Avatar of Vilageidiotx
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    1. Vilageidiotx 11 yrs ago
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Current I RP for the ladies
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#Diapergate #Hugs2018
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I fucking love catfishing
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Every time I insult a certain coworker, i'll take money from their jar. Saving for beer would never be easier!
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The Jungle Book is good.


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A bunch of Jews chasing George Costanza sounds like a scene straight out of Seinfeld.
The author then argues that there was a change in modern society where that's no longer the case, or beginning to decrease, due to media being increasingly focused on crime and entertainment and how there is no longer a platform for politics unless it generates revenue.

Now I'm unsure where the change comes in

Jeb Bush starting off the first day by picking a themesong and then running around the woods in a mask humming it is my favorite mental image of the game thus far. I think I am rooting for him now.
The New York Times, 3 March 1944, Pg. 2
By the Associated Press.

CAPE GLOUCESTER, New Britain (Delayed) – Staff Sgt. Jeremiah A. O’Leary, a Marine Corps combat correspondent, reports that Japanese troops charged the Marine lines here shouting the strange Japanese battle cry:

“To hell with Babe Ruth!”

The charge was scored as an error. Thirty Japanese were struck out for good.

In New York Babe Ruth replied:

“I hope every Jap that mentions my name gets shot – and to hell with all Japs anyway.”
mor because i have fifteen minutes i need to kill


(Player1) faces the remaining tributes, grabs (him/her1)self, and runs away from the Cornucopia.

"HUUUNNNNGGEEER GAAAMMMEEES" (Player1) shouts as (he/she1) runs away from the Cornucopia.

(Player1) gives a fiery speech.

(Player1) grabs (Player2) and runs away from the Cornucopia.

(Player1) sits down in the dirt and cries.

(Player1) puts on a (Player2) mask and runs away from the Cornucopia.

(Player1) grabs a bow but forgets the arrows.

(Player1) grabs a bonesaw and runs away from the Cornucopia.


(Player1) and (Player2) make love.

(Player1) and (Player2) spend a romantic evening together.

(Player1) and (Player2) kiss.

(Player1) admits (his/her) undying love for (Player2).

(Player1) and (Player2) hold hands.

(Player1) consumes the flesh of the last tribute to die.

(Player1) eats too many berries, spends the rest of the day shitting into a hole in the ground.

"(Player1)" shouts (Player2) "What do your (Player1) eyes see?"

(Player1) inspects footprints in the mud and determines that they belong to (Player2).

(Player1) and (Player2) get drunk. (Player1) admits to being a Communist.

(Player1) smells the air and instantly determines that (Player2) has been in that spot recently.

(Player1) and (Player2) run across each other in the woods. (Player2) blushes. They decide to team up.

(Player1) decides (he/she1) has a theme-song and hums it throughout the rest of the games.

(Player1) discovers a waterfall.

(Player1) discovers an expansive swamp.

(Player1) discovers the ruins of an ancient city. All of the statues and frescoes depicting human beings have had their faces cut off.

(Player1) discovers a massive statue of (Player2) standing in the middle of the forest.


(Player1) loudly challenges (Player2) to personal combat. They both fight heroically for some time, but (Player1) gains the advantage and kills (Player2).

(Player1) garrotes (Player2) with a bow string still attached to the bow.

(Player1) and (Player2) get in a running fight near a cool waterfall. (Player1) is killed and pushed off the falls.
(Player1) finds a cave littered with the bodies of previous Brobys in various states of decomposition. (He/She1) screams in terror before being murdered by the Game master to keep this terrible secret from being revealed.

(Player1) has a wet dream about (Player2).

(Player1) eats bugs, but does not enjoy it.

(Player1) and (Player2) become the best of friends.

(Player1) ties a bundle of sticks together to use as a weapon.

(Player1) finds a cigarette, lights it with flint, and smokes with visible excitement.

(Player1) takes of all (his/her1) clothes, reasoning that the effect of (his/her1) nudity will intimidate others.

(Player1) finds a hemp jacket with a marijuana leaf emblazoned on it.

(Player1) puts on sunglasses and wears them for the rest of the games no matter what.

(Player1) receives a bag of Cheeto dust from an unknown sponsor.

(Player1) carves swastikas into a tree.

(Player1) walks gayly through the forest, calling all the animals and plants by whimsical pet names.

(Player1) vomits after watching the above take place.

(Player1) and (Player2) meet each other in the wilderness, stare at each other for a moment, and run back the way they came.

(Player1) trains a poisonous snake to act as a weapon.

(Player1) accidently steps on a frog and cries about it the rest of Ty he day.

(Player1) sees the ghostly apparition of the first player to die and considers it an omen.

(Player1) is greeted by the ghostly apparition of the first player to die. The ghost warns them of the next thing that is going to happen to them.

(Player1) receives a keyboard from an unknown sponsor.
@DepressedSoviet@tanderbolt@Dinh AaronMk

Wait, hold up, Russian literature is legit. If you have to read something from the 19th century, safest bet is a Russian.
<Snipped quote by Vilageidiotx>

Ehh, Putin might not, but it'd be tempting to Trumpy.

"I don't have to make room in the budget for Flint's/Detroit's disaster relief or the Great Lakes cleanup project if none of those things exist!"

Edit: i hope michigan doesn't get nuked though, i finally like my life

you guys got him elected tho, if he nukes you he might not be able to win in 2020
Maybe Assad really is that dumb, but Syria is currently a big clusterfuck and I'm not entirely convinced. There are a dozen other factions vying for control that could have been the ones to deploy the gas, that would make far more sense than Assad just randomly deciding he wants to spice his life up a bit by pissing off the US.

I'm not saying I know for certain it was him, i'm just saying that it isn't surprising or out of character for a dictator to do something like that. He figures he has Russian protection and that the current US President is weak. Throw that in with the personality of somebody who has had that level of power for so long and you have a good recipe for a gas attack
Double update: conflicting reports, but at least some sources are saying 59 missiles hit home and the barrage caused zero casualties? Game-changing-ish levels of interesting if true.

Said they warned the Russians, which makes sense. This keeps shit in the realm of political maneuvering for now. If they had straight-out went for it without the warning, probably would have killed some Russians and the level of international incident would have been waaaay higher.

It doesn't make any sense. Not only was he winning the war, he had just gotten the US on his side - basically - via Trump, who generally seems to support Russian actions in the area. Not to mention Assad had supposedly given up his chemical weapons stockpiles to the UN a while back. Now, suddenly, he's got more chemical weapons and for some inexplicable reason he's dropping them on his civilians again. Given what we know, it doesn't make any damn sense. Maybe something was happening behind the scenes that would explain this sudden shift in policy, but nothing that is public helps explain why Assad would do something so stupid.

Dictators do stupid shit all the time. The history of dictatorships is a history of poorly thought out stupid shit.
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