Avatar of Varicke
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 827 (0.25 / day)
  • VMs: 0
  • Username history
    1. Varicke 9 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current In my absence I have developed close relations with aliens!
3 yrs ago
I update my status every time I decide to log back in here after several years and check out just what shiny things I have still layin' around!
6 yrs ago
Something drew me back here today. (Sept 28, 2019 )
1 like
7 yrs ago
8 yrs ago
Returning from a 7 month hiatus.


This user occasionally disappears and seems to return only after several months or years have passed... just to disappear again.

History of Characters

Please note that this is really for my own purpose of nostalgia, to see my progress in character development and to cringe at my own creations. Feel free to cringe with me if you like.

Sadly I've deleted some of my character profiles due to withdrawing from rps and forgetting to record them. So I had more characters than what's shown here. These characters are sorted by date.

If you've noticed how all my character's names start with a 'K', then you certainly are an observant one. This is because 'K' is my favourite letter and also corresponds with my favourite number.

Most Recent Posts

Hello! I have not been here in 6 years and I have a question or two.

I am still Knutik in this roleplay, the wispy black spirit of fear: roleplayerguild.com/posts/3856147
And I was wondering if I was allowed to do some edits to my character profile and give it a few small fixes and updates?

I will not be drastically changing the character at all, just small details about him [Mostly grammar and phrasing] as well as updates since he has been gone for a long time and has discovered and learned a few things in the past 6 years of his absence.


The shade reeled back at the sight of the satyr as he hasn't seen anything like it before, his shadows bristling slightly in a disconcerting demeanor. There hasn't been any violence or anger incited about the Tavern to influence his own violent and aggressive tendencies for a long time, so he was back to his old shy and reserved self again. Knutik melted away into the shadows disappearing into the earth beneath him like a funnel of darkness until it was as if he was never there, retreating out of sight away from the goat man.
An old haunt of the tavern wisped through the air like dark ribbons in the wind, circling upon the property with a somber demeanor. Knutik has continued to remain in this general location, mostly hidden out of sight for so long, just watching the many visitors of the old tavern come in and out with stories on their shoulders. The weight of many worlds in one seemed to never bother the aged building and there was magic to be seen within every crack and chip of it's wood; he was drawn to it.

With how quiet these walls have been for so long, newfound active life seemed to call him out from hiding, if only to peer through the glass of the windows from outside to observe the going-ons within, his green eyes of burning emeralds glowed with interest as he gripped the hems of the window's frame with shadowed claws.


*silence* ...

It's happening again Katherin! IT'S HAPPENING AGAIN!


The sudden lack of posts brings grave fear to my soul.

"What, you mean like your clothes?" Kaeden laughed out.

"But yeah, maybe I can show you my wings outside sometime when I'm more awake." his attention suddenly fell back onto his gauntlets as he examined them.

"I don't actually know what these things are made of, but man do I enjoy them a little too much. Sometimes I just summon them to scratch things up; it's oddly fun. They've also gotten me out of a couple sticky situations but hey, you try opening clamshell packaging without a pair of scissors or knives." Kaeden began swiping at the air to accentuate his point. He was interrupted by another yawn, the gauntlets suddenly disintegrating.


He spaced out lazily staring at his now bare hands. "... Oh. The items kind of disappear when my mind isn't totally there. So no flying when I'm sleepy, otherwise I'll be plummeting over 200 miles per hour to my death."


I'd think lunch is just about over, though Ivory kind of just started eating hers haha.

Me and @Blueflame/Kaeden and Max are in the lunchroom together.

Kaeden shook his head trying to stay awake. Finding the smell of food was a little too intense now, he stood up from his seat and walked over to the window behind Max.

"Besides my tail and horns?" he smiled. He unlatched the window and pushed it open, a light breeze blowing in that lightly ruffled his white hair. The scent of pine and flowering plants from the nearby forest was more welcoming to him than the tangy smell of sauces.

"I do have serrated canine teeth, honestly you'd have to really look at them though to notice that. And surprisingly enough not many point out my odd pupils that are slit like a cat's eyes, maybe it's the blue that makes it difficult to notice?" He stepped around the table to seat back into his chair, the creak making him mentally question the durability of anything in this place. "I suppose I never told you what I could even do, huh?" he chuckled, feeling a bit guilty for not sharing his own abilities after Max shared his without a second thought.

He rested his hands on the table, drawing attention to them as something shiny and metallic seemed to grow over them. It engulfed his hands, forming off ridges, stopping a little beyond his wrist and ending in pointed tips at the end of his fingers. He was now wearing what appeared to be medieval gauntlets with claws.

"I can summon what I like to call Soul-Bound Items. Objects, or just general things attached to my soul. I only own two things right now, these gauntlets which I use as weapons, and a pair of wings for flight. You'll have to see those another time though, I'm much too tired to even think of ushering up the focus to bring those out, haha." he tapped the claws against the worn table, etching little scratches into it with ease to display their sharpness. He met Max's gaze again. "I would very much like to see your smoke ability. Uh, if... if you don't mind that is."

I was internally freaking out over the level of detail in your posts you two lol. I don't know why but I get all giddy when I can clearly interpret people's characters, their surroundings and emotions, it's like being part of a movie I can interact with. I like any and all posts that are really well written, so if anyone ever wonders why I've done so, that's why.


Oh, Kaeden's tail has always been visible behind him, he was never hiding it. The only things Max hasn't seen are his wings and his gauntlets. He also already saw his terrible sense of humour, that's one that he can't really hide lol.
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