Avatar of Vixere


Recent Statuses

3 days ago
Current I have six days of ICU shifts next week. I'm not sure if I should cry or just die yet.
4 days ago
Or a straight up dual king size.
1 like
4 days ago
I would honestly love an Alaskan king. It would take up half the room and I wouldn't even care.
6 days ago
Only I could end up with viral, bacterial, and fungal infections at the same time. Someone just put me down. That said... replies are on hold.
8 days ago
It's also about to pour here, so I'm curled up with 140 pounds of dog for my own nap.


Welcome, welcome!

The short and sweet:
I'm an old lady in my thirties, so I ask my partners be 18+.
A veteran of many years of writing - I started way back in the days of wolf packs on AOL.
Female and pansexual; I write with any and all genders - recently, I'm delving into attempting to write male roles.
Dog mom and outdoor enthusiast; medical professional, volunteer firefighter, first responder, and wildlife rehabilitator.

I'm a fairly open book that has written just about everything at some point or another. I tend to write decent to long posts, play female characters (attempting to round that out), and I'm amenable to most ideas. I love slice of life, historical, fantasy, and apocalyptic adventures.

World building is fun, but so is quick play. I have a few partners that go back with me for years that I've built entire worlds and multiple generations with.

I tend to have "flawed" characters; perfection is boring, character development is not. Learning to work through their flaws, or overcome fears, is a driving point to play for me. Some of them have profiles, some of them do not. Preferences are for the dark, gritty, and rough - I don't go for fairy tales because everything being perfect would be boring.

This will keep growing with time, but feel free to PM with any questions or ideas you have in mind! I prefer one on one, but a good group might be able to catch my eye. It's been literally a decade since I wrote in a group because of a mixture of work, mental health, and obligations outside of the online world.

Discord: Honor and Pride#7694

Most Recent Posts

6-20-23: A newly turned werewolf is in need of a pack to show her a new life. Can they accept her, and her them?
@Lovely Bones Hello! This could definitely be fun!
Bump it up!
I'm bloody impatient.
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