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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by WolfsRose


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Alex sighed as Max plopped down beside him. Oh, great. He's insistent. Alex caught Houndoom's eye and gave a subtle nod toward Max. Houndoom made no indication that he had seen it.
"...after all, friendship is magic!"
As Max turned his attention to the teacher - and off of Alex - Houndoom suddenly shoulder-checked Max's seat, causing him to fall straight out of it!
"You wanna know who I think I am?" Alex growled, glaring at Max. "I'm the guy who's going to be a greater trainer than any of you could ever be. I don't care about making friends; 'friends' are just weak people who band together because they can't survive on their own. I'm not weak, and I don't need friends, especially not some loser like you who think forcing himself on someone else will do anything but drive them off. Get a life and grow up."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Draconilian
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Draconilian Call me Kali

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Not even a day in and students were always fighting. The boy with the Houndoom was showing quite the icy personality, and the kid with the Togetic seemed absolutely undaunted by his harsh personality. He picked his pack up from the ground and slung it over one shoulder, with his Grovyle following behind him, he entered the room and elected to take a seat near a window. The furthest front and to the right of the teacher. Aaron happily took in the sun on his desk while Terry watched the rest of the room, his teacher already had his name up on the board. Mr. Adams. And was digging underneath his desk for something as his Gardevoir watched the room, lightly swaying to some invisible wind perhaps.

Other students came in and took their desks, the boy with the Houndoom clearly wanted to be alone, though the brown haired kid was completely fearless. On Terry's row was somebody with a Jolteon who seemed friendly at least. Not that Terry really wanted to talk to anybody today.

From the front of the room, Hikari watched all the students, the first day something always happened, so her trainer had her keep an eye on everything while he got all his stuff sorted. There was already a scuffle, and a black haired trainer with a vicious looking Houndoom had decided to be the troublemaker of the day. Giving a brief speech on power and having his Pokemon cause physical harm to another. She telepathically alerted her trainer.

Mr. Adams jumped up from underneath his desk, with a rather serious look that didn't seem to match his carefree personality. He already had a roster of his students, and knew full well who each and every one of them was.

"Alexander Garren, if you cannot restrain both your Pokemon and your tongue to somebody who clearly intends you no harm. You may leave this classroom immediately." He pushed his glasses up and locked eyes with the offending trainer "Just because you think you deserve to be the best, doesn't mean you may go around acting as if you already are. Need I remind you the purpose of this academy? Those with knowledge, in this case, me, must pass it on to those without, and that includes you."

His Gardevoir, Hikari, telepathically contacted Max on the floor "Are you alright? She inquired."

Seems he takes no crap. Terry thought. Grovyle wasn't looking for a fight today, they just wanted to get settled in, the competition for the top spot of the class could come later. But his thoughts were interrupted as the teacher began to speak again.

"Now if we have no more disruptions, I know not everybody is here yet, but we had best get going. I'll put up everything on the board, and hopefully, some student nice enough in here, can share some quality notes with those who are late." He gave a slight chuckle, emphasizing the word nice

"First of all, this is class Four-A. Your schedules are on your papers. You report here first thing every morning, is that clear? Dorming is as follows..." And he began to write names up on the board.

Terry saw his own name on the same row as Alex Garren, the Houndoom trainer, and mentally cursed his ill luck. Also in that dorm, were Christopher, Jamin, and Andie. Names he didn't recognize.

The row below it, contained Maxwell, the fairy trainer, another student named Alex, and a Ritzy, Clayton, and Clyde.

Mr. Adams finished up the dorm lists on the board, six dorms of five each, and looked to the door, in case anybody chose this moment to come in.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Prints Avoid
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Prints Avoid Disgusting Loser

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Alex jolted awake. Rubbing his eyes, he looked around to see the rest of the ferry devoid of trainers. Seriously, no one thought to wake me up? he thought, with a disbelieving grin. He stretched his neck a bit then stood and picked up his backpack. He stepped off the ferry, drawing an amused look from the ferryman. Alex just gave him a nod and joked, "I'm looking to make an entrance."

He walked towards what appeared to be the main building. It sort of reminded him of a big Pokemon Center, complete with the Pokeball doorknobs. He wasn't surprised to find the hall had already cleared out. How late was I asleep? Or how short was that orientation?. A glance at the piece of paper in his pocket confirmed that orientation had been at 7:50. According to his watch it was 8:10 already. Another look at his sheet told him he was supposed to be in Mr. Adams room ten minutes ago. No matter, he figured orientation had just been a bunch of rules already laid out in the packet he'd gotten with his letter. First few minutes of class were probably the same. He just hoped this Adams wasn't going to make to big a deal out of this.

He made his way down the hallways looking for 108. The classrooms he walked past were full of noise, learning and Pokemon were a very loud combination. He found 108 with no issue and walked in. It seemed it wasn't as late as he thought as everyone still seemed to be settling in. There was a somewhat flustered looking man standing at the front of the room, a Gardevoir next to him. I guess that's Adams. At that exact moment the Mr. Adams himself turned to look at him. That was weird he thought, then his eyes drifted towards the Gardevoir again. Had the psychic Pokemon alerted Mr. Adams to his arrival? He raised his hand in a quick greeting. "Sorry I'm late, I missed the ferry and my Poliwag had to pull me all the way up the river. He actually beat the ferry, but I really needed a shower after that" he said as he claimed an empty seat at the front of the class. He noticed his name listed with those of four other students, apparently those would be the people he would be living with.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by WolfsRose


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Alex didn't budge from the staredown, but he did shrug his shoulders in a rather whatever fashion. Though he certainly offered no apologies; after all, it wasn't his fault Max didn't know how to take a hint. Sure, Adams, I'm not the best trainer. Not yet. But I will be, whether you let me in here or not. Eventually, as Mr. Adams got to writing out dorm rooms, Alex breathed an inward sigh of relief. At least I know there's one place I won't be bothered by this kid. Though this does mean I have four other trainers to deal with. He glanced at Houndoom, who had silently resumed his self-appointed post at Alex's side, and absently scratched him behind the ears.

As Mr. Adams began to write down the names for the second dormitory, Alex took the opportunity to get a better look at all of his classmates. There was Max, of course, who he had already grown to dislike. Up in front was a kid with a Grovyle that seemed a little too attached to his trainer. Ah, and now another kid was walking in late. All in all, Alex was thoroughly unimpressed. "Guess it's just us again," he muttered, just loud enough for Houndoom to hear. He whined softly in response.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TAGM3
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TAGM3 King Nothing

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Clayton rushed in behind the rest of the class, trying not to run in to anyone on his way in. He seemed to be one of the last people to manage their way in to the class, next to the student who gave an excuse to his lateness, he was surprised to already see two of his class mates almost arguing, the black haired student pushed the more joyous student to the ground. This is going to be a great first day... Before Clayton even realized it he had made way for the front of the class, the only place with seats left. Though it didn't leave him too disgruntled (< amazing word) he felt a little nervous sitting so close to the front of the class where Mr. Adams would be able to see him doing something bad pretty clearly. He'd try for a better seat next class.
After sitting down Clayton released his bag from his shoulders and laid it on the ground. He was startled by Mr. Adams warning the darker haired boy of what the consequences would be if he continued acting in such a way. Soon after the warning he wrote down the list of the dorms. The first list didn't contain his name, he glanced around to see if could match anyone's names with faces but he couldn't manage. Quickly after the first list Clayton seen his name, as well as Max and another Alex. There was Ritzy, a name he thought was sort of strange, and Clyde. He had a small smile on his face when he seen the name Clyde, he felt he'd get along fairly well with him just judging by his name. He still didn't know who anyone was but he felt as if these people would be interesting dorm-mates. Clayton picked out one of his Pokéballs and rolled it along his desk, waiting for Mr. Adams to actually start up the class.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by j8cob
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j8cob The Gr8est / The J8est

Member Seen 2 mos ago

When the teacher arrived, with his awesome Gardevoir using its psychic powers to carry his things, Chris couldn't help but grin like a fool. "I can tell he's a strong trainer too," Chris spoke to his Wartortle, whom also had his eyes locked on the teacher and his Pokémon. Not particularly planning on shoving through the doorway with the rest of the students, Chris and Wartortle relaxed a bit until everyone stopped rushing through the door. Then they calmly walked in. And just in time to catch the end of some guy with a Houndoom starting a fight. I think I'll battle him at some point, Chris joked in his head as he took a seat near the door. The teacher administered some quick justice and wrote some dormitory listings. Of which Chris noticed included the Houndoom guy. Looking back at the teacher, then at his Gardevoir. "I want to challenge him," he said aloud to his Wartortle, who hopped up unto the desk and sat on it nonchalantly. He was ready for learning anything Mr. Adams had to tell him. And he already had a plan for some after-class questions for him.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Crimson Flame
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Crimson Flame *Insert something profound here*

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Suddenly, the guys Houndoom pushed the back of Max's chair, causing him to fall out of his seat, and land face first onto the hard floor. "Gah!" Then he proceeded to make a speech about how he didn't need friends, and that he was better than everyone else in the room. Before Max had a chance to respond to his speech, Mr. Adams gave him a stern talking to. Of course, the kid with the Houndoom, who's name was Alex, didn't apologize for his Pokemon's behavior. Figures... The boy thought. "Dude, chill! I was only trying to be nice!"

His Togetic was shocked by this behavior, and started to babble something in Pokemon speech, that sounded like, 'Oh my gosh! Why would you do that?! That was sooooo mean!' And she continued babbling on and on, before Max signaled to her, and Belle shut her mouth, and took her seat back on the desk.

As Max sat up, and rubbed his hurt face, Mr. Adams' Gardevoir asked him if he was ok. His eyes widened in surprise. He never had a Pokemon speak to him before. Technically, it was thinking, but still. "Yeah, I'm fine! Don't worry. Oh wow, I never seen a talking Pokemon before!" He proceeded to give the Gardevoir a hug, then abruptly let go. "Sorry. I'm a Fairy Trainer. The Ralts evolution line are on my list of Pokemon I want to get."

As he got back into his seat, Mr. Adams put the names of trainers he would be living in the dorms with for this school year on the board. He was apparently living with a different Alex, but he wasn't familiar with any of the other names on the list. It didn't matter, as long as they were more friendly than this Houndoom guy, then all would be well.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Fabricant451
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Fabricant451 Queen of Hearts

Member Seen 8 days ago

Ritzy yawned all through Steven Stone's speech. Sure, it was probably important, but speeches were so boring, this one was no exception. Battling wasn't interesting to her. Sure, it was an important aspect of being a trainer and she;d battled in the past, having some Unova badges to prove this, but battles weren't the thing that drew her to the life of a trainer, and hearing Stone talk about battling onlymade her more and more bored. Luckily she got sleep on the bus, or else she'd be in danger of falling asleep right in the middle of the speech. That would have been bad, no one wants to be known as the sleeping kid on the first day. Especially not by the teachers.

When the speech finally ended, Ritzy checked her materials. She was to go to room 108, someone named Adams. Whatever. Didn't matter who her teacher was, he or she would just be a footnote in the eventual biography of Ritzy. If a teacher was particularly memorable, Ritzy might even go to one for an interview for said biography.Ritzy waited around in the main hall while other students filed out. She was in no hurry. It was the first day, what kind of teacher would be mad about tardiness on the first day? A bad teacher, that's who.

Ritzy eventually made her way to room 108, after taking the longer, more scenic route. She could her people in the classroom, probably the teacher and students. Smiling, she opened the door to the classroom and stepped inside.

"Ladies and gentlemen, Ritzy is here. Hold your applause, I know that meeting celebrities can be a new experience, but please, I'm just like everyone else. Just famous. No applause, no flash photography, and please, hold the autograph requests until free time! To think, you will all have the privilage, nay, the honor of one day telling your kids that you were a classmate of the famous....RITZY!"

Ritzy made her introduction as soon as she entered the classroom, twirling down the desk aisles as she did so. It was one way to make an impression, to be sure.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Draconilian
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Draconilian Call me Kali

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Yes yes sit down all of you." Mr. Adams had his fair share of quirky students every year, nothing they would do could faze him, provided they didn't step out of line.

His Gardevoir giggled at the contact from the friendly trainer, "Now if we're done with the distractions..." Mr. Adams said, looking clearly at the standing Maxwell, though not unkindly. "We can begin class.

Terry opened up his books and started writing, though not notes, instead he drew vague sketches and doodles, some useful, some not. Aaron yawned and fell asleep on the ground.

"I'm sure by being here you all have a strong understanding of the type chart." He went around briefly asking random students type matchups, nobody missed anything. "And you likely all know the passive traits of the types, poison types can't be poisoned, in any way, for instance. We are of course still discovering new things about the types, it's still a mystery why the newly discovered Fairy types cannot be harmed by Dragons. In case some of you don't have experience with this phenomenon, here's an example."

Adams pulled a navy blue and red Pokeball out from his jacket pocket and deployed it in front of the class. A dangerous looking Dragon-Shark appeared before the students. "Don't worry, Slash here is harmless. As a demonstration, Slash, use Dragon claw on Hikari." The teacher's Gardevoir remained stone still, knowing full well what would happen. The Garchomp as well seemed to know what was going to happen, as he only put forth a weak effort as his talon was wrapped in flame and he slashed the Gardevoir.

A bright light appeared and absolutely no damage was sustained. It appeared as though the attack phased right through. "This interaction is of course strange, how nobody noticed this until recently is similarly unusual."

Continuing with the theme of introductory mechanics, he began to explain moves and type pools, and the mechanics of how Pokemon have affinity for certain moves, especially ones they share a type with. He called on the student to the farthest front and right, Terry.

"Now, your Grovyle over there, is of course a grass type, and I'm sure you know that species signature move is Leaf Blade. What you may not know, is a Leaf Blade from a Grovyle or Sceptile will not only be more powerful because of the shared typing, but that move from that species will be more powerful than a Leaf Blade from any other Pokemon." Terry did not know this, not that he had ever seen another Pokemon use the move at all. Aaron continued to doze in the sun, unaware he was being discussed.

"Now, your homework... you are each to have a battle with one of your dormmates today. Officially refereed of course." He barely suppressed a chuckle, knowing that since there was an uneven number of people in each dorm, that one person would wind up battling twice, and he wondered how this would affect the social dynamics. "Now, you are all dismissed, and have free time until one PM, when your next class begins. See you all tomorrow."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TAGM3
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TAGM3 King Nothing

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Clayton kept his eyes of Mr. Adams for most of the class and seemed fairly interested. This was a fairly good class for the start of the day. Suddenly what seemed to be an extreme egotist practically exploded in to the class room. Clayton swung his head around pretty violently at the loud girl and listened to her speech. He shook his head, it almost seemed like this school was full of, well, some pretty weird people and though he didn't want to be included on that list, he probably would eventually. At the end of the eccentric students speech she mentioned her name, Ritzy. He quickly peered back at the board and there she was, her name sitting among his in the dorm list. He shook his head and turned back to the teacher.

Clayton watched just as the other students did but he seemed slightly more... Nervous. When Mr. Adams suspected everyone to know most of the type-chart he tried to suppress himself from raising his hand and saying that he didn't know a lot of the type-chart. He wasn't normally the type of person to refrain from being open but he didn't want them to realize he didn't know much of the skills it takes to be a good trainer, though he could battle fine. He supposed the rest of the class knew practically all of the Pokémon types and the factors that they held. He let that thought dwell on his mind up until Mr. Adams said they already had homework, Clayton sighed. Then he said the homework was battling his fellow dorm-mates. He slapped his hand against his face and cursed to himself. He wanted to learn more about battling and types before actually battling and that through all of his plans out of the window. After Mr. Adams dismissed class he picked up his back, slung it around his shoulder and started for the door.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by WolfsRose


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"See you all tomorrow." As Mr. Adams finished his lesson, Alex sighed and rose to his feet, taking a quick moment to stretch and ignore all the looks he got from other classmates. Excellent, he thought, it's finally over. And to make things even better, our first assignment is to battle somebody. Alex was almost disappointed now that he and Max didn't share a dorm.


Houndoom quickly stood to follow Alex as the two of them made their way to the exit, determinedly keeping their eyes from meeting anyone else's. Alex wanted only to head for his dorm room, pick a good bed, drop off his stuff, and leave before anyone else showed up.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Clyde looked at the doorway as this girl apparently named Ritzy made quite the entrance, enough for Jolteon to starting yipping quite happily at the girls personality. Clyde then resumed his attention on the teacher and his explanations on typing, Clyde did know most of this, due to his brother teaching him most of the type chart. he continued his explanation until class was over and they were given the homework assignment of battling their fellow dormmates, Clyde looked at the list of who was in his dorm, and saw Ritzy was on there. Clyde looked down to his Jolteon but found Jolteon was already near the Gardevoir sniffing it. "F-flash!" Clyde then took out his pokeball and tried returning his Jolteon only for it to jump out of the way every time seemingly laughing at Clyde. "How did I even capture you again?" Clyde said, putting away the pokeball in defeat as his Jolteon simply yipped at him.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Crimson Flame
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Crimson Flame *Insert something profound here*

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Just as everything was getting settled, a girl named Ritzy made an entrance claiming to be a star. Max and Belle just giggled as the girl made a scene. She seemed less jerkish than Alex at least... He hen resumed his attention on the teacher and his explanations on typing, Max already knew his types, but he still liked hearring about Fairy's immunity to Dragon type attacks. It was the reason he specialized in Fairy types to begin with. The idea of cutesey fairies taking down monstrous Dragons was a dream come true for Max. Who cares why it exists, it does! The boy thought with a smirk, of the teachers comment about how strange it was.

The class ended with a homework assignment that required him to battle with one of his dormmates. That sounded like a fun assignment, and a good way to get to know the people he be living with this semester. Now they had until 1 PM of time to kill. He got out of his seat, and walked out into the hallway. Belle the Togetic following closely. He headed to the dorms to claim a room before all the good ones were taken.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Prints Avoid
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Prints Avoid Disgusting Loser

Member Seen 10 mos ago

"To think, you will all have the privilege, nay, the honor of one day telling your kids that you were a classmate of the famous....RITZY!"

Staring with wide eyes and a wide disbelieving grin as the girl made her entrance, Alex couldn't help but burst into laughter as she danced to her seat. Now this was interesting. Seemed someone else was out to shape the world to her liking, even if it was a delusion of fame, he could respect that. He looked up at the board, noticing that she was assigned to the same dorm. He smirked a bit, then pulled out a notebook and put snapped back into student mode. It was just like being back at his normal school, an open and focused mind ready to take in and process new information. This is what he was here for after all, go from being good to the best.

Most of the information was already known to him, but he took everything down making his own additions out of habit. When it came to the demonstration of the Dragon attack's lack of effect on the Fairy type, he watched carefully. He had heard about this but as he didn't own a Fairy type or Pokemon with a Dragon type attack he had never witnessed it up close. At the mention of signature moves, Alex's attention turned to his Smoochum. When she evolved, Alex knew Sweets would at some point learn Lovely Kiss, though he wasn't sure how well it would fit in with their battle style. Even then the Adams other comment was irrelevant as he was sure no other Pokemon could use Lovely Kiss. If any of his other two Pokemon had a signature move, it'd be news to him.

Once class was dismissed he took note of the assignment to battle a dormmate. Seeing as he only knew who Ritzy was, she seemed like a good opponent, if for nothing else but see what she was like in battle. He noticed another trainer having trouble controlling his Jolteon. Cocking an eyebrow he wondered I thought this was a school for skilled trainers.... It was then that he noticed just how many of the trainers had their Pokemon out of the Pokeball for whatever reason. Whatever, I'll let them out once we're in the room. Don't want anyone to think I can't control my Pokemon.

Before leaving the room he walked up to Ritzy. "Lemme just say I was just sooo thrilled to see that the great Ritzy was in my class. I never I thought I'd be so lucky," he said with a smirk. It was a risk, saying all that. For all he knew she'd be so oblivious she'd think he was serious. "I hope you don't mind if I take this opportunity to ask for your autograph," he said holding out a pen and his notebook. "Just something like 'To Alex, with love'.I'm sure it'll be of immense value someday... and yet," he continued, pulling it back "it seems unfair for me to just have something like your autograph without giving you something in exchange." He pretended to think for a bit, then smiled, "I know! You may not have noticed yet but we're in the same dorm." He gestured toward the lists on the board. "I say we have a battle later, and if I win, I get your autograph. And if you win...," he paused and shrugged, "Well you probably won't so we can figure that out some other time. How about it?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by WolfsRose


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Alex and Houndoom headed down the hallway and finally made it to their dorm room. Opening the door, it appeared that they were the first to arrive. Lucky me. Alex shut the door behind him and proceeded to walk in. The dorm was actually quite nice: a kitchen, a small living room, and (to Alex's disappointment) all five beds were in the same room. Alex took the bed on the right, closest to the door. Dropping his stuff at the foot of the bed, he laid back and sighed. Houndoom hopped up next to him and laid down beside him. Alex put his arm around his dearest friend and stared up at the ceiling.

"Well, day one and we've already made a name for ourselves." he told Houndoom. Houndoom's tail thumped once in response. He didn't much care what the other trainers thought of him, but as long as they all didn't like him, he could use that to get some extra battling practice in. "After all," he said with a self-scorning smile, "no one can resist trying to put a jerk in his place, even when they're hopelessly outmatched." Houndoom smiled; that's exactly how he and his beloved trainer had met.

Alex continued to lie there for several minutes, stroking Houndoom absently while he took a rare opportunity to relax. After a while, he finally sat back up and slid out of bed, Houndoom following loyally. "Come on," he told Houndoom. "We've got several hours before our next class. Let's take the opportunity and train." Houndoom nodded, and the two of them headed for the door. Just as Alex was reaching for the handle, however, the door flew open, slamming him squarely in the forehead.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by j8cob
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j8cob The Gr8est / The J8est

Member Seen 2 mos ago

This whole class is weird, Chris noted to himself from the safety of his desk. Much to his own gladness, the noisier bunch had sat elsewhere in the room. With the girl, Ritzy as she called herself, making an entrance and other general foolery going on, Chris was glad nobody was bothering him. I gotta make friends, but perhaps the less crazy, he thought to himself with a chuckle, before looking at his Wartortle. The Wartortle sat there rather quietly and calm, much to Chris's surprise, but kept his eyes on Ritzy for one reason or another. Mr. Adam's lecture wasn't the longest, nor was it the most boring. Though Chris didn't think that he learned much of anything new. But the concept of signature moves was new to him, and he couldn't help but wonder which of his Pokémon had a signature move. And what it was. However, once the class was over and they were dismissed, Chris snapped out of it.

He waited a moment before standing up from his seat, and when he noticed the classroom had thinned out a bit, a smirk formed on his face. Chris walked up to the teacher now, with his smirk transformed into an anxious smile. "So our homework is to battle the other trainers?" he asked, though it seemed like more of a naïve confirmation, Chris had other plans. Rather than wait for a formal answer, he withdrew a Pokeball and brandished it. "So does that mean I can get extra credit if... I challenge you to a battle?" At the mention of a battle, Wartortle hopped once in excitement and then put on his game face. Though as serious and tough as he tried to look, it didn't work very well.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by UncleBob


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Jamin was feeling slightly amazed, but he had to keep his mouth shut for fear of looking like a complete drooling idiot. But not to worry, because Fireball did it for him. The little monkey Pokemon was literally looking around the classroom with the expression that said, 'Oh, don't mind me. I'm either off my face on some illicit substance or unfortunately there's nothing between my ears.' Goddamn the fact that Fireball and Jamin were so alike.
The first lesson was nothing overly special, he'd heard it before on his travels chatting to other trainers. However, his classmates were hilarious. One dark-haired, moody looking kinda guy had used his Houndoom to shove this poor kid off his seat. The moody looking guy had looked quietly triumphant at pushing the dude, which highly amused Jamin. He had to try hard not to laugh. Then some girl had jumped in, proclaiming that she was awesome and all the rest of it. Jamin quite liked the look of her, she also looked hilarious. And then the lesson had ended, with the most FREAKING AWESOME piece of homework ever: battle another trainer. He wanted to go up and ask Ritzy, but she was already taken with someone else. So he decided to wander around a bit, and aquaint himself with the school.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Fabricant451
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Fabricant451 Queen of Hearts

Member Seen 8 days ago

As far as reactions went, Ritzy was disappointed that the reactions to her entrance were, well, mild, to say the least. Sure, there were those students who looked at her, no doubt wondering if she was serious – and she definitely was, but hardly so much as a laugh, nary a clap, and even the teacher just seemed to ignore it.
“What a buncha stiffs,” Ritzy said, shrugging her shoulders and taking a seat. “You’d think people would be more excited about a celebrity.” Ritzy sighed and sat back in her seat. This was an academy, it was probably for the best if she paid attention.

That, of course, was easier said than done. Of course she knew the type matchups, and she wasn’t even here to become a better battler; it was just…knowledge, it seemed unlikely that anyone attending this place would be unfamiliar with typings. Ritzy rolled her eyes and muttered “What a shocker” when Mr. Adams mentioned how poison types were immune to poison. Three of the Pokemon Ritzy had were poison types, she figured she knew as much about them as anyone else, well, except for maybe Roxie or that Kanto gym leader.

If she had come just to learn about stuff she already knew, she was wasting her time. The demonstration of Fairy and Dragon was about the most interesting part of the lesson, but Ritzy had no interest in either type. She had something to prove, and neither Fairy nor Dragon types fit into her gameplan.

Homework was assigned, and Ritzy groaned. Of course the homework was battling. Ritzy wasn’t a fan of battles, but she knew how, any trainer worth their salt knew how. Then again, this was an institute for teaching the future gym leaders and elite four, right? Battles were thus to be expected.

Ritzy was placing her supplies back into her bag when a fellow student approached her. Her eyes widened in shock, in joy. Finally, someone who understood, someone who knew that Ritzy would be a name worth remembering.

“An autograph? Of course! It would be your honor and my great privilege. You, Alex was it? You have the honor of having the world’s first autograph from the great and utterly famous Ritzy! Cherish it! Frame it! Show your children, your children’s children, your children’s children’s children! Show your neighbors! Show your friends! Show the world that you, yes you, have an autograph, THE VERY FIRST, from Ritzy. Why, such a prize is likely to make you ALMOST as famous as me. And by almost, I mean like point one percent as famous as me. Which is point one percent more famous than anyone else!”

Ritzy, upon finishing her little speech, extended her arms towards the notebook and pen, only to have them snatched away. Oh. Oh. He was messing with her. This was his ruse to challenge her to a battle, for his homework, and thus hers by association. Ritzy sighed, slinking back into her seat.

“Tch, fine. FINE! If that’s how you want to do this, we’ll battle. And you’re going to get my autograph. Everyone will have my autograph eventually! Whenever you want, Fan Number One, I’ll be there, and you’ll get your prize!”

Ritzy began to laugh, seemingly unaware that the terms were that the autograph would be given when she lost. Nevertheless, the battle was accepted.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by WolfsRose


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Terry approached the door, Aaron holding tightly to his back. "Well, here we are!" he told Aaron excitedly. "This'll be our room. Wonder if anyone else is already here?" He gripped the handle and gave the door a good push.



Terry quickly pushed the door all the way open. "Oh gosh, I'm sor-" He stopped. It was that black-haired kid, the Houndoom trainer. "Oh," he said, "it's you." Aaron began growling from behind him. Apparently he didn't like this trainer either.

Alex rubbed his forehead where the door had hit him and glared at the kid. "Yeah, it's me," he responded. "There a problem with that?" Houndoom stepped forward, meeting the Grovyle's gaze and growling just as fiercely. To his credit, the Grovyle seemed unafraid.

Terry stepped into the room fully. Aaron slid off of his back, he and Houndoom now face-to-face, both refusing to be intimidated. "I'd be lying if I didn't say yes," Terry answered him. He really was getting tired of this guy's attitude.

Alex sneered at him. "Tch. Figures. You're all talk, just like they are. If you've got a problem..." Alex stepped in closer, until their faces were an inch apart, and glared down at Terry. There was not an ounce of warmth in his face. "...What are you gonna do about it?"

Terry refused to budge. "I don't think you realize how insufferable you really are. What would you do if someone treated you the way you treat everybody else?" Terry met Alex's glare with one of his own. "I'll tell you, you have a lot to prove before you can even pretend to be the best."

"Hmph. Like I said, all talk. If you have a problem with me, prove your worth and settle it. You got the same assignment I did, and the battlefields are open. So, loser, capable enough to battle?"

"Bring it!" Terry and Alex stormed off to find an open field, Aaron and Houndoom in tow. The two Pokemon never took their eyes off of each other, growling all the way.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Draconilian
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Draconilian Call me Kali

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"So, Chris isn't it? You want to challenge me to a battle?" Mr. Adams chuckled at the absurdity of the situation. "Tell you what, if you win, you graduate, today. If you don't win, you need to do the homework as usual." The teacher knew the outcome already, and he didn't feel like giving a harsh punishment for simple bravado.

"I'll use one Pokemon, you can use all of yours. Now then, we'll just do it here, since I am a school official." Mr. Adams pulled out a pure white pokeball from his pocket, tossed it up and caught it, and tapped the button to release his Lucario. The teacher stepped back and gave ample room, there was enough in the front demonstration space to battle here. "I assume you have more than your Wartortle, of course." Adams pushed up his glasses and locked eyes with his brave student.
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