Avatar of Visyn


Recent Statuses

10 mos ago
Current Ahh depression while finding out you're being ghosted. <3 the best
10 mos ago
That feel when you’re craving a super specific RP..
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12 mos ago
I wish there was a search bar to search for things I 've previously said in the PMs; so I can reference things in the RP for the RP.. Just me? Got it.
12 mos ago
If I'm slow to reply, it's cause I'm working on my IRL store things I need to do to get it up and running. <3
12 mos ago
Happy birthday to me! 3/20!


Heyo! Lovely Azure Dragon here!

I've been roleplaying for 15+ years, and haven't stopped. Absolutely love it!

I'm pretty adaptable, except I struggle with super duper long posts.
3rd person is my go to, as to me, it gives more freedom of description.
I've roleplayed most genres, but my favorites involve romance with supernatural conflicts, as well as fantasy!

No interests yet, but should be soon! Hit me up if you're interested! I love plot discussing!

My downtime is usually between 1am-9am EST. My UTC is UTC -5. If I’m offline any other time, I’ve gone into town.


Most Recent Posts

Rowan Kimb

Rowan lets out a sigh and nods. "Good. Aethel. I know what you just witnessed and I'm sorry to pack on more but.." His eyes flicker to Xavier before he clenches his jaw. "Both of you, expect to see Killian likely muzzled and or covered in blood. Last time he was kidnapped, he was taken by a Conan and raped during his heat. He took two of the man's fingers and half his ear when I had found him stumbling in the streets."

He pulled out his phone, looking to it and then looking back up to Xavier and Aethel. "If we're lucky, Killian has gone feral. Unfortunately, as much as I would hate for it to happen, it's the only chance he'll have to fight. Especially if he's protecting another Omega." He then dialed his contact to let them digest what he just told them.

Rowan Kimb

Once they get to the office, Rowan closes the door behind everyone. He moves and leans against the desk, looking to the two Beowulfs. "I don't care what your association with your family's business is now. You are either here to help me rescue Omegas, or you can walk the fuck back out. This is no longer about auctions and shit. If you are smart, you've already figured out why I joined these ridiculous parties in the first place."

He sighs deeply and closing his eyes for a moment and then looking at them again. "Priority is saving them. All of them. I need to know if you're in on it before I call my contact to help."

Rowan Kimb

Rowan waits for the cats to leave before he turns to a wall and sets a fist against it. Anger won't do anything. He needs to stay calm. He breathes in a couple deep breaths, then looks at Xavier. "Thankfully. If Killian is put together with any other Omega, he will go into protective feral mode instead of distress. Let's hope when we find them.. he's done a good damn job."

He pats Xavier's chest once and then leaves the area to go find Aethel again. "Let's go. We have some work to do."

Rowan Kimb

Rowan listened to the cats and nodded gently to them before looking to Xavier. His brows rise at what he thinks happened before his eyes harden and he sighs deeply. He raises a hand, covering his eyes to try to school his face from the anger he feels. The Conans, of all the fucking families.

"It's not just that, Xavier. It was a Conan." He lifted his gaze and met Xavier. He felt like he didn't have to say anything else to explain why Killian had been taken.

Rowan Kimb

Rowan looked to Xavier, eyes widening before he got himself under control. He followed the other wolf, moving into the make-up and looking around. He'd looked around on the way there. There wasn't any signs of struggles. Which means they had been drugged.

The wolf looked towards the Omegas in distress. He set a hand on Xavier's shoulder when he was looked at and stepped forward. "My name is Rowan Kimb. Once we have determined the building is safe, I'll have someone come escort the rest of you to one of my sanctuaries. You don't have to worry about being hurt under the Beowulfs care anymore. Can you tell us what happened? Willow.. She's my mate."


Rowan Kimb

Killian Velvet

Rowan Kimb

Rowan nods and follows Aethel after taking the document. He smiles and nods to Xavier as the man stands. He follows easily to the office, brows furrowing as it's ajar. He watches Aethel stumble in. He follows, looking to see the Clan Leader essentially dead.

His mind only takes a second before his eyes widen and his hand is clenching. "The Omegas, Aethel." He then turns, nearly pushing Xavier out of the way and running towards the stage. He hops up, not caring about protocol or anything as he stumbles into the back. "Willow! Where are you! Willow!"

Rowan Kimb

Rowan looked to Xavier and stood when he had been announced as the winner for most. He moved to stand by Xavier, setting a hand on his shoulder and giving it a tight squeeze. He leaned in, not taking his eyes off Aethel and whispered softly to him. "I don't. Which is why I'm saving them. Just like I did with Killian, helping them make a better future for themselves."

He patted the shoulder, standing straight and speaking louder. "Makes sure my assistant doesn't drink too much tonight." He then walked towards the stage where Aethel was, with the other winner.

Killian Velvet

Killian finished his business, but once the cloth came over his mouth. He didn't stop fighting. His legs thrash and his arms and elbows jabbing and grabbing at the man until the chemicals knocked him out enough to make him unresponsive.

Rowan Kimb

"Seems like a more lively event than usual, no?" Rowan smiled to Xavier, trying to start up a conversation. He sipped his drink, looking between the two. Yeah.. That was happening. Hopefully.. it would turn out different, like Xavier dropping from the family. He set the glass back down, looking around the room again. Something felt off in the air, but he couldn't place it.

Killian Velvet

Killian sips his drink more until it's gone. It doesn't give him a buzz, needing more than just the one drink to make him start actually getting tipsy. He hums, setting the glass down and sliding off the chair. "I'll be right back." He wiggled his fingers to the table and has a server direct him to the restrooms, heeled boots clicking lightly as he walked, his dress whishing with his walking.

Killian Velvet

The bear gave a hum, setting an elbow on the table and spreading his manicured fingers over his face, a couple blocking in his left eye. "I'm not sure. It just.." He gave a small smirk to Xavier. ".. reminds me so much of something I saw recently." He looked at Xavier more, even letting his eyes droop a little to a more sultry look before he let his face go and then sat up straighter. He sipped his drink, turning his gaze to the stage.
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