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    1. VoiD 11 yrs ago
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Check out my flintlock fantasy RP, we're accepting again!
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so it turns out walking into a bus lane hurts. a lot. sorry everyone, but I'm back now!
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Starting an alternate-history RP set in the Napoleonic era, check it out!
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@The Wyrm Honestly whichever you prefer -- I left it open-ended because I wasn't sure if you wanted to have your character rest/at liberty or continue onwards with the patrol, since he seems rather exhausted. If you want to go along with the patrol I can add that in to my last post.

Your men meet you by the east gate. Immediately you can sense they are all tough, grizzled men; likely veterans of the Dragoons. Leading them are two Cornets, one a young bespectacled man who fidgets constantly on his horse, and the other a flamboyant looking fellow with an incredible mustache and an immaculately cared-for uniform. They introduce themselves as Cornet Doukos and Cornet Tornikes. The latter spurs his horse closer to you and, with a twirl of his mustache, leans towards your ear to speak.

"Captain Philolakes believes the mission towards Istrus to be of the utmost importance. However, with the change of circumstances he has decided to pursue a more aggressive doctrine in dealing with the enemy. He requests you rendezvous with your picket stationed at the bridge, forfeit the position, and take that force to confront the enemy spotted near Istrus. The Captain will reroute patrols in the area to cover your absence."


You fly down the hill through a thin fog of powder smoke. There are perhaps half a dozen Hussars left standing and they have quickly regrouped. A figure in a black greatcoat with gold trim barks orders to his fellows from the center of their line, gesturing furiously with his stunted saber.

The Hussars spot you when you are halfway down the hill, and you feel a cry tear itself from your throat as you rush headlong towards them. Your own saber is clenched tightly in your right fist, though you do not recall drawing it, and you raise it above your head and spin it fiercely through the air.

Whatever the Hussars expected, it is certainly not this; two of your foes panic and break out of the line at the same time a third is picked off by musket fire from your fellows still on the hill.

You brace yourself for impact.


You leave your unconscious officer and ride onwards. After a bare couple minutes of riding, you and your men break through the treeline to find the opposite hillside crawling with German and Galician soldiers. A somewhat fortified bridge stands inbetween them and you, and on it stand some eight or so men in Imperial Dragoon uniforms - the other one of your patrols. As you watch, a cavalry charge by half a dozen German Hussars is repulsed, but not before they cut down an unfortunate Dragoon with their sabers.

Your fellows on the bridge are clearly hard-pressed, and sorely require whatever aid you may render them.
Working on the next batch of responses right now.

EDIT: I'm letting you guys resolve your situation and move forward @Not Fishing & @The Wyrm.
@Inuyasha Indeed it does. Feel free to PM me a character application if you're interested.

@Not Fishing Technically it's supposed to be a two day long patrol, not necessarily two days out. If Delgado rode hard through the night and swapped horses I'd say it's feasible to make it back late that night or early next morning.

I'll be posting response posts in the afternoon. Good posts everyone.
@Not Fishing Yes, this was a purposeful contradiction of your orders. Both Bardas and Konyk are staying behind at the bridge. Konyk has judged (perhaps incorrectly) that Bardas can't hold the bridge alone and is sending only Delgado back to inform the garrison at Tomis.
@The Wyrm It's the headquarters (town), where you guys landed and set up base.
@Andreyich I can't believe I skipped you. I'll write one up right now, sorry!

EDIT: Added!

The Captain frowns. "No," He admits heavily. "We do not know the exact size of the forces in the area, though Lieutenant Maniakes reports evidence indicating the presence of as many as several bandon worth of troops." He stares you in the eye. "Don't do anything rash, Lieutenant."

//Note: Paulus Ordo is coming with you here as well.


You don't make it very far before encountering Bardas and a handful of enlisteds riding hard down the road towards you — evidently your belated relief force, undoubtedly having heard the musket fire from the bridge. They rein up besides you, Bardas goggling at the sight of your injuries and bloodstained attire. "What in the seven hells happened?" He finally manages to ask, before shaking his head and gesturing for you to disregard the question. "Nevermind — Cornet Konyk will want to hear your report firsthand. Christ Almighty." He blasphemes, crossing himself. Then he turns to his command and barks out orders, and soon you are once again heading back towards the bridge.

Some twenty or so minutes later, you stand at attention in front of the Cornet, having given your full report to him. The Cornet is quite obviously distressed at the news, and the knowledge that there is likely a sizeable enemy force barely a kilometer away. He paces for a long minute before finally turning to you. "It is vital we maintain control of this bridge as per Lieutenant Karras' orders. However, he must be informed of the present state of affairs." He straightens, and stares you in the eyes. "You are to take two horses and return to Tomis immediately."


All is quiet after you tie up your horse and move into position. You crouch behind a stout tree, carbine trained on the pathway you rode across just minutes before. The anticipation mounts as time passes, your heart pounding and your palms becoming sweaty. The fellow across from you fidgets incessantly, and twice he is startled and nearly fires. "Saint Michael preserve me..." You hear him mutter under his breath.

Finally, you see them. A dozen German Hussars, just as Hero said. They pick their way up the trail at a trot, calling out to each other in their barbarian tongue. "Steady...Steady..." You hear Cornet Leventis say quietly.

Then someone fires, knocking a hussar clean from his saddle, and the whole world seems to spring into action.


The sound of musket fire interrupts whatever response the Cornet had planned to give. The noise is distant, but you quickly ascertain that it is in the direction of the bridge, where Cornet Bardas and Konyk are supposed to be camped.

Cornet Von Nyon is quick to react, and immediately spurs his horse forwards. Perhaps, in hindsight, he is too quick — the horse is spooked, and promptly bucks him from his saddle. Von Nyon lands heavily with a thud. As two of your fellows rush to calm the mare, you run to check on your officer. A quick appraisal reveals that he is out cold, having hit his head somewhere on the way down.

That means you are now in command.
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