Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by gowia
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gowia Buried in a Book

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Lord Jakob Frey, Lord of the Crossing Jakob went wide eyed as the Lannister mentioned the men. Was it really happening this soon? Allies couldn't be that many in number already. He had no rumours in the Riverlands and with the support for the King still being quite strong it would not be enough men. Sighing Jakob rubbed his eyes and looked at Vernan. "You're bold, and you are smart. But fifteen thousand men will not take the capital. The North alone can raise three times, who will all march south, that and that's not including anybody else who flocks too the Dragon. You may think you have a chance, but before I declare any support for you I need to know who supports you. Do you have the ear of the Tyrells? The Martells? Lets say you have your own men, fifty, and then the Storm lands, another thirty. That's only eighty thouasand in total. Now with the Riverlands and the Vale, who despise the Baelishs more than I do, your would get another eighty or ninety thousand men. But If that's all then it will be close, and it will be hard fought." Jakob then thought of what they could do. The Trident could hold the North if adequately defended, and that would leave men free to try for the capital. But that wouldn't answer the question of other armies. "If you want assurances of support then you would have to cough up a lot. I would want the Riverlands, I would need the Tullys to take the Vale. I would need a large sum of gold and..." Jakob trailed off slightly. "...Khailey. If you want alliance, I get a wife. Though I don't see how she will put a son on the throne if she is married to myself? The Kingdoms need a king, and I doubt you would want to put me on the throne. Because I will be no puppet. So let me be clear, unless you want a Frey on the throne, Khailey cannot marry me and without a marriage. I wont whip the Riverlands for your coup."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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Lady Gemma Baraetheon of the Stormlands Gemma smirked as she listened to Jakob try and work out terms of an alliance with the grizzled knight. "I think you two are overlooking something. The king is a Tyrell as well as a Targaryen. I highly doubt that a simple political position will get in the way of the loyalties of family. If swords are drawn, I have no doubt that the Tyrells will side against you. And those are people I'd never want to fight. The Reach can raise 100,000 men, at least. Plus all the forces of the North? We'd lose. However, the Young Wolf is an honorable boy. If he pledged a vow to your family Vernan, than he'd be inclined to keep it. I believe your daughter is not yet betrothed? And Jakob, you want a wife as well? Seeing as how you aren't too hard to look at and seem more than intelligent enough, you are welcome to take my hand in marriage? These are only suggestions of course. If you think there's a better way Lannister then fine. But I won't stand behind you unless I feel confident that we will win. Get the North on our side or out of this war, and you will have all the forces of the Stormlands marching by your side," Gemma said. Gemma was confident that her idea was one of the best there were. She knew that the North could easily win this war for either side. They had skilled commanders and quite a lot of men. Their forces combined with The Reach's would be disastrous for them. They'd need the Starks or the Tyrells under their control if they had any chance of winning this war and seeing their own king on the Iron Throne.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Whitewolf
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Ser Vernan Lannister Vernan hated it when he had to make deals with lesser houses, but until his brother allowed the rest of House Lannister and its allies to join the war effort, he would need these lesser houses on his side. "You may have the Riverlands and you will also be well paid for your efforts to help secure the throne," he told Lord Jakob Frey. "But you need not worry about ever seeing the throne. I plan to take over as regent until such time that a more fitting Lannister can be placed on the throne. Perhaps one of my brother's nephews if their mother has not spoiled them so much that they've turned soft." Vernan then listened to the suggestions of Lady Gemma, but he was quick to anger when she made mention of wedding his daughter to the young wolf. "No daughter of mine will ever marry a Stark. I do not trust those Northerners or their barbaric ways. Besides, if you remember your history, you'll probably remember another young wolf who did not make good on a marriage betrothal. A mistake that led to his demise."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by gowia
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gowia Buried in a Book

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Lord Jakob Frey, Lord of the Crossing Jakob was now listening. It seemed that the Baratheon girl was smart. This was good, but also she was naive, the Stark boy must have known about the rumours. Who gets into bed with a family rumoured to plot against your King and best friend? No the Lannisters were at an impasse. Vernan couldn't just announce a regency in place for his daughters child, and no one would ever accept Khailey as a lone Queen. A man needed to wed Khailey that could take the throne. Jakob was not the man, the Freys would never be accepted, and his only other contact with clout was the Tullys. But recently their status of Great House was limited to the Riverlands. It was strange to see the Baratheon girl so set on the North, and so Jakob decided on a plan. "Right, let's put aside marriage and deals and the like for now. Look at the facts 'IF' they were to go down like this. The Westerlands, Riverlands and Stormlands march on the capital. In response we are annihilated by a superior force from everywhere else. The bulwark of these troops coming from regions ruled by one large family. The Starks, Tyrells and Targaryens are not going to break. But if we can bring in the Martells. We will out number, and that will be our chance. The Riverlands can hold the North at the Trident, a joint force of Lannisters and Martells will hold the Tyrells. That leaves us the Vale and Stormlands to take the capital, which holds the least number of men. Meaning very soon those men can aid in the destruction of the Tyrells. We will need the Martells for this too work. And I don't know what they want." Jakob sighed and rubbed his temples. "Look, if House Frey receives the Riverlands, if I can promise the Tullys they will receive the Vale, if I get a wife. Be it Baratheon or Lannister. I will support this, but only if we can bring in the Martells as well. I will discuss other boons once the war is over. There is no other way, unless you want to break up the ruling family. Which I highly doubt, we cannot offer any of them more than what they already have. And that still leaves the problem of the King, Vernan you cannot make yourself a regent, you are not head of House and there is no precedent to then hand over leadership since you will not be holding it for someone, rather the hope that a child is born. Either you take the throne, and be forced to fight your brother for the House, or you marry your daughter to someone, be it myself or another, and they take the throne. You have no other option."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Whitewolf
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Ser Vernan Lannister Vernan was a soldier at heart and had no patience for such plotting. He doubted highly that his brother would ever wish to sit on the Iron Throne, and he cursed his mother for not having him first so that he would have to the power to do what needed to be done. "The problem we all face is that we have no true leader that will inspire others. Either you or I or any other lord could proclaim themselves as king once the dust settles, but who would follow them? We need someone that the common people can rally behind. You are not loved by them and neither am I. We need a puppet. Someone that they will love, but the power will truly be held by us." "Once of us would have to speak with those from Dorne if you think you can get their support, but I doubt highly that they will support us. I think we are better off with trying to convince Highgarden to join us with either a marriage or promise of wealth and lands once the war is over. Gwayne Tyrell must be quite displeased over not being given the position of Hand after all."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by gowia
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gowia Buried in a Book

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Lord Jakob Frey, Lord of the Crossing Jakob sighed finally. It seemed they had all over confused things. Too much was at stake and nobody wanted to be the one to go first in case others did not follow, leaving them high and dry. The fact was the Targaryen boy had done nothing to solicit want of change. Sure he was out of favour by some, but that was politics, and the boy was king that had done nothing wrong. He would be given a chance. No they needed to bide their time and create a need for change. Changing tact Jakob appealed to both parties in a final gambit. "We are struggling because allies are not hard and fast. People are loyal to the king because he has not slipped up. Vernan you may despise politics but that is how we must play at first. Charging in because you want a crown is not wise, have a real reason. So, we split up, we know we have the Westerlands and Stormlands, I will work on the Riverlands and Vale so we can count on their support. Vernan to must talk to the Dornish, I have already spoken but I feel I am less than trusted there, meanwhile Lady Baratheon will talk to the Tyrells, hell two centuries ago the two houses were supposed to be wed. Once those meetings are done we decide our next plan. We need the king to fail, for his appearance to be one of tyrannical reign, once done we then are able to move on the ideal of 'Unseating a mad man'. With that Casus-Belli, we can put anyone on the throne, by winning the war they win the public. And we can discuss marriage once we know our allies. Are we in agreement now?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Whitewolf
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Ser Vernan Lannister Seeing no point in carrying on further with discussions, Vernan nodded and then gestured for Ser Clegane to follow him. Then he left the room in search of the Dornish Princess that he had seen earlier. Perhaps he would be able to strike some sort of a deal with Dorne in order to help him secure support to overthrow the king. But the problem still remained that there was no way for him to take the throne and his brother didn't have the guts to do it himself. Which meant that even if King Daeron were to die, there still remained the problem that there would be numerous highborn lords fighting over the throne with no one else in position to take it. There would be no future for his daughter in a chaos like this. Unless . . . an idea suddenly occurred to him. He turned to Ser Clegane. "Go find Khailey and give her a message for me. Tell her that I've chosen a suitor for him and that we're leaving tomorrow."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheDarkTemplar
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Vaz Varakko The tavern woke Vaz from his sleep. The sound of its drunken patrons indulging themselves in wine, women, and song was a hard thing to ignore. "This is what I get for getting a room so close to the Red Keep", said to himself as he got out of bed. The women he slept with that night wasn't excited about the idea of her company leaving and beckoned for Vaz to stay. "I'd love to but it's time I got to work", he said to her before getting into his gear and heading out the door. The streets of King's Landing were filled with people celebrating the coronation of the new king. It didn't matter to him, these nobles only cared for themselves and would do whatever it took to hold onto their power. With their silk robes and fine foods they sat in their castles and plotted away, the only problem for them was getting enough men to conquer land for them. Fortunately for Vaz he was that kind of man and for a bit of bloodshed those nobles would share a bit of their wealth. Just a few more jobs and he'd be like them, sitting in a large estate in silk robes dining on fine foods with fine women. But until then more blood had to be spilt.  Turning a corner into a backroad Vaz heard a familiar and unfriend voice call his name. Vaz! You bastard, you thought I'd forget about Yunkai!, screamed a rough voice. It's owner was a well built man adorned in armor of the Unsullied. However it was not his, he had killed its previous owner for it and now claimed himself to be a descendant of an Unsullied warrior. This brute of a man was named Mavon and he was a former business partner of Vaz until a unfortunate turn of events in Essos ended with them being mortal enemies. However that rivalry would end today. "Mavon, my friend, how have you been. I meant to meet you again after what happened in Yunkai I just never had the cha-", Vaz knew this was not going to end with the two of them being good friends again. In truth he didn't want to, Mavon was dead weight and he'd have to split the pay with him. "Shut your fucking mouth Vaz, we both know you stabbed me in the back and left me for dead! Now it's time for you to pay the price!", Mavon unsheathed his sword and took a stance ready to strike. Vaz rested his swordarm on his Arakh,"Not entirely true Mavon. I did leave you for dead but I didn't stab you in the back..well not really. But I'll remedy that today", it was so sudden it was a surprise Mavon was able to react. Vaz quickly grasped his Arakh and quickly swung it upwards hoping to slice open Mavon's belly but the man leapt back just in time to avoid losing his guts. However as Vaz reached the pinnacle of his upward swing he took a step forward and swung again sideways. This time the brute did not fallback. Instead he raised his sword to his side to block the incoming blade. The sound of their metal clashing rung through the alleyway and resonated there for sometime. "Mavon, so predictable", Vaz knew exactly what his old friend would do and before Mavon could react from the block Vaz tilted his blade upwards so that the crescent shape twisted itself around Mavon's sword, rendering it useless unless he could free his blade quick enough to avoid Vaz's next attack. Unfortunately for Mavon he wasn't and he did not see Vaz grab his dagger and stab him repeatedly in the side. The man fell to his knees and held his side as it gushed out crimson waters. He looked up at the half Dothraki and sneered, B-Bastard!" was the last thing he said before Vaz beheaded him with one quick swing of his Arakh. "I would have chosen my last words better...". With this distraction over Vaz made his way towards the Red Keep, of course he wouldn't be allowed to enter in his current attire but he had a plan. A friend who owed him a favor left him a gift near the Red Keep. He was a short way away from the gates of the Red Keep where in a barrel there was a formal attire along with an invitation to the coronation ceremony and celebrations. The clothes were stolen and the invitation fabricated but for what he was about to do this better have been as close to the real thing as possible. Vaz snuck into the alley and got into the clothes. He fixed his hair and practiced his noble speak before making a move towards the gate. "Halt! State your business here", one guard ordered as he held up his hand signalling Vaz to cease his advance. "Is it not obvious as to my reasons for being here? I am here to pay my respects to the King on his coronation day! Oh by the gods, here is my invitation. I assume that should remove any suspicion from your mind?" The guard was surprised by the sudden hostile tone of Vaz and quickly took a hold of the invitation and with haste examined it. The guard returned Vaz's invitation and stepped to the side to allow him to pass, "Enjoy the evening my Lord". Vaz nodded and made his way into the Red Keep. Following the flow of the guests he managed to make his way to where the festivities seemed to be taking place. One look around and he was sure this was where the lords did their business. This was where he's find his fortune. Now all he had to do was listen for a potential employer. Either that or let them come to him. Cullen Sunderland "The Dread Wolf" A black horse trotted through the streets of King's Landing. It's rider was a grim man clad in dark grey leather armor with a black fur cloak covering most of him as he rode through the city streets. This place smells of hot piss and shit. At least back home the smell of piss and shit was overpowered by the cold air", he thought as he approached the gates of the Red Keep. "And so I leave these pathetic souls for a den of snakes", excluding the young Lord John Stark, Cullen had no love for these pompous lords even the King for that matter. The Targaryen boy was just a noble from far off who'd grow up to be a spoiled brat waving his cock around. John Stark would not be this way. He was a Stark, a northman, and son of Brandon Stark. Cullen believed that John would become a great man and he was proud to serve the young Lord. All he had to do was survive the night. Once in the Grand Hall Cullen looked for Lord Stark. With all the faces here it was hard to find his Lord among them. It only took a few moments before he located John amongst the crowd. He quickly made his way over to him but did not introduce himself in the amiable tone as John's uncle. Instead he simply spoke, "Forgive me, my Lord I missed the ceremonies. I ran into some trouble on the way here it will not happen again". Cullen had a constant look of discomfort about him as he looked down out of respect.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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Lord John Stark of Winterfell John was nervously sipping his wine and stroking Shiera's head when he was approached by his vassal, Lord Cullen Sunderland. The man greeted him solmenly, his head bowed in respect. John's spirits were raised at the sight of a fellow northerner. Cullen had been a good friend of John's father and was currently a god friend to John, even one of his most trusted advisers. "It's alright Cullen. You didn't miss much except for the announcement of the new Hand. Also known as the man you're staring at," John said, sighing before taking a swig of wine from his cup. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- King Daeron Targaryen of Westeros Daeron smiled as his cousin, Gwayne, came up to him and offered his congratulations. He and his cousin were close but the age difference between them always kept them distanced. Daeron had known that Gwayne wanted the position he had just rewarded to John but he felt more trust for the Stark than his cousin. "I hope there are no hard feelings about the announcement I just made. It was quite a difficult decision but at the end of the day, I know John better than I know anyone. I can trust him to help me run a kingdom," Daeron said, his face flushed with intoxication. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lady Gemma Baraetheon of the Stormlands Gemma wasn't entirely surprised at Vernan's response to her plan. It was no secret that the lions hated the wolves but she still thought he could put that aside for power. No matter. The Frey had presented a good plan. If they could get the Martells behind them then they may have a shot at winning this war. "Alright Frey. Find allies, then a king. Sounds good. With that I bid you farewell. People might begin to think we're conspiring over here," Gemma said, flashing the knight a smile before drifting away.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheDarkTemplar
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Cullen Sunderland Cullen's eyes widened as he looked up in surprise. For John to be named Hand of the King meant he'd have to stay in King's Landing. A place Cullen knew was not for his Lord. This place was home to liars, plotters, and cowards. This was no place for a northman much less the Lord of Winterfell. Things were changing and not the way Cullen had hoped. "Congratulations my Lord. I assume this means you will be staying in King's Landing?, he asked. A serving girl came near with cups of wine but Cullen waived her away, "Forgive my boldness my lord but this place is not kind to men like us, the powers that rule here could make The Red Wedding look like nothing. With you here in King's Landing who will take charge of Winterfell?". Cullen made sure not to speak so loudly so as not to attract the attention of unwanted listeners. His hope right now was that he'd be able to convince John to step down from Hand of the King. The North needed John more than these southerners, besides the king could choose another Hand. The boy was sure to have a long list of people waiting to kiss the king's ass.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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Lord John Stark of Winterfell John chewed his lip nervously. Of course, John had thought of these things. He knew Cullen would much rather him be at home where he was safe. "Cullen, I know you don't want me here. Frankly, I'm terrified. I grew up here and still, I don't think I can take on this nest of vipers. But Daeron is my friend. And he's dealing with a realm of vipers. So if I am truly a Stark, I will help Daeron in any way I can until he proves himself unworthy of that help. I will keep the position for a while longer. I can always resign if it proves too much. My mother will rule the North in my stead. However I was hoping Cullen, that you would stay here with me. My household guard can only protect me to a certain degree. I need someone with my best interests at heart, someone who I trust with my life. I need another set of eyes and ears. I'd hope that you'd be willing to do that for me," John said, looking over at his vassal.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by gowia
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gowia Buried in a Book

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Lord Jakob Frey, Lord of the Crossing Jakob returned to his own people once the conspiring was done, the Riverlords seemed to have slowed the drinking to a stop and a few gave Jakob a quiet nod as he walked past. Finding a table Jakob sat down and invited Tristan Tully over. "I see you spread the word quickly my friend, did any refuse?" Tristan thought for a moment and then shook his head. "No Jakob, a few minor banners did but once the more powerful families agreed they soon came on board. But people want to know what's up. SOme think you mean to kill them for some strange reason. I am trying to dispel that rumour but the fact remains that people don't trust you. You must have big news for them to even consider hearing past your first words." Jakob nodded and grabbed himself another drink, he might as well enjoy himself now, before making a decision. "If they cannot wait neither shall we. My room upstairs is big enough for the more notable of lords to join me. I grow weary of this party any way. I shall retire and there the lords, including yourself may join me." Tristan's eyes went slitted and he stared Jakob over. "Fine Jakob but your men stay with the other guards, and your sword stays where we can all see it." Jakob nodded his acceptance quickly, damn fools, before standing and making his way to his room. It was a short walk and by the time he was at his room some of the other lords were already there. Opening the door he allowed each man in and they took a position around the edge of the room. Checking the room over for any serving boys or maids Jakob then decided to speak. "Riverlords, over two centuries ago we joined the North in it's fight for independence. A 'King in the North' they would cheer. Not a king from, or for, the Riverlands. For that reason we were punished, forced to live under the thumb of the Baelishes, who tax us and tariff us. Not a family from the Riverlands, but one from kings landing." Jakob's rhetoric had improved since his ascent to Lordship. "Does King's Landing know how the Riverlands is run? Have they ever stood knee deep in the Trident? Or watched their loved ones disappear to the water upon their deaths? No to all of these questions! And yet still the king believes that we should be ruled by this family. No longer. We have an...opportunity. An opportunity for a number of changes, the Lannisters desire the throne, and as far as we should care they can have it. The Riverlands hasn't prospered under the Targaryens, nor has the Vale. I have been in contact with the Lannisters, for our support in whatever may come. The Baelishes will be gone, a new Overlord of the Riverlands will be chosen, and the Vale will receive a New Lord-Protector." There was a few muted claps from the Lords however most stood in silence for a moment. Then Tristan spoke up. "Jakob, what you speak of is treason, and we cannot abide that. Last time we spoke of this was the War of Five Kings and that ended up with the Baelishes. If we fail this time what other misfortune will befall us? How can you make this worth our while?" Tristan was already falling out and the Riverlord were falling away with him. "Because we cannot change the Baelishes or their oppression without fighting it. The king is happy for it to remain and so is everybody else who follows him. But I cannot expect you to do this alone, the Stormlands and Westerlands will also fight with us. Alongside this, I wouldn't expect commitment until allies are certain. We also are looking to bring in the Tyrells." With that the mood changed, the Tyrells were a real force to be reckoned with and with their support people were now interested, they saw a chance. "My lord, if you can assure the Tyrells then the Riverlands and the Vale will fight with you. If not, then you definitely will not have the Vale. And the Riverlands will not fully support you without them, though we may follow the Tullys if they were to join." And with that the lords begun to file out. It seemed the conversation was over, it hadn't gone entirely as Jakob had wanted but there was an agreement in place. With that Jakob made ready for bed. He would stay awake for any more meetings however he was not going to return to the party.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Phloem
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Gwayne Tyrell - Lord of Highgarden "Oh, come now. There's nothing to worry about." Gwayne began, waving his hand in a gesture of dismissal - the very picture of benevolence. "If you think Lord Stark would make a good Hand, then I support your decision wholeheartedly." Ah, children and their naïveté. It seemed to him like the King no idea idea what consequences his actions would have - which he had to admit, was not very reassuring. Two reckless, foolhardy seventeen year-olds ruling all of Westeros? That sounded like a recipe for disaster, and worst of all, Daeron was blind to the error of his ways. Still, there was no point in pressing the issue, not yet anyway. Taking in the sight before him, Gwayne held little doubt that the King had already ingested far too much wine - wine from the Reach. It hadn't been easy to secure this much Arbor Gold from the Redwynes, and the Lord of Highgarden was once again reminded of the fact that his efforts to win the King's favour were all for naught. "If you'll excuse me, your grace. I have to be taking my leave, but for now, I hope you enjoy the feast. The responsibilities of a King are not to be laughed at." Gwayne bowed his head in a gesture of respect, before turning to leave. Almost instantly, that cordial, pleasant facade of his fell - slipping into one of quiet resolution. The snub tonight was no small matter, and with the Stark boy as Hand, there was no telling what kind of trouble he'd get the Seven Kingdoms into. Daeron might've thought John a good choice, but it was clear to everyone that he lacked the experience and political cunning to truly succeed. Maybe, just maybe, such a sentiment would be enough to sow discord amongst the lords and ladies, and draw them to his side. Surely, no one wanted the events from two centuries ago to happen again? The realm had nearly been ripped in half by the War of the Five Kings - an event worsened tenfold by the foolish bravado of knights and warriors. With people like these in power, it seemed like history was doomed to repeat himself. For now, though, all Gwayne could do was see how things unfolded, and perhaps, entertain the propositions thrown his way.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheDarkTemplar
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Cullen Sunderland Cullen gave a sullen look before grinning slightly, "Your father would be proud, you know that? Puttin' friends and family first. As for me my Lord I'll follow you through the seven hells if you'd ask me". Cullen looked around and gave another rare smirk before adding, "For now though let's enjoy the night. For tomorrow you work as Hand begins" Cullen turned to the nearest serving girl and yelled, "You there! Is all you have this weak wine? Bring your strongest for my lord and I!" Vaz Varakko Listening in on the various conversations Vaz managed to hear a number of interesting topics of discussion. Topics he'd happily make use of tomorrow, as for now he wished to enjoy what little time he had here. There was a myriad of valuable items in the hall. Items that Vaz was sure these nobles would go crazy for if they realized they were gone, not that it bothered him anyway he'd already be out and on his way to the nearest buyer. Stepping through the crowd he managed to swipe quite a few things on his way to the door. "You'd think they'd keep a closer eye on these things..oh well too bad for them but fortunate for me", he smiled as he exited the Red Keep and strode on his way back to the tavern. Despite finding no employer he did manage to earn enough for a good meal and a few whores.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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The Next Morning Lord John Stark of Winterfell It had been a long night filled with drinking. John was currently draped across his bed, breathing rhythmically. A servant crept quietly into the room and roused the young lord, earning a curt nod and a thank you. John slowly got dressed, allowing the grogginess to creep away, waiting for the next early morning rousing. John had slept in the Tower of the Hand last night, as had most of his entourage. His mother was awaiting him in the dining room where a meal was awaiting him. Shiera was feasting by the window, looking up every now and again to watch him. He took a seat across from his mother, offering a smile. "John, your position as hand is both a blessing and a curse. The Tyrells won't like it. Many people won't. You're young, and they don't trust that. However you wield a lot of power now. I hope you'll use it wisely. I'll be off for Winterfell in a few hours. I know you'll do fine here," his mother said, smiling at him. John breathed in deeply before releasing his breath. "Mother, I'm worried that I won't be able to do this. Daeron is... he's..." John struggled to find the words. He knew them deep down, however he wasn't sure that he wanted to speak them. Finally he made a decision. "I'm worried Daeron won't be a good king," he said. His mother responded with pursed lips. She was thinking. Finally she spoke up. "Don't write Daeron's destiny before he has a chance to pick up the quill. You are the king's Hand. You make sure he doesn't turn the realm to ashes. I'm confident you can do that whether or not Daeron is a good king. John nodded as he stood, having finished his meal. He brushed himself off and Shiera padded over, ready to follow him around for the day. John thought about today's events. There would be a tournament later, a celebration of the coronation that would last for a few more days. John began to exit but turned to his mother before he did. "Please tell Cullen that I'm rousing the king and that he should meet me in Daeron's quarters should you see him. And please write when you get to Winterfell," he said. His mother smiled and nodded and he made his way towards Daeron's room. Lady Gemma Baraetheon Gemma had retired early the night before, not interested in waking up with a pounding headache that would follow her throughout the day. She prepared herself for the day, brushing her hair and dressing in one of her mother's old dresses. Gemma wished she would be allowed to participate in the tournament, however it was restricted to those of lowborn origin. While the crown had treated Baraetheons like shit for two centuries now, they were still of noble blood.Gemma began wandering the halls of the Red Keep, her blue dress flowing behind her as she looked for some entertainment until the tournament began.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by gowia
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gowia Buried in a Book

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Lord Jakob Frey, Lord of the Crossing Jakob awoke with a disgusting taste in his mouth and a pain in his neck. Looking down he saw that he had shifted in his sleep and knocked his pillows off, leaving himself with a kink in his neck. Standing his naked frame tensed and then shivered, before he yawned and then scratched himself. Walking to the side he pulled forward a brass bowl of water and a towel. Saturating the towel he then rung it out before wiping himself down. He was entered into the tourney that day and so was in no mood to properly clean himself. Instead he washed away the sweat and grime from the night before and then dressed in some loose fitting white linen. Walking down for an early breakfast Jakob sat down in the designated table for the Riverlords, he was down before the others and had the best of the food at his fingertips. Crispy bacon, watered wine and warm bread was all like a salvation to his parched mouth, enjoying every mouthful; he was almost sad to see some of the other lords arrive. Most just gave him a nod, he had earned some respect with the meeting last night, now he needed to show he could lead them. Finally finishing his food he made his way out onto the field of the tourney. His tent had been set up a few nights ago by retainers he had sent earlier, and his gear was being brought in as he sat and went through the days events with his page. He had hoped to see some other houses before he fell asleep however he was sure he would get the chance today. And hell if he could win this tourney, well he had always loved winning.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheDarkTemplar
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TheDarkTemplar Knight-Captain

Member Seen 16 days ago

Cullen had awoken with the sun and was assessing the security of the Red Keep. The guards at the main entrance were on edge as they should. They were the first line of denfense for the King. It was the inner patrols he had a problem with, the men looked lazy, relaxed, apparently they believed their posts to be unnecessary as they took their patrols as seriously as an afternoon stroll. This would have to change and fast. "Guards! What in seven hells do you think you are doing?!", Cullen barked at a couple of guards on patrol by the gardens. They stood up in attention with haste, anyone with the gall to speak to them in that manner had to be of importance. "W-We were just on patrol, sire", one of the guards replied with a nervous look about him as he stared straight forward not daring to make eye contact. "You mean to tell me that that white excuse for a patrol was your average day of duty? If the two of you had as much discipline as you had energy to gossip then all of King's Landing could be guarded by you two alone!" "Apologies, mi'lord we did not mean-" "Oh so you did not deliberately mean to ignore your duties, you were just too incompetent to stay on task!", it appeared to Cullen he'd have to train these two all over again. "Your spears should not lean on your shoulder, they either are straight up or tilted forward to quickly meet an opponent. Your shield can never be hanging by your side it must always be in front of you to reduce the time it takes to bring it up to defend. When patrolling the two of you must constantly be checking the edges of your vision, you will see a direct attack but it is the ones from behind and the sides that will mean your end if not careful...well? Get to it!" The guards quickly corrected their errors and waited for Cullen's approval, once they had it the two guards quickly headed off, hoping to put as much space between themselves and The Dread Wolf. "...southerners", Cullen remarked before a courier came forward with a message. "Sire, Lord Stark requires your presence. He awaits at the King's chamber" "I'll head there now", Cullen didn't waste time getting to the King's chamber. Once there he met John outside the door and nodded before saying, "You sent for me, my Lord?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Whitewolf
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Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Khailey Lannister After bathing and getting dressed in a fine gown of green, Khailey left her room with a two Lannister guards and her maid. They moved at a brisk pace through the halls of the Red Keep. Khailey had a lot on her mind at the moment and wanted time to clear her head before the tournament. Leaving the Red Keep, she went to the stables to fetch some horses and the four of them mounted before leaving for the Great Sept, where Khailey would go to pray to the Maiden as she often did. She would also pray to the Warrior that he would give strength and courage to all of those competing in the tournament today. When Khailey arrived, she left her guards and maid outside before she made her way up the stairs and then entered the Great Sept to find that it was nearly deserted. Most of the common folk were probably more excited about the tournament today then they were The Seven. But a few hedge knights had lit candles to the warrior, and there was a mother and small child who had lit a candle to the Crone. Khailey went to the statue of the Maiden and lit a candle before kneeling before her and beginning to say her prayers. When she was finished, she stood and then jumped a little when she turned around and found someone standing before her. It was the High Septon. "Oh, High Septon. I'm sorry, I didn't see you there," Khailey said. The fat old man shook his said and smiled warmly at her. "No, I'm sorry, child. I should have announced my presence. If you're not busy, I was hoping that I could have a word with you." Khailey nodded. "Of course. What is it about?" "Come with me and we can speak somewhere more . . . private. The faith has need of such a pious child such as yourself. You and your father have always been so generous with your donations to the Great Sept, and now I must speak with you on a matter of utmost secrecy considering some rumors that have come to my ears." "What rumors might those be?" Khailey asked, feeling a little uncertain. The High Septon lowered his voice. "Rumors of a plot to bring about the demise of our king."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Klyix
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Klyix Cyber Dolce Vita

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Princess Adrienne Martell Adrienne awoke to the sounds of clattering metal and shouts and after padding over to the window watched for a short moment as the knights began to prepare for the day. She did not envy the men in this. Granted it made good sport to watch but she could only imagine how it must feel to be the one with a sword in your hand and life on the line. She stepped back away from the window and called for a bath; a princess must look her best. It was in the gardens that she broke her fast, the sweet smelling flowers masking the smell of the city. Now dressed in a light gown of dark blue she spooned some juice from a blood orange as she sat surrounded by other ladies. They spoke of the day ahead of them, the week even. Some made claims of the most valiant knights who would win the tourney, some fawned for the most handsome knights who had already won their hearts. Adrienne herself turned her own thoughts back to the events of the night before. She knew the two were close, but giving the Stark boy the position of hand would win the king no favours. She also hadn't failed to notice the disappearance of the river lords. Mayhaps she was looking for and expecting the worst but she had seen little to reassure her that the rumours were unfounded. She'd shared her concerns with her father but even then she had been cautious. They said the walls had ears and she couldn't help but wonder if the same was true of the shrubbery.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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smarty0114 Human

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Lord John Stark of Winterfell John was waiting outside of the king's room when Cullen came up to him. John turned to him and sighed. "Thank the Old Gods. I need you to make sure that Daeron doesn't leave this room unless I give the okay. He's a strong willed bastard. He won't like me giving him responsibilities." With that, John threw open Daeron's doors and got to work. King Daeron Targaryen of Westeros Daeron was lying in bed, naked, with two young girls on either side. He was jolted awake by his door being slammed open. He jumped up, startled, covering himself in the process. Standing at the foot of the bed was John, his new Hand. "Ladies, I'm sure you're wonderful women but the King has business to attend to," John said as he shooed them out. Daeron dressed himself in black and red clothes made by the royal tailor, grumbling all the while. "Daeron, you made me your Hand. It's going to be the best decision you've ever made or one that you'll regret forever."
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