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Current Just curious if anyone is interested in a Pathfinder 2e Revised game? roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
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2 yrs ago
Like Sci-fi? Like the Wild West? Firefly: Second Verse's lookin' for a Pilot, Companion, First Mate, and Mechanic: roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
3 yrs ago
The crew is booking up for this class three Firefly. Get in while the git’n’s good!
3 yrs ago
Our Firefly game is finally up! Come gander over yonder: roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
3 yrs ago
Just put out an interest checker for a new Firefly game here: roleplayerguild.com/topics/… Drop by if you're curious!


Linux makes me happy, Blender helps me art, and Solus solved a lot of my problems.

I'm here because I like to RP in depth with high quality writing. Now, don't mistake me for high quality; I'm just hoping it rubs off.

Sharing cohost/GM duties with Sail3695 of "Firefly - Second 'Verse." Advanced game here: roleplayerguild.com/topics/186036-fir…

Pretty much all my posts are collaborations posted by others on our game!

I put some art works in progress here: roleplayerguild.com/topics/185966-art…

Most Recent Posts

@Gunther Love that walk through of Serenity! Very cool project. Can't wait to see it after they do the full detail modeling as well!

As Saur, Tanraeth, Jenk, Fleur, and Starfinger finish their breakfasts, (coffee, scrambled eggs and roe, fish fillet on craggy hot cakes and the like) Jenk was the only one of their party to heed Alandri's advice and eat the scale with the meal. With breakfast hastily finished, Alandri explains her method of fishing in the Vanji river nearby. Some of the more challenging quarry she hopes to catch swim through the river early in the morning, and she needs the prospective student’s help to acquire them before noon. After going over safety measures and instructions, she leads the group to the river bank to seize her catch for the day. Under her arm, the fisherwoman has brought supplies to make nets or other contraptions, and she lays them out along the bank, should someone choose to utilize the resources.

Fleur, seeing the manual labor ahead of them, reconsiders on her desire to stoop this low for the sake of learning and bids her adeiu to the group, to Alandri's disheartened surprise. With a wave the elf retraces her steps across the foot bridge that lead the group to Alandri's shack, and she disappears into the throng of the city.

Alandri and Jenk, having eaten their bubbling scales, undergo a transformation in the morning beams of sunlight. The goblin's body becomes covered in deeply blue, pearlescent scales, in fact, even the air tastes more pronounced. As the same happens to Alandri, she reminds the group that the scales allow for them to hold their breath longer under water. Alandri draws her hair back into a tight bun as she gets ready to dive into the Vanji river.
End Scene

Storyteller's Aside

Alright everyone, have a think and consider how your character will catch a fish(s). You can choose any skill you'd like to try, and roll it for me in your next post. Alandri will be available for questioning, should anyone need clarification, but she will be busy diving into the river herself before long.

Good luck!
Hey all!

I've got a few days off to travel and celebrate an anniversary, so I'll get a story post up tomorrow morning to corral everyone into the next scene, then I'll give another story update next week.
@Vertigo Tanraeth recalls the following regarding the scale:

Tanraeth knows the object is as a 'bubbling scale' and this dark, iridescent scale is about the size of a small coin. He recalls that when one swallows the scale, one immediately begins to grow a patch of scales that cover the majority of one's body. For one hour he remembers, the imbiber will be able to hold their breaths for an extended period of time. After this time, the scales wither and fall off one's body.

Alandri considers Saur's words, "It's possible," she scratches the back of her neck as her eyes wander, "Until now, he's showed up immediately when the bracelet called. There could be an explanation, but this is the first he hasn't shown."

Alandri holds up a glittering scale to Saur and the others before popping it into her mouth and chasing it with a forkful of scrambled eggs with roe.
Sounds good @Vertigo!

Alandri watched the plucky kobold as he spoke, her eyes traveling over his displayed weapons, bearing, and posture. As Saur's explanation was spoken, the gnome nodded. "Teacher Ot expressly requested to be apprised of your progress, though... I admit, I'm more concerned with catching fish while they're less active!" She gestures to Saur's plate, "I need you bright-eyed and sharp!"

The gnome strokes her chin for a moment, brow furrowing, "It's curious that Teacher Ot didn't respond to the summons; he's always been very prompt." Her expression changes as she points again to the glittering scale, "Besides, the after taste is a bit strong. You'll be glad to have something to to wash it down with."

Alandri’s wood and clay row house sits near the canal bridge, a sign hanging over the front door displaying her name. The unusual front door is a mosaic of glass scales with the abstract image of a royal-blue fish swimming in the sky. As Saur, Tanraeth, Jenk, and Fleur stand at the entrance of Alandri's home, another member silently joins them, a Tripkee by the looks of it. His bulging eyes oscillate between the member closest to the door, and the ornate mosaic glass. Without prompting, the door opens.

A gnome wearing a suit of dark scales like a second skin opens the door and assesses your group, her wry, scrutinizing eyes peering from beneath wild purple locks. Alandri cracks a dimpled smile and casually says, “You’re late.”


With a wave of her hand Alandri invites you all into her home. "Did Teacher Ot mention what you'd be helping me with this morning?" Her sly eyes slowly move from one face to the other as a smirk plays on her lips. She claps, "We're going fishing! I need your help with the catch of the day to sell at my stall later today." Closing the door to her shack behind the group, she gestures to the now cold breakfast.

"The students from the Magaambya are usually early when they come to help--" the gnome clucks her tongue, shaking her head, "It doesn't reflect well on Teacher Ot." Approaching Jenk, Alandri reaches for his seeking bracelet, given this morning by Teacher Ot. "Not well at all," in her grasp, the gnome crushes the red bead to summon their teacher to the house. After crushing the bead, she takes a step back from the group, arms folded, tapping her foot. After several minutes, Teacher Ot is nowhere to be seen.

With the day still ahead of her, Alandri shrugs, "If you'd been here on time, these would have been fresh and warm," the breakfast table she points to is modest fare for a fisherwoman: eggs scrambled with roe, white meat fillets of fish over craggy pan-fried muffins, and pickled vegetables--not to mention the strongest smelling coffee Saur, Jenk, Tanraeth, Fleur, and Starfinger have smelled in a fortnight. "As it stands, you'll have to wait," as Alandri re-heats the food on her stove, she espouses, to no one in particular, the importance of punctuality.

Alandri's hut isn't large, but the modest interior includes several wicker looking woven chairs and a solid bench. More ornate mosaic windows allow brightening light into the space on each of the four walls. You notice a bed in one corner, mostly of straw. The cast iron stove on which she cooks now is the largest piece of furniture aside from an oak armoire. Hanging on the wall, several drawings appear to capture Alandri with a grinning gnome man in the similar glittering scales that she now wears. In one such image, the gnome man is leaning on an ornate cane carved with the same fish swimming through the sky.

One of you spots the same cane, hanging above Alandri's cot, with no sign of its owner to be found.

"Now, sit," Alandri says as she corrals the group to be seated on the wicker chairs surrounding her table, placing a plate of food and a mug of coffee in front of each of you. Before anyone lifts a fork, the gnome presents each of you with a shiny black scale that shimmers with different colors under the light. "It's advisable to eat this with your meal--it'll go down easier."

Bubbling Scale

End Scene

Storyteller's Aside

Since this is a gnome's home, @vertigo, Tanraeth may find the chair a bit cramped and the cutlery a bit small. Think tea time with those little plastic cups and teapot. Tanraeth isn't large, but this place wasn't built for a creature of his size.

@rush99999 - Ms. Pi says, "Thank you, thank you!" She pockets the additional silver with a big smile. "You saved us back there--you come back any time!" Jenk can tell he's got a fan. Just one more fan to fan the flames of the mob.

OOC: I'm going to wait to have Fleur be occupied elsewhere until after the group leaves Alandri's.
How are you all feeling about an update tonight? Ready, or would you like more time?
@Digizel@Vertigo@rush99999@patientbean Please join me in welcoming @clanjos to the game!

I'll let them introduce themselves and their character!
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