Name: Xie | Nicknames: Blindside | Age: Twenty four | Gender: Female
Height: 6’1” | Weight: 140 lbs | Hair Colour: White | Eye Colour: Unknown
Birthday: October 22 | Race: Soul | Rank: Member Div 2| Spirit Energy: Grey
Clan/Family: Xie wasn't born into a special clan, she had to work for every step she took up the social ladder since she first joined Soul Society. Despite the nemesis and allies she had gained through her years of training she still believes herself to be a loner even among her own squadron.

- Competitive: Xie had always been the type of girl to pick fights even with her own disabilities acting as a handicap on herself. This weakness of sorts was never viewed by her as such a factor instead it was reminder of how she had to become even stronger then those around her. She saw it that, if she could defeat someone in this state then that would mean she was already superior than her enemy by ten fold. Losing merely acted as an instrument of change as she would have to develop new tactics and methods of attack against those who were victorious over her. Whether it is combat, cooking, or simple games Xie will treat it like a death match as she is always deadly serious when faced with opposition.
- Aggressive: This trait wanders along the same roads of her competitive nature each step taking her deeper and deeper into a agitated state of hatred for those in the other divisions. Her natural tone even to those whom she cares about comes off as aggressive as it is just her natural tone of voice.
- Compassionate: Despite the cold hearted crusty exterior, Xie finds it in her heart to be considerate of those both in her squad and weaker to her as she often turns her own power into one manifested for others thanks to her lack of vision. Even those who have made grievous sins or actions against her she is willing to forgive, although it might be after handing them their own rears on a silver platter before showing them such mercy.
- Quiet: This is one of the simpler characteristics of Xie as she doesn't talk to people about it that much.
- Serious: She always wanders around in a haze or blind daze of sorts, but she always wears a rather stern expression upon her face. Usually using her touch and hearing to tell where she is going with years of memorization and practice to not run into building or people. These were all products of her serious nature and unwillingness to give up

Xie did not come from a high ranking clan or even have connection in Soul Society, as each step of herse to the rank as a shinigami was a harsh and cruel one. She never knew of friends and was outcasted by her detriments that ended up being the only true power she would gain in the world as her powers developed. As a fledgeling in this world she wasn’t expected to excel at all much pass the lower ranks till she finally graduated from her positions. She developed strengths that were unseen even to herself as she discovered her zanpakuto a few years later to help release her true potential.
Relationships/Friendships/Rivalries/Siblings: Most anyone she has ever met and feels inferior to and has lost to in combat is seen as a rival to her.

Zanpakuto name: Hinata
Type: Ally Buff / Sensual Awareness
Zanpakuto Shikai Release command: “Render your blinding gaze upon me, Hinata …”
Spirit Appearance

Character: Xie Zanpakuto: Hinata
Sealed - Katana :: Shikai - Claymore

Bankai appearance: Yet to be Revealed
Shikai special ability: Chinodaishō (Blood Price)- Xie isn't usually known to be masochistic in nature, in fact she hates the sensation of pain being inflicted upon herself. Xie's ability revolves around the spilling of blood, her blood to be specific as this serves as the channel which she use to sense obstacles, objects, and people whom have been marked by her crimson liquid. Blood Price is unique as it has to methods of being used while in combat.
Shikai skills:
1. Ketsueki hasha (Blood Shot) - The first of of Chinodaishō abilities that grants the user an uncanny sixth sense when something is marked by their own blood. This grants her a sense of knowing precisely how close something is approaching by scent. She is also spacial awareness of other people's weapons that have thus spilled her blood upon them as she then is able to use her cat like reflexes to further dodge her opponent.
2. Chishio gisei (Blood Sacrifice) - The second part of Chinodaishō is the ability to channel her own spiritual pressure into and individual whom she chooses and has marked with her own blood. This allows her to fully exert herself in the the spiritual pressure transfer allowing them to have the strength nearly doubling their usual power.
3. Yuketsu (Blood Transfusion) - The third portion of her Shikai allow her to heal other with her own blood or heal herself with another person's blood. This takes a Post to heal and take into the blood stream without combat.
Bankai skills:
5. (Ultimate Skill)
Non-lethal Zanpakuto Skills:
Skills & Masteries