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If I might say a few things:

1. I think it'd be fun to have random dorms assigned. I'd also rather have co-ed dorms, because in all honesty, there's so much more potential there. Even if we don't pursue any romance, a guy and a girl usually have much more enjoyable interactions than two guys or two girls. I'm no expert, but I'd imagine two girls would just talk boys, Pokemon, and cute things all night, while guys would basically be like "Sup bro?" "Bro."

2. I just wanted to say that I truly and eagerly look forward to RPing with you all!
Kurtis Vale looked out from the second-story window at all the new arrivals. Behind him, his Pokemon stood and looked down with him - well, except for Gengar, who had decided to take a nap on the floor.
"Well, this looks like a lively bunch," he told his teammates. That's what these four were to him: allies, comrades, teammates, and life-long partners. He smiled as the scenes of how the five of them had all come together quickly flashed through his mind. As the scenes ended, Kurtis turned to look at his team, drawing the curtain closed as he did so. Nidoking met his eyes, and that connection that goes beyond words was apparent. Weavile met his eyes, and Kurtis could easily see what was behind them: "When do I get to show off?" Gardevoir met his eyes, and the trust and devotion in them nearly made his heart melt, as they always did.

Gengar snored, which drew an exasperated sigh from the rest of them.

"Alright, team, this is our first year teaching at this academy. Actually, it's our first year teaching anywhere. That being said, I believe in all of you." He looked at Gengar. "Even you, lazy no-bones." Gengar snorted. "As we go into this year, I want each of you to remember two things. First, remember back to when we were younger: the fear, the uncertainty, and also the excitement and the thrill of new adventure. These students are now brimming with those very emotions, and though they are by no means inexperienced, each of them has so much more potential. It now falls to us to unlock that potential in them, testing the bonds between trainer and Pokemon, and working tirelessly to ensure that each of them is equipped to follow their dreams, and ultimately, to achieve them." He leaned down close to Gengar. "THAT MEANS YOU TOO, LAZY NO-BONES!" he shouted, sending Gengar flailing to his feet in surprise. The other three Pokemon laughed, while Gengar "humph"ed and crossed his arms.

"Now that being said," he continued, as his face seemed to grow harder, "the second thing I want you to remember is this: the best way to test metal is to test it in fire. We are not here to babysit or tend to them. We are here to teach them the many tactics of battle, and there is no better way to learn from that than first-hand experience. So always remember, unless I specifically tell you otherwise..." Kurtis grinned. "Don't hold back." Nidoking nodded, Weavile flashed his claws, Gardevoir's eyes shone with an ominous light, and even Gengar showed his ever-sinister grin. Kurtis had a reputation for his serious demeanor and cool head, even in battle, but he was willing to allow himself a bit of sadistic pleasure every now and then; besides, he really did care about these new students. He simply planned to ensure that each of them knew that battles were serious business.

Kurtis chuckled and shook his head. "Alright, class may still be a few hours away, but it's time to start preparing." He turned to walk to his desk, when he suddenly added, "And no naps." He heard a "hmph" behind him and knew that Gengar had just been about to stretch out for another one. As he approached his desk, he reached into his pocket and pulled out his cellphone. He wasn't sure why, but he had always preferred the simplicity and straightforwardness of a cell phone to the new Pokegears and Holo Displays. Maybe it was the sense of privacy. Maybe he was just old-fashioned.

Punching in a few numbers, Kurtis sighed as he sank into his chair while the other line rang. Eventually, the other person answered.

"Vale here. I hope you're ready, Adams. There's quite a lot of students out there, you know."
Adams responded as Kurtis watched Gardevoir begin to move a broom and dustpan around telekinetically. Nidoking made sure all the seats were aligned, while Weavile quickly - very, very quickly - placed the course syllabus on each table. Gengar floated around the room, hanging up posters and diagrams displaying both strategies and some pictures of famous battles. Kurtis began organizing his lecture notes as Adams finished what he was saying.

"I'll be fine. I'm actually looking forward to it. A teacher in a trainer's academy. What's not to look forward to?"
Kurtis stood and slowly made his way back to the window, dodging Weavile twice and side-stepping Gardevoir's broom.

"I'm aware of that. I'm a hard man, Adams, not a mad one. I would never do anything to intentionally harm a student or Pokemon."
As he opened the curtain again, Kurtis began to really look at the students arriving, as well as the various partner Pokemon that they had out and about with them. Many of them seemed quite excited about the upcoming year. Many more, it seemed, were looking ahead with rugged determination - Kurtis wondered how many of them would be able to maintain that look as the year rolled by. Several students in particular really sparked his interest.

"Just making sure. I'm preparing for class now, actually. ...Yes, 'this early'. I will not be found late, lacking, or unprepared on my very first day of teaching. Or any of them, for that matter," he added with a lighter tone. "...Very well. Best of luck with your first class. ...Okay. Goodbye." Kurtis clicked the End button and flipped the phone closed. Taking one last look out at all the students, Kurtis drew the curtain shut and headed back to his desk. His Pokemon were just about finished with the preparations, and he had plenty to do before his class began.

This, he knew, was going to be quite the year.
So this is the place, Alex thought to himself. Alex sat quietly as the bus slowed down, looking out the window at the academy he would soon be calling home. Houndoom placed his head on his partner's shoulder, sighing as he received a scratch behind the ears. It had taken a bit of convincing to get the bus driver to allow Houndoom to be outside of his Pokeball, but it had been worth it; Alex had no desire to sit next to anyone, as they would no doubt think that a bus ride and somewhat awkward conversation would mean that they and Alex were now friends. "It's not like I hate people," Alex told Houndoom. "I just don't have the time or interest to get to know them. We both know why we're here, right?" Houndoom looked up at him, and Alex could swear he felt his friend nod. "Yeah. Power," he continued quietly. "We'll become the strongest of them all, and then no one will ever be able to kick us down again."

As the bus finally came to a stop, the two of them began shuffling off with all the other students. A lot of them were talking and laughing. I'm not heartless, and I'm not evil. I just have an absolute focus on who I want to be, and how I'm going to get there. And when I look at all these other students, all I see are obstacles waiting to be overcome. The pair began walking toward the entrance, glancing at their schedule. "Looks like our first class is homeroom," Alex said. Houndoom glanced up at him, then began to observe all the other Pokemon and trainers gathering in the area. Alex looked down at him. Houndoom's eyes were fierce and focused, never letting his guard down for an instant, and Alex knew he was taking careful account of every sight, sound, and scent he could detect. This drew a small smile from Alex. Yeah. You and I are definitely partners, my friend. Alex looked back up, his eyes filled with determination and ferocity, mirroring those of his partner; both of them were looking ahead, seeing the path they'd chosen with clear and unclouded vision. They would walk that path until they stood on top of the world, and they would not falter, so long as they had each other.

"Let's go, Houndoom."
Name: Alexander Garren
Gender: Male
Age: 17


Region of Origin: Sinnoh
City of Origin: Hearthome City

History: I was born into a bad family, and that's all I have to say about them. Anyway, I haven't heard from them in years. I ran away from home when I was just a kid. After about a year on my own, I met Houndour, and that began my journey to become the greatest Pokemon Trainer this world has ever seen. I've challenged several gyms across Sinnoh to gain a full five badges, and my team and I have grown stronger ever since. When we heard about this academy, I thought it'd be an excellent opportunity to grow stronger, so here I am.
Personality: Let's get one thing straight: I'm not here to make friends, I'm not here to be smart, and I'm not here for good grades. I'm after one thing: strength. I've been kicked around by life for too long, and just like Houndour and I swore the day we met, I'm never getting kicked around by anyone ever again. To make sure, I'm gonna be the strongest trainer there's ever been: better than Lance, better than Cynthia, better than anybody. And I will take down anyone who gets in my way.

Battle Theme:


Species: Houndoom
Personality: Houndoom is tough, resiliant, and as closed to the world as I am. And why shouldn't he be? His life wasn't much better than mine. He had a trainer once, some jerk who has no right to call himself a trainer. I guess he figured Houndour was too weak, so he released him. When Houndour didn't want to leave him, the jerk started kicking Houndour around, knocked him to the ground, and then kept beating on him. I happened to see this, and I guess the years I spent getting kicked around myself finally came crashing down on me. I screamed, I charged, I tackled him to the ground, and I started pounding his face with my fists. Unfortunately, he was large and I was not, so after maybe three or four blows from me, he was able to throw me off and start beating up me. After awhile, I guess he got tired and left, laughing. As I lie there, coughing up some blood, I turned to look at Houndour, who was still on the ground as well. When our eyes met, I knew right away we were meant to be partners; both of us had the same pain and determination in our eyes. I guess he felt the same way; we've been growing up together ever since.
Notable Moves: Bite, Roar, Beat Up, Fire Fang

Species: Sableye
Nickname: Ruby
Personality: Sableye was the first Pokemon Houndoom (still Houndour then) and I caught together. She's twitchy and somewhat reckless, and likes to try to swipe things when people aren't looking. I usually punish her by keeping her locked in her Pokeball. She likes to eat gemstones, especially rubies; hence the nickname.
Notable Moves: Astonish, Fake Out, Shadow Sneak, Zen Headbutt

Species: Milotic
Personality: I caught Milotic as a Feebas. I think I felt a connection with her; no one wanted her because they thought she wasn't useful. I thought differently. I guess she really appreciated it; she eventually evolved into Milotic. The truth is, I didn't know Feebas could do that, so it was really something to wake up to; she did it overnight, when I was still asleep. I did some research and found out about how the evolution worked, and I was very interested to learn about it, especially because I hadn't fed Feebas a single Pokeblock or poffin. Upon investigation, I found out she'd gotten Sableye to swipe them for her on nights we stayed in cities. I'm still contacting store owners to apologize, but I don't regret having her for an instant. Milotic is pretty vain (no surprise there) and likes to battle with elegance instead of brute strength. That said, she can still hold her own pretty well, especially in water.
Notable Moves: Aqua Tail, Captivate, Recover, Water Pulse

Species: Roserade
Personality: I caught Roserade as a Budew, evolved him to a Roselia, then used a Shiny Stone to make him a full Roserade. He's a bit of a showboat, and he likes to be the center of attention, especially around other Pokemon. He's also deathly afraid of thunderstorms.
Notable Moves: Mega Drain, Magic Leaf, Swagger, Double Team
Draconilian said
Well, I was going to say, and I quote "Who gave permission to post in the IC? *glares*"but having read it, I say it's fine, but warn me before you do something like that.

So sorry. Won't happen again.
UncleBob said
hah best battle theme music everrrr

False. The best theme in that game was Doopliss's Theme.
Specialized Combat Tactics and Maneuvers

Taught by Kurtis Vale, Orre Trainer Academy

Course Syllabus


Welcome, students, to Specialized Combat Tactics and Maneuvers (or, if you like, “Spec” for short). This syllabus is being provided to each of you so that you know what to expect in my class, and so you cannot attempt to weasel out of an assignment by saying you were not prepared for it. Below, you will find information that will help you to succeed in my class. Do well, and you will find your tactical abilities significantly improved. Slack off, and you will find out just how terrifying a teacher’s wrath can be. Fair warning.

Class will be every day at 1:00pm, immediately after lunch, in room 215. Classes will last until 3:30pm on the dot; you are not allowed to leave early without my express permission. My office can be found through the door in the rear of the classroom; if I am not teaching, you can usually find me there. If you need anything, my door is always open.

Course Material
Spec will consist of two major aspects: theory and application. The theory portion of this class will consist of careful analysis of well-known strategies in combat, as well as proposing creative solutions to solving some of these strategies. Theories will consist of a good deal of paperwork and hypothetical situations, so remember to be both attentive and creative when forming your strategies; you will be tested on them. While I know many of you may think theories are not worth your time to study, bear in mind that without a sound battle strategy, your Pokémon may as well be fighting without you.
The application part of the class will consist of actual battles, both simulated and real, so always bring your Pokémon to class. These battles will be used in conjunction with your paper-written exams in order to determine the effectiveness of your proposed strategies. Bear in mind that my Pokémon are significantly more experienced than yours, and I do not believe in holding back; if you do not pay attention and apply yourself fully to your work, your grade and your Pokémon will suffer for it. Before you ask: no, this is not going to be the same as Mr. Adams’s course; success in one most certainly does not guarantee success in the other. Laziness, goofing off, and misbehavior will not be tolerated.

Classroom Rules
- Always be on time. Being late will result in penalties for that class.
- Bring your Pokémon to every class; we will use them quite often. Pokémon are allowed outside of their Pokéballs, but must not disrupt class.
- Cheating of any kind will not be tolerated. Any instance of cheating will result in a failing grade for the assignment in question. Multiple instances will result in severe penalties, up to and including expulsion.
- Have your homework out and ready to turn in at the beginning of class. Late work will not be accepted except in extreme circumstances (the definition of “extreme” is entirely at my discretion).
- You are responsible for your behavior, the behavior of your Pokémon, and the completion of all assignments.

On occasion, and with varying frequency, I will assign homework for this class. Homework may be reading, writing, or involve active training with your Pokémon outside of class. Homework will be graded, and the average homework grade will count for 10% of your overall grade.
There will be a research paper due at the end of the semester. This paper is worth 25% of your overall grade, so it should not be taken lightly. The topic of your paper will be chosen by you, but each topic must be approved by me. You may propose a topic to me at any time until the end of the first month. Anyone without a topic at that time will be assigned a generic, boring, and very unenjoyable topic by me. You will not like what I give you, so I advise you to choose quickly. Also, no repeating topics; each student must choose a unique topic. I will be available at all times before and after classes to help students with this paper, so be creative and bold with your choosing; above all, choose a topic that matters to you, not to me.

Grading Scale
A: 100-90
B: 89-80
C: 79-70
D: 69-60
F: 59 or lower
Homework: 10%
Classwork/Quizzes: 15%
Research Paper: 25%
Exams: 20%
Final Exam: 30%

Extra Lessons
After classes, usually at 5:00pm, I can be found in the field outside the school. Here, I offer special extracurricular lessons on the proper care of Pokémon. These lessons are entirely unofficial and ungraded; you may come and go at your leisure. If you wish to grow closer to your Pokémon, or if you feel your knowledge in proper caretaking is lacking (there is no shame in this – you are all students, and you are all here to learn), I encourage you all to attend.

Final Words
Each of you is in this academy for one reason: we believe in your abilities. You are here because you are exceptional trainers, and do not let anyone tell you differently. My goal for this class – no, for this school – is nothing less than to see each of you and your Pokémon become the very best you can be. Stand up, stand fast, forge your path, and never look back. You can do this; I have faith in you.
I look forward to teaching all of you in the coming semester.

Kurtis Vale
Fair enough. Let me know if anything needs changing. On your time, of course.
If I may, what do you think of my CS? I'm eager to partake in this exciting-looking RP!
Name: Kurtis Vale
Gender: Male
Age: 37
It should be noted that this is an older photograph, as I have been unable to find a suitable photographer to take a modern-day picture. However, with the exception of age and height (6'2"), I look much the same.

Region of Origin: Johto
City of Origin: Ecruteak

Subject: My primary field is Combat Tactics and Maneuvers, though I also offer extra lessons in Pokemon Caretaking after classes.

History: I was born and raised in Ecruteak, where I apprenticed in the gym for several years. Morty especially taught me the value of inner strength and unyielding resolve. Eventually, my desire to start my own journey with my Pokemon overwhelmed me, and I said goodbye with my faithful Nidorino in tow. We trained rigorously, both I and my Pokemon, and eventually set out to challenging the gyms. While after some years I was able to collect all eight Johto gym badges, I was never able to become the Champion (Lance is still an incredible opponent, and I was only able to reach him twice). After some failed attempts, I finally conceded that my team was simply not ready to face such a challenge. More training would be required, and more training would be had. So I began travelling even further: Kanto, Hoenn, and even some time in Sinnoh. My team and I grew stronger all the time. Eventually, our journey led us to the Orre region, where I eventually learned of this academy. After learning that they were looking for teachers, I happily applied.
Personality: I was never handed anything in my life; I earned it all myself, and I expect the same from my students. In battle, the slightest distraction, hesitation, or lapse of judgment will cost you the duel. Therefore, it is my job to ensure that students are disciplined, their Pokemon are trained properly, and that each and every one of them is ready for whatever challenges may await them in the world. Rest assured: I *will* ensure it. However, let it not be said that I am heartless; I care very deeply for all of my students, especially their Pokemon. That is why I offer free supplementary lessons on the proper care and grooming of one's Pokemon. After all, regardless of skill or tactical ability, it is ultimately the bond between Trainer and Pokemon that we all must learn to cherish.

Battle Theme: Battle of Magic Competitions - Yasuharu Takanashi


Species: Nidoking
Nickname: N/A
Personality: Strong, focused, something of a brute, stubborn
Ah, Nidoking. Words truly cannot express the bond between the two of us. I've had him since he was just a Nidoran, and I was just a child. The two of us have grown so close over our many years of journeying, and I truly cannot imagine any team of mine being complete without him. He prefers to use his overwhelming power to demolish his opponents, and has a great respect for strength. Alternatively, however, he has no respect for those he considers weak or inexperienced, which sometimes makes it difficult for me to use him as an aid in my lessons.
Notable Moves: Earthquake, Poison Jab, Dynamic Punch, Giga Impact, Harden, Double Kick, Horn Drill

Species: Gengar
Nickname: N/A
Personality: Childish, troublemaker, likes to taunt his opponents... whether currently fighting them or not.
Gengar, as a Haunter, decided to haunt me as I made my way through the Ilex Forest, the little scoundrel. After three failed attempts at catching him, I simply resigned myself to the fact that Haunter would be following me throughout the entire forest. As I prepared to leave the forest, however, Haunter actually expressed an interest in staying with me. We've been together since, but even as Haunter evolved, Gengar still maintains the same mischievous attitude as always; I often catch him playing pranks on the younger students.
Notable Moves: Shadow Ball, Sludge Bomb, Hypnosis, Nightmare, Sucker Punch, Confuse Ray

Species: Gardevoir
Nickname: N/A
Personality: Nervous, shy, tends to avoid those she is not familiar with.
Gardevoir is incredibly shy and usually does not socialize with anyone without necessity. She often helps me with my Caretaking lessons, as she is able to sense emotions. ((OOC: It is believed that she has telepathic abilities, like most Psychic-types, but she has never shown them publicly.))
Notable Moves: Moonblast, Stored Power, Calm Mind, Confusion, Psychic, Reflect, Light Screen, Healing Wish (Kurtis refuses to use this move)

Species: Weavile
Nickname: N/A
Personality: Brash, arrogant, very proud of his speed.
I caught Weavile when he was still a Sneasel. Since then, we've trained Weavile in speed and subterfuge tactics. Weavile is very proud, pushing arrogance, when it comes to his speed, and refuses to believe that anyone is faster than he is; if he ever loses a race, he starts training himself furiously until he can move faster.
Notable Moves: Agility, Hone Claws, Feint Attack, Snatch, Shadow Claw, Swords Dance, Metal Claw

I thank you for your consideration and gladly await your response.

Kurtis Vale
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