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Phloem ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Gwayne Tyrell - Lord of Highgarden Before their conversation had a chance to go any further, a hush fell over the crowd. A little ways from where Gwayne stood, Daeron was escorted into the Great Hall by the Kingsguard, their polished, white armour casting quite a nasty glare. Still, Gwayne knew better than to just stand there, gawking, and he bid a quick farewell to Jakob and Khailey. In just a few moments after the coronation, the lords and ladies of Westeros would be required to bend the knee, swearing fealty to their new King - even if it was just a needless formality. So, it was with no small degree of relief that the coronation itself passed by quickly. The trip from Highgarden had taken quite a bit out of him, and Gwayne would prefer retiring to his quarters as quickly as possible before the feast. But alas, this swearing of loyalty to the King was something else entirely - its priority far outweighing any need for rest. And so, Gwayne stepped forwards when his name was called, approaching the Iron Throne and taking a knee. “House Tyrell’s loyalty to the Crown never wavers, your grace. We swear our fealty to the One True King.” The rest of the ceremony passed by in a blur, and Gwayne nearly lost count of how many times the phrase ‘the One True King’ had been repeated. Only a few others had really caught his attention, one of them being the young Lord Stark. It was clear for all to see that he and the King were close. Perhaps a little too close for comfort. If John were to become Hand of the King, well, that would prove quite the inconvenience for House Tyrell, wouldn’t it? Northerners always had such silly ideals - of honour, of courage - the last thing they needed was another war.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by gowia
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gowia Buried in a Book

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Lord Jakob Frey, Lord of the Crossing The coronation was completely uneventful, which was both good and bad depending on your opinion, though Jakob did not seem to mind as much as he thought it would. 1Instead he cast his gaze across some of the other Riverlands nobles around him. Most seemed to be trying to give him a wide birth, though a Tully noble whose name escaped Jakob seemed to have scooted over towards him in the crowd. As the noble came closer Jakob finally recognised him. Tristan Tully, the heir to the Tully house, what little the Tully's had left that was, despite the Starks being unexiled and regaining the North the Tullys had not been so lucky with the Riverlands, only being gifted a small fort hold after the return of the Targaryians. It tickled Jakob that this man was the only noble willing to even be near him. "How many ties have you stepped on this time friend?" Tristan was a slightly round lord with shortly cut black hair and a pudgy, pale, face. Not an imposing man by any means but those out of favour at the courts had to stick together after all. "I believe the Tyrells are not too fond of my prescence here. My response of course was to blindly mock Gwayne and the king. So maybe one set of toes, but they are very big toes indeed." The Tully grimaced and shook his head. "You want too bring glory to the Frey name and yet you provoke the very men who could give you the power you desire." The Tully was no fool, even if he looked like one. "If you wrre to cosy up then perhaps you would have some clout to throw around your weight." "I want clout to dictate, not simply nodd as some lap dog. A friend is useful but I wont become the nameless piece of some wretch who wants my loyalty in exchange for scraps." Tristan was about to respond when the first of the Riverlands nobility started to walk up. It seemed their time was finally upon them. "Jakob Frey." The name resulted in much muttering and gossiping that was quickly silenced with stern looks from the guards that were around the room. Now was not the time to spread rumours. Stepping forward proudly Jakob looked the king straight in the eye and then knelt, lowering his gaze, before lifting his head up and speaking. "House Frey, the Twins and the men who live under my protection serve the one true king. We live at your pleasure." With that Jakob bowed his head one more time before returning too his feet. Turning face he walked back to his spot as Tristan went up for his own fealty. As the ceremony continued people were already beggining to spill out, it seemed that the King may not have been naming his hand, especially since the king's favourite. The Stark boy. Had left, Jakob didn't mind. This meant he would have a chance to mingle, there was a number of other lords he wished to meet first and of course a number of very eligible ladies. The Lannister girl had caught his attention however he couldn't see the Lion stooping down for the Twins. Sighing he ffollowed the procession of disappearing gentry and begun to partake in the wine and food that was being shared. Looking around the open space he found himself he was not surprised to see that there was not one of the noble houses present. It seemed he had been directed away from the bigger players. If he was needed he would be called, if not, well sometimes the underdogs were bigger players together than any of the more powerful houses. Deciding that the other Roverlands lords awaited Jakob found Tristan and the two moved through the throng of pomposity.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Whitewolf
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Khailey Lannister Her father was forced to pledge loyalty to the king because her cowardly uncle was too paranoid to leave Casterly Rock to do so himself. It was one of many things that was causing the rift between the Targaryens and the Lannisters. Her father told her several times that it could lead to war. She didn't know if that was true or not, but as long as her house came out on top then she really didn't care. Besides, wars were much more of a concern for knights and lords than they were for someone like her. After all of the lords had sworn loyalty to the king, Khailey found herself being forced to mingle with all of the different ladies from the most powerful of the houses. She smiled and participated in all of the gossiping, hearing some things of interest and many that she couldn't care less about. She learned that apparently many of the Riverlords didn't trust Jakob Frey. A few woman spoke about hearing that a doomsayer was heard two nights ago saying that the war of the Lion and the Dragon was inevitable. The man disappeared this morning and hasn't been heard since. Another woman claimed that the Ironborn were growing restless and planning to raid the North again. These were the most intriguing of the rumors, others didn't interest Khailey nearly as much. Lord Ben Bolton was seeking a new wife after his last wife died of mysterious causes, one of the Kingsguard was rumored to have taken a serving girl into his bed but there was no proof, and Ashlee Lorch had a bastard baby in her belly. Based on what Khailey knew of Ashlee Lorch, that wasn't hard for her to believe. Growing bored with all of the sipping, Khailey managed to excuse herself. She wasn't hungry and just wanted to go back up to her room to rest her feet and get out of this gown. She walked past the Riverlords, catching a glimpse of Jakob Frey speaking with Tristan Tully as she made her way towards the exit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by gowia
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gowia Buried in a Book

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Lord Jakob Frey, Lord of the Crossing As Tristan begun to bore Jakob he started to look around, looking for a way out. Tristan was smart and a fairly decent man however he did have a strange habit of being almost childish. Jakob would have suggested the Tully boy get himself a woman, or at least a whore, however those willing to put up with Tristan were in short demand. As his eyes scanned the room he spotted Jonathan Mallister for a second and thought of trying to strike up a conversation with the venerable lord. Jonathan held some of the land near the Twins and was a major force in keeping the Greyjoys at bay. Excusing himself from Tristan he slid smoothly between people as he went to hunt down Lord Mallister but was then stopped in his tracks once more. It seemed Khailey had managed to appear amongst the Riverlords again. Changing course he veered steadily towards the Lioness and caught up with her just before the exit. Bowing curtly he spoke with a smile. "The Lioness seems to be away from her pride again. If I didn't know better I would say you wish to be one of the flock. We do have a slightly more..." Jakob looked over at one of the greener lords finishing his eighth cup of wine before belching loudly and laughing with some noble friends. "...crude sense of humour." Jakob almost sighed at the rabble he was surrounded by. These nobles believed it was all a piss up now, the King would select the Stark boy as his hand and then they could return to their homes to carry on the hedonistic life they enjoyed. No ambition. "However we also have a lot less power than that of your own house, so the trade off is quite large." Suddenly a man stumbled into the back of Jakob and he spun around. A glint of fire in his eye that was steeled by the fists his hands clenched into. The man was a tall orderly who seemed to have been knocked by another kerfuffle going on slightly further away. Jakob was not a cruel man and quickly checked that the orderly was alright before taking a drink from the man and offering one to Khailey. "Perhaps we could speak where less of my noble kin are present? We never did get to carry on our conversation from earlier after the Tyrell interrupted. Now, you were telling me about why you are not at your fathers heel tonight."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Whitewolf
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Khailey Lannister When she heard the familiar vice, she stopped at the exit and turned around to see Jakob Frey standing behind her, smiling. She returned the smile. "I have no desire to part of the flock," she said with a hint of disdain in her tone as she looked around at the lesser nobles. "I don't think that you do either," she told him. "You seem like someone that wants more than to be just a nameless face in the crowd of king's supporters." She took a step back when the orderly bumped into Jakob, but smiled and thanked him when he handed her the glass of wine. She took a sip of the sweet red wine, perhaps a bit more than she should have honestly and then answered the lord's question. "I was about to go back to my room. You may walk me there if you wish." She doubted her father would want her to go off alone with someone that she wasn't all too familiar with, but she found the Frey interesting and wanted to know more about him. "My father has his mind set on finding me a husband and seeing that I'm married as soon as possible," she told him. "He's been nagging me about it and I'm weary of it is all."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by gowia
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gowia Buried in a Book

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Lord Jakob Frey, Lord of the Crossing Jakob smiled as she mentioned her suspicions as to the extent of his ambition. She was absolutely right of course but he would admit that. Instead he laughed the comment off easily and then proceeded to escort the young lady to her room. He had no intentions of informing her father of course, but the he also had no intention to do anything that a man would disapprove of. Khailey was simply a way into the bigger players right now, Jakob had no interest in pursuing a fling tonight, especially not with a woman who could quite easily crush him with her ties. Sipping his own wine a lot more slowly he almost laughed as she drank hers quickly. Musing shortly on her position Jakob responded. "I'm surprised such a fine woman as yourself was not betrothed before the coming of age. Has your father been busy? Preoccupied perhaps? I mean if I am not mistaken, you are quite an important part of the line of Lannisters, and have quite the claim on Casterly Rock after your uncle and father. You seem like someone with whom a noble house would look to snatch at. If I am not being too bold to say. See myself, and the other lords I am forced to call my equals, are left to marry amongst ourselves. No Great House wishes to marry themselves low, but then the circumstances have not required the greats to need their lessers for quite some time. I believe the War of Five Kings was the last time that it truly hung in the balance." Jakob chuckled as his history lessons paid off. "In fact i believe it was a Frey who orchestrated the downfall of the North then. Perhaps we will be able to wield such power again, to serve the king of course."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Whitewolf
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Khailey Lannister The young Lioness walked beside him and sipped her wine occasionally. "My father has had many men come to him to ask for my hand, but he has turned them all away because he isn't looking for just anyone. He has . . . bigger plans for me." She wasn't sure how much she should tell Jakob because she wasn't sure if she could trust him to keep it to himself. It wasn't her father's wish for her to marry some lord who was loyal to the Targaryens. He wanted her marriage to secure an alliance that would shift the balance of power in their favor. "If you did have that power again, would you truly use it to serve the king? What if there was a new king? A Lannister king. Would you follow him?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by gowia
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gowia Buried in a Book

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Lord Jakob Frey, Lord of the Crossing Jakob almost spluttered into his wine as he took one more sip. A Lannister king? That was possibly the most traitorous and treasonous thing he had ever heard. As she spoke Jakob stopped her and looked over his shoulders, quickly checking to see if anyone were present. Taking Khailey by the shoulder he led her into a small alcove and hissed his next words, hunched over as if they were conspiring to poison the king, though Jakob wasn't sure if the Lannisters would or not. "Listen closely and don't say a word, you go around announcing things like that too the wrong people and you will find yourself on the end of a spike very shortly. The Targaryens are not known for their mercy, though I am not about to go and rat you in." Jakob sighed. "I would be laughed out of court immediately making an accusation against you." Taking Khailey back into the hallway he allowed their walk to continue. "My loyalty is too the man who is loyal to me. A King, or Lord, who forgets his lessers is one who is normally toppled by them. And that is all I will have to say on that matter." With that Jakob finished the last of his wine quickly. Deciding that Khailey would be fine for the rest of her walk Jakob stopped short. He now had matters to discuss with Vernan Lannister. As well as a number of the other River Lords, perhaps even whoever the Baelishs had sent. "Perhaps I shall see you at the announcement of the Hand my lady, until then have a good night." Jakob then turned and returned to the crowd of people they had left.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Klyix
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Klyix Cyber Dolce Vita

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Princess Adrienne Martell The Dornish lords and ladies stood distinct in the hall with their dark skin and bright apparel, all silk and satin and jewels. Adrienne was among them, laughing lightly at some jape her father had made. She herself was wearing the colours of her house and dressed more demurely than she would back at Sunspear, though looking around this was still less conservative than some of the ladies here. So many skirts; maybe she should ask her father to invest in a new dress for her. Looking about the hall she tried to identify the greater lords and didn't fail to notice how like congregated with like, and distance was found between others. The lords of the Reach shared a border with those of Dorne but no love which was evident by their being on the other side of the hall. The Targaryens were closer, allies since the first Daenerys was wed to Maron and her blood was still in the Martell's today. She then turned her eyes to the Lannisters, resplendent in red and gold. They stood so proud; though there was no way to know the truth of the whispers Adrienne would condemn them true regardless. It was for that reason she was here, how better to secure alliances than with a marriage? In his more ambitious moments her father turned his eyes to the new king. However Adrienne reflected on another such marriage, of Elia and Rhaegar, how Elia and her children were ruthlessly killed by the Lannisters during the rebellion. It may have been 200 years since those events but she had heard once that history was a wheel, though that was not a thought to dwell on now. She laughed again at another jest, though she had only truly heard the end of it, a light and sweet sound. She took a small sip of a sweet red wine, different from the sour Dornish wines she was used to though only the best would do for such a grand event, and continued to make idle talk with all those who approached her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by gowia
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gowia Buried in a Book

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Lord Patrick Baelish, Overlord of the Riverlands Patrick was feeling more and more like a recluse now. He had elected to mingle with the other Riverlords and was regretting the mistake already. He was receiving more cold stares than the Frey lad did and could tell that this wasn't likely to change soon. Despite this he attempted to enjoy himself. he had brought a large following to the coronation and instead busied himself by gossiping and joking with his retinue. However the joviality was brought to a halt as the Frey did in fact appear. Pushing his way through to Patrick, the Baelish nodded and smiled at Jakob. "Jakob my boy, how are you?" Jakob's response was a dull and muted grunt as he sat down. "What is it my boy?" "You are touted for Master of Coin again, my lord. If you were to receive such a position what would happen in the Riverlands?" Ptrick knew exactly what Jakob meant. "The taxes and tariffs would stay the same, they will continue to fill the royal coffers, besides the Kingdom still owes the Lannisters so much money it beggars belief. 200 years and we have only put a dent in the massive debt. Perhaps if we sold them the Twins then we could take another bite out of the debt." Patrick and his following laughed but Jakob remained silent. Standing, Jakob left the group. Patrick was left wondering whether he had crossed a line and then decided against it. People didn't exactly follow the Freys highly and the boy was just an angry so-and-so who couldn't solve all his problems with violence. Lord Jakob Frey, Lord of the Crossing As Jakob left the party of Baelishes he marched straight over to Tristan who was gingerly sipping at his second wine. The boy always knew how to make children look like men, Jakob laughed to himself. Sitting with the Heir to the Tully house he looked around nd then leant in. "A meeting, tonight. I want all of the Riverlords there, not Baelish of course. We have business to discuss. Are you with me friend?" Jakob's voice was slightly pleading at this point. He always knew how to tug at Tristan's heart strings. "Why can't you do this Jakob? I'm not exactly part of a Noble House am I." "Yes but people still remember when you were, do this for me. They will listen to you." Tristan nodded his head but raised a finger. "I will be telling them that this for you though. I won't deceive the Lords." Jakob nodded that he accepted the terms and watched as Tristan got up and begun to spread the word amongst the nobles. Hopefully his name would put none of the lords off. The Riverlands had suffered in silence since the War of Five Kings and now it was time to discuss returning to former glories. Tristan could finish his job and then find Jakob, for now the Frey lord had other matters. Standing he marched his way through the crowd with authority. He was now looking for Vernan Lannister however in his attempt to navigate the people he ended up bumping into the back of a Dornish noble woman. Standing up straight he apologised profusely. It was Adrienne Martell, not somebody he had been looking for but then networking outside of his locale was not always a bad thing.
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Princess Adrienne Martell There was a sudden force from behind her, forcing her a few steps forward to balance herself. The wine sloshed in her cup, some spilling to the floor before she had a chance to right it, and people jumped back to avoid getting wet. The moment of chaos was small and almost immediately a servant had appeared to clean the spill. Turning to see the cause of it all she was faced with a man she did not know, but that was hardly a surprise. She spied the figure of the Twins though, and then she remembered his face from him swearing fealty. "Do not worry, my lord, the hall is busy and, well I am quite short." She said with a gentle smile, her words carrying the lilt of the Dornish accent. "I am Adrienne Martell, daughter of Prince Olyvar, a pleasure to meet you." The Freys had never been of a concern to the Martells, partly due to the distance but mostly because the Freys had seemed more concerned with each other.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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Lord John Stark of Winterfell John began making his way down to the feast, Shiera at his side. He had spoken to Daeron only a few minutes ago. John would be the Hand. As much as he tried to make himself seem unworthy, Daeron disagreed. And what Daeron wanted he received. John entered the feast, Shiera padding along silently, gaining looks from the nobility that was unaccustomed to the pets that Ned Stark and his children had popularized in the North. "My boy!" John heard the shout from across the room and glanced up to see his uncle, Lord Jon Umber making his way over. He grinned and hugged the man, smelling the wine waft off of his figure. They discussed the new king for a few minutes before his uncle brought up the appointment of a Hand. "All the gold in the Seven Kingdoms that it's you boy," he said, gaining a halfhearted laugh from the Stark. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lady Gemma Baraetheon of the Stormlands Gemma was enjoying the feast immensely. Her cup was always filled and the food was beyond amazement. She was pleasantly surprised by the spectacle the Targaryens had produced. But it wouldn't matter to her in the end. She wanted the downfall of the Targaryens, much like the Lannisters, or so she heard. She'd be happy to work with the lions though, if it meant her name went down in history as the woman who slew the king. She made her way over to where the Dornish princess and the Frey lord were speaking, silently joining the conversation. It was part of her job to make rounds ad let everyone know that she was still their friend. The Baraetheons weren't exactly the king's favorite house. Any allies were useful, especially when there was grumbling of war.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Whitewolf
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Khailey Lannister Khailey was a bit stunned by the way that Lord Jakob had reacted. She brushed a loose lock of hair out of her face as she watched him leave. She then turned and made her way to her room, shutting the door behind her and slipping out of her dress before putting on a nightgown and sitting on her bed. She thought about his words. She wasn't scared of the Targaryens. Her father had already told her that he meant to someday make certain that she was queen and that her son would sit upon the Iron Throne. Then she wouldn't have to worry about anything, especially not listening to the gossiping of lesser women. Ser Vernan Lannister He hated feasts like these, especially when he had so many other things on his mind. Sitting at a small table in the corner of the room, which the servants had brought out to him because his bad leg made it hard for him to stand for too long, his eyes scanned the crowd like a lion would scan a herd of antelope, looking for the weakest one to pick off. He didn't trust this rabble. How could he? Many of them were still loyal to the Targaryens or too scared to admit that they weren't. Sitting at the table with him was his most trusted friend and ally, Ser Lothor Clegane. The man was an imposing bull of a man with a short, well-trimmed beard, dark eyes, and not a single hair on his head. He sipped his wine slowly and stared at the cup when he wasn't. This wasn't a man who enjoyed simple comforts. He was a warrior, and knew next to nothing else. Ser Vernan leaned back in his chair and sighed, hoping that this farce would be over soon so that he may leave. He felt that they should just get it over with and confirm everyone's suspicions that the Stark boy would be the new hand. Why waste all of their times? While watching the crowd, he noticed the Lord of the Crossing speaking with the Dornish Princess. He had seen the man speaking to his daughter earlier and wondered where she had gone off to. She better not have gone back to her room.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by gowia
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gowia Buried in a Book

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Lord Jakob Frey, Lord of the Crossing Jakob tried to give a warm smile to his new Dornish acquaintance however his eyes were still quite dry and so the appearance was of an obviously fake smile, when in reality it was genuine. Running his hands over his face, Jakob chuckled at her mention of her own height. At least this was a lady who didn't take herself too seriously, much like young Khailey, and it was a nice change from most of the ladies that came from the Riverlands. As she introduced herself Jakob made a slight bow and then stood upright again, holding his spine slightly straighter than before. A natural reaction to anyone of a Great House. Reaching too one side Jakob plucked a new cup of wine from a platter and offered it too Adrienne. "Well Adrienne Martell, daughter of Prince Olyvar, it is a pleasure to meet you. I am Jakob Frey, Lord of the Crossing. I don't suppose we'll ever have properly spoken. Dorn is practically a different country to the Riverlands. I apologise for my discrepancy earlier, I am in quite the rush. The Twins very rarely boasts a guest list quite like this and so if I wish to network, one must do it now. For example with a Dornish princess. How goes Dorn?" Just then another woman arrived, for Jakob he couldn't believe his luck, but then his mind returned to business and he looked the newcomer for a sigil. He then spotted the Stag and knew it was one of the last Baratheons. Jakob was openly surprised that any remained as he knew how much the Targaryens had lost to Robert over 2 centuries ago. "Evening, my lady. I did not think the Baratheons would want to be here. However it is always a pleasure. If you do not mind, I was just asking my young friend here about Dorn. Perhaps after you may tell us of the Stormlands?" With these two new parties Jakob's mind was spinning with possibilities and plans. With the conversation looking to take a turn that he wanted Jakob leaned over and asked an orderly to find and bring Ser Vernan Lannister. This may quickly become a conversation he wanted to be part of.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Whitewolf
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Ser Vernan Lannister An orderly had told him that Lord Jakob Frey had asked to speak with him. Vernan struggled to his feet and made his way over to the Lord of the Crossing with Ser Lothor Clegane at his side. Vernan did not like to be summoned like some squire. Lord Jakob was lucky that he wished to speak with the man, otherwise he would never have come. Ser Vernan was a knight and soldier first and foremost, he didn't much care for all of this political nonsense. But he wasn't incompetent either, and knew how important that it was. He approached Lord Jakob and the two women that were with him, the Dornish Princess and Lady Gemma, the latter he had met before. "You wished to speak with me," Ser Vernan said to the Frey with an even tone that betrayed nothing about his distrust for all three of those present.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Klyix
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Princess Adrienne Martell She accepted the wine with thanks, taking a small sip to show her appreciation. She didn't fail to notice how the smile didn't reach his eyes; she was aware not everyone smiled easy but she was also aware it could be hiding more. For her part she kept a small smile, it was a day for celebration after all, or at least it should be. No doubt some were cursing the new king in the shadows. Before she could reply another woman approached them, and Adrienne spied the stag. Baratheon, a house of former glory. "My Lady." She said in recognition of her presence before answering Jakob. "A man who does not take every opportunity he can would be a foolish one indeed; you are forgiven, Jakob Frey. And Dorne is as it always has been, hot and dry though fairer smelling than here. We do not get many visitors so far south, so yours is among the many new faces I have seen today." The arrival of the Baratheon girl hadn't pleased Adrienne but she was not as great of a threat, not here and now. But the arrival of the seasoned Lanniser knight unnerved her more. His presence was intimidating as it was and the tone of his words made his feelings clear. In Dorne she would walk among the vipers with no fear, but now she found herself surrounded by beasts. These were no friends of hers. "I ought to find my father, he could be worried." She said, with the same gentle smile. "It has been a pleasure." And with that she turned to leave.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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King Daeron Targaryen of Westeros Daeron was enjoying the feast immensely. His face was red with laughter and wine, having drank his fill while talking with an attractive young women of high born blood. Suddenly he spied his mother striding over to him, a look of disgust was visible only to those who knew her well. As good as his mother was at politics, she hated parties of this sort. She clasped a hand on his shoulder and whispered in his ear, "It is time to announce your decision," before walking off. He cleared his throat and said his goodbyes before walking up to the front of the room were he notified a servant to get the attention of the party goers. A deep gong rang through the room, the servant having rang a large brass cymbal to get the attention of the lords and ladies. The room grew silent, the only noise the heavy breathing of drunken men. "And now for the highlight of the evening, the Announcement of the Hand. My father always told me that you should trust your Hand more than you trust yourself. Well the person that I have chosen is most certainly the most trustworthy person I have ever met by far. I'd like to present to you all, the new Hand of the King and the most loyal man I've ever met, John Stark!" Daeron shouted throughout the room. Many guests cheered and turned to John who gave them curt nods while his direwolf sat next to him proudly as if she knew what her master now was. With that Daeron stepped down and his guests went back to eating, drinking, and gabbing. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lady Gemma Baraetheon "I'd love to, but I must warn you, the Stormlands aren't nearly as interesting as Dorne," Gemma said in response to Ser Jakob's request for a description of her homeland. Soon however, the well known Ser Vernan had joined their group. She smiled and said, "Hello Ser Vernan. Enjoying the feast I expect?" Inside however she was bursting with joy. She had heard that the Lannisters were in search of a war and she was in search of a new king. This could be a perfect time to ally with the lions. It had been done before. Hopefully now however they refrained from fucking their siblings. That was a tradition best left to the Targaryens. Just then the king decided to announce the Hand of the King as John Stark. No surprise there. The two had been inseparable for many years. A shame however. She'd met the Stark boy a few times and he seemed like a pleasant boy, a good warrior even if he was slightly inexperienced. It would be a shame if he got caught on the wrong side of the war. When Gemma turned back to her group she noticed that the Dornish princess had left. No matter. Gemma thought that the Frey and Lannister were he best bets at striking a deal anyways.
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Phloem ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Gwayne Tyrell - Lord of Highgarden Despite the endless chattering of everyone around him, Gwayne's thoughts were occupied elsewhere. The food on his plate had barely been touched, and idle small-talk was the last thing on his mind. In just a few moments, the King would announce who his Hand would be - the second most important event after the coronation. Hand of the King might not've been the most glamorous job in the Seven Kingdoms, but no one could deny the power that it bestowed upon its holder. And King Daeron was already surrounded with Tyrells, the odds of him getting chosen were high, right? Aunt Olenna and Lyonel must've did their best to put in a good word for him. Surely the King could see the wisdom behind choosing a politician instead of a warrior for Hand? Still, even with such comforting thoughts, Gwayne couldn't help but feel a sense of dread well up in him as he watched that Stark boy stride past him, accompanied by that hulking direwolf of his. Starks... Don't they know to leave their pets outside? But he knew better than anyone than to underestimate these Northerners. They had been the ones along with the Baratheons and the Lannisters to overthrow the Targaryens in centuries past. The War of the Usurper was the bread and butter of historical scriptures, and Gwayne had to wonder - would Daeron really give the position of Hand to one with the blood of traitors running through his veins? As King Daeron took his place at the front of the banquet, Gwayne watched on eagerly. If he became Hand, the Tyrells and their bannermen would be set. But in just a few short words, all those years of careful planning came crashing down into a heap of nothing. The Stark boy was Hand? This was... this was preposterous! The whole of Westeros knew how much Gwayne coveted the position, and he'd been meticulous in presenting himself that way. But it seemed like the King, above all else, valued loyalty. And apparently, loyalty was enough to make up for the many shortcomings the Stark boy had. Still, it was all he could do to smile and clap for the new Hand of the King. To seize power, he simply had to bide his time, and perhaps, add a few drops of oil to the fire. No doubt the Stark would stumble right into the heart of some political scandal, sooner or later, and that was all he would need to convince Daeron that the boy was unworthy of his position. For now, though, he decided to approach the King, have a little tête-à-tête with him in the guise of a congratulatory comment. It was an easy enough affair to weave through the crowd of rowdy lords and ladies who'd had a touch too much wine, and Gwayne soon found himself at Daeron's table. Shooting a quick, questioning glance at the Queen Mother, the gesture was barely noticeable as Gwayne quickly returned his gaze to Daeron, a smile on his lips. "I didn't have a chance to congratulate you, cousin - I'm sure you'll make a great king."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by gowia
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gowia Buried in a Book

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Lord Jakob Frey, Lord of the Crossing Jakob smiled as the Martell princess left. Hower inside he was scowling, she was a powerful friend and Jakob hadn't expected the Lannister so quickly. SIghing he decided that the group present was still one with a single interest at heart and so now was the time to plot, or at least plan. If what Khailey said was true then a chance like this could skyrocket a man such as himself. Or it could kill him, in which case he would want to be the one hurling these thoughts into the ground. Another action that could bring great reward. The group was silent for a moment as the Hand was announced. The Stark boy, it seemed the King was a fool indeed, the Stark boy was no politician. Jakob had never really wanted the role either, but he was still a better schemer than the Stark and he recognised the opportunity the King had lost with other candidates. Gwayne Tyrell would beside himself, Jakob thought. Perhaps another man I must speak too again tonight. Bringing himself back to the present he led the small procession of the Baratheon and Lannister out of the main feasting hall. Turning a corner he spied an empty room that looked as if it had stored the tables. Perfect. Stepping inside he turned on the two companions and started to speak. "Let's make this brief. A person such as myself, and a Baratheon may not be missed at a party like this but a Lannister will. Ser Vernon, I had the fortune of bumping into Khailey earlier. Lovely girl, unfortunately she made some troubling remarks about her, or more specifically the Lannisters, thoughts on the King. I'm not here to beat around the bush, and I am sure the Baratheons are no fonder of this King as you are. You will need friends in the coming weeks. Friends who hold some power. If there were a war I could promise you that the Starks would rush to the Targaryens, the Tyrells will be a wild car now and Dorn. Again I am not sure about them. I have a feeling that the Baratheons, and so the Stormlands, would follow you against the King. The question is the Riverlands for me. Myself, the Tullys and many other Houses have suffered under the Baelish house. We would not oppose a new King, though nor would we support one that supports House Baelish. I shall meet with the other Riverlords tonight to discuss this but first, I must know how you plan to change the Riverlands, IF you came into power. And more specifically how you would benefit a messenger who brought an opportunity. Such as myself."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Whitewolf
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Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Ser Vernan Lannister The man's grizzled face didn't change during the entire announcement of the hand. It had come as no surprise to him, but it was just the type of event that could help bring supporters to the cause of his house. When the Frey Lord gestured for him and the Baratheon woman to follow him, he wasn't exactly pleased but he was curious enough to go along. He brought Ser Lothor Clegane with him as well. Once they were inside the deserted room, the Lord of the Crossing started to say some very interesting things, including the part about Khailey. Once the man was finished speaking, Ser Vernan made his point very brief and chose his words carefully. "There are already pieces set in motion before this night begun. My brother does not know it, but I have arranged for an army of fifteen thousand men to be made ready at Casterly Rock, awaiting my return. I intend to take back what is rightfully the Lannisters. I have promised Khailey that her firstborn son will rule as King of the Seven Kingdoms, but first I must win back the throne. To do that, I need allies. The Twins would be invaluable but what sort of assurance would I have to give you in order to ensure your armies will support my house?" He thought about Khailey and what a marriage between her and Lord Jakob Frey could do for the long term success of House Lannister.
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