Avatar of Visyn


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10 mos ago
Current Ahh depression while finding out you're being ghosted. <3 the best
10 mos ago
That feel when you’re craving a super specific RP..
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12 mos ago
I wish there was a search bar to search for things I 've previously said in the PMs; so I can reference things in the RP for the RP.. Just me? Got it.
12 mos ago
If I'm slow to reply, it's cause I'm working on my IRL store things I need to do to get it up and running. <3
12 mos ago
Happy birthday to me! 3/20!


Heyo! Lovely Azure Dragon here!

I've been roleplaying for 15+ years, and haven't stopped. Absolutely love it!

I'm pretty adaptable, except I struggle with super duper long posts.
3rd person is my go to, as to me, it gives more freedom of description.
I've roleplayed most genres, but my favorites involve romance with supernatural conflicts, as well as fantasy!

No interests yet, but should be soon! Hit me up if you're interested! I love plot discussing!

My downtime is usually between 1am-9am EST. My UTC is UTC -5. If I’m offline any other time, I’ve gone into town.


Most Recent Posts

Rowan Kimb

Rowan nodded and sat on the couch in the room with a sigh. He crossed his legs and looked to Killian. "It's called Aggression Scenting. Ferals do it when they either need to disorientate someone or posture. Since Willow was in the room, he was probably posturing, especially if the man was pushing his own out. He didn't want Willow to smell their scent, so he was pushing his out for her sake."

He reached up, starting to undo his braids from his hair. "Anything you want to ask me while I'm here? I'll be pretty busy with Willow and the sanctuary as soon as I'm out of here."

Rowan Kimb

Just as Rowan was about to say something, a doctor came out. The beta looked around and then spotted them and offered a tired smile. "You can see him now. He's been sedated, cleaned and set up for fluids and the like. If he wakes up, try not to rush at him. He'll be pretty out of it. Let us know when he does wake up."

After that, the three of them were guided to a scent neutral room. "You can take off your patches in the room. There's a box by the door to reapply when you leave." He then left them to themselves, closing the door.

Killian was hooked up to the monitor and had a couple fluids hooked up. He was thankfully clean of blood and no longer had the muzzle on. He also wore a hospital gown and had a few blankets.

Rowan took off his pouch and moved over to lightly scent the area around Killian before going back and reapplying a patch. "Not too much. Don't want to overwhelm him."

Rowan Kimb

Rowan chuckles and moves back to play with her hair in his free hand. "Of course, little one." He leaned forward and kissed her forehead. "Sleep now.. You're safe." He smiled as he watched her drift off. Once he knew she was asleep, he got up and moved to find the brothers. He smiled to them and nodded. "Willow is fine. Got looked at and told what happened. Any news on Killian?"

Rowan Kimb

"That's his trauma brain when he's feral. His therapist told me.. if he's around other Omegas he'll protect them before himself because his feral brain doesn't want anyone to suffer the way he did. If he's not, he'll still fight, but it.. wouldn't be as fruitful. More just survival and trying to escape than actually.. fighting, I think. Something like that."

He kept petting her hair gently, smiling lightly. "If you hadn't been there, the Conan might have gotten away with what he wanted, especially if he was muzzled this time. So.. I have to thank you a little bit for being there, but I'm sorry it had to be in that kind of situation. I'm sure seeing people die is.. not the greatest, but know that Killian was protecting you. Especially because you're important to me and.." He chuckled sheepishly. "I guess even in feral brain, Killian knows that."

He helped her lay back in the bed again and pulled his tie off, loosely putting it around her neck. "Get some rest, okay? I'll be here when you wake up. I wanna see if I can check on Killian, but I'll go ask when you're asleep."

Rowan Kimb

The wolf gave a soft chuckle and sat on the edge of the bed, looking to her. He smoothed some hair gently. "Not at all. When I found him, he was covered in blood like that, stumbling around the town. When he told me what happened, I wanted to kill the man myself. Buuut.. you can't commit murder.." He leans in, whispering. "Unless you're feral." Then leans back.

"Plus, I wanted Killian to be able to help himself and get better. He's been with me for about five years and I can proudly say.. the only thing that triggers him now is his own heat scent and some really disgusting scents if he's not careful.. and some unnecessary touching if he's having a bad day." He really cared for Killian, which was good.

He smiled to her lightly again. "I can't wait for you to properly meet him. He's a good person on his good days, I promise." He chuckles lightly.

Rowan Kimb

Rowan rubs her hand gently and when she starts trembling, he wraps his free arm around her gently. He doesn't scent her, since they were all given scent patches, but how he wishes he could. "It's okay. You did so good.." It's a soft praise, hoping she takes it for what it is.

Jason nods lightly, writing everything down and giving a small sigh. "It's been confirmed from Killian's case, that Conan was the one how kidnapped and raped him before. Thankfully.. since Killian was in a feral state he won't be charged with anything." He offers her a smile. "Thank you. We'll contact Rowan if we have any more questions. Try to get better." He waves to Rowan and the two agents leave, likely to go talk to the other Omegas and get stories.

Rowan Kimb

Rowan smiles lightly to her and nods. "Of course. I doubt anyone will complain if I'm with you. You're my mate, I kind of get privilege." He chuckles and pulls her closer. He would have given her his jacket but Killian was naked. He rubbed her back gently.

It doesn't take much longer for them to get to the hospital. They all go in, Killian being taken by a nurse and taken to a room once they had been told he'd gone feral. The Alphas needing to stay for now. Rowan and Willow going to one of the open beds in the ER and just getting Willow looked at and the cut cleaned as well as bandaged. She's also getting fluids, just in case.

Jason stands by, pulling out a small notepad and offering a smile. "Hello, Willow. It's nice to finally meet you. If it's alright, do you mind telling me what happened from when you woke up?"

Rowan Kimb

"My new sanctuary is almost done being furnished and staffed. Once it's done, the rest of the Omegas under the Beowulfs care will go there and get some much needed care. You don't have to worry, Willow." Rowan runs a hand through his hair gently, then lets his gaze move and turn to Killian in Xavier's arms. "Let the people at the hospital take care of him. They'll remove the muzzle when he's been properly sedated, just tell them he's gone feral."

He looks to Xavier and Aethel and offers a smile. "I'm trusting you with him. Once he gets his own room, you'll be allowed to take off your patches. You'll want to scent the room before he wakes up. It'll be easier to figure out where he is." He reaches into his pocket and holds it out to Aethel. "Handkerchief from me. Should have my scent in case you need it."

He then looks back to Willow and reaches down. He rips a piece of her dress and then moves her hand and presses the cloth to her throat at the cut. "Agent Hunz will ask you some questions after you've been properly looked at."

Rowan Kimb

Vans are sitting outside the large estate when they come out. Most of the men have already been huddled together from inside, and are being put on large trucks. The vans hold the Omegas, five in each. Jason gestures for the four of them head to the last van, and opens the back for them.

Rowan moves inside with Willow and only once he's seated does he set her down beside him. His touch his gentle as he checks her over briefly, making sure she doesn't have anything worse than the few bruises he can see. "We'll be going to the hospital to get everyone checked out. The rest of the SWAT will clear the house." Jason closes the door when everyone is secure and hops into the front with the other fox and they drive off behind the other vans.

Killian Velvet

The bear's ear twitches towards Willow as he watches Rowan come forward. His head instantly snaps up, actively sniffing the air as he get a scent. His eyes flutter closed. He knows that scent. It's one of his safety scents. He tilts his head down, eyes flicking past Rowan to the group. More of the men with tranqs are taking the other Omegas. They're going to safety.

He seems to slump just a little, eyes moving up to Willow to take her in. She looks anxious, her scent giving away anticipation. Rowan was her mate, so it would make sense she was antsy to get taken to him. As he's about to gesture, he jolts, eyes widening. His hand comes up, brushing against his neck and pulling the dart from his neck.

He makes a questioning noise, gaze swirling before he slumps to the floor, eyes fluttering closed.

Rowan Kimb

Rowan whirls, looking back to see Jason having aimed and shot Killian. The fox gave him a look. "You told us no hesitation. The sooner he's down, the safer he's to transport. Let's go!" He moves forward, stepping around bodies on the floor and guiding the rest of the Omegas out of the room.

Rowan moves forward, wrapping his suit jacket in Killian and then picking him up. He's careful, and when Xavier gets close, he deposits Killian into his arms. He then turns to Willow and moves over once she's out of the room. He lets out a sigh and pulls her close. "You're safe now." He doesn't give her much time before he's hoisting her into his arms and then turning. "Let's head out with them." A couple of the swats guys who had joined are already taking the other Omegas towards the exit in a hurried fashion.
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