In a world filled with the threats of evil mages, masterminds and monsters, only superheroes can save the day. And to gather the most powerful and capable superheroes from around the world is Team Awesome, a group of metas who take on the Cult of Tears, the Intergalactic Sulu Empire, and the Raven's Cross terrorrists. There is no limit to what is asked of these people, and thus, only the best, and the greatest, are accepted into their ranks. It's a position of power, fame, and great responsibility, from which one might save hundreds of lives. Of course, you never really wanted to be on that team anyway.
You were declined. You've finished your required training, you filled in the paperwork, but you were seen as too incompetent, too young, too hotheaded, too stupid. For whatever reason, you were not allowed into Team Awesome. But that's okay! You're a superhero, after all, and there's always a job for a superhero. As such, you've joined Team Mildly Competent, which safehuards Nevada from Hellspring, a biker gang that likes to cause annoyance to the locals. You fight heroically to protect the local pubs from rats and every now and then to help a cat out of a tree.
Good God your life sucks. Surely it can't get any worse, can it?
- No doing anything I say you shouldn't do.
- Have fun. This is mandatory. If, at any time, you are bored, I will find you. And I will kill you.
- Don't do anything that you honestly believe might impinge on another person's enjoyment. I don't want to write out every way in which this can occur, and I frankly don't care if you godmod to all holy hell, as long as you manage to do it in a way that doesn't prevent others from having fun.
Name - this one's obvious
Alias - again, fairly Obvious
Powers - Make it fairly simple. No throwing islands like Superman, or moving at the speed of light. Think of supers like Spiderman, Captain America and Batman, with relatively weak powers compared to characters like Thor and Captain Marvel.
Appearance - I think you've all filled out this form so many times, I'd be surprised if anyone gets this wrong.
Relationship - This is a new one. I'd like you to fill in relationships you have with other player characters here. Do you hate one characters guts for some past grudge between you, or do you owe a debt to one of them? Feel free to be silly or weird, I will rarely refuse something (although I might propose a twist). I'd like each character to have at least one of these, although the first character may add it once there are more players.
Gear - Speaks for itself. Anything your character might use, not his clothing.
Important History - Anything in your character's backstory that's of particular note. Your father being killed by the villain you're going to be facing, that villain BEING your father, puberty making you grow the size of a small house, stuff like that.
You were declined. You've finished your required training, you filled in the paperwork, but you were seen as too incompetent, too young, too hotheaded, too stupid. For whatever reason, you were not allowed into Team Awesome. But that's okay! You're a superhero, after all, and there's always a job for a superhero. As such, you've joined Team Mildly Competent, which safehuards Nevada from Hellspring, a biker gang that likes to cause annoyance to the locals. You fight heroically to protect the local pubs from rats and every now and then to help a cat out of a tree.
Good God your life sucks. Surely it can't get any worse, can it?
- No doing anything I say you shouldn't do.
- Have fun. This is mandatory. If, at any time, you are bored, I will find you. And I will kill you.
- Don't do anything that you honestly believe might impinge on another person's enjoyment. I don't want to write out every way in which this can occur, and I frankly don't care if you godmod to all holy hell, as long as you manage to do it in a way that doesn't prevent others from having fun.
Name - this one's obvious
Alias - again, fairly Obvious
Powers - Make it fairly simple. No throwing islands like Superman, or moving at the speed of light. Think of supers like Spiderman, Captain America and Batman, with relatively weak powers compared to characters like Thor and Captain Marvel.
Appearance - I think you've all filled out this form so many times, I'd be surprised if anyone gets this wrong.
Relationship - This is a new one. I'd like you to fill in relationships you have with other player characters here. Do you hate one characters guts for some past grudge between you, or do you owe a debt to one of them? Feel free to be silly or weird, I will rarely refuse something (although I might propose a twist). I'd like each character to have at least one of these, although the first character may add it once there are more players.
Gear - Speaks for itself. Anything your character might use, not his clothing.
Important History - Anything in your character's backstory that's of particular note. Your father being killed by the villain you're going to be facing, that villain BEING your father, puberty making you grow the size of a small house, stuff like that.