Lukas Cordale
"..." Name: Lukas Cordale
Age: 22
Race: Dragonkin
Appearance: Lukas is of average height, standing at around 5’ 9”. He is not overly muscular, but rather lithe and toned. His skin is very pale and he has a light dusting of freckles across the bridge of his nose and his cheeks. He is not unattractive and in fact might be considered rather handsome, not that he would know what to do with this information. He has a shock of short, fiery red hair and pale green eyes the colour of tourmaline. He tends to wear simple peasant clothing
Nation of origin: The Red League
Personality: Not the type to make quips, Lukas is blunt and honest, as he does not see the value of deception. He also tends to be rather stubborn and headstrong, and once he’s gotten an idea in his head no one would be able to stop him without infallible reasoning. Unfailingly literal, Lukas tends not to understand any form of sarcasm and tends to be unable to detect when people are lying to him through their voice or their body language. As well as this, he is unsociable and awkward, and quickly becomes stressed by large amounts of social interaction or exposure which can result in him lashing out. However, he does not have many problems interacting with small groups. To calm down, Lukas likes to fiddle with toys and gadgets as well as draw. He also does the latter for fun and is a competent artist, though not any kind of expert. Lukas has a strong moral centre and cannot stand any kind of injustice, which makes him a strong ally to any cause that fits this ideology. He is slow to trust and holds grudges easily, but should someone gain his trust, they would find no firmer friend. His dyslexia frustrates him immensely and as a result he prefers to avoid any kind of reading or writing that might remind him of it. Despite his relative illiteracy, Lukas should not be considered stupid, as he is in fact rather intelligent and has an excellent memory. He does not like to look people in the eyes.
Biography: Lukas’ mother was a mechanic from the Iron Dominion and his father was a dragonkin warrior of the Oakheart Sovereignty. As such, Lukas had a rather confusing childhood. Both parents wished to teach him their respective trades and so his time was spent divided between learning mechanics and gadgetry, and swordplay and combat.
Despite this, Lukas never really took to technical skills as they did not interest him and so he never really learned anything useful from his mother’s lessons. She also attempted to teach him to use guns, which he also detested. The one thing that she did teach him was how to draw, which he practiced with gusto. It became the one activity that he enjoyed most.
His father’s swordplay and combat lessons only held slightly more interest for him, but his father was as stubborn as his son and would not take no for an answer. He insisted that all dragonkin should learn swordplay. Lukas reconciled his feelings with this by telling himself that swordplay and physical combat were practically useful skills, particularly since most other children disliked him due to his “strangeness.” He soon found that he excelled at swordplay, though he was only passable at hand-to-hand combat, and as such his enthusiasm for the art grew.
Lukas only ever really had one friend outside of his family, Arthur, a boy who was also considered strange though in a different way. He was prone to dark sadness and fits of rage that seemed to have no cause. The two bonded over their shared strangeness and became fast friends. They also shared a love of drawing and Arthur endeavoured to teach Lukas how to sing, though he was largely unsuccessful. The two were nearly inseparable, so Lukas was absolutely devastated when he learned that Arthur had taken his own life when they were just seventeen. He became even more reserved and unsociable and his problems with social interaction were exacerbated. He also started to get into fights with others which he typically won easily, earning him the reputation of a violent terror in his area.
Sometime after his 22nd birthday, Lukas’ family received word that his mother’s parents in the Iron Dominion were ill and wanted to see them. His parents were unwilling to go, and unable to afford to travel even if they wanted to. However, Lukas was full of curiosity, having never met his grandparents, and decided to stow away on an airship bound for the Iron Dominion. Unfortunately he was discovered and arrested by Dominion troops and upon his arrival in their nation he was immediately incarcerated.
Skills:- Expert swordsman - Before his secession to the Red League, Lukas’ father was an elite warrior of the Oakheart Sovereignty and insisted on teaching Lukas everything he knew.
- Agility - Lukas is not overly strong, but he is agile and swift. He is a good climber and is usually very able to avoid attacks.
- Eidetic memory - A slight exaggeration, however Lukas remembers almost everything he learns, and can pick up information through most methods.
- Constitution - Due to being dragonkin, Lukas naturally heals quickly and in addition to this, he is also very hardy. Having been trained in combat by his father, he’s taken several hard knocks.
Weaknesses:- Socially inept - Compounding several issues, Lukas is not exactly a social butterfly. His blunt and unfiltered nature does not endear him to most people, he is generally unable to read body language and tone except when it is blindingly obvious, and over-exposure to large crowds can lead to meltdowns.
- Bull-headed - Lukas is stubborn and once he sets his mind to something, it is impossible to dissuade him without infallible logic.
- Illiterate - Due to his frustration at his dyslexia, Lukas tends to avoid reading and writing and as such has more difficulty with them than even the average dragonkin.
- Aversion to firearms - Lukas can usually pick up any skill if he sets his mind to it, but he hates guns and is unwilling to work with them. His aim is awful.
Equipment:- A simple one-handed longsword. It has a battered appearance, but it is sturdy and dependable.
- A toy rather like a puzzle box. It is a cube with many moving parts that was built and given to him by his mother. It is perhaps his most treasured possession.
- His mother’s revolver. Despite his dislike of guns, his mother insisted he take it. He fully intends never to use it.
- A long, simple knife.
- Sketchbook and pencils.
- Leather cuirass. Lightweight, but it offers some measure of defence.
Other: It's not strictly relevant, but he's gay.