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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Deathmaker


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Chill your balls, Mild. We trust you, but as of the moment, you're on my neutral side. If Enki says otherwise, then it's all good. Sorry for being harsh, but I can't be nice during times like these. Sorry, Nerdlord." Alexei apologized; hoping that Mild would understand that he wasn't still convinced.

Alexei shook his head as he sighed deeply. Everything was messed up; messed up indeed. However, this was what Mimic wanted... for them to suffer and die slowly like this. If that serpent expected their team to fall apart; that slug was totally wrong. Their team was not going to fall; not on Alexei's watch.

"I know that I said that I hate you guys... but, at this moment, you're the only people I have left." Alexei tried to smile as he exhaled. "Don't lose hope. We'll get through this, and show those serpents that he chose the wrong superhero team to mess with."

Alexei strode over to his table; wearing again his vest and camouflage. He pulled out two briefcases from under the table as he opened them; revealing tons of dollars. "My job as an assassin was not pretty... but it paid well. We can use my money to find a cure." Alexei smiled at his team as he looked up. Was there any hope? With these guys at his side; there was.

"Anyone want to go on a little shopping spree?" Alexei smiled; trying to lift his team's spirits. "I'll need to buy some guns as well."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by paigesweetheart


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Melinda looked at Mild. "I trust you." She smiled at him and turned her head back at Alexei as she saw him getting two briefcases and then revealing his money. Her eyes widened but she shooked her head walking towards Alexei placing her hand on his back. "He is right guys! We shall not let those nasty disgusting icky ugly win! They messed with the wrong team." She giggeled flipping her hair.

"Shopping? Yes! But I have ny own money. Thanks though." She smiled pinching Alexei's left cheek while grabbing a hold of his left hand once again.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Deathmaker


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Alexei smiled as Melinda teased him, however, she still held his hand tightly. The lad felt something warm surging through his hands, and arms. It was a simple act, holding hands, but for some reason, it was more than that for Alexei. Did he grow mellow as the years went by? Of course not... He merely accepted that he was human as well. He needed these touches; the human interaction and touch. Alexei tightened his hand around hers as he knew that Melinda really calmed him down. Alexei turned to Teleporto; his voice in a calm tone.

"You comin', Heath? We can buy you some better equipment. Swords can't only be your weapon. I got a good friend near the market that sells good equipment." Alexei offered to Heath; trying to build a good relationship with the guy. "In fact, we can upgrade everyone here... of course, except Enki... I think he's more powerful than us." Alexei chuckled as he looked at Melinda.

"And as for you, after we're done with the shopping... I've got something to talk about." Alexei grinned as he lightly pecked her forehead. Alexei turned to the others; his smile beaming.

"Shall we go?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by GreenGrenade
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"I'm in, Alexei. I... do need new equipment, but I'm not replacing Tanya (the sword)... Not just yet," replied Heath.

In the past few hours, Alexei had gone from a cold, calculating dickhead into a cold, calculating, likeable leader. To Heath, such quick character development in such a short time was unheard of, but he was glad of the change. He now saw not only a trustworthy individual, but a friend, in Alexei. And he would follow his newfound friend into the theoretical battlefield, until death places its blanket over their heads.

"I'll meet you outside the bar," he said, before teleporting outside.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

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Mild nods, before sighing. He then looks up. "Hey, no offense, guys, but you've got worms. The lethal kind. I don't think they sell antidote's for that, especially in Nevada." He smiles, as he holds out an odd-looking phone, covered in lines and scifi-looking gadgets that quite probably serve absolutely no purpose, in the style of scifi gadgets. "When you guys moved here, I was assigned to be your guardian, because I was the only one in the area who wanted the position. They gave me this. If we use it, we cn contact Team Awesome and bring them right over here." He looks hesitantly over at each of the assembled supers, knowing about how each of the members of TMC had been rejected from the crime-fighting Team Awesome. "But it's not my decision to make. You guys have earned the right to at least make the call. Do you want to get them over here, or do you think you can handle this on your own?"
((Warning: This choice will severely affect the storyline. Your choices here will have a large-scale effect on the plot. Choose carefully, and consider all options.))
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Deathmaker


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Alexei looked at Mild; his eyes opened in surprise. The lad's lips trembled in bitterness, but the same time, relief. The same pricks that rejected them, and this time, the same pricks that they needed. Alexei's mind was divided into two sides; one said hell no, and the other, hell yes. Alexei knew that if he was alone, he would die before accepting a phone call... but he had the guys... he had Teleporto, he had Hollow, he had Enki, he had Mild, and most importantly, he had Melinda. It was a matter of pride versus morality. If they made a phone call... those freaks at the Team Awesome would just laugh at them; saying that they couldn't handle a simple matter such as this... but if they didn't, their pride would be kept.

Unfortunately, Alexei knew that pride was not going to kill those worms. Alexei was willing to die for his pride, but he didn't any of this team to die as well. Alexei looked at his team, his eyes bitter, and desperate. The lad looked at Melinda, and suddenly, the answer came to him. He would be dead before seeing any of this team die.

"I can always find another dignity, or another profession... but I'll only have one Teleporto, one Hollow, one Enki, one Nerdlord, and most importantly, one Melinda." Alexei mumbled. "I know that we can't fight this alone; this trouble is beyond our level... but at the same time, we must be willing enough to accept help from others. However, Nerdlord, tell those pricks at Team Awesome, that we'll only accept cures or any support... taking Mimic's head is our job; Heath's job." Alexei nodded to Mild. "I vote that we make a phone call to Team Awesome. Any other votes?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by paigesweetheart


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Melinda was actually excited that they were going to go shopping and just have fun! But then Mild began to tell them about a phone call to Team Awesome. They did need help but she didnt want to sound like a weak girl, asking to call the team. Melinda sighed squeezing Alexei's hand as she was still holding it. But suddenly, ver very surprised that Alexei himself wanted Team Awesome to come and help us, especiallywith the cures and all. Melinda smiled at Alexei blushing seeing that he needed her...and she needed him as well, ofcourse she need the others as well. But Alexei was the most that she needed, she didnt know what they were now but soon they will talk. "Alright... I go with Alexei and call the Team." She nodded sticking to her answer running a hand through her hair while still holding Alexei's hand.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

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Seeing that the majority of votes had already been cast, Mild saw that Team Awesome was going to be called in, regardless of what Teleporto voted, and Heath had already left the area. It seemed they'd been able to beat their pride to get new help. "Alright, I'll call them in." Pressing the button, the device flashes, a glowing beam of light shooting up into the sky. Even if Team Awesome were in another dimension, or somewhere else in the galaxy, this message would directly reach their leader, Kaminari. A man who's speedy responses were quite-

A flash of light illuminates the room for the second time in five seconds. When it clears, Captain Awesome, also known as Kaminari, is standing in the room. He's tall, his skin fair, his eyes bright red. His hair was long and blond, sticking up in a large permanent spike, and he was clad in a suit of golden glowing armor, radiating heat. Captain Awesome, the most powerful member of Team Awesome, capable of transforming into lightning and moving at the speed of light, the man who had faced down Ur'al, Demon of Destruction, and halted alien invasions. He doubles up, laughing, slowly but surely crumpling to the ground, laughing so hard he's barely making a sound. The Lightning God can hardly breathe, that's how hard he's laughing, looking at Alexel and the rest.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Deathmaker


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Alexei rolled his eyes; unimpressed, and irritated with the bastard's flashy entrance. Honestly though, the guy, Kaminari if Alexei's memory was right, was powerful. No doubt about it, Alexei knew that the guy was not to be underestimated. However, his snide and arrogant attitude really ticked off Alexei's buttons. Suddenly, the captain crumpled to the ground... laughing. Alexei gritted his teeth; if this guy wasn't their hope, he would have already fired hundreds of rounds into his skull.

The assassin tightened his grip on Melinda's hand; hoping to calm himself down before he would try to shut a bitch up. Alexei sighed as he tried to remember how to do manners in the first place... however, with a guy who was disrespecting them by laughing... Manners were not an option. Besides, this was the guy who rejected him; who rejected them.

"I see you're enjoying yourself. I think no one yet has died of laughter, but I sincerely hope you do." Alexei mumbled as he rolled his eyes. "I didn't know faggots could now run at the speed of light." the lad smirked, looking intently at the laughing captain. Deep inside, Alexei was sincerely hoping he choked on his own saliva, or better yet, he would choke on his own saliva, leaving him in a coma where Alexei could teach him a lesson before putting a bullet through his head.

"Nerdlord, I'll leave you to explain the situation to Sparkles." Alexei gritted his teeth; obviously not amused.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by GreenGrenade
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Heath heard laughter from inside- how could someone laugh at a time like this? So, out of curiosity, he teleported back inside, and was taken aback by who he saw.
"What the hell is Captain Awesome doing here? Why's he laughing? What the hell is going on here? I thought Team Awesome wanted nothing to do with us!" he babbled, confused by the sudden turn of events.
He was answered by silence. Everyone was too busy looking at the Lightning God.
"Would somebody PLEASE answer? I need an explanation? Seriously, what in the actual fudge?!"
He turned to Alexei.
"Please tell me you have an explanation, Alexei."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Deathmaker


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Alexei spun around, noticing Teleporto was back. Alexei let go of Melinda, going over to Teleporto.

"Apparently, Nerdlord here is a guardian assigned to us. He gave us a choice to ask for *their* help..." Alexei emphasized the word 'their', putting it clearly that he was disgusted with the lightning fag. "Or we fight this on our own. You know damn well that I would be willing to die before I ask for any of those faggots' help, but I can't risk the lives of this team. I can't risk your life, Heath." Alexei looked at Teleporto intently. "However, I do hope that Nerdlord here will make it clear that taking Mimic's head is our job; your job." Alexei spoke in a low tone.

"We can't accomplish this on our own... We need a cure, first, and those fags have the cure... unfortunately." Alexei said, rolling his eyes.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Enso


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Hollow, standing next to where Teleporto had appeared just nudged him with an elbow and looked at him. "They called in Team Awesome for help and apparently we are so pathetic that he seems to find our request for assistance pathetic," he said and looked away from the thunder god to look at Teleporto and shook his head. "I would have preferred it if he stayed away but it wasn't my call, I kept my trap shut and let team leader over there make his choice." Hollow continued, nodding toward Alexei, chuckling when Alexei called Captain Awesome sparkles. He agreed totally with Alexei's assessment of the so called "thunder god."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by paigesweetheart


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Melinda just looked blankly at the all mighty superheroe. She had no idea why he was laughing especially in a matter of time like this. Heath was right, they were serious. This situation was serious. "Stop laughing. We are in a bit of a serious situation here!" Melinda suddenly felt the tightened grip from Alexei as she sighed knowing that he was a bit angry. "Calm down sweetie, please." She said quietly so Alexei could hear her. They were having to much problems and she didnt want to add another problem by Alexei fighting with the clown over there. Melinda noticed Alexei walking towards Teleporto as she crossed her arms and stood there looking at the laughing hero to see what he was going to say.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

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Kaminari slowly straightens up, as he looks over, noticing the anger his behavior is causing. After a bit of panting and a few relapses, he manages to calm down. "Okay, what is this 'serious' problem that has stricken Nevada?" He almost makes it to the end of the sentence with a straight face, before bursting into another short round of laughter, although not nearly as massive as the first one. "Okay okay, I'm sorry. I'll be serious. But honestly, why did you guys call me? I have serious matters to attend to, that phone isn't just to give me a good laugh." Kami seems to ignore the insults that had been directed his way.
Mild looks at Kaminari's display with a look of both surprise and disbelief. Later, it turns to anger. Before anyone else can speak, he himself speaks out. "Excuse me. You appear to be standing in my bar." As this makes Kaminari look over to Mild, he narrows his eyes. "This is the headquarters of TMC. I'd appreciate it if you were to discuss all business outside." The insult was clear in Mild's tone.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Deathmaker


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Alexei grumbled; his mind thinking of over a million ways to flay this guy. The only thing preventing him from lashing out at Sparkles was Melinda's voice, and touch. "I'd like to get this over with, Nerdlord." Alexei nodded at Mild before turning to Sparkles. "Listen Sparkles, while you're off going greek on your boy toys, our team is getting the buttload of a villain... A villain who's supposed to be IN YOUR team's care; not ours." Alexei growled. "Code name, Mimic. An anthropomorphic serpentine entity. Starts out as a parasitic visage; probably going the same way as ascaris or loa-loa. That's not all. Probably code red is Mimic's power. The ability to copy anyone it encounters... and what's worse? It can copy the target's powers as well... and upgrade it. Doesn't seem like Nevada material now, does it?" Alexei laid out the details.

"I'll be frank with you, Sparkles. Our whole team is infected with mini Mimics. We need a cure..." Alexei stared intently at Sparkles. "Most importantly, THEY need a cure." the lad pointed to his team. "If we allow these serpents to propagate, they can copy even Superman's powers... multiply that by five, and you've got an apocalypse. Furthermore, the Mimic we encountered mentioned a 'Daddy'. We can only imagine that the Mimics are already numerous." Alexei added.

"Besides, Sparkles, if we don't stop these infestations here in Nevada... there'll be no telling how far they are from infecting your team."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Wordfault


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Enki stirred from his quiet contemplation of Mild. The man was human and his adulation of the group reminded Enki of the worshipping masses that crowded festivals and marketplaces around his temples. The love of humans was a sweet, but volatile substance, as brief and variable as his children were themselves. The Kaminari person was drunk on it.

He stepped forward and gently put his hand gently but firmly on Kaminari's shoulder. "Brother, these people need your help." As he did so the life that he had shared with Kaminari, their childhood spent together, settled on him like a familiar cloak.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Deathmaker


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Alexei raised his eyebrows... Enki called Sparkles as his 'brother'. This was certainly odd... Did this mean that Enki was somewhat related to Sparkles, or was the term used to denote a close relationship only? However, taking into account Enki's seriousness and mysterious 'divine' origins; it was unlikely that Enki was someone who would address someone close as a brother. These ideas would only lead into one conclusion; Enki was indeed related to Sparkles more than just a close friend.

Speaking of close friend, Alexei stole a glance from Melinda; getting an eyeful of her. Friend, by definition, can be defined as someone who shares the same interest, or who share a commonality with one another; thus strengthening the relationship. Adding the modifier 'close' would denote a more intimate relationship, however, friends rarely venture into the more intimate side of relationships. However, the lad knew he felt something more than just a need for closeness. First off, Melinda didn't like him, and he didn't like her at the start... All of these weirdness happened when they were forced to battle these Mimics. Second, Alexei and Melinda had really different interests... Third, Melinda was too nice to a guy who made a living off of killing people.

Without him noticing, he had already taken his place beside Melinda; unconscious of how his hand had crept up, and held that small yet warm hands of a unique girl. Alexei snapped out of these thoughts as he faced Sparkles.

"Will you help us, Sparkles?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by paigesweetheart


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Melinda was shocked as she raised an eyebrow
as Enki called Sparkles his brother. This day was just get- alright this day was just plain weird. Thats it. Mhm. Melinda bit her bottom lips wanting for this meeting to get over with. All she wanted was for the almighty super hero to help them. Melinda kept staring at the brothers hoping that he will help us, maybe with Enki's help.

"Just please help us. But if it's a bother then just don't...." she said with a serious tone. Suddenly she felt her hand being grabbed by Alexei. His soft hands.. Melinda couldnt help but smile at him as she layed her head on his shoulder.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

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kami is slow to recover, before spotting Enki. He instantly grabs a hold of Enki's neck, holding him under his arm, and gives him a nookie. He chuckles loudly, his grip quite strong, although humanly so. "Bro! What are you doing here with these losers?" He laughs, before looking up from Enki. "Okay, I'll help. Even a broken clock is right twice a day, and it seems the same is about Nevada. Something interesting was bound to happen sometime. Good thing you guys called me, instead of trying to do something yourselves and failing." Smiling, Kaminari holds out both hands. His senses extend, feeling the electric currents in the air, the electricity in every human brain. He easily identified three nonhuman creatures, their brain patterns distinctly different. His smile had something almost sadistic in it.
"Aaaaaaaaaaaand...... Boom" Kaminari opens his eyes, and they burst with a red glow, as he practically explodes. He's covered in lightning, arcing all over his body, the heat wave shooting through the room and singing the hair of anybody nearby. He laughs, twin beams of lightning shooting out of each hand, burning straight through the wooden walls of the tavern. Electricity drawn from the sky, the positive charge of the planet itself, a massive charge, exploding in an instant, guided to the targets. Instantly, each of the creatures was wreathed in lightning, dancing over their flesh as it burns them, their entire body reduced to a crisp, their nervous system exploding. Their lasts seconds were spent in spastic agony as their brain tried to process the massive shock, until they became a faintly twitching corpse.
The lightning stops. Kami's eyes are back to normal, and he's no longer glowing. However, the ground under his feet is scorched pitch black from the sheer heat of that moment, although not even his eyebrows are singed. "That solve the problem?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by GreenGrenade
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Captain Awesome was powerful, there was no doubt about that, but Heath couldn't help but dislike him for all his douche-baggery and overconfidence. It was the way the guy handled himself, acting like he was higher than anybody else in the room. And the way he used his powers... It was as if he wasn't grateful to have them. Almost as if they were just a toy to him.

In answer to Captain Douchebag, Heath put on his most intimidating glare, and said as such:
"We wanted your help for a cure. We don't need your help to fight the Mimics. There are probably more out there, and there are more inside every single one of us. Heck, by now, there could be one inside you. Now you tell me- Can you help us, or not?"
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