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9 yrs ago
l love Ben Affleck's desert batsuit


Greetings, I am a member of an alien race from a distant and weird dimension. I happen to have a developed a taste for role-playing on the human internet and I am looking for a good community. I am very interested in joining Pulp Fiction, superheroes, Naruto and fantasy roleplays.

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Character Information

Character Name
Czam Czar

The Mad Sorcerer


Magi Human




160 lbs

Hair Color

Eye Color

Visual Appearance
Written Appearance
Czam Czar has an average body build and at first glance doesn't appear to be much of a threat or look like a great fighter. He is dressed in black robes and a red cloak. His hair is blood red and his eyes are piercing green. He wears black boots and a necklace with a pentagram shaped amulet.

Czam is extremely ambitious and dreams of being the greatest sorcerer in the world. He is always looking for a challenge for his skills Elderitch Magic. Unlike most sorcerers, Czam likes to fight opponents and has the mental fortitude to be super tenacious in combat. He has a big curiosity for expanding his knowledge of magic and thanks to his experience in practicing Eldritch Magic he has a fascination in forbidden knowledge. His training in Eldritch Magic has made his personality unpredictable and come off as someone with a bit of madness.

Czam Czar is also easy to anger if pushed too far and he depending on his mood he can willing to go above and beyond what his necessary in a fight. Despite his use of Eldritch Magic, Czam Czar still has a sense of right and wrong and tries to not use his powers for evil.

The origin story. I want at least be 3 paragraphs.

Weapon & Techniques


Power Level

Ki Color

The Arms of Morgoth:

The Eye of Nevo'orr:

Eldritch Sense:
@Weird Tales
Like inspired into using their crazy space science?

Basically these elderitch entities would be more inter-dimensional demons than aliens like in lovecraft's work
@Weird Tales
Oh, so the pop culture interpretation of Lovecraft's work?

Basically the spells involve beings inspired by lovecraft style beings
@Weird Tales
Can you really call that magic though? It was more crazy space science.

It's casting spells. No technology is involved. Basically it is like d&d's use of lovecraft's mythology
@Holy Soldier are you cool with a character who can use elderitch magic? Basically he would have spells based off the cthulhu mythos
I'm torn between a magic user or a mutant
This looks cool
Character Information

Character Name
Kin Zoku



Human mutant


high school student


180 lbs

Hair Color

Eye Color
silver gray

Visual Appearance

Written Appearance
When in school Kin wears the basic clothing befitting a high school student, which is a black and dark blue shirt and pants. When he is not in school, Kin likes to wear red robes and a silver necklace. He has an average body type and at first glance doesn't look very intimidating. He also wears a dark red cloak and goggles when he is trying to hide his identity from people who might be able to recognize him.

Ever since his mutant powers activated when he was younger Kin has always been more on the defensive side thanks to some people viewing his powers as something to be afraid of. He is fine with using his powers to do what he thinks is right and despite his defensive nature, Kin has a love of combat to push his mutant powers to their limit and beyond. Kin is a believer in objective morals and objective truth. He is subjective and relativistic concepts when it comes to society. For him fighting is more about doing what is right and imrpoving his ability deal out his brand of justice.

Kin Zoku was born to average middle class parents living in South City. His early childhood was spent dreaming about achieving great things when he grew up. At one point he had an interest in learning martial arts, but upon taking his first class, Kin learned that his body was not built for the rigorous training required to become a great martial artist. Faced with the reality that his body wasn't strong to master the art of hand to hand combat, Kin decided to give up on his dream being a master of martial arts and focused on his schoolwork.

At the age of 13 Kin found that he was very good at concept of metallurgy and physics. Do to his weaker body Kin became the target of school bullies who picked on him for not being able to study martial arts and viewed his dedication to the sciences as a weakness.

At the age of 14 he was picked on after school and the bullies made it get physical, but unlike all of the other times he had been bullied something within him awakened and he felt power that he had never felt before flow through him and his body unleashed a wave of repulsive force that sent his bullies tumbling several feet away. He had been stunned by this turn of events and he was confused. Kin ran home and locked himself in his room in a panic. He had no idea how this had happened and while his mind raced with possibilities he decided to test to see if he could do it again.

At first he was unable to do anything and he wondered if what had happened was just some random unexplained incident, but when he focused as hard as he could he was able to knock the lamp on his study desk onto the floor. When he found that he could also bend metal to his will Kin realized that he had manifested the ability to manipulate electromagnetism. This revelation made him both shocked and amazed at the same time. He had heard conspiracy theories about people developing incredible abilities mysteriously, but he chalked it up to be the usual nonsense like magic.

For several months he practiced using his newfound powers in secret and occasionally did some good deeds such as stop petty crimes and save a couple of lives. But it was during a bank robbery that he intervened in when Kin encountered another person who had superhuman powers. Before the robbery Kin had felt the presence of someone at the bank and it compelled him to head their to intervene in the robbery. It was a man who went by the name of Stone Fist and he had the ability to make his body as hard as solid rock granting him inhuman strength. The two of them made quick work of the bank robbers and afterwards Stone Fist explained to him that he was a mutant.

Kin was grateful to figure out what he was and from then on he would occasionally meet up with the stone skinned mutant to learn how to get better control over his powers. After realizing that he had great potential if he kept developing his powers, Kin got the idea that he could actually learn to one day fight in the world martial arts tournament. He put together a costume to wear and came up with an alias to hide his real identity when he did hero business.

His parents didn't realize that he was a mutant and he kept it a secret to keep them from worrying about him and his line of work as a hero.

Weapon & Techniques

he carries metal objects that he can bend to his will via the use of his electromagnetic mutant abilities.

Power Level

Ki Color

Kin's mutant power is the ability to control and manipulate electromagnetism. At his current stage he can only use his power in a limited manner and hasn't reached his full potential.

Crushing Hammer: Kin shapes a piece of metal into a large man-size hammer and wills it to attack his opponents and crush them with power blows. Maintaining this technique uses up energy and if pushed too far Kin will begin to experience fatigue.

Electromagnetic Wave: This technique allows him to fire off a blast of electromagnetism that hits with a great amount of concussive force and heat. The power of this ability varies depending on how much energy he puts into the attack.

Mighty Force: Kin unleashes a wave of repelling force that hits his enemies with crushing concussive power. The size and power of this technique is depended by how much power he puts into and if used too much then he will experiance fatigued.

Electromagnetic Vision: Kin makes his eyes change to a bright glowing green color and it allows to see the electromagnetic energy that surrounds both living and nonliving things.

Repelling Force: This is a defensive technique where Kin uses forces of attraction and repulsion to create a wave of force that can repel both projectiles and melee attacks depending on how power he puts into it. If used too much Kin will feel fatigue from overusing the technique.
Name: Nietzsche
Age: 19
Gender: male
Race: human

Personality: (What is your character like to deal with)
Ki Colour: yellow

Strength: 8
Ki: 3
Endurance: 5
Speed: 4

(This can be racial abilities e.g. Saiyan Zenkai Boost or something you want to create yourself. Can have a total of 2, examples below.)
• Expandable Limbs - Due to the nature of X's biology he can stretch out his limbs to hit an opponent from distance. Can't do it over ten metres.
• Pre-Hensile Tail - Has a tail which can be used as an extra limb to inflict damage and restrain opponents.

Transformations: (These are a big part of DBZ and DBS but characters will not start with them, so just put none. However, at the end of each saga a character gains one transformation no matter what their race is).

Basic Techniques: (Four moves that your character has. They don't all need to be offensive in nature either. I will allow people to add more as we progress. Please label whether they are offensive, defensive or utility in nature.)

Trademark Techniques: (This is a move that can scale in power/effectivesness depending on how long it is charged. At it's weakest it is slightly more powerful than a basic move but when fully charged is just below and ultimate technique. Think Kamehameha. This doesn't need to be an offensive move either)

Ultimate Technique: (Your characters ultimate move when they just need to roll the dice. When they have finished performing this they will be close to complete exhaustion)

History: (Background of your character)

Other: (Theme music, quotes...whatever else is relevant goes here)
@Count Cuddles it's expired
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