Alex started, surprised by Max's sudden appearance. He drove a forceful (though not necessarily painful) elbow into Max's arm, knocking it off of his shoulder. Houndoom, in like manner, snapped at the Togetic floating around him, who flitted away just in time to avoid the nasty bite.
"Hey!" Max exclaimed, rubbing his arm. He opened his mouth as if to say more, but Alex quickly cut him off.
"I'm not here to make friends, especially not with weaker trainers like you. If you want friends, talk to the weaklings over there," he said, jerking his head toward the rest of the students. Some had heard the brief exchange and had turned to face him, looking thoroughly unhappy and insulted. Not that he cared.
"Dammit, I'm going to be late again."
Alex turned to see an older man suddenly come sprinting down the hallway, papers flying everywhere and a Gardevoir behind him catching them all telekinetically. "Thank you," he said as he fumbled his keys into the classroom door. "Ah, come in, come in everybody, we're behind schedule as it is!" Alex quickly (and somewhat gladly) walked off, leaving Max and Togetic fuming behind him, though he wasn't really listening. This is supposed to be our teacher? he thought. ...Well, I suppose if the former Champion of Hoenn thinks he's something... Alex held on to that hope as he took an empty seat. Houndoom sat directly beside him on the ground so his shoulders were just above the desk; he was curious to see what was going on, and also wanted to be on the lookout for danger. Both seats beside Alex were empty; he hoped they would stay that way. He doubted they would.