Avatar of Verdaux


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7 yrs ago
Current Oh Christ it's Christmas.
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7 yrs ago
Finals! Finals? Finals... *drools*
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8 yrs ago
Dippling crepression? Posteo-orosis?
8 yrs ago
The definition of insanity? Finals.
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8 yrs ago
When your crush takes months to get over their own, but they only give you three days to go back to the friend zone. MLK Jr. help me.


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Added impressions for almost all the single-digits. Ansel's got some mommy issues.

Something along the lines of letting him bind to her briefly while she gives him a vision of the divine. But again, I'd rather this a bit further ahead so she's already well-established with the Hydra and can better understand Ansel's impulses.

Considering that he's obsessed with EVE and the ones closest to her in terms of the divine aspect (Frost, Alma, etc.), would you like to do a few scenes that may reduce his classification in the not-quite-so-near future?

You'd think constant spamming through messages would at least give you an explanation for an absence, but not quite. HOW DO YOU RESIST THE URGE TO ANSWER INCESSANT QUESTIONS?
W0t a pleasant surprise.
@Dark Light

Would you rather Lyra be a local to Ecetopia being recruited, or should I make her a traveler from another planet?

Oh...should I work on that, or would you prefer Thin?
Mind if we throw Lyra in here? She could be the oddball magic person!
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