Avatar of Weird Tales


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9 yrs ago
l love Ben Affleck's desert batsuit


Greetings, I am a member of an alien race from a distant and weird dimension. I happen to have a developed a taste for role-playing on the human internet and I am looking for a good community. I am very interested in joining Pulp Fiction, superheroes, Naruto and fantasy roleplays.

Most Recent Posts

I can't wait to kill some Thalmor scum
If we call thalmor pigs then sign me up
@Altered Tundra sorry, I don't have the time join the rp
Name: Kin Zoku
Race: Human Mutant
Ki Color: Silver
Power Level: 910
Location: Ginger Town then North Capitol
Tag:@IceHeart@Double@Chev@Holy Soldier@King Cosmos open

Kin wasn't what to make of his new companions, but he didn't have the time to evaluate them as people since there was a more pressing threat to attend to. He looked and took off into the air towards Ginger Town at high speeds. The girl known as Erika said that there was equipment for her at the town and said that it would be helpful in their fight against Dyce. He wanted to go into a battle with as good of a chance to win as ever so he was fine with her making a quick stop in the town. He did roll his eyes when she referred to him as scrawny, he was probably way more powerful than her in his mind since he didn't have a way to sense power levels.

Once at the town she got her equipment and offered some type of healing serum to him. He had never anything like it, but he didn't say no and used to heal up. It worked pretty well and he felt things begin to heal up pretty good. She then told them that the alien was headed towards North Capitol. Kin then saw that they were joined by another fighter, this time it was a girl with what looked like a monkey tail. This was strange, but there wasn't time to say anything and kin immediately lift off into the air and fly in that direction. He didn't want anymore innocent people dying, not after seeing what happened to Parsley City.

He flew at incredible speeds in the direction of North Capitol, not really caring if he had left his allies behind, he was focused on stopping the alien menace from destroying another city. His companions got to the city ahead of him and he saw that there were several fighters engaged in combat with the alien menace. Kin this time would be ready for the alien. He saw the alien raise his hands in the air and he assumed it was preparation for some kind of attack.

He watched Yang get in the alien's face at high speeds and then unleashing a blinding flash of light to distract the creature, which succeeded. Erika then rammed her motorcycle into Dyce causing an explosion that smashed the alien onto the ground. Then the monkey tailed woman attacked the alien and Kin decided that it was his turn to attack the creature.

He raised his right hand up to the level of his face and it began to glow a bright silver. Buildings began to shake as his electromagnetic powers pulled large steel pilings from the structure. Once he had four of them floating in the air above him, he was ready to make his move and had the first one shoot towards the alien. When it came to Dyce the steel piling ensnared the alien like a python restraining his entire body below his head. Kin then closed his hand into a fist and the piling began to tighten around the Dyce, causing him to grunt in pain.

With his hand Kin then made a forward motion and the other three pilings slammed into Dyce at incredible speeds causing the alien to go flying through a building. Kin then made the ensnared Alien soar up high into the air and then made him slam back down into the concrete street with a loud boom causing the asphalt to crack and the ground to shudder. The smoke obscured his view of the crater where the alien had landed, but he used Electromagnetic Vision technique to check the electromagnetic energy of his foe. Kin was fortunate that he had chosen to use the technique because he saw Dyce break free of his restraint and come flying towards him at insane speeds.

"Your head shall shatter against my fist!"

The alien shot towards him like a missile with his fists drawn back in preparing to land an insane punch aimed at Kin's face. Kin stretched out his arms and as Dyce came within mere feet of him he shouted "Almighty Force!"

Dyce's punch made contact with a powerful wall of invisible force and it created a massive shock that shattered the glass in windows, cars and signs all around. The force of the shock wave made Kin fly backwards and slam into the side of a building. He had managed to protect his back from the impact through the use of light repulsive forces, but the impact still knocked the breath out of him and caused a good deal of pain.

He pulled himself away from the building and landed on the ground. He was breathing heavily and his mind was running through the different ideas on what to do next. His attacks had done some damage to the alien, but it wasn't enough to take put him down for the count.

"Not bad for a weak earthling, but you'll have to do better than that to beat me" Dyce spoke to him and Kin stood his ground focusing his attention completely on his opponent.

"I still have some tricks to show you. I also have the numbers on my side" Kin replied with a nervous smile as his red cloak blew in the wind.

"Ha! You could have a hundred of your weak little friends and I would still be able to destroy all of you. You won't be leaving this city alive earthling!"

Kin kept his unease hidden under the guise of a neutral and controlled face. He wasn't going to give Dyce the satisfaction of looking afraid or nervous.

"You talk a big game, but can you actually win this fight?" Kin said in a slight mocking tone. The alien then growled and shot a ball of energy at him. Kin launched into the air dodging the attack and hoped that his allies had more tricks up their sleeves to take this alien down.

"Famous quote relating to your character goes here"Author who originally said quote goes here

Carl Jonathon Kant

16, March 21


Sexual Orientation

Anglo American.

Years at Olympus Academy
first year

"Lyric from theme goes here (if more than one line, make it a full sentence)"Song by band/artist goes here

Carl stands at five feet and nine inches tall. Thanks to his life as farmer his body has the build of an athlete with strong muscles. His hair is a light blonde and his eyes have been described as a beautiful ocean blue. His clothing attire is overalls and a plaid short sleeve shirt and work boots. Carl also likes to wear a straw hat.

Here you describe your character's personality. How do they act? What kind of impression do they give off? Be as specific as you feel is necessary, though it should be noted that this will be a one-paragraph minimum section. Please also list positive and negative traits.

Here you will describe your character's upbringing and explain how they came to be at Olympus Academy. This should include information about their mortal parent, exactly what it was about them their Godly parent was attracted to and exactly when their Demigod/goddessliness first surfaced. Length will be up to you, the player, but it should be at least two paragraphs. Be as detailed as you feel is necessary.

"Quote about or said by your Godly parent about your character."Put name of Godly Parent or person who said this (likely your character's mortal parent) here

Godly Parent

Relationship With Godly Parent
What is your character's relationship with their Godly Parent? Are they close? Does your character hate them? Or do they not have a relationship with them? At least a paragraph is required here.

Demigod Abilities
For All Season: Carl has the ability to have some control over the atmosphere. This grants him some control over the weather. While not on the same level as a child of Zeus, Carl can manipulate the temperature of the area around him, which can range from super hot to below freezing. He is also able to create rain storms as well as snowstorms.

Put the Face Claim name of your character here | Put the code of your character's speech/dialogue color here
Superhero Alias

A character quote or motto

Birth Name | Age | Gender | Sexuality | Hometown


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So, I know that your conception of the character(s) can change as the story moves along or even as you write your CS and get a feel for her. The purpose of this is to try to think of five (or possibly more) essential traits, followed by a brief paragraph below the bullet points to summarize what your character is like and how we can expect her to interact with others.


What does your character look like? How does he dress? How old is he? What are his defining features? Do they have any particularly noteworthy markings, birthmarks, tattoo, or scars?

P O W E R S & A B I L I T I E S

Just what can your character do? What makes her more than normal but less than reliably 'super'? Please provide a clear description of powers, including ancillary effects, limits, and weaknesses, as well as anything needed to facilitate them. Remember, this is Blooperheroes, so let's keep these on the lower end of the power ladder. The goal here isn't to be the strongest; it's to use what you have well.


Every cape needs an origin story, right? This is where you tell us where your character came from. Where was he born? How did he get his powers or was he born with them? What led him to this point in his life? Please try to keep this below three or four meaty paragraphs.


What gets your character up every morning and, more particularly, why is she doing this? What does she want out of this opportunity (if she views it as one) and what does she want out of life in general? What are her goals?


What sort of personal items, tools, cash, or weapons (!) does your character usually carry, and what might we find stashed in his home or hideout?

S T R E N G T H S & S K I L L S

There's more to a character than her superpower! What other skills has she acquired outside of her 'superpower'? What are some of her personal strengths?

W E A K N E S S E S & F L A W S

Nobody's perfect. What are some things that your character just tends to struggle with? What are some personality traits that may be problematic?


Anything not covered above goes here. You can leave this blank if you like.
Name: Kin Zoku
Race: Human Mutant
Ki Color: Silver
Power Level: 910
Location: Between West Capitol and Ginger Town
Tag:@IceHeart@Double open

Kin groaned as he began to stir from his unconsciousness and slowly opened his eyes. The pain in his gut was massive and just moving caused him great agony. After a little while he found the strength and resolve to pull himself up from the ground and stumble around a bit on unsteady legs. Kin had never been beaten this badly before and he knew that whatever that thing was, the alien was earth's biggest threat. Kin soon felt his strength begin to return and was able to take off back into the air and looked around to see if he could get an idea of where his foe went.

He then remembered the direction that the alien was heading when he had encountered the being and soon realized that it was headed in the direction of Ginger Town. He took off in the direction he was guessing where the alien was headed. He wasn't sure if this was the right way to go, but he had to try since it was clear that the alien did not come in peace. He managed to pick up his pace and eventually his eyes spotted what looked like a small group of of fighters. He guessed that they had to have also encountered the alien when he got closer and saw that they looked to have gotten a big fight.

He dropped down from the sky and landed in front of Erika and Yang and Feng. He decided to make introductions quickly so they didn't think he was just an enemy trying to trick them.

"Hi. I take you at take it you three also encountered that insanely powerful alien? I'm going after him and I would like your help in stopping him" he asked them in a serious tone. He hoped that they would be interested in receiving help in dealing with this threat to the world. The next time he would meet the alien he would be ready and he wanted to have allies in this fight.
Name: Kin Zoku
Race: Human Mutant
Ki Color: Silver
Power Level: 910
Location: South Capitol
Tag: @Holy Soldier open

"Reports are coming in that Parsley City has been completely destroyed in a massive explosion! There appear to be no survivors at the moment. Eye witnesses claim to have seen an unknown being was seen leaving the scene of the destruction." Kin had been watching some T.V. in the family room of his home when the program he was viewing changed to the breaking news story. His eyes went wide in horror at the sight of the destruction and thought of all of those innocent people killed in the explosion. When the T.V. screen showed a blurry image of the suspect in the whole incident, Kin got his feet and hurried to his room.

"I'm going to go out for a bit. I'll try to be back before dinner" he said to his parents.

"Okay dear" he heard his mother reply as he hurried into his room. Kin quickly grabbed his costume and then hurried out the door saying a quick goodbye to his mom. He first put on his goggles first and then his cloak. After that he used his mutant powers to lift off into the air and fly at high speeds in the direction of Parsley City. Kin wasn't sure what he was going if he ran into the culprit for the destruction, but he wasn't going to just let some maniac get away with destroying an entire city full of innocent people.

His mind was racing with what his plan of attack would be, this foe was clearly more powerful than he had seen before since it had just destroyed a city.

"This is going to be one crazy fight" he said to himself and accelerated his flight speed. It was only after a few minutes of flight that he saw something feint in the distance that looked to be headed his way. On instinct he used his Electromagnetic Vision and his eyes glowed a bright green. His ocular technique showed him that some being was headed his way. He clenched his fist and suspected that this was the culprit.

With a minute the being slowed down to a stop in front of him and Kin stopped as well. The being looked an alien out of a sci fi movie and Kin gulped a bit.

"Are you the one who destroyed Parsley City?" he asked trying to not sound afraid, he was trying to be a hero after all. The green man just smiled at him and crossed his arms.

"And what if I am?" he replied.

"Then I will have to take you down and bring you to justice" Kin replied and the alien laughed at him.

"A weakling like you? I'll show you real power!" he said and got into a fighting stance. Kin knew that he would have to fight and charged up an attack. He decided that he would have to make the first move and unleashed a powerful Electromagnetic Wave straight at the green man. It hit the alien and created a powerful blast. There was smoke and Kin expected to see a harmed alien in front of him, but to his horror he saw that the green man seemed to have taken no damage at all.

"Was that it? Pathetic. My turn" he said and moved at speeds quicker than Kin could react. The next second the alien's fist had hit him right in the gut and Kin felt intense pain like he had never felt before. The impact was strong enough to cause him to lose focus of his flight and he felt to the ground. He was unconscious by the time he hit the ground.

@TheForgottenArc what do you mean by weird?
Character Information

Character Name
Kin Zoku



Human mutant


high school student


180 lbs

Hair Color

Eye Color
silver gray

Visual Appearance

Written Appearance
When in school Kin wears the basic clothing befitting a high school student, which is a black and dark blue shirt and pants. When he is not in school, Kin likes to wear red robes and a silver necklace. He has an average body type and at first glance doesn't look very intimidating. He also wears a dark red cloak and goggles when he is trying to hide his identity from people who might be able to recognize him.

Ever since his mutant powers activated when he was younger Kin has always been more on the defensive side thanks to some people viewing his powers as something to be afraid of. He is fine with using his powers to do what he thinks is right and despite his defensive nature, Kin has a love of combat to push his mutant powers to their limit and beyond. Kin is a believer in objective morals and objective truth. He is subjective and relativistic concepts when it comes to society. For him fighting is more about doing what is right and imrpoving his ability deal out his brand of justice.

Kin Zoku was born to average middle class parents living in South City. His early childhood was spent dreaming about achieving great things when he grew up. At one point he had an interest in learning martial arts, but upon taking his first class, Kin learned that his body was not built for the rigorous training required to become a great martial artist. Faced with the reality that his body wasn't strong to master the art of hand to hand combat, Kin decided to give up on his dream being a master of martial arts and focused on his schoolwork.

At the age of 13 Kin found that he was very good at concept of metallurgy and physics. Do to his weaker body Kin became the target of school bullies who picked on him for not being able to study martial arts and viewed his dedication to the sciences as a weakness.

At the age of 14 he was picked on after school and the bullies made it get physical, but unlike all of the other times he had been bullied something within him awakened and he felt power that he had never felt before flow through him and his body unleashed a wave of repulsive force that sent his bullies tumbling several feet away. He had been stunned by this turn of events and he was confused. Kin ran home and locked himself in his room in a panic. He had no idea how this had happened and while his mind raced with possibilities he decided to test to see if he could do it again.

At first he was unable to do anything and he wondered if what had happened was just some random unexplained incident, but when he focused as hard as he could he was able to knock the lamp on his study desk onto the floor. When he found that he could also bend metal to his will Kin realized that he had manifested the ability to manipulate electromagnetism. This revelation made him both shocked and amazed at the same time. He had heard conspiracy theories about people developing incredible abilities mysteriously, but he chalked it up to be the usual nonsense like magic.

For several months he practiced using his newfound powers in secret and occasionally did some good deeds such as stop petty crimes and save a couple of lives. But it was during a bank robbery that he intervened in when Kin encountered another person who had superhuman powers. Before the robbery Kin had felt the presence of someone at the bank and it compelled him to head their to intervene in the robbery. It was a man who went by the name of Stone Fist and he had the ability to make his body as hard as solid rock granting him inhuman strength. The two of them made quick work of the bank robbers and afterwards Stone Fist explained to him that he was a mutant.

Kin was grateful to figure out what he was and from then on he would occasionally meet up with the stone skinned mutant to learn how to get better control over his powers. After realizing that he had great potential if he kept developing his powers, Kin got the idea that he could actually learn to one day fight in the world martial arts tournament. He put together a costume to wear and came up with an alias to hide his real identity when he did hero business.

His parents didn't realize that he was a mutant and he kept it a secret to keep them from worrying about him and his line of work as a hero.

Weapon & Techniques

he carries metal objects that he can bend to his will via the use of his electromagnetic mutant abilities.

Power Level

Ki Color

Kin's mutant power is the ability to control and manipulate electromagnetism. At his current stage he can only use his power in a limited manner and hasn't reached his full potential.

Crushing Hammer: Kin shapes a piece of metal into a large man-size hammer and wills it to attack his opponents and crush them with power blows. Maintaining this technique uses up energy and if pushed too far Kin will begin to experience fatigue.

Electromagnetic Wave: This technique allows him to fire off a blast of electromagnetism that hits with a great amount of concussive force and heat. The power of this ability varies depending on how much energy he puts into the attack.

Almighty Force: Kin unleashes a wave of repelling force that hits his enemies with crushing concussive power. The size and power of this technique is depended by how much power he puts into and if used too much then he will experience fatigued. This technique can also be used as a method of defense by repel both projectiles and melee attacks depending on how power he puts into it.

Electromagnetic Vision: Kin makes his eyes change to a bright glowing green color and it allows to see the electromagnetic energy that surrounds both living and nonliving things.

Electro-Bull: Kin creates a giant bull made of electromagnetic energy with a glowing bright green body and bright yellow eyes. When it hits its target it creates a large explosion of heat and electricity. This is one of Kin's signature move and uses up a good deal of energy and will tire him out if used too many times.

Magnetic Strength: This technique allows Kin to channel repulsion forces throughout his body to give off the appearance of possessing superhuman strength in a manner similar to tactile telekinesis. This ability requires focus and strong will power to maintain. If used for too long it can tire him out.
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