes. It wouldn't be surprising if she liked being at the ball about as much as he did, so getting to bring some sort of enjoyment to it would be a worthy cause.

"If you'll follow me, my lady."

Sticking to the edges of the great hall, Fionn moved at a quick pace to lead Lein to the entrance, back through the passage, and over to a small secluded corner of the hall leading back to the kitchen. Hoping that no servants would walk by and glance too closely—or that none of the other guests in attendance had similar ideas about finding a secluded space—he quickly set about the task of loosening Lein's laces. "So, is this what you get up to when you aren't training with the rest of us?" he asked as he worked, undoing the decorative knot so that he could actually pull the stays loose.

"Hadn't figured you for the sort, really, but if you intend to stick with this, what you ought to do is get Fleuri to dance with you. Appeal to his courtly senses, see if the Flower of the North still has it in him to act like a normal noble gentleman at these events." Hopefully Lein wouldn't take such testing too far, otherwise Fionn might end up with some explaining to do all his own.

Rather than yank the stays apart once he got the lacing free, he decided to be careful, loosening them individually—both to avoid damaging what was likely an expensive garment and to keep everything nice and even. "Alright. Able to breathe a little better, now, or do you need them looser?"
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Crimson Paladin
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Member Seen 7 days ago

Fleuri Jodeau

Things were going swimmingly, when a Crown Knight joined the conversation and began to boast of his own achievements. While there was naturally a bit of rivalry between the Iron Roses and Crown Knights, the fact that the newcomer took more interested in Renar's achievements suggested a relationship. Fleuri might have recalled that one of the sons of House Brias was a Crown Knight, but he didn't quite manage to recall it before Renar elaborated.

"Felix!" My half-brother, in case any of you are wondering. And evidently, the spinner of quite a yarn."

If Fleuri was still a betting man, he'd wager that this was exactly why Renar pulled him into this conversation- to boast in front of his more privileged half-brother. And evidently he was either resentful or familiar enough with him to directly challenge the veracity of Felix's own boast.

Slaying an orc warchief and accusing a Crown Knight of lying about his achievements in the middle of a royal ball? Sir Renar definitely has stones, he thought as Renar brought up his own deed. A deed that, if Fleuri recalled correctly, was what got him into the Iron Roses- and granted him the nobility that his father had denied him.

As the conversation became more heated, Renar gestured for Fleuri to depart from this conversation. Fleuri nodded in acknowledgement, silently raising his glass in support of his fellow knight before walking away. This was Renar's duel, and his alone. Hopefully he wouldn't escalate it to violence before the dancing began.

@Psyker Landshark@Rune_Alchemist
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by VahkiDane
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Sergio della Gherardesca

Sergio sipped his drink almost in parallel to Violette, humbly smiling as the other two complimented their bravery. It was superficial, but it was still a gentle reminder that he was doing what he'd intended to do since joining.

"The Witch-Queen? Perhaps you should regale me, eh? Not a tale I'm familiar with."

@VitaVitaAR @HereComesTheSnow
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

“The night has yet to descend,” Serenity replied, gazing out reddening skies. “And none have imbibed so deeply of the libations available that they’ve the gall yet to approach while your charge is present.”

Regardless of what any lesser nobles thought, after all, the very fact that a member of the royal family extended an invitation towards Veilena meant that they approved of her continued presence in society, whether on the swiftness of her actions in her childhood or on the accomplishments made in her adolescence. And if one had the foolhardiness to do so regardless, they would find themselves with no place soon enough. After all, the Crown Knights would not suffer an insult to their charge’s extended hospitality, and the Iron Rose would not allow a time for such celebrations to be besmirched with denigrations.

“Admirable though the sunset may be, Reon’s fall and Mayon’s rise is a ritual uninterrupted by the comings and goings of mankind. This occasion, however, is a rare relief from training grounds and libraries.” Serenity smiled, sweeping one foot behind the other as she extended a callused, ornamented hand out towards the young prodigy. “Before disparate duties and desires see us scatter once more, would you favor me with a dance, Lady Cazt, if only until the Princess arrives? No matter what beliefs our fellow guests hold, the music this evening does not fail to inspire a desire for merriment in my heart.”

Her eyes glanced over towards the black knight, performative mischief flickering at their unreadable mien.

“Or should I have presented a partner for your knight as well, so they may subtly shadow us on the ballroom floor?”
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 1 hr ago

For a few moments, it was clear that the young Cazt heir was too taken aback by the offer to respond, her golden eyes widening at the sight of the offered hand.

After a moment's pause, of hesitation on Veilena's part, she raised her own delicate gloved hand and placed it in Serenity's, her confident expression returned.

"They have picked a lovely set for tonight, haven't they?" she commented, a small smirk crossing her lips as she spoke, her head tilted slightly to her left. "I think I'll accept your offer, Lady Arcedeen."

There was an audible clank as the black knight raised one hand, but Veilena looked back over her shoulder towards them.

"There's no need, Haelstadt. I'm sure I'll be safe during our dance. I'll only be faced with the impotent gaze of fools."

Perhaps she took a little too much pleasure in the idea of angering those among the nobility who were unhappy to see her there.

After a few moments of silence, the black knight's arm lowered. Still Haelstadt said not a single word, instead eyeing their charge silently for several long moments before straightening slightly. Indeed, Veilena was never seen in public without the knight in black plate, no matter what the situation would entail. Perhaps that should have made it unsurprising the bodyguard accompanied her even here, but it didn't stop the whispering of some of the nobles nearby. Not all of them were showing their distaste for the Cazt heir's presence. Perhaps not all of them cared.

But enough certainly did.

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze

Member Seen 6 hrs ago


Morbidly curious over what sort of mess these two would make of a clothes change, Tyaethe drained one of her glasses and wandered after them, offering a silent audience to Fionn's delicate disassembly of the corset. "That was remarkably fast. Do you have some experience with noble girls, MacKerracher?"

"Also, I'm not banned from balls," she added, shooting a warning glance at Lein, "Much like you aren't a member of the nobility."

The white-haired lady gave that a few moments to settle in, swishing the remaining glass a few times as she leant against the wall, before smirking at the two of them. "Do you know what sort of rumours would come from my sneaking off like this? It's a good thing MacKerracher is here."

@The Otter@PigeonOfAstora
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

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@Raineh Daze

"No? Hmm...then at least let me keep you company later?" Rather disappointing she was turned down, and she was growing a bit concerned that the Elf, Lilia had grown silent, her expression changing from excited to one that was very even. Did she offend her in some way? She may need to make a tactical exit with her own special pocket sand, but it was soon proven, that she had no need to.

"Eh?" Cecil couldn't help but to let out a little chuckle at the blush slowly overcoming Lilia's cheeks. Well then. Seems someone here was an inexperienced elf. Cecillia placed the wineglass she had on a nearby tray, flashing Lilia the most charming smile she could. "Well then, my fair lady Lilia," Cecil held a hand out for Lilia to take. "If you will let me have the honor of this dance, then shall we get started?" Before the elf could protest, Cecil took her hand, the charming smile fading and replaced with her usual roguish demeanor as she'd pull the elf onto the floor.

@Crimson Paladin@Psyker Landshark

"Ah yes, of course, I would never leave the posting assigned to me." Felix rebutted, making a dismissive motion as he spoke. "Where else would I have done it? In the middle of the duties assigned to me in the protection of said royals." Felix's mouth turned upwards into an uneasy smile as he'd recognize Renar's smarmy, shit eating grin from anywhere. "It happened not too long ago. A small incident when one of the royal family was traveling. A troll just so happened to cross our path. I'm not surprised you didn't hear about it, I asked father to keep it discreet at behest of said royal." Felix smirked.

"Or what, do you not believe me, brother? I have no reason to lie, and accusing a crown knight such as myself of lying and spouting false stories is quite an accusation."

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by The Otter
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The Otter

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Fionn MacKerracher

@PigeonOfAstora@Raineh Daze

Fionn glanced up, one eyebrow raised in mild confusion and surprise.

"No, just good with knots. Lacing's easy to follow." String and rope were always useful tools to have around for various purposes, whether on the farm or out on a river boat, after all. It wasn't as though the tails of the lacing were done up in some devilishly complicated manner, either; a delicate show-knot, sure, but it wasn't ridiculous.

Surely most other men, common or noble, didn't have trouble with something as simple as helping a woman dress or undress. Right?

"Glad to know my presence forestalls a scandal, at least."
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by DELETED08740


Banned Seen 4 mos ago


Location: The Royal Ball
Interactions: Tyaethe @Raineh Daze Fionn @The Otter

Lein's head spun as he too what felt like his first proper breath in the day, blood finally being allowed to rush into his head. It felt like all his arteries decided to flow the wrong way, and he gave an involuntary shiver like a dog that was just doused with cold water. Not pulling this trick again, if it meant he had to wear a corset like that. Or was it Cecil pulling one over him? "You're a real one, Fionn." Lein mumbled in Veltian. "You guessed right the first time, I only break out these clown outfits for special foolery like these."

The Hundi's tail wagged as he watched for Fionn's reaction with an almost childish style of mischief. "Really would rather just leave with the whole banquet table - but it's better than staring at a wine glass all day waiting to be harangued by some pretentious old melter, yeah?"

Lein squirmed just to make sure his dress was on properly. The corset loosening alone puffed Lein up, though it still preserved a decent exaggeration of Lein's figure. He briefly pulled out a stretch of fabric hidden tightly within the folds of his dress - a piece of rich navy seafarer's jacket - and tucked it right back in. All good. Pretty would never use it now, but a good magician always needed an exit plan.

Lein mulled Fionn's suggestion over. Fleuri? Didn't get to talk with him much at the Frame, and Fionn here seemed pretty much... well, he kind of bricked any sort of teasing. Helpful? Certainly - but not roused to quite the degree he was aiming for. He was more the master of ceremonies than the audience. Patting on Fionn's alarmingly solid chest, Lein's accent shifting gears back into character indicated that he had already accepted Fionn's directions. "My, and what if I wanted to dance with you, handsome? You would pass up such an opportunity to a fellow man of faith instead? What camaraderie. Very well - my mode of vengeance would be to make you regret passing up such a fine opportunity."

Whatever nerve Tyaethe tried to pull or ward him against in her glare, Lein's expression belied nothing. Instead, he was merely pleasant, cordiality reflecting none of the cheek directed at him. "I am pleased to see I am entertaining enough to warrant such concerns from you, Dame Tyaethe. But given our mutual distaste for high gossip, you needn't worry any further trouble from me. I truly do wish you have a wonderful evening tonight."
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by HereComesTheSnow
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Gerard Segremors


Careful though he'd been to not favor these kids with anything less than a smile, Gerard found his face begin to harden at the repeated focus upon the erstwhile Bandit King— and with each increasingly outlandish quality appended to the story, he felt himself growing sterner in response. He didn't blame them, he wasn't that short-sighted— the young and impressionable always had an ear for the kinds of rumors that grew larger than life, and battles themselves were chaotic enough that the details often slipped past those who were there, let alone those who were only working from hearsay.

If such weren't the case, he would never have left the fields, after all.

No, his ire wasn't for them. While Sergio had taken the reins Gerard had pointedly shoved back into his chest, the younger knight pinched the bridge of his nose for a moment and breathed deep, fighting to keep his disdain from showing as anything worse than a little steel in the posture and eyes.

He wasn't sure if he'd succeeded. To think his fears had all stemmed from the eyes around him upon his conduct, searching for something unfitting— yet he quickly had begun to realize the setting of a Royal Ball found most scrutiny from the self.

He did appreciate the compliments regarding their gallantry and bravery. But what was the cost of it? Did the lionization come as a rising tide upon every boat at shore? If that were the case...

A beat after Sergio, his wine also touched his lips, a pensive sip that seemed to drink in the silence as much as the blood of the vineyards—

"Miss Violette's the closest."

And when he spoke, he thanked it for easing the harder edge of tension off his voice. A slight rasp aside, the words that flowed forth were now firm rather than terse, speaking with a simple conviction as though the fires within had been doused. This was a pointed statement, yes, but would be no more.

"The 'Bandit King' was a rebel whose cause had been squashed years ago. An old traitor that, for all his size and strength, didn't have the sense to do anything more than thrash angrily— and try to enact a vengeance his cruelty had long robbed him what little right he might've had to. He was no fallen divine, unfortunately—"

His eyes narrowed, gazing into the middle distance as his head tilted towards the roof. In his mind's eye, the silhouette of the mighty brigand still loomed over him sometimes with his impossible blade raised high, a dark mountain wreathed by the violent orange of the blaze. A savage figure, defiant snarl on his face even though Gerard's blade had already shown his life the door. The Captain and Fionn were the only reasons that, right there and then, hadn't been it.

A blink, and he was gone again. Gerard turned his gaze back down onto the three.

"—Just a man, lost in his own tantrum against the Crown. More rage in him than reason, pushing him to trample the innocent. A man who needed to die."


... Another sip.

"He was pretty tall though, yeah. Big guy."
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Any innuendo present in Cecilia's statement went flying over the spider lady's head, with a cheerful acquiescence to the idea of more company as the ball went on--and, with her other companion now being dragged off, she carefully turned around to join in (as much as possible) with Lilette's conversation.

On the other hand, Lilia's startled reaction to being dragged around was hard to follow. Although the elf half-drew her sword, the speed with which she stopped and sheathed it made it seem like nothing more than a trick of the light, the tall girl recovering her footing and stepping onto the dance floor with polished grace... and then standing there looking ever-so-slightly puzzled. Clearly, although she was every bit co-ordinated enough, she had no idea how to actually go about dancing. Or, from the luminescent blush, any idea of how to admit this.

Hopefully her partner was better at leading despite the height gap.


"It's easy to follow but you would be very surprised how many have trouble grasping the laces," the vampire answered, drinking the glass in her hand. Hmm, she'd probably have to go back for another one in a second... well, these two were nearly done, so that wouldn't be too hard. Although, they did display an incentive to never bother with such articles of clothing, and Tyaethe did her best to avoid anything that would get too restrictive if a fight broke out. Even a long dress ilke the one she was currently wearing could be easily adjusted without decency issues.

Not needing one more than half the time was another bonus.

There was probably something insulting in the Hundi's words, but really, did she want to waste the effort? Honestly, the paladin hadn't any clue where the animosity came from; 'stop trying to cart things out the front door where I can see' was not a difficult restriction to get around, she wasn't that much into discipline. "Oh, if anyone important works out who you are, I'm sure there'll be gossip."
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Enough did, but to be a noble was to bear scorn without complaint. Only tyrants drew their blade at every petty insult, after all, and if one remained in good standing with Royalty and Divinity, one ought to hold their head up high. Detractors lurked in every corner, and even as Serenity guided Veilena to the edge of the dance floor, she could hear their scattered whispers.

The traitor's spawn, convening with the scion of the Arcedeen. No doubt to plant seeds of betrayal into the mind of one of the most militarily-powerful families in Thaln. No doubt to prepare for the second war to be ignited by the raising of the Red Flag.

Nobility, indeed, was a quality. One honed through experience and discipline. Only fools who wished to fuck their sisters believed that it was blood that made a noble soul.

As one song ebbed away, as couples exited and entered the dance floor, Serenity drew in a breath and with it, drew in herself. A back, perfectly straightened. Hands, resting firmly in her partner's. Stomach tucked in, blood pumping to measured beats. And, finally, she inclined her head, flaxen strands spilling like rays of sunlight, beams of moonlight. There was nothing but confidence and enjoyment, an appreciation for her dance partner that was so perfect, so practiced, that it may truly have been genuine.

"Well, shall we give them something to watch, my lady?"

With the thrumming of strings, the whispers of wind, the echoes of percussion, Serenity took one step forward and advanced, entering a quick sequence of waltz spins as the two of them cut diagonally across the diameter of the space. Fast enough to cut between other dancers. Fast enough to befuddle the gaze of spiteful onlookers. Fast enough to meet the scherzo of the viol!

A dynamic entrance indeed, before knight and mage, scion and heiress, Serenity and Veilena, stopped in timing with the musician who they matched, their movements naturally leading to a pose natural and noble.

The opening act concluded and with its end began the beauty of 3/4 time.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Psyker Landshark
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Renar Hagen


Sun and Moon, his half-brother was an idiot. Renar had known this before, but a godsdamned child could point out the logical inconsistency behind Felix's half-baked excuse. Still, he wasn't going to take the bait. Not quite like this, anyway. He needed Felix to be the one to instigate actual hostilties first.

"Felix..." Renar put on an expression of slight dismay. It didn't quite match the predatory glint in his eyes, but anyone unfamiliar with him ought to be fooled enough, at least. "You do realize that you've just leaked information on royal affairs, yes? Vague as it is, you boasting of it now does ruin the entire point of asking Father to keep quiet of the matter." As he'd said: idiot. Bringing a royal into your lie? What, did Felix think he was just going to shrink away and drop the matter just because of that?

"Really, this is poor form to speak of otherwise classified matters in front of this esteemed audience. And with one of your royal charges in attendance, no less. Why, I daresay the best way you could save face is to just tell us all you were fibbing to boost your own prestige. At this point, I'd believe it just to take pity on your...unfortunate lapse, here." Renar chortled, taking another small sip of wine from his glass. The oaf needed to get angrier. Renar couldn't be the aggressor for this to work. Well, he was sure he could spin it somehow if he did end up forcing the issue. But Felix offering direct challenge first would just be simpler and cleaner overall.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by The Otter
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The Otter

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Fionn MacKerracher

@PigeonOfAstora@Raineh Daze

The eyebrow remained raised as Lein spoke in the more common tongue of Velt. One he was familiar with, certainly, being a native of the country and having travelled through it as a mercenary before winding up further south, and it was certainly a bit of a surprise to hear Lein rattling off in it so suddenly...but if the Hundi thought he was speaking Fionn's mother tongue, he was undoubtedly going to be disappointed. Not that he had much time to mull over why Lein knew any of the common Veltian tongue to begin with before the act began anew.

With some odd sort of studiously-polite response to Tyaethe added in, although Fionn couldn't imagine any particular reason for such intentionally-inoffensive choice of communication. In his experience, people usually only acted that way when they disliked the person they were speaking to but didn't want to actually argue or fight for some reason.

"Careful, lad. Get too snippy and you might be jumped to the top of the menu." He pulled back one sleeve an inch, showing the faint marks left from the night before. "Too late for me, I'm afraid. My mother did always say I'd have to learn these things the hard way." If Lein had been spending most of his time figuring out ways to avoid the training yard, he might also have failed to notice that there were various knights who sometimes had to skip out or take things easier than usual.

Everybody might get asked eventually, certainly, but he was hoping that Lein didn't know that yet.

"But—perhaps we should return, before they all start gossiping about us anyways?"
Hidden 2 yrs ago 3 mos ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 1 hr ago

"You haven't heard of the Witch-Queen!?" exclaimed Tenessa excitedly, earning a silent eyeroll from Violette as she did, "I thought everyone knew!"

Angenese gave a somewhat apologetic laugh to the knights.

"Ah, Tenessa is something of a history buff, especially the more esoteric parts, do forgive her," she commented, clearing her throat, "A last holdout of the rebellion from five years ago, then? How frightening, to think a man like that was still wandering the land... and yet, the brave Iron Rose Knights crushed him!"

It was only natural that young nobles raised on tales of the Iron Rose Knights and the heroes who predated the order entirely would be enamored with such a story, especially when the goriest details were omitted.

Violette's disinterest stood out, however, as she simply sipped her drink quietly with another sigh. While she didn't comment, it was clear she didn't find the tale of the slaying of the bandits quite as enthralling as her friends did.

Tenessa, however, was rather eager to tell her part of things.

"The Witch-Queen was, and possibly still is, the greatest of all Witches!" she declared brightly, "She was the first of them all, a divine spirit who came to our world and instructed her followers in all sorts of strange things even the most learned magi were unaware of! Her followers grew, and she began to forge insidious machinations to accrue more power and threatened the lands!"

Her eyes were practically sparkling as she spoke, leaning towards the knights eagerly.

"It was about a thousand years ago when Ithillin's current Silver Knight at the time, Mauren Dantielle, lead a force of knights and magi to do battle with the Original Coven, and ultimately it was by his blade that the Witch-Queen fell! Twelve of the original Witches still live, and-"

The young girl leaned forward in a conspiratorial fashion.

"-It's said that the Witch-Queen herself fell but did not perish, and now appears as a mysterious waif in lonely places!"

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Crimson Paladin
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Crimson Paladin "Progressive" Techpriest

Member Seen 7 days ago

Fleuri Jodeau

Even as he walked away, Fleuri could hear Renar and his half-brother going at it. It was clear from the exchange that he could perceive they had a considerable sibling rivalry going on. It wasn't too surprising considering what he knew of Renar's upbringing. A bastard son of a noble, refused a noble title by his father, but still raised to serve.

All of the obligations of nobility with none of the privileges. The exact opposite of the problem that many nobles have.

Fleuri wondered how Lord Brias felt about Renar being inducted into the Iron Roses. Was he proud to see his sons entering into the crown's most prestigious knightly orders? Was he proud to see Renar gain the status of nobility through valor and strength of arms? Or was Lord Brias the type of aristocrat to scoff at the notion of a commoner being raised to a knight? After all, he did refuse to grant his own son noble status.

I hope they don't forget that they both serve the hosts of the party. The last thing we need is for relations between the Iron Roses and Crown Knights to become strained because of those two, he thought as he grabbed a plate and looked over the foods at the nearest table, trying to move his focus on what to eat for this evening. If things started to sound heated, he may feel obliged intervene.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 1 hr ago

The Cazt heir's delicate hands tensed slightly as she was pulled closer. Regardless of how sharp-edged her personality appeared, it was clear that when it came to matters of dance she was certainly unable to take the lead. But neither did she desire to appear as if she was inexperienced, regardless of the fact that she was only thirteen years old. Her manner of dancing was of one who had little practical experience. Somewhat stiff, but at the very least she'd certainly taken lessons.

And perhaps the fact that some of the other nobles disapproved did well to bolster her confidence. Indeed, after a few moments, she even cast a smirk towards the source of several whispers, a handful of nobles from the Marvorn and Denheim families.

The disapproving glares she received in return only seemed to make Veilena more eager to dance, and she grew somewhat less stiff.

The entire time, Haelstadt was watching from their position beside the window, wordlessly.


For a moment, one could swear there was a sight of a pointed hat, likely atop a small figure, just barely glimpsed moving through a crowd. But then it was gone.

The handsome features of the Velbrance heir briefly took on a smug smirk as he sighted the Knight-Captain of the Iron Roses, his slicked-back black hair gleaming in the party light as he began to approach.

And at the far end of the hall, from deeper within the castle...

"Presenting First Princess Elisandre Tanetha Falisse, and Second Princess Maletha Hirenz Falisse!"

Surrounded by their attendants, the Princesses entered the hall. The elder of the two princesses was reknowned for her beauty, delicate features framed by her gleaming golden hair, green eyes regarding the guests before her, a smile on her face. She was no older then the Knight-Captain herself clad in a shimmering frilled dress that almost appeared to change color depending on how the light struck it. It was rumored it had originated from beyond Lethienvel, the work of an elven seamstress.

Beside her was her younger sister, who seemed somewhat less adept at the sight of the crowds. At only ten years old, she was obviously more cute then she was beautiful, her hair braided as she silently stared at the guests.

It was perhaps notable that the middle sibling, Prince Enrich, was absent.

"I am so very happy to see that all of you have come!" declared the First Princess, a bright smile on her face, "But I must admit, I am most eager to see the resplendent Iron Rose Knights, who so recently felled a grave threat to our people!"

@Raineh Daze@Rune_Alchemist@HereComesTheSnow@Saiyan@The Otter@Crimson Paladin@Psychic Loser@Richard Horthy@VahkiDane

"What the blazes are you doing, Sir Felix?!"

The angry voice of an older man carried over the crowds, booming over the sounds of the party. Striding towards the brothers was the figure of Sir Adeforth, one of the most senior captains among the Crown Knights.

His white hair and moustache were finely groomed, and though his face was lined with age his blue eyes were burning intensely, his fine dress uniform free of all wrinkles, cape flowing behind him.

"Picking a fight, bragging like some low thug, in the middle of the Princess's ball? Have you taken leave of all sense? Do you truly believe this is behavior befitting of our order?"

@Psyker Landshark
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by DELETED08740


Banned Seen 4 mos ago


Location: The Royal Ball
Interactions: Tyaethe @Raineh Daze Fionn @The Otter Fleuri @Crimson Paladin

"Oh? And who's to say that what you see before you is not the genuine article? If you'd the mind to, please pay dear old me a visit after this ball. I might surprise you with aspects of me you'd never even believe." Of course, it was in full knowledge that the vampire would sooner overthrow the crown than turn up anywhere near Lein's usual haunts. Nonetheless, with a slight bow as a gesture of goodwill, Lein let Fionn guide him back to the main hall.

"And the same offer goes to you, my good knight, your recourse is much appreciated. Please, allow me a chance to repay you at the Lonely Frame. And do keep yourself safe? There are far more sinister figures present here than just this one." Lein said to Fionn, with a sly look of knowing on his face as he gave a playful squeeze of the site of the teeth mark. You'd better get used to that. His departing expression seemed to say, as the Hundi 'noblewoman' stepped into the crowd.

Lein moved swiftly, hearing the announcement of the princess into the hall. Characters like those usually took up most of the attention in the room, and if he wanted to get a dance out of Fleuri, he'll have to captivate his attention before the Knights were summoned to show off their spoils. He weft through the rumbling crowd to see the Champion of the North watching Renar's conversation. He stepped up with a fresh glass of fruit punch in hand, placing himself next to the Champion. "It's always entertaining to see such clashes between colorful personalities. Quite intoxicating to listen to, wouldn't you say?" Lein said, watching the Crown Knight and Renar bicker at each other. Lein wasn't present to catch most of the conversation, only hearing fragments about ogres and fibbage. But the way the two puffed up their chests and threw a slurry of disdainful looks? That was a very familiar sight. Lein had kept tabs on the 'Bastard of Brias', even goading the archivist to spill a couple words about House Brias. What Lein had just caught Fleuri watching - this was just old blood being spilled.

Lein smiled at Fleuri behind his fan in apparent gladness, though the tone of his address was a little odd. A little too loud for a mere private conversation. "Herr Fleuri, I wanted to thank you for your wonderful company last night. Your presence was... quite unforgettable. It brings me much joy to be able to make your acquaintance yet again in this fine setting." Lein looked up and down at Fleuri's sharp dress. It was a marked difference from the figure he met at the bar indeed, complete with the crest of what Lein guessed was his House. Though why did it look like Fleuri was much more ready for a breakout clash of arms than a ball? "Looking at you groomed so well, it's a wonder why you are not being swarmed by adoring waifs asking your hand for a dance."
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

"Yes, it is most impressive that the Iron Roses managed to defeat such a major threat on their first outing, despite their Lady Fanilly Danbalion's lack of experience," the Velbrance heir said, having fully closed the gap to within speaking distance of the captain, the young noble adroitly moving through the crowd with polished ease. His attire sharply cut in a deep, true black only lightly edged with silver, his impression was altogether colourless; an excellent pencil sketch come to life.

"It is a shame that we could not meet again under strictly pleasant circumstances," the young man continued, arms crossed behind his back. "I believe that condolences are in order? I heard that the Erdlein family are arranging a funeral. It's such a tragedy to have lost a knight so soon after meeting them."


Tyaethe Radistirin

"I really have no idea what that boy's problem with me is," Tyaethe stated, looking at her now-empty glass and then at the tables. And... hm, that was an old friend she ought to catch up with. Especially if she'd heard things correctly, since it looked like some of their knights were involved too... "Try not to stand in a corner by yourself all evening. Not everyone here is a member of the nobility; I'm sure you can find someone to talk to."

Taking a detour to snatch another pair of glasses, one might at first get the impression that she was following Lein, but the vampire entirely ignored his attempts to seduce Fleuri to offer a salute to the elder crown knight with one of her glasses. "You're looking good, Addie. So, our knights causing problems?"

Not that she knew if Renar was doing anything (or Fleuri), eyes drifting over him curiously... and Felix. Hmm, looked pretty similar, hair notwithstanding. Family drama? What a mess.

@Psyker Landshark
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