Khailey Lannister
After bathing and getting dressed in a fine gown of green, Khailey left her room with a two Lannister guards and her maid. They moved at a brisk pace through the halls of the Red Keep. Khailey had a lot on her mind at the moment and wanted time to clear her head before the tournament. Leaving the Red Keep, she went to the stables to fetch some horses and the four of them mounted before leaving for the Great Sept, where Khailey would go to pray to the Maiden as she often did. She would also pray to the Warrior that he would give strength and courage to all of those competing in the tournament today.
When Khailey arrived, she left her guards and maid outside before she made her way up the stairs and then entered the Great Sept to find that it was nearly deserted. Most of the common folk were probably more excited about the tournament today then they were The Seven. But a few hedge knights had lit candles to the warrior, and there was a mother and small child who had lit a candle to the Crone. Khailey went to the statue of the Maiden and lit a candle before kneeling before her and beginning to say her prayers. When she was finished, she stood and then jumped a little when she turned around and found someone standing before her. It was the High Septon.
"Oh, High Septon. I'm sorry, I didn't see you there," Khailey said.
The fat old man shook his said and smiled warmly at her. "No, I'm sorry, child. I should have announced my presence. If you're not busy, I was hoping that I could have a word with you."
Khailey nodded. "Of course. What is it about?"
"Come with me and we can speak somewhere more . . . private. The faith has need of such a pious child such as yourself. You and your father have always been so generous with your donations to the Great Sept, and now I must speak with you on a matter of utmost secrecy considering some rumors that have come to my ears."
"What rumors might those be?" Khailey asked, feeling a little uncertain.
The High Septon lowered his voice. "Rumors of a plot to bring about the demise of our king."