The drive over featured little in the way of small talk. Between Devin's hangover requiring no music and Harper lost in her own thoughts it was an oddly quiet ride. Still neither seemed to complain as they parked the car next to the massive high rise building on 5th named so creatively the Fifth Avenue Apartments. The normally busy central park street was slowed to a crawl due to everyone slowing down to see why so many police cars were parked out front.
Getting out and walking towards the ever mysterious yellow tape Devin did a quick scan by the tech team and saw a big 183 on the side of the truck. A massive sigh of relief washed over him. Mia was positioned with another team and wouldn't be working this scene. The off chance of her working or covering for someone was slim considering her role, but he felt the likelihood of a
'Why did we break up?' conversation was low now.
Fortune favored Devin, but forgot about Harper. After his own slightly selfish relaxation he caught sight of his partners ex. Joel and Devin never saw eye to eye, nor had they ever squared off. Devin figured it was male ego that caused them to butt heads as it always seemed to be a competition between the two. Devin was perfectly happy with how competitive he was and it even helped that Harper had a touch of the
needtowinitis. It made them better detectives after all, but the competitive nature of Devin and Joel made him feel like he was back in middle school.
"I really need to get drunk."Devin turned back to his partner after she let her inner thoughts escape. Before he could pounce on what was clearly an opportunity to help Harper get out of her dating rut another tiger was already on it.
"That we can make happen." Jordan said with a big smile.
"But you will need heels and a dress, cause when I go out I don't buy my own drinks." The woman who said it was none other than their favorite medical examiner
Jordan Hennessy. This immediately made Devin a lot happier. He always loved it when they got to work with Jordan; primarily because she was a complete flirt like him and it was always a nice ego boost.
"Jordan!" Devin said with a happy tone.
"I thought Mia said you were on vacation for the next few weeks. Something about a sunny island and a cabana boy?" The three of them walked towards the dead body which seemed to be the doorman of the apartment building.
"Things change my cabana boy in training." Jordan said with a sly smile.
"Was this conversation with Mia before or after she asked you to meet her parents?" She then gave what could be only described as a humorously sly look at Devin. Something that she and Harper enjoyed almost as much as solving cases was making fun of Devin's love life. More than a few times their tag teaming made him have to tap out.