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If Fellwing is willing to discuss her vision now, I'd say the conversation is going to continue. Skobeloff would welcome the distraction.

She wouldn't discuss it with so many people present, sadly. She's tight lipped to a fault about the details even around her clutch a lot of the time.
A lot depends on the answer on my end! I might do a Study Someone check on Vipereyes at least, to see if she's hiding anything or knows something else relevant to Fellwing's issue at hand.

... Or I guess I could do the check now and then incorporate it. Hm.

Got a 6 so nop, carry on!


The flight back home didn't fill Fellwing with the relief she'd hoped it would. Though the wind under her wings was pleasant and cool, and the chatter of the rescued dragons around her made for a pleasant background hum, she couldn't bring herself to relax. Her mind was so heavy with thoughts she feared the weight of it would plunge her from the skies.

The shadow dragon had left, but wasn't gone. Worse, she feared it was the least of their problems; a mere pawn, controlled by someone much stronger. Someone who hated all of dragonkind. Was it the creature called Bicorn from her vision, or someone more terrifying yet? Would the north of Yves hold answers, or was it too late now? There was nothing they could do for the elemental in her vision, that was for certain. She was gone. Gone like she thought unicorns were, hunted by their ancestors.

Irreperable damage to the world around them.

Fellwing felt her balance falter and quickly shook away all thought, focusing solely on keeping her wings spread and body straight. It was then she realized what the topic of the dragons around her was. Nature. Restoring the planet. The Seer felt her stomach churn at the coincidence.

"Sometimes that learning process involved taking some risks, pushing boundaries. That's what dragon society is built on."

But pushing whose boundaries? If dragons could not peacefully coexist with nature, did that mean... they were the unnatural ones?

The Darkness is a part of nature.

She was thinking too much, with a mind that was still too shaken to look at things objectively. It hadn't been that long ago since Darkness had almost gotten a hold of her. Trying to sympathize with the cause of someone who lost herself to it would only end in more trouble.

And yet.

"In all your learning and discovering," Fellwing mumbled out of nowhere, her question directed at Vipereyes, though she still kept her eyes at the skies ahead. "Have you or yours ever met a unicorn? Or are they just another pushed boundary of the past?"


The impromptu round of introductions was followed by an abrupt end to Warden's big battle. The performer, Fae Ryan or some such, recalled his Snubbull in favor of forcing a selfie on the poor scientist dude. Cedric shrugged a shoulder and went to pick up his Growlithe before the damn thing ran off again. The pup whined but didn't struggle, and for that Cedric was unspeakably grateful. His leg was still on figurative fire, and he couldn't have handled having to manhandle a Pokémon right now.

"Yeah, sure, bet you were just afraid of losin'," he called out to the supposed-star-to-be, grin forming, when all of a sudden, hell broke loose. A truck veered into sight, unleashing a strange man and his Toxicroak upon the unsuspecting festival crowd. For a moment Cedric was impressed, thinking it was a preplanned event to introduce some action into the otherwise sleepy festival. But nah; the panic on people's faces and the horror in their screams was all too real, and so Cedric's budding excitement turned to horror. He hurriedly clasped a hand in front of Warden's nose, fearing the putrid smell of the acid alone was enough to cause harm.

"Who the hell's that?" he asked from no one in particular, glancing at the others to make sure they were seeing what he was — but Olivier was already bolting, taking off in the exact direction the crazy old dude was heading. And so were the other two, right on his heels.

"Whoa, whoa, wait!" Cedric gasped, starting after them with a limp. Shit. The guy wasn't stopping, and didn't seem phased by whatever the others had said. Cedric had no idea where the psycho was heading, but he could piece together the guy didn't exactly plan to buy Caterpie rolls. People were still running and shouting, distancing themselves from the man instead of... tackling him or rushing him or something! Damnit, if only he could've gotten there...

Cedric felt wiggling and glanced down at the pup in his arms. Warden was growling, little body tensed and ready to take off if given the go. Cedric knew the look in the Pokémon's eyes, could imagine the adrenaline coursing through his veins. But could... Warden really take on a Toxicroak?

"...You sure?" he asked, brows furrowed. Warden gave an affirmative bark. Cedric couldn't imagine a fate worse than being coddled or told no when you felt you had to go, so he knew he couldn't impose than on his partner, either. "Fine, alright, but keep your distance. Go and Rock Slide from afar, should get their attention! I'll be right behind you."

Warden leapt from his arms, barking as it took off after the man and his Pokémon. Cedric looked to the others further ahead, and shouted: "What are you waiting for? You got Pokémon too, right? Gonna let my damn puppy fight alone?!"
No but really sorry for the absence aiudaihskd, I'll toss a quick post in asap when I can-! Also am totally fine with Fellwing being an NPC for the sake of moving things along when needed, don't want to hold things up.
Welcome to OOC post 666!

Oh hey I was summoned
𝐃𝐮𝐧𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐭


Tired didn't even begin to describe how Duncan felt, leaning against one of the newly constructed walls of the shelter. Most of the exhaustion was mental, courtesy of all the conflicting emotions he'd had to process earlier in the day - in the span of what, minutes? From the terror of witnessing Sasuke's blood-overdose to the relief of it not being fatal, from the hope he'd felt for Yuki's recovery to the disappointment and anger of it it still not happening, to the confusion of... whatever-the-ever-loving-fuck was going on with Ayana. Oh, and he'd yet to resolve the whole thing with Shun.

Still, it wasn't like his body had come out of the ordeal unscathed. This time, the tearing of his stomach had left behind a scar; a long, golden slit that still didn't hurt as much as it logically should have. He felt woozy, out of energy, like he needed a nap and three dinners with dessert - but not like a guy who'd bled all over the place for a solid ten minutes.

Ever since the failed attempt to heal him, Duncan hadn't left Yuki's side. He knew he couldn't really do anything more for the guy, definitely not without Asahi's help, but he didn't want to just abandon him either. He felt like if he walked away now, it'd be like admitting his friend was gone. Besides, if Yuki stirred, he wanted to be the first one to punch the shit out of him.

Despite his best efforts to keep vigil however, Duncan kept dozing off - only to stir a moment later when a nightmare crept into his vision, when he thought he heard Yuki move, or--


When Maki fucking kicked him.

Still, at her words, he blinked his vision clear and glanced over at Asahi.

"Morn'," he offered with a lazy wave of his hand, only to be drowned out by the pinkhead's fussing. He groaned, but knew the guy was right. There was still a lot to be done. They needed food, Maki's arm was broken and needed fixing, and they had to take another look at Yuki.

They did, and the results didn't change. Slowly, the last bits of rekindled hope Duncan had managed to hold on to were beginning to burn out. Even Asahi couldn't connect with Yuki - possibly because there was nothing to connect with. Nothing but a husk. There never would be.

The others gathered for a group meeting, but with a tremble in his voice, Duncan insisted on staying behind. To rest, he'd said and gestured at his recently closed stomach, but he was really bad at lying, and those who knew him were pretty good at reading him.

Just this once, though, they didn't call him out on it.

And so, while the rest of the students conducted a meeting on their future outside, Duncan sat besides his friend and prepared to leave him in the past.
Man, the scene was awesome, coming up with follow up questions was hard. I've a bunch of small ones I'd like to ask, or ones that boil down to "would she know about this". Lmk if these don't work, I've backup ones:

- What did Greeny want out of the talk with Brume, if killing her wasn't the goal? To convince her of something? Would Fellwing have been able to pry into the objective, considering she did sense some of Greeny's emotions?
- What island does the vision take place in? Would the alpine forest give her a clue/would she have been able to try and pinpoint some landmarks (like mountains etc.) while in the vision?

Oh and one of those "would she know" questions that isn't really a follow up question-- what, if any, would she know about unicorns/bicorns, and are the latter normally a thing?

Was going to work on a post but realized I need to ask these first, oops. I can get a post up next week though!
Just finished last bits of the move yesterday, so hoping to catch up this week & the next as we get furniture and set up the new place.
Hell yeah, we're back!

I'm drowning in stuff until the end of the month and behind everywhere, but... will manage a post eventually, hopefully sooner rather than later. Also damn, that's a juicy vision right there 👀 will think on those extra questions!
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