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1 day ago
Current going to my dad house later this afternoon or night time not sure which one yet. it depends on what my mom is ready to go since I can't drive.
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2 days ago
I hope everyone is having a good Thursday
3 days ago
I am bad at math. it has been four months since the man that has own my heart walk back in my life and like four hours since my world felt like a bomb went off tired of ending up hurt all the time. :(
3 days ago
two months ago the man that owns my heart walk back in my life. two minutes ago it feels like bomb went off. tired of ending up hurt all the time
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4 days ago
almost every year I have lost someone I care about one way or another. two times I couldn't do anything because god call them home but the other times. I could I am tired of losing.


I love roleplaying and have been doing it for several years. it helps me let my creativeness out and lets me play out story ideas. I like to write stories.

i am in a wheelchair i am very unique and i am tired of guys acting all friendly and then a few months later or a while later the truth comes out. i am tired of being use. i am a good girl yes i have problems name someone who dont. but at least i do not let my problems control me.

love in movies books and music. i just want love i am not asking for a lot i am just asking for what everyone wants to be accept for who they are. dont pity me i do not need your pity

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i dont really use it so yeah

drive a fast and furious car or be one of the rock movie character side kicks
the guy of my dreams. celebrity are good looking and have the money and everything but i am not actresses i am more writer then anything even through my mom does call me drama queen only because she favors my siblings more then me

meeting your favorite sport player or getting to play in the game with him or her
both and it depends on which one but most of the time both

annabell or chucky
i have not seen either one.

nightmare on elm street or halloween
neither i am not into amine stuff

apple pie or cherry pie
depends if it is favor kind or not. if not then pepsi if favor then cherry coke

cream soda root beer
cream soda dr. pepper
Metallica i guess. I never really listened to slayer.

Avenged sevenfold or Skillet?

i say skillet even through i know this question has already been answered
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