Ser Vernan Lannister
The man's grizzled face didn't change during the entire announcement of the hand. It had come as no surprise to him, but it was just the type of event that could help bring supporters to the cause of his house. When the Frey Lord gestured for him and the Baratheon woman to follow him, he wasn't exactly pleased but he was curious enough to go along. He brought Ser Lothor Clegane with him as well. Once they were inside the deserted room, the Lord of the Crossing started to say some very interesting things, including the part about Khailey. Once the man was finished speaking, Ser Vernan made his point very brief and chose his words carefully. "There are already pieces set in motion before this night begun. My brother does not know it, but I have arranged for an army of fifteen thousand men to be made ready at Casterly Rock, awaiting my return. I intend to take back what is rightfully the Lannisters. I have promised Khailey that her firstborn son will rule as King of the Seven Kingdoms, but first I must win back the throne. To do that, I need allies. The Twins would be invaluable but what sort of assurance would I have to give you in order to ensure your armies will support my house?" He thought about Khailey and what a marriage between her and Lord Jakob Frey could do for the long term success of House Lannister.