Devin was dripping sweat by the time they had returned to their building. In more than a few spots the cliff side was more mountainous than expected and the hills had given him and Jake a hard fought battle. The two never got competitive; however, neither gave an inch as normal male egos always crawl into the work out. Taking his water bottle which he had left by the door and his towel he gave Jack a good nod of the head and said "Good run man. Same time tomorrow?"
He then followed up with a goodbye and the two made their own way inside. After walking in Devin saw a few people were awake. He saw dishes thrown about the kitchen and several dirty coffee mugs. He then made his way to his room and then the shower. Coming out not 15 minutes later he felt completely refreshed and ready for whatever the day was going to throw his way. Walking back to his room and then to the kitchen he found some basic makings for a quick eat and started on it.
As everyone continued to wake up and get ready each of them could count on seeing Devin in the kitchen cooking or later consuming a bowl of oatmeal. He may have been a little too generous with the brown sugar, but all in all it was no different than the breakfast cereal he would have eaten if he was home. He would give them a simple friendly nod along with a "good morning" Those who he remembered he would toss a name in as well and those he didn't he would reintroduce himself.
While starting to clean up Devin found a small packet in one of the drawers. The packet seemed interesting enough as it looked to be some type of manual or walk through. A quick skim of the first page told Devin that he was holding the owners manual of the smart home system installed in the dormitory. A few pages in he started to get some fun ideas and began to play around with it.
Within minutes Devin was getting the smart house to tell him what the weather was going to be like (Cold and wet in the morning with possible sun in the afternoon.) Along with telling a few jokes and even singing. Finally he got a little bored and left the leaflet out for the others. He also set the house to start playing
music in the Kitchen.
"The time is now 7:15 AM" the house suddenly spoke.
"Shit I thought I set it to only notify me in the kitchen!" Devin thought. Instead he had made the alarm a house wide announcement so it rang out in every room. Still the alarm did its job and Devin figured he should go back to his room and grab his books. He bounded up the stairs and into his room where he emerged a minute later with the school uniform on and his messenger bag full of his school supplies.
@baraquiel@EchoesofOld@Soph123@SpicyMeatball@shamrocknroll@Agent 47@melissahart@Xandrya@vertigh0st@Avanhelsing@Infernal Flame