Love the profile pic! I'd like to steer away from fantasy type powers (mainly the elements) and instead stick to abilities that stem from genetic modification. Things like rapid regeneration are okay, various kinds of -kinesis work, physical body modification, modified reflexes, morph type abilities... I'm looking for things that you could BS your way through a scientific explanation for the ability. Before I said I'd like to stay away from the element control, but I'd accept Pyrokinesis as an answer due to some wibbly wobbly science stuffs that I won't bore you with right now.
As for weapons, I'm going with your cliché scifi movie type things. Plasma/Energy pistols (can switch between stun and kill) is the main thing that comes to mind. The Angels will be equipped with experimental gear so when that gets posted you could judge based off of those what kinds of weapons would realistically come before them, and open for use to public or even military use. Because of the abilities available I'd like to rely less on actual weaponry, but modified or black market weaponry of your own design may be brought to the table for consideration.
Love the profile pic! I'd like to steer away from fantasy type powers (mainly the elements) and instead stick to abilities that stem from genetic modification. Things like rapid regeneration are okay, various kinds of -kinesis work, physical body modification, modified reflexes, morph type abilities... I'm looking for things that you could BS your way through a scientific explanation for the ability. Before I said I'd like to stay away from the element control, but I'd accept Pyrokinesis as an answer due to some wibbly wobbly science stuffs that I won't bore you with right now.
As for weapons, I'm going with your cliché scifi movie type things. Plasma/Energy pistols (can switch between stun and kill) is the main thing that comes to mind. The Angels will be equipped with experimental gear so when that gets posted you could judge based off of those what kinds of weapons would realistically come before them, and open for use to public or even military use. Because of the abilities available I'd like to rely less on actual weaponry, but modified or black market weaponry of your own design may be brought to the table for consideration.