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SPEAKING OF, shit, in my hurry I forgot to react to Shieldwing's bit completely! Will edit my post after work today, sorry about that Digi. Got thrown out the loop when I realized I forgot my original plans for her and had to make do :'D


Fellwing nodded politely at Heliotrope's answer, but her enthusiasm for asking questions waned considerably the more she watched the older dragon work. Not because of anything she did, but because of the way she was; clearly exhausted, yet unable to take a break with her laboratory crammed with both patients and inquisitive visitors. So when she once again mentioned lost sleep, Fellwing decided it might be best to let her focus on her work and maybe get some well-earned rest afterwards. She could save her questions for another day — or perhaps even for another drake.

"I appreciate your patience with all these questions and patients, Heliotrope," she said with a small smile. "I won't bother you any further. Please do try to sneak in a nap at least, if you can. My clutchmates will hopefully occupy your, hm, assistant for a while longer."

"Fell, do you want to come with us?"

As the Seer turned away from the healer, he found Shieldwing ltalking to her. He looked like he had more to say, so she waited patiently for him to finish - only for the red drake to retort to pantomiming his point across. Fellwing couldn't help but smile at the endearing effort. She was pretty perceptive; there would've been no need for such theatrics, but far be it from her to tell it to him and ruin the fun. Instead, she offered a brief nudge of her head back towards Garrock's general vicinity in turn. Not that she was looking forward to sticking her nose in the older dragon's business, but if it helped her friends... "You go ahead, I'll be with you shortly."

Before addressing Garrock, however, Fellwing had one more thing to take care of, she noticed. From the corner of her eye, she spotted Kyte. They were deep in thought as they examined their wing, and something about it irked the Seer. They'd seen Stargaze's distress, yet had remained quiet in spite of it, even when Shieldwing had directly addressed them.

"An overdeveloped wing is better than one lost to corruption," Fellwing commented, her voice a little colder than she intended, as she passed the other drake by. "You would do well to talk to Stargaze. Sometimes physical injuries heal faster than mental ones."

With that, she turned to Garrock, her tone back to inquisitive. "You keep mentioning your brother and trouble in the same sentence, Garrock, but he didn't strike me as the troublemaking sort." She tilted her head. "Have I got the wrong read on him?"

Or do you, she left unsaid.
@Vertigo I don't think there's going to be a ton of times where you'll need to communicate with someone 30 stories above you, but fair enough. So long as we're on the same page about using this special in the operation area we can leave it be. just lemme know when you've finished editing her sheet and then she can get summoned to the character tab.

I see you underestimate the amount of sunset brooding dark magical girls do atop skyscrapers.

Edited and yeeted into the char tab!

For the Leitmotif, I did leave out a strict range intentionally, but tried to specifically limit it to the mission area with the "whose presence she's aware of" line. The idea was to be able to converse with enemy monsters and the Freelancer/GEMINI PCs without her revealing her position, so I wouldn't be stuck in a lonely dark corner rp-wise, ha. So in a battle taking place outside for example, if she knows someone is on top of a building because she saw someone casting from there, even if the building is 300 feet tall, she could talk to them. But not to a person sneaking up right behind her, since she's not aware of them, or someone so far away she wouldn't be aware of where exactly they went.

If that is too strong for Silver grade, though, I can slap on that numerical range too. Just wanted to specify that it was never meant to be infinite.

For the rest of the stuff, gotcha! Will make the edits a bit later today, have to run errands for a few hours.
Missing the background still but tossing up a WIP to show I'm working on things yo

Ok 'ere

<Snipped quote by Vertigo>

Haha, I know that feeling all too well. xD Yeah, no problem~ Above board though, I'd just like to know what Fellwing's answer is going to be to Shieldwing's question before I make my own next post. Is Fellwing going to elect to stay with Garroth and Heliotrope, or come with the rest of the group after Coryn and Rudrick?

I'll figure it out and reply tomorrow or so, got two CSes to do first! But won't be a long wait. I think she'll stay for now, but we'll see.
To be honest, I can't remember what I wanted Fellwing to ask next aka what she was trying to lead up to lmao.

I'll, uh, see if it comes back to me, but don't wait on that.
Still in, gonna finish the cs come weekend!
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