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EnkiLukas stood quietly next to his brother, radiating reassurance, but not reaching out while Kami was concentrating so fiercely. Kami had power by the bucketload and was now trying something equivalent to gently poaching an egg with a flamethrower. "You got this bro..." he murmured quietly, "it's going to be fine" he added, meeting Hollow's eyes and nodding ever so slightly.
"Dammit Kam, remember what Dad always said about thinking before you act?" Enki-Lukas thumped Awesome on the arm, looking now strangely like a larger, more mature version of Kami, but brown-haired and unarmoured. Taking Kaminari aside for a moment he spoke more quietly, "We talked about this, you need to be more careful of people's feelings that a normal. Remember that time you nearly fried Rhonda's kids? She's still not talking to you."

Catching the grim, defeated look that briefly chased across Kaminari's face Lukas looked grim for a moment. "This is my fault. I should have been around more Kam, I know, it's been hard for you. We'll go and have a few beers, lay some ghosts to rest."
Kaminari's face softened a little, became a little more human. He smiled. Not the mad grin of Captain Awesome but a gentle smile, at being recognised and understood.
"It's settled," Enki/Lukas grinned, feeling the loneliness and uncertainty under the blazing steel exterior of his brother. "You can tell me about that business with the Alderaan Sisters," Grinning, EnkiLukas gently turned them both back towards the group. "Let's see if you can somehow clear the worms out of these people without frying them eh?"
BTW - for new and existing players - my power is the ability to become a close relative of any human. This is not an illusion, it is actually true and supported by the memories of associates and family of the person affected for as long as I wish it to be. I acquire the memories of shared experiences too and know anything about the person that a close relative or spouse would know.
Sorry to have been a bit absent - my kitchen is being ripped out and a new bit built on... so my bandwidth was limited.
Enki stirred from his quiet contemplation of Mild. The man was human and his adulation of the group reminded Enki of the worshipping masses that crowded festivals and marketplaces around his temples. The love of humans was a sweet, but volatile substance, as brief and variable as his children were themselves. The Kaminari person was drunk on it.

He stepped forward and gently put his hand gently but firmly on Kaminari's shoulder. "Brother, these people need your help." As he did so the life that he had shared with Kaminari, their childhood spent together, settled on him like a familiar cloak.
"Powerful, but a fool," Enki stepped back and raised his spear-point, sniffing the pale sheen of blood on the blade. The winged lion shape was gone from him, though his eyes remained yellow and his movement still had the snapping impatience of a hunting cat. "It bragged and postured rather than keep an advantage. It's master may be cleverer, but it entrusts it's work to imbeciles. Can one of you track the scent of blood?"
"Indeed, we should talk creature," Enki stabbed down with his spear and pinned the creature's foot to the floor. "You should tell us everything you know before dying" .
The leaf-shaped gold-bronze head of Enki's spear was pressed against the throat of the the thing masquerading as Winters. There could be no mistake. The other creature had not been Winters and not human, but this creature was just as bogus. Enki cast out with his mind to find the real Winters. Was he still part of the world, was he somewhere?
Enki liked the bar. Brewing was as old as crops, as old as Enki and beer always reminded Enki of his daughter-goddess Ninkasi, who had bestowed this gift on mankind. The hymn to her, a recipe for brewing, was the oldest writing in human history.

Easing off the sticky red leather of the barstool he padded softly over to Mr Winter, gently becoming... who would it be?

Mr Winter looked up at him and nothing happened. The deep, primal feeling of kinship that Enki could tap into in all humans, the well from which he had been born was absent in this creature. He recoiled, repelled by the slick alien psyche housed in the human form. Now he reached out, but not to touch as a brother, to hold an enemy at bay.

"Who, what are you!?! You are no kin of mankind, no seed of Sumer! Speak truth abomination!", and Enki's form was suddenly that of the Winged Lion of Sumer and he was angered.
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