Avatar of Vox


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6 yrs ago
*Lies in a gravestone reading 0.21*
6 yrs ago
AND I'M BACK FROM THE DEAD, posts will be coming out by the end of the week
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6 yrs ago
Been a rough week, but will get my replies out by the end of the weekend
6 yrs ago
My body has been awake for 24+ hours and I'm probably going to be awake for another 24; let's get posting
6 yrs ago
Finals are almost halfway done but oh well - slower posting due to that, back on scheduel next week
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[ UTC -8 ]

Group Roleplays

Heavenly Steel // Black Peace
[ Dark Fantasy ]
[ O P E N ]

1 x 1

Interest Check
[ O P E N ]

Most Recent Posts

@Abstract Proxy Accepted! Feel free to toss her over into the Characters tab.

For everyone who's been accepted so far, please feel free to post in the IC tab what your characters have been doing during the caravan trip before the first GM post. Interact with each if you'd like! This is completely optional

Some guidelines:

  • At a standard pace, the caravan is expected to take at least a 3 days from its departure from Guanyo, which is a fortress town and an Imperial supply point before reaching the northern edge of the northern provinces where Ssanjuu is located.
  • Normally the trip between Guanyo and Ssanjuu would take about a day. However, unnatural magicks have caused increasingly turbulent rains and snowstorms to plague the land. Detachments of imperial mages have been sent ahead to establish waypoints and safe paths free from storms - or at least lessening their impact.
  • The first GM post will take place around midday of day 2.
  • The convoy officially formed in the capital city of Bei Taiyang under the caravan master Chungho Pan. Pan was a former army officer under the old nation of Wei, and has a generally good and honest reputation. The convoy has been winding through Beinan heading north buying critical relief goods from the more prosperous central towns with official Imperial credit. Many other merchants and travelers have taken part and dropped off from the convoy during its travel time
  • The total caravan time was expected to take about a month and a half from Bei Taiyang to Ssanjuu.
  • The convoy currently as it left Guanyo is decent mid-sized with 23 wagons. One wagon is staffed and zealously guarded by an Imperial patrol of 5 along with an Imperial witch-artificer. All have been warned that any attempt to look inside the wagon will be met severe punishment as determined by the Patrol Leader. Otherwise they're fairly nice people, all six veterans from the Great Unification.
Alright, sounds good. Glad to hear! I actually intended to make two characters, but because of time constraints yesterday I was only able to produce one. Any chance I might slip with another face here? So long it doesn't ruin your plans for a small group, that is.

Slip that lad in if you think you're able to handle two characters!
@Vox I apologize, believe I missed the deadline here, had a sudden work surge and (without shame) filled whatever free time I had left with mindless videogames.

No worries! Reworking things so people can still apply even after the first post goes out, so do still feel free to apply if you'd like to join.

Same goes for @Abstract Proxy!

That being said, welcome aboard @Pagemaster and @Cohors! Feel free to throw both of your lovely beans into the character tab.

Cohors I'll get to plotting with you soon about Not-Mongolia!

For everyone, first IC post will be up next Saturday, 10/22. It'll be either really early or really late depending on how much work I get done. Either way, please do look forward to it, and as always if any of you have questions please do feel free to ask.

If you could fill out a bit more about Abd's Motivation that'd be fantastic. It's meant to give a peek into what should drive him as a person overall. If it helps, you can think of it as a mash-up of a personality/history section.

Otherwise it looks like a good start to me! If accepted I'll have a little chat with you about how his danger sense works and what sort of goods overall Abd may be carrying.
Black Company but Warhammer? I'm in.
We love quick little jaunts through hellspace
Premature post here... Sorry.

Getting my hopes up, bad for my heart.

While I'm here, is there any interest in a Discord server?
Still open and accepting applications for anyone who might want to jump in
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