Avatar of Vilageidiotx
  • Last Seen: 1 yr ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 4839 (1.28 / day)
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    1. Vilageidiotx 10 yrs ago
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6 yrs ago
Current I RP for the ladies
6 yrs ago
#Diapergate #Hugs2018
7 yrs ago
I fucking love catfishing
7 yrs ago
Every time I insult a certain coworker, i'll take money from their jar. Saving for beer would never be easier!
7 yrs ago
The Jungle Book is good.


Most Recent Posts

scrooge mcduck. then i use the money to have an unducking surgery and i end up just being some really really rich guy
I'd like to write in my answer. Shitposting used to mean actually just making bad posts. Not redeemable in any way. Literal garbage.

Now, fucking stupid idiot dorks are using "shitposting" as the new "I'm just being random."

Are you implying that randomness is redeemable? Because otherwise you are being tautological.
taylor swift
In Dr Broby... 7 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
Make shit posting great again
You become a political pundit and get your own show on cable news, making money and influencing voters.

The ability to read backwards in any language you know just as easily as you read it forwards.

The haircuts girl knocked it out of the park.
<Snipped quote by Vilageidiotx>
I’ve been in a lot of online discussion groups that have functioned as clubs, so I don’t think they operate too different as offline. But I don’t mean to argue your point. My perspective is that a veto systems at all (this includes caveats) would be counterproductive and a system that works against an open forum of discussion is one that I am not at all interested in volunteering my time to.

Is your concern that vetoes can't be discussed at all? I think selections should be debated either way.
<Snipped quote by Vilageidiotx>

Well I apparently missed some of my brother's favorites. Winter Solider is another one I've yet to see. I'm a little cynical when I go to movies, more often than not. Which only helps the joke, of I hate everything. I straight up did NOT want to see 'The Avengers' in theaters with my friends, but I saw it and it was damn enjoyable. Sort of the same reaction with this movie. Maybe I am a little too cynical. I'll probably never work on it. <.<

How's work going? ;D

See, I didn't like The Avengers. It just felt super generic to me.

Also, work is still endless right now. Thirty hours OT has me at seventy hours per week still. But considering that OT is time and a half, and that some not-too-small parts of what is deducted from my check is in set amounts (Medical insurance, union dues, etc), my take-home pay per check is basically double right now. Sooo, i'm not at all unhappy about it. Tired, but not unhappy.
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