Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

In the small town of Nevada, Texas, Team Mildly Competent is housed within the local bar. The owner, Jake Mild, is a superhero fan, and glad to have them use his bar as a base, as none of the members could afford anything else. The scent of cheap beer and woodrot is thick in the small place, the seats hard, and the room cramped, but at least Jake is happy to have them. Today, of course, Team Mildly Competent is gathered for another day of cat-saving and boredom, because, as everyone knows, nothing EVER happens in Nevada.
Then, there's an alarm call. One that's occurred a few times already, and is NOT part of the bar. Outside, the self-proclaimed supervillain Mister Winter, or 'The Destroyer' has escaped from his pension home again, only to run around and challenge the heroes to a fight. He'll go around, laughing evilly and hitting people with his cane until he has another heart attack or he's stopped, to the mild discomfort of the populace. The worst part about the whole thing is that Mr Winters is the greatest threat to the world that has ever stepped foor in Nevada, besides, perhaps, the economy.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Deathmaker


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Yeah, that's right you corrupted, two-faced, stealing bastard. Yeah, grind that whore." Alexei smirked as his scopes aligned on the businessman. "Everyone thinks you're an angel sent to Nevada, but let me tell you this... If you're an angel, I'm the demon." the lad chuckled as his finger rested on the trigger. "Send my regards to hell, you son of a bitch." His finger pressed the trigger as the bolt sounded. The bullet pierced through the stained-glass window, sending crimson liquid flowing on the ground with the businessman's corpse sprawled on the prostitutes panicked body. Alexei stood up, and picked up his sniper, ready to pick up his pay, and ready to kill another day.

Or so he wished....

Here he was, sitting in a cramped-ass bar with these freaks like him. He was busy chugging down a glass of milk with nothing but his clothes, and his pistol hanging by his side. Alexei eyed his so called 'team'. They weren't much, but they were worth being used for now. Perhaps, Alexei was sure that his team understood that his loyalties didn't really lie with them; rather, the gunman was just using the group as a fallback when he would fall in hot water.

Alexei eyed the bar owner, Jake. Now that man was one hell of a fanatic when it comes to heroes. Well, hopefully, Jake understood that Alexei was no hero; only an assassin. The young assassin knew that his team didn't like him for his disgusting disregard of human life.. correction, corrupted human life. Alexei was willing to dip his hands in blood when his team would pussy out of it. Now, a distress call echoed in their 'hideout'... Normally, Alexei liked distress calls, but this time, he knew who was causing trouble.

That Mr. Winters... a pathetic excuse of a villain.

Alexei eyed his companions as he grabbed his pistol, and aimed it at the cup at a further table. The gun fired as the cup shattered in a hundred pieces.

"Now... Would someone like to fix that old man before he kills himself? I mean, I could do it, but I could kill him." Alexei, known as Deadbolt to his companions, spoke in a bored tone as he twirled and placed his gun back into his belt.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Jake smiles brightly as he places another glass of milk on the table. Free of charge, of course. "It gives me the shivers when you do that. You're like that one guy, who played Batman in the new movies? Except real, you know?" Jake nods to himself, as if he'd just made a point in an argument, and then speaks once more. "You know, you really should stop Mr Winters. Last time he got out, he stole a beer from behind the counter. Of course, it wasn't all that expensive, but it's the thought that counts, right? You're a hero, and he's the bad guy." Jake keeps babbling on about a few of the comics he's read in which heroes fight pensioners, which is more than you'd think, but this is all so geeky and boring, it's actively being censored.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by paigesweetheart


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

There Melinda sat in a crappy old bar. She looked around seeing most of her team members drinking milk and doing what guys do. Melinda sat alone a leg ontop of the other as she sighed cuffing a piece of her hair behind her ear, while looking around and sipping a bit of water. She didn't want milk or anything. Then a bullet fire was heard as she turned to Alexei, rolling her eyes. "He is such an asss..." she said to herself, now laying her head on the table while noticing some guys staring at her. Lord, it was akaward.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Deathmaker


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Me? A hero? You must be misunderstanding some here, Mr. Mild. I was never a hero." Alexei chuckled as he drank the remaining milk in one gulp. "With Mr. Winters' case, you would like to encourage someone with a softer hand. Perhaps Ms. Invisigirl there would use her abilities to crush that guy's nuts before returning him to the pension home. Well, that's what her use is actually for anyway." Alexei yawned as he turned to Jake.

"You know, Mr. Mild, you are such a nerd. Batman, and those guys... They are the heroes that this rotten place needs, but not the one it deserves." Alexei smirked as he approached Jake as he handed him 5 dollars. "Probably not enough to cover all the milk and glasses I've raided from your place, but then again, this poor excuse of a hideout is what I like to call home... for now." Alexei smiled at Jake as he noticed the set of guys actively staring at the woman.. what was her name again? Doesn't matter. She's Invisigirl or even Invisibitch, either way, they both fit her.

"Ya know... Staring like that won't really do you desperados any good. If you've got eyes like mine..." Alexei laughed as he approached the bar door. "I can see what's beneath. If you know what I mean." the assassin chuckled as he opened the door, looking at Jake at the same time. "I'll take care of Mr. Winters. I'll try to be gentle, perhaps shoot a leg or two. Anyway, I'll be back shortly. Prepare a glass of milk for me, will ya, Jake? Put ice in it as always."

Alexei exited their 'base' as he didn't even bother getting his rifle anymore. Heck, even his pistol is more than enough for this job.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by paigesweetheart


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Melinda looked up seeing the guys not looking at her no more, thanks to Alexei. She saw him getting up and exiting the bar as she took one last sip of her water and walked towards Alexei as she exited the bar with him. Melinda was wearing a black platted skirt with black highboots a white corset and a jacket ontop of it. Her hair was long and revealed, it swang side to side as she walked. "Heey Heeey. Wait up. Look, you probably hate me or something and we dont get along very well, but thanks for earlier." She smiled at him.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Deathmaker


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Alexei spun around as he saw that girl... was it Invisiwoman? Invisibitch? Well, whatever. She was running after him, and calling him that it made Alexei wonder whether she would slap his face or something. She began to spout things such as him hating her, or something like that to which Alexei laughed heartily.

"Hate you? Dang, girl. Where did you get that idea?" Alexei smiled, patting her small head with his gloved hand. "I don't hate you... I just dislike you. Hey, at least that's not so bad, right?" Alexei chuckled as he remembered her name. "Oh yeah, you're Melinda. Nice name, nice name. For someone I dislike."

Alexei spun around as he stretched his arms.

"You know... I'd advise someone like you to stay away from me. I mean, you've got the look, you've got the attitude... You can pick a man right off the streets without even trying." Alexei sighed as he closed his eyes. Suddenly, he lunged toward Melinda, and planted his face just a few inches from hers. "Beware me, a man who can see through you. I kill without remorse, I do as I please without caring, and I pour milk in a bowl before adding cereals." Alexei said in a husky tone as his eyes turned red. "These are just one of the reasons why you should loathe me." his eyes roamed down Melinda's body as he looked up again. "There's nothing to see anyway."

The assassin backed off, laughing heartily. "Keep being yourself, Ms. Invisigirl... You'll find your true strength soon enough. I hope." Alexei smiled at her as he pulled out his gun. "Well, I have Mr. Winters to take care of. You can join me if you want, but again, I'd advise you to stay away."

With that Alexei darted off to Winters' location, ready to put him in his place or put him down.

(Well, off to bed :D Will be back tomorrow)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Enso


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Jack was walking through town at a snail's pace, enjoying the day. He wasn't much of a hero but he figured why let that get him down? He had a few friends and a bar, crappy as it was, to call his base. Besides, he kind of liked the bar, it was usually empty and the beer was crap but it felt homey. Plus Jake would give him free beer even though he was only nineteen. Jack had seen Mr. Winters a little while ago hitting some guy with his cane and laughing like an idiot, but Jack ignored him, the guy seemed to be holding his own. As Jack approached the bar he saw Melinda and Alexei walk out and he jogged to catch up to them. "Hey guys what's up?" Jack said, smiling at Melinda and Alexei, "Mr. Winters is on a rampage again, I just saw him at the bus stop smacking some guy with his cane, should we stop him before he hurts himself again?"

Alexei suddenly took off toward Mr. Winters as Jack approached and he shrugged. "Guess he'll handle it, I just hope he doesn't crack Mr. Winters' hip again, we still haven't heard the end of that one." Alexei shrugged and walked over to Melinda and smiled at her. "Hey Melinda, you want to go with Alexei or head back to the bar?"

((buh bye Deathmaker))
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Jake smiles and remains silent, looking after the assassin as he leaves, before nearly squeeling with joy. He laughs, before trying to impersonate Alexel's voice a couple of times while cleaning glasses behind the bar, obviously absolutely convinced that Alexel was a badass anti-hero, and not scared in the slightest. Then again, this was Nevada. There really was nothing to be scared off.
As Alexel arrives at the bus stop, he finds an odd sight. The area seems to be completely deserted, the bus at an odd angle. There's no sight of Mr Winters, and it's quiet even for a village. Not even the birds are chirping. As if Alexel had suddenly and inexplicably gone deaf. The ilusion is shattered, however, when Mr Winters slowly shuffles into view from behind the bus. He'd dropped his cane somewhere, of course, and Alexel suddenly finds himself in rather an odd position. In Mr Winter's hand is the head of a small child. Lindsey, from around the corner shop area. Her pigtails are drenched in blood, and Winter's bloody grin explains what happened to the rest of the body.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by GreenGrenade
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Heath Massey was Teleporto, the sword-wielding, teleporting "badass"... Stuck on a team of Mildly Competent heroes. He was in Jake Mild's crappy old bar when Alexei... uh, Deadshot?... darted off in slow pursuit of Mr Winters, Melinda... Invisible Woah-man?... hot on his heels. Not wanting to get left behind, and desperately needing something to do, Teleporto teleported out of the bar. When arriving, he landed in between Melinda and Jack, the only person whose alias he remembered... The Hollow Man. As soon as he landed there, however, he took right off again, as he saw Alexei sprinting off in the direction of the bus stop.

When he arrived at the bus stop, however, he was treated to a very odd, and disturbing sight. Mr Winters, harmless old Mr Winters who smacks you with a cane lighter than a fly lands on you, holding a girl's bloody head.
Heath was not preparing for this sight, and immediately began gagging onto the ground, bent over, using Alexei's shoulder as support. When done, he got upright, nodded towards Alexei, and wiped his mouth.
"I'm okay... I'm okay. Don't worry 'bout me, Deathstroke."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PhoenixEye9
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Veyas was in the bar, Nature spoke to him through his pendant telling him balances were off and death approached. He quickly grabbed his staff, dropping his firewater (beer/ any alcohol) and ran out the door seeing who looked like The Invisible Girl, The Hollow Man, and Deadbolt or as Veyas always preferred calling them feeling the Human naming was always better than any alias, Alyssa, Jack, and Alexei. He raced after them, but before he could even take that first step he felt it, Nature told him it was so death was upon the town untimely and unnecessary, murderous and bloody death.

He was ready to take down the new found threat, the only thing he knew of was Mr. Winters here in Nevada, and that was the only thing the old psycho finally killed someone. "Mr. Winters, you have committed crimes against the great Goddess Nature! You are permitted a moment of defense before Nature's justice must claim you for itself!" Veyas shouted towards the man, his voice deep and commanding as Nature's Spirit guided him entering his body.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Mr Winter's cocked his head, and his arm blurs, as a sharp crack can be heard, the girl's head hitting Alexel in the face as he's knocked backwards. Whether it was the gir's skull or Alexel's that cracked would only later be known, but the blow had taken him off his feet and sent him sprawling, as Mr Winters slowly cocks his head at Veyas. As he spoke, it was not the voice of an old man that came from his lips, but the voice of a small girl. "Daddy says I shouldn't talk to you."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by paigesweetheart


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Melinda then noticed all of them running and she saw some of her teammates going to Mr.Winter. "You dont scare me and stop trying to scare me or threaten me. Because it wont work." She rolled her eyes as she picked up her
pace running behind them as the noticed Mr.Winter and the little girl's head. That pissed off Melinda, that a tear fell out but she was so pissed of that a force field sorrounded Mr.Winter's body as he was pushed flying to the back and slamming into a nearby wall. Not hard but he was there with a telekinetic force field. "Why would you do that?!"

(Think of Invisible Woman from Fantastic Four.)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Enso


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Jack ran with the group and when he saw Mr. Winters he stopped dead in his tracks. "Oh, god." He said and put a shaking hand over his mouth. His hand then curled into a fist and he shoved it into a pouch on his belt, pulling out some steel ball bearings and shoving them in his mouth. He began to walk toward Mr. Winters and as Melinda threw him backward he began to run, his footfalls growing heavier as his flesh turned to smooth, polished steel and he barreled toward the old man, or what used to be an old man. He didn't know what this was now but it wasn't harmless old Mr. Winters. Not anymore.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

As Jack bareled towards Mr Winters, the old man leant his head forward, and then smashed it backwards, smashing the wall behind him and allowing him to slip out of the grips of the telekinetic fields holding him back, as he flipped to his feet. Smiling, he spoke once more, and this time, he perfectly copied Melinda's voice. "Why would you do that?!" with this odd statement, Winters throws a clumsy punch at Jack, with far more force than the old man should be able to muster.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Enso


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Jack rushes straight into Winters' attack, ignoring the incoming fist. How much harm could an old man do? When the punch connects with Jack's chest he is thrown backward a good distance and when he stands up he puts a hand to his chest and feels the massive dent there. "Jesus Christ!" He shouts and descends into a coughing fit, the dented steel not giving his lungs enough room for the deep breath required to shout.

((sorry for the speed post, just wanted to get that in there real quick))
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Deathmaker


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Alexei arrived at the scene first. What he saw made him almost lose his milk. Instead of a crazy old man, what he saw was an insane massacre. Suddenly, Telefag arrived, and much to Alexei's disdain, he was actually glad to see Telefag. Next, it was the cocaine-druid who appeared next, and everyone else managed to catch-up. Suddenly, a flying object soared through the air as it hit Alexei squarely on his skull. The assassin flew like a ragged doll as he collided with the wall, cracking it. Alexei could already hear the battle echoing in the background but he was stunned and dazed by the attack. His eyes were blurry, and his head aching like mad.

He picked up the stone that Winters had threw at him, but why was it hairy? Alexei looked at the stone as he actually lost his milk; it was the girl's head. Alexei leaned backward as his face was contorted in disgust and in fear. The assassin stood up as his focus regained once more. Alexei withdrew back into the bar after a few minutes. Seeing Jack still in there.

"Hey, Mild! Get ready with some medical supplies... It's gonna be a bloody day." Alexei spoke in a husky tone as he grabbed his rifle and his bullets. "This time... It's not only his hips I'll be breaking."

After exiting the bar, Alexei rushed towards the scene and saw Hollowfag writhing through the air. The assassin tumbled to the ground as he aimed his scopes at Winters. It was quite easy to shoot but he didn't want any friendly-fire just yet.

"Duck your head a little bit, Ms. Invisigirl... Because if I snipe you out, the guys at the bar won't give their right hands a break." Alexei smiled as he pulled the trigger, sending a speeding bullet into Winters head. If it would hit, critical damage would be sustained.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by paigesweetheart


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Melinda noticed the others as they inteffered.But suddenly she heard Alexei running away but she was wondering why he did. But then as soon as she turned to Winter she heard Alexei behind her talking about ducking her head a bit. Melinda quickly turned invisible as her whole body was invisible and she ducked all the way to the ground now crawling on the floor next to Alexei as she turned back to visible. "Really?!" She said standing up brushing herself. Rolling her eyes at Alexei.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Jack was staring, jaw open, at the bloody carnage outside. At Alexel's order, he blinks, staring at the man stupidly, still processing that he'd just seen his neighbour's daughter killed. However, moments later, he turns and runs into his bar, whether to hide or to actually get supplies is unknown.

Meanwhile, Mr Winters staggers back, blinking, his look much like the one Jack had adopted moments before. One of his eyes is a bloody hole, through which you can see the wall behind him. It would be almost comical, if it were not so gruesome. However, much like Jack, it only took him moments to snap out of it as the old man slowly walks towards, finding his footing, as if he'd simply recieved a blow to the head. Winters speeds up, as he runs at Alexel like a madman, arms flailing. "Duck your head a bit, ms. Invisigirl....." again, he perfectly mimicks someone's voice, as he prepares for another clumsy blow.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Deathmaker


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"What? You, being the only girl in that bar, would make those guys twitchy. Have you seen their stares and glares? Well, they can only stare at your clothes, and nothing more. However, you do have a body to die for. Makes me kind of wish I didn't dislike you." Alexei smiled as he looked into his scopes once more. "How do I know? I've already seen it, remember?" the assassin chuckled as his eyes opened in surprise. Winters had a hole in his head, but he was still alive and flailing... he was sprinting madly towards him and Invisibitch.

Alexei looked through his scopes again as he aimed it still at the head of the now approaching Winters. He fired another bullet, and stood up immediately knowing that he wouldn't be able to fire his next shot at this pace.

"Invisigirl..." Alexei looked at Melinda with a grin. "I'll trust you to cover me for a while." Alexei spoke as he drew his pistol and fired rounds and rounds of bullets at Winters. Suddenly, his gun clicked, signalling the empty cartridge. The assassin pulled out his trench knife as he awaited the rampaging Winters.
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