Ivan Jenkins
Ivan is the one on the right, and his lost sister Brandy on the left
Starting pokemon:
Pawniard called Shogun
How you got your pokemon:
To try and give him some focus in life, his parents gave him an egg one day. What hatched was what would become a life partner, a Pawniard he called Shogun. By training him, he learnt that two conflicting sides can co-exist. However, Shogun is just as impetuous and Ivan, and often tries to do things it thinks it can do, but can't actually do just yet. It likes to show off and has a bit of an ego to boot.
Analytical and impulsive, Ivan is a walking contradiction. Just like the steel pokemon his parents raised, he was smart, calculating, and perceptive. However, like the dark pokemon he soon fell in love with, he is also rash and prone to moments of action without thinking. On rare occasions, these two overlap and he becomes a real powerhouse on the field, but they are few and far between. Socially he is friendly to the point on naivety, and often doesn't understand subtly or humour. Often needs things explained to him or he will take it literally.
Dream: To find his sister and to become the ultimate steel and dark trainer.