In my absence I have developed close relations with aliens!
3 yrs ago
I update my status every time I decide to log back in here after several years and check out just what shiny things I have still layin' around!
6 yrs ago
Something drew me back here today. (Sept 28, 2019 )
7 yrs ago
8 yrs ago
Returning from a 7 month hiatus.
This user occasionally disappears and seems to return only after several months or years have passed... just to disappear again.
History of Characters
Please note that this is really for my own purpose of nostalgia, to see my progress in character development and to cringe at my own creations. Feel free to cringe with me if you like.
Sadly I've deleted some of my character profiles due to withdrawing from rps and forgetting to record them. So I had more characters than what's shown here. These characters are sorted by date.
Kaeden Lucihan
"...You're not going to hurt me are you?"
Age: 17
Ability: Inhuman agility and reflexes. Wing powered flight and soul-bound items.
Appearance: 5'9 in height, 149 lbs, lean muscle build, white hair, snake-like blue eyes, serrated sharp canine teeth. Small pointed white horns protrude from his skull on the top of his head. He has a long skinny short-furred tail that ends in a fluffy tuft, a little like a lions; colour matches his hair. Large bat-like wings can protrude from his back to allow powered flight, these wings are one of his soul-bound 'items' as they're a summoned physical aspect rather than a physical alteration - otherwise he'd be going through a lot of shirts.
Ability Elaboration: Besides his agility and reflexes, as well as his horns and tail that seem to have no real purpose other than making him stand out, Kaeden has the ability to summon what he likes to call 'soul-bound items'. These are things attached to his soul on an astral level that he can manifest on the physical plane for his use. He only owns two: his wings and a pair of silver clawed gauntlets which he uses as weapons. Being soul-bound they can only be worn on his person in their specified location, meaning he can't summon his wings or gauntlets onto another person for them to use themselves. He manifests them using focus and intent, so his ability to summon them at all depends on his mental state. I.e if he's too tired or fatigued, or in a trance, he won't be able to focus well enough to summon them.
Personality: Socially awkward at first (often fails to mitigate this using humour), very skeptical and often skittish, easily startled, very social despite being terrible at it, can quickly get anxiety at random times, will be very withdrawn when dealing with anxiety.
Kaeden has a traumatic past that still affects him deeply to this day.
His own birth parents had abandoned him in the middle of no where deeming him a monstrous curse upon them. Why? When he was 5 years old, just in kindergarten, his teacher had brought to the attention of his parents, strange growths on his head. One x-ray later, they had discovered their own son seemed to be growing a pair of horns from his skull. No biological or DNA test could provide them an answer as to why. Being quite the christian couple they tried to ignore it as just some form of mutation that would likely go away when he got older.
Except it got worse. At age 6 he began growing a tail, it wasn't entirely unusual for a human to have a tail, though highly unlikely, but what had his parents concerned was that his tail had white fur on it. Around the same time, his brown hair had become lighter and lighter in colour, until by age 7 his hair was completely white. It wasn't until his pupils became like that of a snake that his parents constantly began fighting about him, even discussing the matter of 'putting him down' before they ultimately decided to abandon him outside of the city.
From there he was bounced around different foster homes month after month, growing attached to his current parents only to have them throw him away, getting attached to his new parents only for the same thing to happen again. Some were weirded out by him, some tried to ignore his odd features, others were disgusted and many ended up neglecting him. At one point he discovered his summoning abilities when he was letting his frustrations out on his bedroom furniture, scratching everything up wishing he had claws to do more damage, to which clawed gauntlets appeared on his hands. Since then he tried experimenting, eventually discovering he could also summon wings, that's where his ability seemed to halt since further experimentation gave no results. He never showed any of his foster parents what he could do, figuring he's enough of a freak to them as is. The cycle of love>hate>abandon repeated multiple times, eventually making him feel hopeless and numb up until he reached age 15.
His last foster parents had kept him longer than the others had. He started feeling an inkling of hope that perhaps they didn't care about how different he was. Until one night when they thought he was asleep, he overheard them talking about getting rid of him. He was heartbroken to once again feel unwanted and unloved. His sadness turned to anger. He revealed himself to them, and during a heated shouting match, he summoned his gauntlets and slashed at his foster dads face. He still remembers their terrified expressions, how they looked at him like he truly was a monster. He ran away after that.
Ever since, he had become a thief to survive on his own. Becoming a squatter and taking residence in forgotten homes. It was during police chases and hunting parties that he learned of his inhuman capabilities of agility, speed and reflexes. However, his lifestyle of caution, wariness and fear of being caught by the age of 17 has left him highly skittish, jumpy and very skeptical of people's motives. One day after successfully stealing some food, he came across a flyer with information about a camp for people like him. His heart had raced with excitement at the mere thought that he wasn't alone. Dropping everything he had stolen to the ground he summoned his wings and without hesitation snatched the flyer and took off towards it's designated location.
Theme Song:
"You look lost little child." A mysterious wraith-like shadow creature which at first glimpse would seem like something you'd find wandering a haunted location or hiding under your bed at night. Three clawed fingers, a fading torso ending in a wispy tail, piercing green glowing eyes and a physical form that looks akin to black fire, one would think this was a villain you'd see in a children's book.
Age: Immortal
Gender: Male
Rich or Poor: He doesn't understand/care for currency
Occupation: Being a necessary evil.
Powers/Abilities: Green (neutral colour) fire, shadows/darkness, black magic, shape-shifting, flying, phasing through material, having no soul makes it impossible for him to die,
Biography: Knutik is a Fervent Spirit; one of many. His gender is irrelevant or so he assumes, and is merely something he 'knows' he is but he has yet to meet a female counterpart. He's the materialization of dark emotions, primarily fear being the most prominent, that have existed for so long that they've, for lack of a better word, evolved into a sentient being. Mainly comprised of fear, he's spent eons enacting the role of survival, teaching creatures and ancestral humans the importance of fear and how it encourages them to live and survive to their fullest. He use to be deemed as evil, or a sign of bad luck, but some cultures worshiped him, understanding the importance of his symbolical existence. However, in the last several centuries, fear was being overturned by anger, hatred and violence. This had a very negative impact on Knutik, bringing out the lesser emotions he was made of and turning them into his main essence instead of fear. Reaching an all time high during the dark ages, Knutik turned into a sadistic monster of nightmares and death had turned into his specialty.
Various events during the Dark Ages resulted in him becoming a shy spirit whom didn't make much contact with people. This lead his believers to think he was just a fairy tail and those that stuck with him even during his violent era eventually stopped believing him. Still, very few people in the present may mention him. After World War II, Knutik settled into his own form of solitary confinement spending most of his time hidden away in old forests where he'd search for lost items to collect. For the longest time he held back from giving in to his more dangerous emotions fearing the monster he became during the Dark Ages, but as of the current days not long after an event within The Nameless Tavern, he's given up on that, allowing himself to be whatever he felt he was, even reveling in it.
Personality: Knutik is very laid-back and sometimes believes he's above consequences, that is until the harsh reality hits him. His personality varies extremely according to whatever emotion becomes most prominent for him. It's this prominent emotion that determines whether he's shy, fearful, dangerous or cocky. Knutik often hoards valuables he finds/steals and is extremely protective of his collection. Losing just one of his treasures can spurn him into an infuriated and agitated state. His treasures are safely hidden within his own created realm known as "The Void Neath".
Physiology Knutik is a physical being with powers, thus you can touch, feel and see him. He stands at 6 ft from head to wispy tail in his original wraith form and can be described to look like black fire is constantly slowly dissipating off him. Gravity affects him like any other physical thing, it's his use of magic that makes him fly. He is called a spirit because he is an animated being that doesn't inhabit a body, which lead many of his previous worshipers to believe him to be a stray soul trapped on the physical plane, which isn't actually true. He is physically made up of solid shadows that feel like cold silk to the touch and his 'heart' which behaves very much like a core is made up of fire. This fire is what produces the coloured glow to his eyes and mouth like a furnace within. Knutik isn't sure himself what the core is for since no matter what he shape-shifts into, it's always there. The only time it's not present is when he melts into the shadows, he discovered that the core transports to his realm during those times.
Currently Likes: Shiny objects, knick-knacks, treasures, gemstones, ancient relics, tormenting humans, solace, tasty food, interacting with people, stealing, destroying things, fire,
Currently Dislikes: Losing control of himself believing he should be above that, water, bright lights, being startled, losing his treasures, being unable to obtain a potential treasure, boredom, people who don't get easily intimidated, people who aren't scared of him, people who can defeat him,
Weaknesses/Flaws: Focused light burns away his shadows, sensitivity to emotions can make him unpredictable, easily caught off guard, white/light magic can temporarily destroy him,
Appearance: Black hair, grey 'piercing' eyes, pale skin, slim form, 5'9 in height, wears a black t-shirt and grey fur-trimmed coat, black pants and sneakers and leather belt.
Bio: Krye ended up in prison with no regard for his age with several life sentences at age 14 for brutally killing 6 classmates during school after a bout of major bullying. With a problematic childhood leading to a severely damaged sense of morality, he was subject to many terrible events and medications that, without a proper diagnosis of anything, had only managed to mess him up further. By 16 he was practically tossed into The World's Prison when nobody wanted to deal with him anymore. It was in the prison city that he could freely be himself, this gave him a much needed form of therapy to regain his somewhat normal behaviour.
During his years in The World's Prison he's had plenty of time to increase his skill in parkour to escape from stronger individuals and fights he can't win. While he was never good in hand to hand combat, he had incredible skill with a knife. By age 20 he had already made a name for himself as The Wraith due to his speed, agility as well as his habit of appearing, killing a target, then disappearing before anyone even got a good look at him. He uses the fact that not many people know what The Wraith looks like, to manipulate and charm his way into allying with someone before stabbing them in the back (literally and figuratively) and taking their supplies.
Misc: His main weapon is a large knife that he keeps in a sheath attached to his belt and hidden by his coat.
Appearance: 5'9, slim with lean muscle. Black hair, grey eyes, naturally pale skin.
Name: Kailod Trouvin|(Kye-lawd) (Trow-vin)
Age: 19
Power: Sensory Illusion (Can manipulate what people see, taste, smell, feel, hear) and Venomous bite (An odd physical result from the experimentation in addition to his base power)
Strengths: Amazing ability to focus consistently (This helps him manipulate the senses of multiple people at a time), incredible visual memory (In a memory he can recall almost every little physical detail as if he was watching a video of his past), near perfect retaining of sensory information (If he recalls on a certain memory, he can remember what the temperature felt like, what he smelled, what he saw, what he could feel)
Weaknesses: His retaining of sensory info and visual memory is severely limited by what he remembers (He has the normal memory of an average human and can't remember every little thing, but what he does remember is in great detail), his ability of Sensory Illusion is based entirely on his will and control (Amazing focus helps with this power, but he can easily lose control of it. For example if he's afraid the hallucinations will turn against him and doesn't regain his composure quick, then he will begin to hallucinate things that terrify him, or his mind will basically go against him thus causing his power to go against him as well.), had a depressing childhood and traumatic experiences (This has the potential to trigger uncontrollable emotions which will greatly affect his ability to control his power.)
Extra: Always wears a coat since he easily gets cold. Enjoys playing chess and card games against himself. Often times seems like a loner. Favourite thing to do is read nonfiction books.
Bio (You know these can get very long since I seldom get a chance to be super creative.) -------------
Kailods mother died at birth leaving him with his art obsessed father who was left distraught by his wife's death. His father was negligent, not providing him with the proper needs of a growing child, too obsessed with his paintings. They were poor and living off of support. Kailod grew to be emotionally distant and extremely independent. His dad always forgets his birthday so on his 12th birthday he went to remind his father only to find him dead from severe malnutrition. He was placed in an orphanage where he remained until he was 14. A strange man of eerie uncertainty had taken him in.
Kailod became an experiment, forced through visual images, flashing lights, dna manipulation and brainwave alterations. He read through one of the man's papers while absent during an experiment to find out he had gained a venomous bite from one of the experiments and there was a mention of 'Sensory Manipulation' which would explain his hallucinations of grotesque creatures and beasts when he was afraid. He was later shut out due to his inability to cooperate when too fearful and was tossed into a different orphanage where he was bullied for the first time. Tired of being looked down on and afraid, during a confrontation he visualized himself as a terrifying monster in the eyes of his bully. Said bully was hospitalized. Kailod put two and two together and began to experiment with his new found power, even making people have full conversations with the hallucinations he made them see.
The day before his 18th birthday, he rendered himself invisible to everyone's visual senses, took every bit of information they had on him and set out to start his life. Age 19, he lives in an apartment where he steals food and money using his power. He has yet to test out his venomous bite but has gained control over his base power. During a usual day while browsing the internet, he had come across a recent news article about a familiar individual.
Kailod had been born into a life that was going downhill from day one. His mother had died during birth and he was left with his distraught father who wasn't always readily available to meet his needs as a young child. His father was an obsessed painter trying to make a living through his art, always in a constant belief that he had talent for paintings worthy of a royal palace, despite his art never selling. It was clear to Kailod when he reached age 6 that something was wrong with his father. They had been receiving money through supporting means until his father could get a job, but he was trapped in denial and desperation as he continued to paint. No affection, no fun and games, no playing ball at the park. Kailod grew emotionally distant as he became more independent for his own survival at age 11, cooking his own food, walking to school and doing chores, while his dad continued to slave away in his work room uttering curses into the silence. Kailod's 12th birthday, he woke up to the sound of his alarm and checked the date on his calendar as usual in his morning routine. His birthday. He knew his dad had forgotten again. He headed to his dads work room, since he usually slept in there on a cot. Opening the door he could only see his father still sitting on the stool, leaning his head against a blank canvas, his previous one obviously ripped to shreds next to his feet. He walked over to him shaking his shoulders. "Dad... it's my birthday..." he slid off his stool and fell limp to the ground... 30 minutes later, police and paramedics were scattered about his house after he called 911. They told him his father died of severe malnutrition. Kailod couldn't really fathom what he should have felt in that moment, but one thing was for certain: he truly felt utterly and hopelessly alone.
Everything in his life had been tossed and turned from that point. He was thrown into an orphanage where he was also placed into a program to cope with the recent events. His schooling continued as usual until he was 14, when a strange man had come to see him. The man had a caring smile, but it unnerved him to the bone. Not long after, he finds himself practically forced into a series of little experiments to achieve some unknown goal. Flashing colours and lights through his head, brainwave alterations, visual imaging, dna manipulation, sleepless nights. Despite it all Kailod was afraid to disobey this man, he would tremble at his command as if his life was on the line. No real threat was directed to him, but he always felt more and more vulnerable and different. It was then after some of the experiments, he started to hallucinate things he was afraid of. Suddenly whenever Dr. Whitney came into view, his heart rate would quicken in fear and the man would shift and morph into grotesque and terrifying creatures each time, mimicking what he thought the man really was. He had spoken about it to Whitney, who proceeded to test it out at time, but each experiment on it made Kailod see something worse and more worse each time until he'd gotten too fearful to follow commands. He had taken a peak at the mans papers whenever he left to get something during an experiment; he read very clearly 'Subject gained venomous glands, physical alteration, body doesn't seem to consider as foreign and shows no signs of rejecting it. Subject has been given a venomous bite, wear thicker gloves.'. Another paper had stated 'Sensory Manipulation, likely the given ability through experimentation. Alters perspective according to what subject feels or thinks. May be able to control it, but has gotten more difficult to get subject to cooperate. Further analysis needed.'
After a time with no warning the man had grown much too frustrated with him and he had been sent back to the life of an orphan, but he was transferred to a different orphanage than the previous one. The kids there weren't very kind. It was the first time in Kailod's life that he's been bullied. It was there he had learned of his actual power. His hallucinations weren't so bad since he felt safer outside of the mansion, but he kept thinking back on what the doctor meant by 'given ability'. One day a particular kid he wasn't too fond of approached him, snatching the book he was reading and making fun of his interests. Kailod wasn't very intimidating, small, weak, quiet. It was during this confrontation that he had wished they would see him as scarier, someone you shouldn't mess with. His bully's expression fell from smug slowly to confusion and then horror as Kailod appeared to warp into a faceless monster of oozing black tar right in front of his very eyes. The bully had screamed bringing the attention of everyone in the orphanage. He kept yelling and frantically shouting "MONSTER, IT'S A FREAKING MONSTER!!" he was taken to a hospital and hadn't come back since. Kailod had known full well that a monster is exactly what he imagined himself to look like to the bully. He started to experiment, making people see lights in the corner of their eyes, watching closely as they would look in the direction he had incorporated it into their vision. He knew for sure that he had an incredible power when he had used it on another orphan, making her see her friend and striking up a conversation with her, meanwhile she was talking to thin air. Not only could he make people see, hear and feel these... 'hallucinations' but he could use it on himself as well. His final test on his new ability was the day before his 18th birthday. The next day he would be allowed to leave, but he didn't want to wait anymore, he was patient enough. He altered the visual senses of everyone in his vicinity so that he was completely invisible to them. He grabbed everything he needed and left as if he was never there to begin with, took all his records, everything they had on him and truly started his new life. Sure they'll try looking for him, but he'll already be long gone with a head start.
By age 19, he had completely settled into an apartment where he lived on his own, surviving on food and money he'd stolen using his power. The venom he would occasionally taste every once in a while was simply a mere nuisance that his mind learned to ignore, he has yet to test it out. However, he has gained much more control over his power, often times even being immature with it and messing with people from time to time. Even making himself temporary imaginary friends whenever he got lonely. It was then while browsing the internet, he came across a recent article showing the photo of a very familiar face that sent chills down his spine.
Name: Kiiros Xanton
Current Age: 18
Power/Mutation: Pyrokinesis, power strengthens when exposed to sunlight. Inhumanely fast reflexes and high accuracy. Immune to radiation. Thermo vision indicated by reptile eyes.
Bio: Kiiros has always been a cruel and sadistic student in school who enjoyed causing mayhem and terrifying his classmates with violent threats and blackmail. He's apathetic towards all authority and views everyone else as beneath him. He's known of his powers for a long time and has managed to keep it a secret ever since, thinking he was the only one of his kind. During a heated argument with his negligent and strict-to-the-core parents, his father struck him with a baseball bat in an aggressive drunken rage. That same night when his family was asleep, he'd stolen all their money, blocked every exit, trapped them in their room, disabled all the smoke detectors, and set their living room on fire. Newspapers told of a mansion that burned to the ground the next day. Over a year later after he decided to strike out on his own, he finds himself living deep in the bowels of a grim city known as Galevein, working as a contract killer and underground informant. With the recent events going on, he's been sloppy, always leaving his victims burned to a crisp with no explanation, unaware that authorities were searching and capturing people like him. He's managed to hide from the law in general for a year, but this is something he wasn't prepared for.
Theme Song:
If you've noticed how all my character's names start with a 'K', then you certainly are an observant one. This is because 'K' is my favourite letter and also corresponds with my favourite number.
Hello! I have not been here in 6 years and I have a question or two.
I am still Knutik in this roleplay, the wispy black spirit of fear: And I was wondering if I was allowed to do some edits to my character profile and give it a few small fixes and updates?
I will not be drastically changing the character at all, just small details about him [Mostly grammar and phrasing] as well as updates since he has been gone for a long time and has discovered and learned a few things in the past 6 years of his absence.
The shade reeled back at the sight of the satyr as he hasn't seen anything like it before, his shadows bristling slightly in a disconcerting demeanor. There hasn't been any violence or anger incited about the Tavern to influence his own violent and aggressive tendencies for a long time, so he was back to his old shy and reserved self again. Knutik melted away into the shadows disappearing into the earth beneath him like a funnel of darkness until it was as if he was never there, retreating out of sight away from the goat man.
An old haunt of the tavern wisped through the air like dark ribbons in the wind, circling upon the property with a somber demeanor. Knutik has continued to remain in this general location, mostly hidden out of sight for so long, just watching the many visitors of the old tavern come in and out with stories on their shoulders. The weight of many worlds in one seemed to never bother the aged building and there was magic to be seen within every crack and chip of it's wood; he was drawn to it.
With how quiet these walls have been for so long, newfound active life seemed to call him out from hiding, if only to peer through the glass of the windows from outside to observe the going-ons within, his green eyes of burning emeralds glowed with interest as he gripped the hems of the window's frame with shadowed claws.
"What, you mean like your clothes?" Kaeden laughed out.
"But yeah, maybe I can show you my wings outside sometime when I'm more awake." his attention suddenly fell back onto his gauntlets as he examined them.
"I don't actually know what these things are made of, but man do I enjoy them a little too much. Sometimes I just summon them to scratch things up; it's oddly fun. They've also gotten me out of a couple sticky situations but hey, you try opening clamshell packaging without a pair of scissors or knives." Kaeden began swiping at the air to accentuate his point. He was interrupted by another yawn, the gauntlets suddenly disintegrating.
He spaced out lazily staring at his now bare hands. "... Oh. The items kind of disappear when my mind isn't totally there. So no flying when I'm sleepy, otherwise I'll be plummeting over 200 miles per hour to my death."
Kaeden shook his head trying to stay awake. Finding the smell of food was a little too intense now, he stood up from his seat and walked over to the window behind Max.
"Besides my tail and horns?" he smiled. He unlatched the window and pushed it open, a light breeze blowing in that lightly ruffled his white hair. The scent of pine and flowering plants from the nearby forest was more welcoming to him than the tangy smell of sauces.
"I do have serrated canine teeth, honestly you'd have to really look at them though to notice that. And surprisingly enough not many point out my odd pupils that are slit like a cat's eyes, maybe it's the blue that makes it difficult to notice?" He stepped around the table to seat back into his chair, the creak making him mentally question the durability of anything in this place. "I suppose I never told you what I could even do, huh?" he chuckled, feeling a bit guilty for not sharing his own abilities after Max shared his without a second thought.
He rested his hands on the table, drawing attention to them as something shiny and metallic seemed to grow over them. It engulfed his hands, forming off ridges, stopping a little beyond his wrist and ending in pointed tips at the end of his fingers. He was now wearing what appeared to be medieval gauntlets with claws.
"I can summon what I like to call Soul-Bound Items. Objects, or just general things attached to my soul. I only own two things right now, these gauntlets which I use as weapons, and a pair of wings for flight. You'll have to see those another time though, I'm much too tired to even think of ushering up the focus to bring those out, haha." he tapped the claws against the worn table, etching little scratches into it with ease to display their sharpness. He met Max's gaze again. "I would very much like to see your smoke ability. Uh, if... if you don't mind that is."
I was internally freaking out over the level of detail in your posts you two lol. I don't know why but I get all giddy when I can clearly interpret people's characters, their surroundings and emotions, it's like being part of a movie I can interact with. I like any and all posts that are really well written, so if anyone ever wonders why I've done so, that's why.
Oh, Kaeden's tail has always been visible behind him, he was never hiding it. The only things Max hasn't seen are his wings and his gauntlets. He also already saw his terrible sense of humour, that's one that he can't really hide lol.
This user occasionally disappears and seems to return only after several months or years have passed... just to disappear again.
[h2]History of Characters[/h2]
[color=ed1c24][b]Please note that this is really for my own purpose of nostalgia, to see my progress in character development and to cringe at my own creations. Feel free to cringe with me if you like.[/b][/color]
Sadly I've deleted some of my character profiles due to withdrawing from rps and forgetting to record them. So I had more characters than what's shown here. These characters are sorted by date.
[hider= Kaeden Lucihan from Camp Castaway (June 6, 2017)]
[center][h2][color=8493ca]Kaeden Lucihan[/color][/h2]
[color=8493ca]"...You're not going to hurt me are you?"[/color]
[b][color=8882be]Age[/color][/b]: 17
[b][color=8882be]Ability[/color][/b]: Inhuman agility and reflexes. Wing powered flight and soul-bound items.
[b][color=8882be]Appearance[/color][/b]: 5'9 in height, 149 lbs, lean muscle build, white hair, snake-like blue eyes, serrated sharp canine teeth. Small pointed white horns protrude from his skull on the top of his head. He has a long skinny short-furred tail that ends in a fluffy tuft, a little like a lions; colour matches his hair. Large bat-like wings can protrude from his back to allow powered flight, these wings are one of his soul-bound 'items' as they're a summoned physical [i]aspect[/i] rather than a physical [i]alteration[/i] - otherwise he'd be going through a lot of shirts.
[b][color=8882be]Ability Elaboration[/color][/b]: Besides his agility and reflexes, as well as his horns and tail that seem to have no real purpose other than making him stand out, Kaeden has the ability to summon what he likes to call 'soul-bound items'. These are things attached to his soul on an astral level that he can manifest on the physical plane for his use. He only owns two: his wings and a pair of silver clawed gauntlets which he uses as weapons. Being soul-bound they can only be worn on his person in their specified location, meaning he can't summon his wings or gauntlets onto another person for them to use themselves. He manifests them using focus and intent, so his ability to summon them at all depends on his mental state. I.e if he's too tired or fatigued, or in a trance, he won't be able to focus well enough to summon them.
[b][color=8882be]Personality[/color][/b]: Socially awkward at first (often fails to mitigate this using humour), very skeptical and often skittish, easily startled, very social despite being terrible at it, can quickly get anxiety at random times, will be very withdrawn when dealing with anxiety.
Kaeden has a traumatic past that still affects him deeply to this day.
His own birth parents had abandoned him in the middle of no where deeming him a monstrous curse upon them. Why? When he was 5 years old, just in kindergarten, his teacher had brought to the attention of his parents, strange growths on his head. One x-ray later, they had discovered their own son seemed to be growing a pair of horns from his skull. No biological or DNA test could provide them an answer as to why. Being quite the christian couple they tried to ignore it as just some form of mutation that would likely go away when he got older.
Except it got worse. At age 6 he began growing a tail, it wasn't [i]entirely[/i] unusual for a human to have a tail, though highly unlikely, but what had his parents concerned was that his tail had white fur on it. Around the same time, his brown hair had become lighter and lighter in colour, until by age 7 his hair was completely white. It wasn't until his pupils became like that of a snake that his parents constantly began fighting about him, even discussing the matter of 'putting him down' before they ultimately decided to abandon him outside of the city.
From there he was bounced around different foster homes month after month, growing attached to his current parents only to have them throw him away, getting attached to his new parents only for the same thing to happen again. Some were weirded out by him, some tried to ignore his odd features, others were disgusted and many ended up neglecting him. At one point he discovered his summoning abilities when he was letting his frustrations out on his bedroom furniture, scratching everything up wishing he had claws to do more damage, to which clawed gauntlets appeared on his hands. Since then he tried experimenting, eventually discovering he could also summon wings, that's where his ability seemed to halt since further experimentation gave no results. He never showed any of his foster parents what he could do, figuring he's enough of a freak to them as is. The cycle of love>hate>abandon repeated multiple times, eventually making him feel hopeless and numb up until he reached age 15.
His last foster parents had kept him longer than the others had. He started feeling an inkling of hope that perhaps they didn't care about how different he was. Until one night when they thought he was asleep, he overheard them talking about getting rid of him. He was heartbroken to once again feel unwanted and unloved. His sadness turned to anger. He revealed himself to them, and during a heated shouting match, he summoned his gauntlets and slashed at his foster dads face. He still remembers their terrified expressions, how they looked at him like he truly was a monster. He ran away after that.
Ever since, he had become a thief to survive on his own. Becoming a squatter and taking residence in forgotten homes. It was during police chases and hunting parties that he learned of his inhuman capabilities of agility, speed and reflexes. However, his lifestyle of caution, wariness and fear of being caught by the age of 17 has left him highly skittish, jumpy and very skeptical of people's motives. One day after successfully stealing some food, he came across a flyer with information about a camp for people like him. His heart had raced with excitement at the mere thought that he wasn't alone. Dropping everything he had stolen to the ground he summoned his wings and without hesitation snatched the flyer and took off towards it's designated location.
[b][color=8882be]Theme Song[/color][/b]:
[hider= Knutik from TNT - The Nameless Tavern (August 26, 2016) ACTIVE ]
[center] [h2][color=82ca9d]Knutik[/color][/h2]
[color=82ca9d]"[i]You look lost little child.[/i]"[/color]
A mysterious wraith-like shadow creature which at first glimpse would seem like something you'd find wandering a haunted location or hiding under your bed at night. Three clawed fingers, a fading torso ending in a wispy tail, piercing green glowing eyes and a physical form that looks akin to black fire, one would think this was a villain you'd see in a children's book.
[color=00a651][b]Rich or Poor:[/b][/color]
He doesn't understand/care for currency
Being a necessary evil.
Green (neutral colour) fire, shadows/darkness, black magic, shape-shifting, flying, phasing through material, having no soul makes it impossible for him to die,
Knutik is a Fervent Spirit; one of many. His gender is irrelevant or so he assumes, and is merely something he 'knows' he is but he has yet to meet a female counterpart. He's the materialization of dark emotions, primarily fear being the most prominent, that have existed for so long that they've, for lack of a better word, evolved into a sentient being. Mainly comprised of fear, he's spent eons enacting the role of survival, teaching creatures and ancestral humans the importance of fear and how it encourages them to live and survive to their fullest. He use to be deemed as evil, or a sign of bad luck, but some cultures worshiped him, understanding the importance of his symbolical existence. However, in the last several centuries, fear was being overturned by anger, hatred and violence. This had a very negative impact on Knutik, bringing out the lesser emotions he was made of and turning them into his main essence instead of fear. Reaching an all time high during the dark ages, Knutik turned into a sadistic monster of nightmares and death had turned into his specialty.
Various events during the Dark Ages resulted in him becoming a shy spirit whom didn't make much contact with people. This lead his believers to think he was just a fairy tail and those that stuck with him even during his violent era eventually stopped believing him. Still, very few people in the present may mention him. After World War II, Knutik settled into his own form of solitary confinement spending most of his time hidden away in old forests where he'd search for lost items to collect. For the longest time he held back from giving in to his more dangerous emotions fearing the monster he became during the Dark Ages, but as of the current days not long after an event within The Nameless Tavern, he's given up on that, allowing himself to be whatever he felt he was, even reveling in it.
Knutik is very laid-back and sometimes believes he's above consequences, that is until the harsh reality hits him. His personality varies extremely according to whatever emotion becomes most prominent for him. It's this prominent emotion that determines whether he's shy, fearful, dangerous or cocky. Knutik often hoards valuables he finds/steals and is extremely protective of his collection. Losing just one of his treasures can spurn him into an infuriated and agitated state. His treasures are safely hidden within his own created realm known as "The Void Neath".
Knutik is a physical being with powers, thus you can touch, feel and see him. He stands at 6 ft from head to wispy tail in his original wraith form and can be described to look like black fire is constantly slowly dissipating off him. Gravity affects him like any other physical thing, it's his use of magic that makes him fly. He is called a spirit because he is an animated being that doesn't inhabit a body, which lead many of his previous worshipers to believe him to be a stray soul trapped on the physical plane, which isn't actually true. He is physically made up of solid shadows that feel like cold silk to the touch and his 'heart' which behaves very much like a core is made up of fire. This fire is what produces the coloured glow to his eyes and mouth like a furnace within. Knutik isn't sure himself what the core is for since no matter what he shape-shifts into, it's always there. The only time it's not present is when he melts into the shadows, he discovered that the core transports to his realm during those times.
[color=00a651]Currently Likes:[/color]
Shiny objects, knick-knacks, treasures, gemstones, ancient relics, tormenting humans, solace, tasty food, interacting with people, stealing, destroying things, fire,
[color=00a651]Currently Dislikes:[/color]
Losing control of himself believing he should be above that, water, bright lights, being startled, losing his treasures, being unable to obtain a potential treasure, boredom, people who don't get easily intimidated, people who aren't scared of him, people who can defeat him,
Focused light burns away his shadows, sensitivity to emotions can make him unpredictable, easily caught off guard, white/light magic can temporarily destroy him,
[color=00a651]Theme Song:[/color]
[hider= Krye Vincent from The World's Prison (August 7, 2016)]
Name: Krye (Pronounced: Cry) Vincent
Alias/Nickname: The Wraith
Age: 20
Personality: Reclusive, curious, cautious, untrustworthy, intelligent, observant, laid-back, savage, deceiving,
Appearance: Black hair, grey 'piercing' eyes, pale skin, slim form, 5'9 in height, wears a black t-shirt and grey fur-trimmed coat, black pants and sneakers and leather belt.
Bio: Krye ended up in prison with no regard for his age with several life sentences at age 14 for brutally killing 6 classmates during school after a bout of major bullying. With a problematic childhood leading to a severely damaged sense of morality, he was subject to many terrible events and medications that, without a proper diagnosis of anything, had only managed to mess him up further. By 16 he was practically tossed into The World's Prison when nobody wanted to deal with him anymore. It was in the prison city that he could freely be himself, this gave him a much needed form of therapy to regain his somewhat normal behaviour.
During his years in The World's Prison he's had plenty of time to increase his skill in parkour to escape from stronger individuals and fights he can't win. While he was never good in hand to hand combat, he had incredible skill with a knife. By age 20 he had already made a name for himself as The Wraith due to his speed, agility as well as his habit of appearing, killing a target, then disappearing before anyone even got a good look at him. He uses the fact that not many people know what The Wraith looks like, to manipulate and charm his way into allying with someone before stabbing them in the back (literally and figuratively) and taking their supplies.
Misc: His main weapon is a large knife that he keeps in a sheath attached to his belt and hidden by his coat.
[hider= Kailod Trouvin from Ghostwalker (July 14, 2016)]
[hider=As a kid]
[b]Appearance[/b]: 5'9, slim with lean muscle. Black hair, grey eyes, naturally pale skin.
[b]Name[/b]: Kailod Trouvin|(Kye-lawd) (Trow-vin)
[b]Age[/b]: 19
[b]Power[/b]: Sensory Illusion (Can manipulate what people see, taste, smell, feel, hear) and Venomous bite (An odd physical result from the experimentation in addition to his base power)
[b]Strengths[/b]: Amazing ability to focus consistently (This helps him manipulate the senses of multiple people at a time), incredible visual memory (In a memory he can recall almost every little physical detail as if he was watching a video of his past), near perfect retaining of sensory information (If he recalls on a certain memory, he can remember what the temperature felt like, what he smelled, what he saw, what he could feel)
[b]Weaknesses[/b]: His retaining of sensory info and visual memory is severely limited by what he remembers (He has the normal memory of an average human and can't remember every little thing, but what he does remember is in great detail), his ability of Sensory Illusion is based entirely on his will and control (Amazing focus helps with this power, but he can easily lose control of it. For example if he's afraid the hallucinations will turn against him and doesn't regain his composure quick, then he will begin to hallucinate things that terrify him, or his mind will basically go against him thus causing his power to go against him as well.), had a depressing childhood and traumatic experiences (This has the potential to trigger uncontrollable emotions which will greatly affect his ability to control his power.)
[b]Extra[/b]: Always wears a coat since he easily gets cold. Enjoys playing chess and card games against himself. Often times seems like a loner. Favourite thing to do is read nonfiction books.
[b]Bio[/b] (You know these can get very long since I seldom get a chance to be super creative.)
Kailods mother died at birth leaving him with his art obsessed father who was left distraught by his wife's death. His father was negligent, not providing him with the proper needs of a growing child, too obsessed with his paintings. They were poor and living off of support. Kailod grew to be emotionally distant and extremely independent. His dad always forgets his birthday so on his 12th birthday he went to remind his father only to find him dead from severe malnutrition. He was placed in an orphanage where he remained until he was 14. A strange man of eerie uncertainty had taken him in.
Kailod became an experiment, forced through visual images, flashing lights, dna manipulation and brainwave alterations. He read through one of the man's papers while absent during an experiment to find out he had gained a venomous bite from one of the experiments and there was a mention of 'Sensory Manipulation' which would explain his hallucinations of grotesque creatures and beasts when he was afraid. He was later shut out due to his inability to cooperate when too fearful and was tossed into a different orphanage where he was bullied for the first time. Tired of being looked down on and afraid, during a confrontation he visualized himself as a terrifying monster in the eyes of his bully. Said bully was hospitalized. Kailod put two and two together and began to experiment with his new found power, even making people have full conversations with the hallucinations he made them see.
The day before his 18th birthday, he rendered himself invisible to everyone's visual senses, took every bit of information they had on him and set out to start his life. Age 19, he lives in an apartment where he steals food and money using his power. He has yet to test out his venomous bite but has gained control over his base power. During a usual day while browsing the internet, he had come across a recent news article about a familiar individual.
[hider=Thoroughly Detailed]
Kailod had been born into a life that was going downhill from day one. His mother had died during birth and he was left with his distraught father who wasn't always readily available to meet his needs as a young child. His father was an obsessed painter trying to make a living through his art, always in a constant belief that he had talent for paintings worthy of a royal palace, despite his art never selling. It was clear to Kailod when he reached age 6 that something was wrong with his father. They had been receiving money through supporting means until his father could get a job, but he was trapped in denial and desperation as he continued to paint. No affection, no fun and games, no playing ball at the park. Kailod grew emotionally distant as he became more independent for his own survival at age 11, cooking his own food, walking to school and doing chores, while his dad continued to slave away in his work room uttering curses into the silence. Kailod's 12th birthday, he woke up to the sound of his alarm and checked the date on his calendar as usual in his morning routine. His birthday. He knew his dad had forgotten again. He headed to his dads work room, since he usually slept in there on a cot. Opening the door he could only see his father still sitting on the stool, leaning his head against a blank canvas, his previous one obviously ripped to shreds next to his feet. He walked over to him shaking his shoulders. "Dad... it's my birthday..." he slid off his stool and fell limp to the ground... 30 minutes later, police and paramedics were scattered about his house after he called 911. They told him his father died of severe malnutrition. Kailod couldn't really fathom what he should have felt in that moment, but one thing was for certain: he truly felt utterly and hopelessly alone.
Everything in his life had been tossed and turned from that point. He was thrown into an orphanage where he was also placed into a program to cope with the recent events. His schooling continued as usual until he was 14, when a strange man had come to see him. The man had a caring smile, but it unnerved him to the bone. Not long after, he finds himself practically forced into a series of little experiments to achieve some unknown goal. Flashing colours and lights through his head, brainwave alterations, visual imaging, dna manipulation, sleepless nights. Despite it all Kailod was afraid to disobey this man, he would tremble at his command as if his life was on the line. No real threat was directed to him, but he always felt more and more vulnerable and different. It was then after some of the experiments, he started to hallucinate things he was afraid of. Suddenly whenever Dr. Whitney came into view, his heart rate would quicken in fear and the man would shift and morph into grotesque and terrifying creatures each time, mimicking what he thought the man really was. He had spoken about it to Whitney, who proceeded to test it out at time, but each experiment on it made Kailod see something worse and more worse each time until he'd gotten too fearful to follow commands. He had taken a peak at the mans papers whenever he left to get something during an experiment; he read very clearly [b]'Subject gained venomous glands, physical alteration, body doesn't seem to consider as foreign and shows no signs of rejecting it. Subject has been given a venomous bite, [i]wear thicker gloves[/i].'[/b]. Another paper had stated [b]'Sensory Manipulation, likely the given ability through experimentation. Alters perspective according to what subject feels or thinks. May be able to control it, but has gotten more difficult to get subject to cooperate. [i]Further analysis needed[/i].'[/b]
After a time with no warning the man had grown much too frustrated with him and he had been sent back to the life of an orphan, but he was transferred to a different orphanage than the previous one. The kids there weren't very kind. It was the first time in Kailod's life that he's been bullied. It was there he had learned of his actual [i]power[/i]. His hallucinations weren't so bad since he felt safer outside of the mansion, but he kept thinking back on what the doctor meant by 'given ability'. One day a particular kid he wasn't too fond of approached him, snatching the book he was reading and making fun of his interests. Kailod wasn't very intimidating, small, weak, quiet. It was during this confrontation that he had wished they would see him as scarier, someone you shouldn't mess with. His bully's expression fell from smug slowly to confusion and then horror as Kailod appeared to warp into a faceless monster of oozing black tar right in front of his very eyes. The bully had screamed bringing the attention of everyone in the orphanage. He kept yelling and frantically shouting "MONSTER, IT'S A FREAKING MONSTER!!" he was taken to a hospital and hadn't come back since. Kailod had known full well that a monster is exactly what he imagined himself to look like to the bully. He started to experiment, making people see lights in the corner of their eyes, watching closely as they would look in the direction he had incorporated it into their vision. He knew for sure that he had an incredible power when he had used it on another orphan, making her see her friend and striking up a conversation with her, meanwhile she was talking to thin air. Not only could he make people see, hear and feel these... 'hallucinations' but he could use it on himself as well. His final test on his new ability was the day before his 18th birthday. The next day he would be allowed to leave, but he didn't want to wait anymore, he was patient enough. He altered the visual senses of everyone in his vicinity so that he was completely invisible to them. He grabbed everything he needed and left as if he was never there to begin with, took all his records, everything they had on him and truly started his new life. Sure they'll try looking for him, but he'll already be long gone with a head start.
By age 19, he had completely settled into an apartment where he lived on his own, surviving on food and money he'd stolen using his power. The venom he would occasionally taste every once in a while was simply a mere nuisance that his mind learned to ignore, he has yet to test it out. However, he has gained much more control over his power, often times even being immature with it and messing with people from time to time. Even making himself temporary imaginary friends whenever he got lonely. It was then while browsing the internet, he came across a recent article showing the photo of a very familiar face that sent chills down his spine.
[hider=Kiiros Xanton from Mutant Facility (January 13, 2016) My first character on this site]
Name: Kiiros Xanton
Current Age: 18
Power/Mutation: Pyrokinesis, power strengthens when exposed to sunlight. Inhumanely fast reflexes and high accuracy. Immune to radiation. Thermo vision indicated by reptile eyes.
Bio: Kiiros has always been a cruel and sadistic student in school who enjoyed causing mayhem and terrifying his classmates with violent threats and blackmail. He's apathetic towards all authority and views everyone else as beneath him. He's known of his powers for a long time and has managed to keep it a secret ever since, thinking he was the only one of his kind. During a heated argument with his negligent and strict-to-the-core parents, his father struck him with a baseball bat in an aggressive drunken rage. That same night when his family was asleep, he'd stolen all their money, blocked every exit, trapped them in their room, disabled all the smoke detectors, and set their living room on fire. Newspapers told of a mansion that burned to the ground the next day. Over a year later after he decided to strike out on his own, he finds himself living deep in the bowels of a grim city known as Galevein, working as a contract killer and underground informant. With the recent events going on, he's been sloppy, always leaving his victims burned to a crisp with no explanation, unaware that authorities were searching and capturing people like him. He's managed to hide from the law in general for a year, but this is something he wasn't prepared for.
Theme Song: [youtube][/youtube]
If you've noticed how all my character's names start with a 'K', then you certainly are an observant one. This is because 'K' is my favourite letter and also corresponds with my favourite number.
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;">This user occasionally disappears and seems to return only after several months or years have passed... just to disappear again.<br><br><div class="bb-h2">History of Characters</div><br><br><font color="#ed1c24"><span class="bb-b">Please note that this is really for my own purpose of nostalgia, to see my progress in character development and to cringe at my own creations. Feel free to cringe with me if you like.</span></font><br><br>Sadly I've deleted some of my character profiles due to withdrawing from rps and forgetting to record them. So I had more characters than what's shown here. These characters are sorted by date.<br><br><div class="hider-panel"><div class="hider-heading"><button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-xs hider-button" data-name=" Kaeden Lucihan from Camp Castaway (June 6, 2017)"> Kaeden Lucihan from Camp Castaway (June 6, 2017) [+]</button></div><div class="hider-body" style="display: none"><div class="bb-center"><div class="bb-h2"><font color="#8493ca">Kaeden Lucihan</font></div><br><br><img src="" /><br><br><font color="#8493ca">"...You're not going to hurt me are you?"</font><br><br><span class="bb-b"><font color="#8882be">Age</font></span>: 17<br><br><span class="bb-b"><font color="#8882be">Ability</font></span>: Inhuman agility and reflexes. Wing powered flight and soul-bound items.<br><br><span class="bb-b"><font color="#8882be">Appearance</font></span>: 5'9 in height, 149 lbs, lean muscle build, white hair, snake-like blue eyes, serrated sharp canine teeth. Small pointed white horns protrude from his skull on the top of his head. He has a long skinny short-furred tail that ends in a fluffy tuft, a little like a lions; colour matches his hair. Large bat-like wings can protrude from his back to allow powered flight, these wings are one of his soul-bound 'items' as they're a summoned physical <span class="bb-i">aspect</span> rather than a physical <span class="bb-i">alteration</span> - otherwise he'd be going through a lot of shirts.<br><br><span class="bb-b"><font color="#8882be">Ability Elaboration</font></span>: Besides his agility and reflexes, as well as his horns and tail that seem to have no real purpose other than making him stand out, Kaeden has the ability to summon what he likes to call 'soul-bound items'. These are things attached to his soul on an astral level that he can manifest on the physical plane for his use. He only owns two: his wings and a pair of silver clawed gauntlets which he uses as weapons. Being soul-bound they can only be worn on his person in their specified location, meaning he can't summon his wings or gauntlets onto another person for them to use themselves. He manifests them using focus and intent, so his ability to summon them at all depends on his mental state. I.e if he's too tired or fatigued, or in a trance, he won't be able to focus well enough to summon them.<br><br><span class="bb-b"><font color="#8882be">Personality</font></span>: Socially awkward at first (often fails to mitigate this using humour), very skeptical and often skittish, easily startled, very social despite being terrible at it, can quickly get anxiety at random times, will be very withdrawn when dealing with anxiety.<br><br><div class="hider-panel"><div class="hider-heading"><button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-xs hider-button" data-name="Biography">Biography [+]</button></div><div class="hider-body" style="display: none"><span class="bb-b"><font color="#8882be">Biography</font></span>: <br><br>Kaeden has a traumatic past that still affects him deeply to this day.<br><br>His own birth parents had abandoned him in the middle of no where deeming him a monstrous curse upon them. Why? When he was 5 years old, just in kindergarten, his teacher had brought to the attention of his parents, strange growths on his head. One x-ray later, they had discovered their own son seemed to be growing a pair of horns from his skull. No biological or DNA test could provide them an answer as to why. Being quite the christian couple they tried to ignore it as just some form of mutation that would likely go away when he got older.<br><br>Except it got worse. At age 6 he began growing a tail, it wasn't <span class="bb-i">entirely</span> unusual for a human to have a tail, though highly unlikely, but what had his parents concerned was that his tail had white fur on it. Around the same time, his brown hair had become lighter and lighter in colour, until by age 7 his hair was completely white. It wasn't until his pupils became like that of a snake that his parents constantly began fighting about him, even discussing the matter of 'putting him down' before they ultimately decided to abandon him outside of the city.<br><br>From there he was bounced around different foster homes month after month, growing attached to his current parents only to have them throw him away, getting attached to his new parents only for the same thing to happen again. Some were weirded out by him, some tried to ignore his odd features, others were disgusted and many ended up neglecting him. At one point he discovered his summoning abilities when he was letting his frustrations out on his bedroom furniture, scratching everything up wishing he had claws to do more damage, to which clawed gauntlets appeared on his hands. Since then he tried experimenting, eventually discovering he could also summon wings, that's where his ability seemed to halt since further experimentation gave no results. He never showed any of his foster parents what he could do, figuring he's enough of a freak to them as is. The cycle of love>hate>abandon repeated multiple times, eventually making him feel hopeless and numb up until he reached age 15.<br><br>His last foster parents had kept him longer than the others had. He started feeling an inkling of hope that perhaps they didn't care about how different he was. Until one night when they thought he was asleep, he overheard them talking about getting rid of him. He was heartbroken to once again feel unwanted and unloved. His sadness turned to anger. He revealed himself to them, and during a heated shouting match, he summoned his gauntlets and slashed at his foster dads face. He still remembers their terrified expressions, how they looked at him like he truly was a monster. He ran away after that.<br><br>Ever since, he had become a thief to survive on his own. Becoming a squatter and taking residence in forgotten homes. It was during police chases and hunting parties that he learned of his inhuman capabilities of agility, speed and reflexes. However, his lifestyle of caution, wariness and fear of being caught by the age of 17 has left him highly skittish, jumpy and very skeptical of people's motives. One day after successfully stealing some food, he came across a flyer with information about a camp for people like him. His heart had raced with excitement at the mere thought that he wasn't alone. Dropping everything he had stolen to the ground he summoned his wings and without hesitation snatched the flyer and took off towards it's designated location.</div></div><br><br><span class="bb-b"><font color="#8882be">Theme Song</font></span>:<br><iframe src="//" frameborder="0" width="496" height="279" allowfullscreen></iframe></div></div></div><br><br><div class="hider-panel"><div class="hider-heading"><button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-xs hider-button" data-name=" Knutik from TNT - The Nameless Tavern (August 26, 2016) ACTIVE "> Knutik from TNT - The Nameless Tavern (August 26, 2016) ACTIVE [+]</button></div><div class="hider-body" style="display: none"><div class="bb-center"><div class="bb-h2"><font color="#82ca9d">Knutik</font></div><br><img src="" /><br><font color="#82ca9d">"<span class="bb-i">You look lost little child.</span>"</font><br>A mysterious wraith-like shadow creature which at first glimpse would seem like something you'd find wandering a haunted location or hiding under your bed at night. Three clawed fingers, a fading torso ending in a wispy tail, piercing green glowing eyes and a physical form that looks akin to black fire, one would think this was a villain you'd see in a children's book.<br><br><font color="#00a651"><span class="bb-b">Age:</span></font><br>Immortal<br><br><font color="#00a651"><span class="bb-b">Gender:</span></font><br>Male<br><br><font color="#00a651"><span class="bb-b">Rich or Poor:</span></font><br>He doesn't understand/care for currency<br><br><font color="#00a651"><span class="bb-b">Occupation:</span></font><br>Being a necessary evil.<br><br><font color="#00a651"><span class="bb-b">Powers/Abilities:</span></font><br>Green (neutral colour) fire, shadows/darkness, black magic, shape-shifting, flying, phasing through material, having no soul makes it impossible for him to die,<br><br><div class="hider-panel"><div class="hider-heading"><button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-xs hider-button" data-name="Biography">Biography [+]</button></div><div class="hider-body" style="display: none"><font color="#00a651">Biography:</font><br>Knutik is a Fervent Spirit; one of many. His gender is irrelevant or so he assumes, and is merely something he 'knows' he is but he has yet to meet a female counterpart. He's the materialization of dark emotions, primarily fear being the most prominent, that have existed for so long that they've, for lack of a better word, evolved into a sentient being. Mainly comprised of fear, he's spent eons enacting the role of survival, teaching creatures and ancestral humans the importance of fear and how it encourages them to live and survive to their fullest. He use to be deemed as evil, or a sign of bad luck, but some cultures worshiped him, understanding the importance of his symbolical existence. However, in the last several centuries, fear was being overturned by anger, hatred and violence. This had a very negative impact on Knutik, bringing out the lesser emotions he was made of and turning them into his main essence instead of fear. Reaching an all time high during the dark ages, Knutik turned into a sadistic monster of nightmares and death had turned into his specialty. <br><br>Various events during the Dark Ages resulted in him becoming a shy spirit whom didn't make much contact with people. This lead his believers to think he was just a fairy tail and those that stuck with him even during his violent era eventually stopped believing him. Still, very few people in the present may mention him. After World War II, Knutik settled into his own form of solitary confinement spending most of his time hidden away in old forests where he'd search for lost items to collect. For the longest time he held back from giving in to his more dangerous emotions fearing the monster he became during the Dark Ages, but as of the current days not long after an event within The Nameless Tavern, he's given up on that, allowing himself to be whatever he felt he was, even reveling in it.</div></div><br><br><font color="#00a651">Personality:</font><br>Knutik is very laid-back and sometimes believes he's above consequences, that is until the harsh reality hits him. His personality varies extremely according to whatever emotion becomes most prominent for him. It's this prominent emotion that determines whether he's shy, fearful, dangerous or cocky. Knutik often hoards valuables he finds/steals and is extremely protective of his collection. Losing just one of his treasures can spurn him into an infuriated and agitated state. His treasures are safely hidden within his own created realm known as "The Void Neath".<br><br><font color="#00a651">Physiology</font><br>Knutik is a physical being with powers, thus you can touch, feel and see him. He stands at 6 ft from head to wispy tail in his original wraith form and can be described to look like black fire is constantly slowly dissipating off him. Gravity affects him like any other physical thing, it's his use of magic that makes him fly. He is called a spirit because he is an animated being that doesn't inhabit a body, which lead many of his previous worshipers to believe him to be a stray soul trapped on the physical plane, which isn't actually true. He is physically made up of solid shadows that feel like cold silk to the touch and his 'heart' which behaves very much like a core is made up of fire. This fire is what produces the coloured glow to his eyes and mouth like a furnace within. Knutik isn't sure himself what the core is for since no matter what he shape-shifts into, it's always there. The only time it's not present is when he melts into the shadows, he discovered that the core transports to his realm during those times.<br><br><font color="#00a651">Currently Likes:</font><br>Shiny objects, knick-knacks, treasures, gemstones, ancient relics, tormenting humans, solace, tasty food, interacting with people, stealing, destroying things, fire,<br><br><font color="#00a651">Currently Dislikes:</font><br>Losing control of himself believing he should be above that, water, bright lights, being startled, losing his treasures, being unable to obtain a potential treasure, boredom, people who don't get easily intimidated, people who aren't scared of him, people who can defeat him,<br><br><font color="#00a651">Weaknesses/Flaws:</font><br>Focused light burns away his shadows, sensitivity to emotions can make him unpredictable, easily caught off guard, white/light magic can temporarily destroy him,<br><br><font color="#00a651">Theme Song:</font><br><iframe src="//" frameborder="0" width="496" height="279" allowfullscreen></iframe></div></div></div><br><br><div class="hider-panel"><div class="hider-heading"><button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-xs hider-button" data-name=" Krye Vincent from The World's Prison (August 7, 2016)"> Krye Vincent from The World's Prison (August 7, 2016) [+]</button></div><div class="hider-body" style="display: none">Name: Krye (Pronounced: Cry) Vincent<br><br>Alias/Nickname: The Wraith<br><br>Age: 20<br><br>Personality: Reclusive, curious, cautious, untrustworthy, intelligent, observant, laid-back, savage, deceiving,<br><br>Appearance: Black hair, grey 'piercing' eyes, pale skin, slim form, 5'9 in height, wears a black t-shirt and grey fur-trimmed coat, black pants and sneakers and leather belt.<br><br><img src="" /><br><br>Bio: Krye ended up in prison with no regard for his age with several life sentences at age 14 for brutally killing 6 classmates during school after a bout of major bullying. With a problematic childhood leading to a severely damaged sense of morality, he was subject to many terrible events and medications that, without a proper diagnosis of anything, had only managed to mess him up further. By 16 he was practically tossed into The World's Prison when nobody wanted to deal with him anymore. It was in the prison city that he could freely be himself, this gave him a much needed form of therapy to regain his somewhat normal behaviour.<br><br>During his years in The World's Prison he's had plenty of time to increase his skill in parkour to escape from stronger individuals and fights he can't win. While he was never good in hand to hand combat, he had incredible skill with a knife. By age 20 he had already made a name for himself as The Wraith due to his speed, agility as well as his habit of appearing, killing a target, then disappearing before anyone even got a good look at him. He uses the fact that not many people know what The Wraith looks like, to manipulate and charm his way into allying with someone before stabbing them in the back (literally and figuratively) and taking their supplies.<br><br>Misc: His main weapon is a large knife that he keeps in a sheath attached to his belt and hidden by his coat.</div></div><br><br><div class="hider-panel"><div class="hider-heading"><button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-xs hider-button" data-name=" Kailod Trouvin from Ghostwalker (July 14, 2016)"> Kailod Trouvin from Ghostwalker (July 14, 2016) [+]</button></div><div class="hider-body" style="display: none"><img src="" /> <br><div class="hider-panel"><div class="hider-heading"><button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-xs hider-button" data-name="As a kid">As a kid [+]</button></div><div class="hider-body" style="display: none"><img src="" /></div></div><br><br><span class="bb-b">Appearance</span>: 5'9, slim with lean muscle. Black hair, grey eyes, naturally pale skin.<br><br><span class="bb-b">Name</span>: Kailod Trouvin|(Kye-lawd) (Trow-vin)<br><br><span class="bb-b">Age</span>: 19<br><br><span class="bb-b">Power</span>: Sensory Illusion (Can manipulate what people see, taste, smell, feel, hear) and Venomous bite (An odd physical result from the experimentation in addition to his base power)<br><br><span class="bb-b">Strengths</span>: Amazing ability to focus consistently (This helps him manipulate the senses of multiple people at a time), incredible visual memory (In a memory he can recall almost every little physical detail as if he was watching a video of his past), near perfect retaining of sensory information (If he recalls on a certain memory, he can remember what the temperature felt like, what he smelled, what he saw, what he could feel)<br><br><span class="bb-b">Weaknesses</span>: His retaining of sensory info and visual memory is severely limited by what he remembers (He has the normal memory of an average human and can't remember every little thing, but what he does remember is in great detail), his ability of Sensory Illusion is based entirely on his will and control (Amazing focus helps with this power, but he can easily lose control of it. For example if he's afraid the hallucinations will turn against him and doesn't regain his composure quick, then he will begin to hallucinate things that terrify him, or his mind will basically go against him thus causing his power to go against him as well.), had a depressing childhood and traumatic experiences (This has the potential to trigger uncontrollable emotions which will greatly affect his ability to control his power.)<br><br><span class="bb-b">Extra</span>: Always wears a coat since he easily gets cold. Enjoys playing chess and card games against himself. Often times seems like a loner. Favourite thing to do is read nonfiction books.<br><br><span class="bb-b">Bio</span> (You know these can get very long since I seldom get a chance to be super creative.)<br>-------------<br><br><div class="hider-panel"><div class="hider-heading"><button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-xs hider-button" data-name="Simplified">Simplified [+]</button></div><div class="hider-body" style="display: none">Kailods mother died at birth leaving him with his art obsessed father who was left distraught by his wife's death. His father was negligent, not providing him with the proper needs of a growing child, too obsessed with his paintings. They were poor and living off of support. Kailod grew to be emotionally distant and extremely independent. His dad always forgets his birthday so on his 12th birthday he went to remind his father only to find him dead from severe malnutrition. He was placed in an orphanage where he remained until he was 14. A strange man of eerie uncertainty had taken him in. <br><br>Kailod became an experiment, forced through visual images, flashing lights, dna manipulation and brainwave alterations. He read through one of the man's papers while absent during an experiment to find out he had gained a venomous bite from one of the experiments and there was a mention of 'Sensory Manipulation' which would explain his hallucinations of grotesque creatures and beasts when he was afraid. He was later shut out due to his inability to cooperate when too fearful and was tossed into a different orphanage where he was bullied for the first time. Tired of being looked down on and afraid, during a confrontation he visualized himself as a terrifying monster in the eyes of his bully. Said bully was hospitalized. Kailod put two and two together and began to experiment with his new found power, even making people have full conversations with the hallucinations he made them see. <br><br>The day before his 18th birthday, he rendered himself invisible to everyone's visual senses, took every bit of information they had on him and set out to start his life. Age 19, he lives in an apartment where he steals food and money using his power. He has yet to test out his venomous bite but has gained control over his base power. During a usual day while browsing the internet, he had come across a recent news article about a familiar individual.</div></div><br><br><div class="hider-panel"><div class="hider-heading"><button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-xs hider-button" data-name="Thoroughly Detailed">Thoroughly Detailed [+]</button></div><div class="hider-body" style="display: none">Kailod had been born into a life that was going downhill from day one. His mother had died during birth and he was left with his distraught father who wasn't always readily available to meet his needs as a young child. His father was an obsessed painter trying to make a living through his art, always in a constant belief that he had talent for paintings worthy of a royal palace, despite his art never selling. It was clear to Kailod when he reached age 6 that something was wrong with his father. They had been receiving money through supporting means until his father could get a job, but he was trapped in denial and desperation as he continued to paint. No affection, no fun and games, no playing ball at the park. Kailod grew emotionally distant as he became more independent for his own survival at age 11, cooking his own food, walking to school and doing chores, while his dad continued to slave away in his work room uttering curses into the silence. Kailod's 12th birthday, he woke up to the sound of his alarm and checked the date on his calendar as usual in his morning routine. His birthday. He knew his dad had forgotten again. He headed to his dads work room, since he usually slept in there on a cot. Opening the door he could only see his father still sitting on the stool, leaning his head against a blank canvas, his previous one obviously ripped to shreds next to his feet. He walked over to him shaking his shoulders. "Dad... it's my birthday..." he slid off his stool and fell limp to the ground... 30 minutes later, police and paramedics were scattered about his house after he called 911. They told him his father died of severe malnutrition. Kailod couldn't really fathom what he should have felt in that moment, but one thing was for certain: he truly felt utterly and hopelessly alone. <br><br>Everything in his life had been tossed and turned from that point. He was thrown into an orphanage where he was also placed into a program to cope with the recent events. His schooling continued as usual until he was 14, when a strange man had come to see him. The man had a caring smile, but it unnerved him to the bone. Not long after, he finds himself practically forced into a series of little experiments to achieve some unknown goal. Flashing colours and lights through his head, brainwave alterations, visual imaging, dna manipulation, sleepless nights. Despite it all Kailod was afraid to disobey this man, he would tremble at his command as if his life was on the line. No real threat was directed to him, but he always felt more and more vulnerable and different. It was then after some of the experiments, he started to hallucinate things he was afraid of. Suddenly whenever Dr. Whitney came into view, his heart rate would quicken in fear and the man would shift and morph into grotesque and terrifying creatures each time, mimicking what he thought the man really was. He had spoken about it to Whitney, who proceeded to test it out at time, but each experiment on it made Kailod see something worse and more worse each time until he'd gotten too fearful to follow commands. He had taken a peak at the mans papers whenever he left to get something during an experiment; he read very clearly <span class="bb-b">'Subject gained venomous glands, physical alteration, body doesn't seem to consider as foreign and shows no signs of rejecting it. Subject has been given a venomous bite, <span class="bb-i">wear thicker gloves</span>.'</span>. Another paper had stated <span class="bb-b">'Sensory Manipulation, likely the given ability through experimentation. Alters perspective according to what subject feels or thinks. May be able to control it, but has gotten more difficult to get subject to cooperate. <span class="bb-i">Further analysis needed</span>.'</span><br><br>After a time with no warning the man had grown much too frustrated with him and he had been sent back to the life of an orphan, but he was transferred to a different orphanage than the previous one. The kids there weren't very kind. It was the first time in Kailod's life that he's been bullied. It was there he had learned of his actual <span class="bb-i">power</span>. His hallucinations weren't so bad since he felt safer outside of the mansion, but he kept thinking back on what the doctor meant by 'given ability'. One day a particular kid he wasn't too fond of approached him, snatching the book he was reading and making fun of his interests. Kailod wasn't very intimidating, small, weak, quiet. It was during this confrontation that he had wished they would see him as scarier, someone you shouldn't mess with. His bully's expression fell from smug slowly to confusion and then horror as Kailod appeared to warp into a faceless monster of oozing black tar right in front of his very eyes. The bully had screamed bringing the attention of everyone in the orphanage. He kept yelling and frantically shouting "MONSTER, IT'S A FREAKING MONSTER!!" he was taken to a hospital and hadn't come back since. Kailod had known full well that a monster is exactly what he imagined himself to look like to the bully. He started to experiment, making people see lights in the corner of their eyes, watching closely as they would look in the direction he had incorporated it into their vision. He knew for sure that he had an incredible power when he had used it on another orphan, making her see her friend and striking up a conversation with her, meanwhile she was talking to thin air. Not only could he make people see, hear and feel these... 'hallucinations' but he could use it on himself as well. His final test on his new ability was the day before his 18th birthday. The next day he would be allowed to leave, but he didn't want to wait anymore, he was patient enough. He altered the visual senses of everyone in his vicinity so that he was completely invisible to them. He grabbed everything he needed and left as if he was never there to begin with, took all his records, everything they had on him and truly started his new life. Sure they'll try looking for him, but he'll already be long gone with a head start. <br><br>By age 19, he had completely settled into an apartment where he lived on his own, surviving on food and money he'd stolen using his power. The venom he would occasionally taste every once in a while was simply a mere nuisance that his mind learned to ignore, he has yet to test it out. However, he has gained much more control over his power, often times even being immature with it and messing with people from time to time. Even making himself temporary imaginary friends whenever he got lonely. It was then while browsing the internet, he came across a recent article showing the photo of a very familiar face that sent chills down his spine.</div></div></div></div><br><br><div class="hider-panel"><div class="hider-heading"><button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-xs hider-button" data-name="Kiiros Xanton from Mutant Facility (January 13, 2016) My first character on this site">Kiiros Xanton from Mutant Facility (January 13, 2016) My first character on this site [+]</button></div><div class="hider-body" style="display: none">Appearance<br><img src="" /><img src="" /><br><br>Name: Kiiros Xanton<br><br>Current Age: 18<br><br>Power/Mutation: Pyrokinesis, power strengthens when exposed to sunlight. Inhumanely fast reflexes and high accuracy. Immune to radiation. Thermo vision indicated by reptile eyes.<br><br>Bio: Kiiros has always been a cruel and sadistic student in school who enjoyed causing mayhem and terrifying his classmates with violent threats and blackmail. He's apathetic towards all authority and views everyone else as beneath him. He's known of his powers for a long time and has managed to keep it a secret ever since, thinking he was the only one of his kind. During a heated argument with his negligent and strict-to-the-core parents, his father struck him with a baseball bat in an aggressive drunken rage. That same night when his family was asleep, he'd stolen all their money, blocked every exit, trapped them in their room, disabled all the smoke detectors, and set their living room on fire. Newspapers told of a mansion that burned to the ground the next day. Over a year later after he decided to strike out on his own, he finds himself living deep in the bowels of a grim city known as Galevein, working as a contract killer and underground informant. With the recent events going on, he's been sloppy, always leaving his victims burned to a crisp with no explanation, unaware that authorities were searching and capturing people like him. He's managed to hide from the law in general for a year, but this is something he wasn't prepared for.<br><br>Theme Song: <iframe src="//" frameborder="0" width="496" height="279" allowfullscreen></iframe></div></div><br><br>If you've noticed how all my character's names start with a 'K', then you certainly are an observant one. This is because 'K' is my favourite letter and also corresponds with my favourite number.</div>