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Sergio della Gherardesca

Gerard suggests investigating the inside of the structure, and I nod in kind. We could discuss the severity of the situation at lengths but if we aren't able to recover this cursed object in time these greedy mercenaries might cause even more havoc in their wake.

I make for the door that Alette's men had entered from, still sparing a careful glance to their numbers. Better safe than sorry.

@HereComesTheSnow @VitaVitaAR
Sergio della Gherardesca


Naturally, it had to be them. I spare a glance to Gerard and then to Fionn - I myself having no personal encounters with them means I have to rely on their knowledge on the truth of our revealed enemies reputation, again.

But if any signs are pointing any which way, Dame Tyaethe's use of language almost completely begins to railroad me. The canary in the coal mine is now choking to death.

By appearances alone, though, many of these hard cases appear to have fallen to each other's blades already. Unless their employers didn't adequately warn them of their quarry's effects, it appears somebody got careless. Either way, as barbarian as these animals might be, they're unlikely to be in very good shape even if any of them survived.

Still, the anxiety persists. Alette is right - no curse I've ever heard of had this macabre and grand effect. I'd almost suspect sabotage.

I pull my visor down for the time being - the stench of blood is probably beginning to contribute to the unease.

@Raineh Daze @VitaVitaAR @HereComesTheSnow @The Otter
Sergio della Gherardesca

Professional experience can often trump intuition - though Ser Gerard is a rare kind of man that possesses both.

Still, I feel to be a fool if I am to disregard my instincts entirely; something deeply evil happened here already. Sense may very well be thrown out of the window.

I’ve heard enough to say my piece.

“If they inform us on this object as Dame Tyaethe suggested, Lady Captain, I’d trust an alliance. If at least to excise time wasted, hmm?”

My sight falls on the mercenaries once again as I finish talking. I only hope they are as forthcoming as Alette has already been.

@VitaVitaAR @HereComesTheSnow
Sergio della Gherardesca

Well, fortunately for us, unless Alette had men in her number that she's keeping concealed, we outnumber them. Even if that great thing of prodigious size very well might count for three or four of us. Not that mass dissuaded the sharpened blade, by any means.

Surprisingly, Tyaethe appears to be contributing something meaningful to the discussion - knowing the mercenary band's quarry would alleviate a lot of my concerns, but would they volunteer that information willingly? We certainly couldn't let them keep the object if it was stolen - or worse.

That said, more eyes should never be rejected. I squint at the Shark, and then at Gerard beside me.

"Do you trust her?"

Ser Gerard struck me as a perceptive Knight, but he also crucially had no personal relationship to Alette in contrast to Ser Fionn. I wanted his opinion before I cast my own vote to the Captain.

@HereComesTheSnow @Raineh Daze @VitaVitaAR
Sergio della Gherardesca

Even Fionn seems to be wound tight now - Ser Renar also typically demands she employs more brevity, though he appears unperturbed by the carnage. I’m inclined to agree - the girl’s coy demeanour eats at my patience like mild acid. If she isn’t a threat, she’s sat on the border line of being an impedance. And, of course, there is the small matter of having an indiscriminate amount of unseen allies tucked inside. The circumstances paint the likeness of a violent ambush - she can’t truly be blind to that?

“I concur with Ser Fionn - call your comrades out, eh? Nothing to hide, nothing to fear.”

My ring finger taps against the handle of my pick. I begin to wish I’d rolled some tobacco prior.

@VitaVitaAR @Psyker Landshark @The Otter @HereComesTheSnow
Sergio della Gherardesca

She seems in better spirits. Unfortunately as the vanguard made their approach further in I find my ears prick to words I wouldn't have expected to hear here. It's such a shock that, against better judgement, I glance around, trying to find the soul who spoke.

Suddenly my eyes flick to a man in worn armour more befitting of that of a sellsword - the one with the lantern shield. The missing pieces of his armour arrangement almost instantaneously click together mentally and my brow behind my helmet furrows.

Merda, you had to hire that sfigato, Tyaethe?

It's at this moment that I'm finally acutely aware of how distracted the past few weeks or so has left me - because I should have taken notice of Ser Nicomede's haughty presence far earlier. It seems Signore Fortune has paid the crestfallen Knight little attention over the years, however, judging by the state of his equipment (except his blade, bizarrely). I'd heard whispers of some kerfuffle regarding the Durante line but it was nothing I cared to draw attention to at the time.

Of course, this train of thought is running parallel to our movement into the fort, and anything I am tempted to say or do is shot violently down by what we see inside.

I'd seen my share of horrors at war - this kind of brutality generally serves as a crucible for a young Knight's temperament, especially if they were tender noblemen unaccustomed to the sight and stink of it. And yet the ostentatiousness, the nigh-picturesque barbarism irks me. I've never observed this sheer quantity of bodies brutalised like this - literally splattered on the walls of the fort like half-hearted paint.

As the door swings open my weapon comes up - only to face a blue haired young girl wielding a spear of similar pigment to the quickly drying fluid pasted all over the encampment. You can understand my initial aggression, I imagine, but to my surprise Fionn and Gerard perk up almost immediately. They recognise her. What's more, Fionn seems to be acquainted with her.

"Do you two care to...ah...illuminate us on what this mezza sega is doing here?" I can't help but elicit a low gravel beneath my words - it could never just be something simple.

@VitaVitaAR @Krayzikk @The Otter @HereComesTheSnow
Sergio della Gherardesca

Tyaethe's blunt warning is corroborated by my own sinister feelings on this place - apparently shared by the new recruit, who'd taken a fall from her horse and recovered before I'd had a chance to offer her a hand up. I silently affirm her holy appeal - for Mayon did appear to be present on this eerie night, glimmering down at the fort like a moonlit graveyard. There's a light clunk as I dismount carefully from my steed, giving it a gentle pat on the snout. My shield comes to my side, followed by warpick parallel.

Ser Gerard is the first to step forward - unsurprising. He's not a man I would imagine to fall to his perturbance.

Before I follow in Dame Serenity and Gerard's advance I take a moment to indulge my curiosity at the new recruit. Mayon worshippers are a pleasant surprise - but more importantly she was a cleric. I'd like to know her skillset, especially if magic had a hand in the apparent massacre inside.

"Pleased to meet your acquaintance, signore." My face behind the helmet angles down to Amy's. "The tumble didn't daze you, I hope."

I talk as I slowly walk, allowing Serenity and her torch to illuminate the inside of the fort.

Sergio della Gherardesca

Ah, so that's what he's up to.

The issue with characters like Ser Lein is that their rogueish impulses are part and parcel to their identity - they usually stem from deep within one's biography. I have no doubts that in my absence he has been reprimanded for similar incidents, but arrogance, in my experience, trumps punishment or criticism. Thus preventative long term measures are exceedingly difficult to implement. I sometimes question in my mind Tyaethe's judgement when it comes to recruitment - although Lein's skills clearly have some unique merit. I suppose it isn't my purview to weigh whether said virtues nullify the insubordinate streaks or not.

This does bring me to a dilemma, however, because of the two people stood in front of me, the maid is not the authority. Technically speaking, Ser Lein could make up a whole manner of excuses that would not need to be verified necessarily: 'What, are you calling a Knight a liar?'

Suffice it to say it's probably necessary for me to step in - if only for the sake of this poor maid not having to be misled and possibly punished for accidentally letting Lein do whatever it is he's attempting to do. If he fools me - Mayon willing - I'll bear whatever consequences arise (admittedly, likely little to none at all).

"I must myself confess to be confused...do your quarters require...eh...spring cleaning?"

My eyes narrow liberally at the Hundi. Curiosity was building, however. I would like to see this particular web unravel.

Sergio della Gherardesca

"Fiore, your apologies are unneeded. I apologise for...ah...lurking." I can feel my eyes trundle over to Ser Lein - had I the energy it would be a more pointed and accusatory gaze. Then it was back to the maid.

"I indeed do." Gingerly I glance down to the ash stain on my shirt, gesturing to it with a distanced fingertip. "Something of a rush order."

@PigeonOfAstora @VitaVitaAR
Sergio della Gherardesca

Amid puzzled conversation I open the door to the maid's quarters, oblivious to whatever trivial controversy was current in session. I open my mouth to speak only to be distracted by the situation in question - none other than previous agitation Ser Lein, apparently being questioned by one of the maids (Who I sorrowfully admit to not recognising).

Instead I emit little but idle silence, disgracefully hovering by the door to the quarters and attempting to piece together what on earth Lein was up to. A thought crossed my mind that he could simply be a pervert.

@PigeonOfAstora @VitaVitaAR
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