Name: Kurtis Vale
Gender: Male
Age: 37

It should be noted that this is an older photograph, as I have been unable to find a suitable photographer to take a modern-day picture. However, with the exception of age and height (6'2"), I look much the same.
Region of Origin: Johto
City of Origin: Ecruteak
Subject: My primary field is Combat Tactics and Maneuvers, though I also offer extra lessons in Pokemon Caretaking after classes.
History: I was born and raised in Ecruteak, where I apprenticed in the gym for several years. Morty especially taught me the value of inner strength and unyielding resolve. Eventually, my desire to start my own journey with my Pokemon overwhelmed me, and I said goodbye with my faithful Nidorino in tow. We trained rigorously, both I and my Pokemon, and eventually set out to challenging the gyms. While after some years I was able to collect all eight Johto gym badges, I was never able to become the Champion (Lance is still an incredible opponent, and I was only able to reach him twice). After some failed attempts, I finally conceded that my team was simply not ready to face such a challenge. More training would be required, and more training would be had. So I began travelling even further: Kanto, Hoenn, and even some time in Sinnoh. My team and I grew stronger all the time. Eventually, our journey led us to the Orre region, where I eventually learned of this academy. After learning that they were looking for teachers, I happily applied.
Personality: I was never handed anything in my life; I earned it all myself, and I expect the same from my students. In battle, the slightest distraction, hesitation, or lapse of judgment
will cost you the duel. Therefore, it is my job to ensure that students are disciplined, their Pokemon are trained properly, and that each and every one of them is ready for whatever challenges may await them in the world. Rest assured: I *will* ensure it. However, let it not be said that I am heartless; I care very deeply for all of my students, especially their Pokemon. That is why I offer free supplementary lessons on the proper care and grooming of one's Pokemon. After all, regardless of skill or tactical ability, it is ultimately the bond between Trainer and Pokemon that we all must learn to cherish.
Battle Theme:
Battle of Magic Competitions - Yasuharu TakanashiPokemon:Species: Nidoking
Nickname: N/A

Personality: Strong, focused, something of a brute, stubborn
Ah, Nidoking. Words truly cannot express the bond between the two of us. I've had him since he was just a Nidoran, and I was just a child. The two of us have grown so close over our many years of journeying, and I truly cannot imagine any team of mine being complete without him. He prefers to use his overwhelming power to demolish his opponents, and has a great respect for strength. Alternatively, however, he has no respect for those he considers weak or inexperienced, which sometimes makes it difficult for me to use him as an aid in my lessons.
Notable Moves: Earthquake, Poison Jab, Dynamic Punch, Giga Impact, Harden, Double Kick, Horn Drill
Species: Gengar
Nickname: N/A

Personality: Childish, troublemaker, likes to taunt his opponents... whether currently fighting them or not.
Gengar, as a Haunter, decided to haunt me as I made my way through the Ilex Forest, the little scoundrel. After three failed attempts at catching him, I simply resigned myself to the fact that Haunter would be following me throughout the entire forest. As I prepared to leave the forest, however, Haunter actually expressed an interest in staying with me. We've been together since, but even as Haunter evolved, Gengar still maintains the same mischievous attitude as always; I often catch him playing pranks on the younger students.
Notable Moves: Shadow Ball, Sludge Bomb, Hypnosis, Nightmare, Sucker Punch, Confuse Ray
Species: Gardevoir
Nickname: N/A

Personality: Nervous, shy, tends to avoid those she is not familiar with.
Gardevoir is incredibly shy and usually does not socialize with anyone without necessity. She often helps me with my Caretaking lessons, as she is able to sense emotions. ((OOC: It is believed that she has telepathic abilities, like most Psychic-types, but she has never shown them publicly.))
Notable Moves: Moonblast, Stored Power, Calm Mind, Confusion, Psychic, Reflect, Light Screen, Healing Wish (Kurtis refuses to use this move)
Species: Weavile
Nickname: N/A

Personality: Brash, arrogant, very proud of his speed.
I caught Weavile when he was still a Sneasel. Since then, we've trained Weavile in speed and subterfuge tactics. Weavile is very proud, pushing arrogance, when it comes to his speed, and refuses to believe that anyone is faster than he is; if he ever loses a race, he starts training himself furiously until he can move faster.
Notable Moves: Agility, Hone Claws, Feint Attack, Snatch, Shadow Claw, Swords Dance, Metal Claw
I thank you for your consideration and gladly await your response.
Kurtis Vale