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Casual role player who enjoys collaborative posts and good stories!

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Added a few more things to the additional information section (Namely a list of some of the missions that exams will include)
I will post this above, but here is the link to the Discord Chat!

'Already..." Devin thought as not one, but two fellow classmates nagged him about using his phone. With attitude he shoved the small device in his backpack and simply crossed his arms and zoned out while the teacher started to go over what Devin already had read the moment it was handed to him. The monotony of syllabus day was interrupted by a piercing scream that seemed to go beyond echos in the hallway. Having almost fallen into a trance the noise shot him up straight and made the whole classroom go silent. Felix seemed to shoot up and leave while the teacher only pretended to stop him. It took a few seconds but the teacher got the class back in order and seemed to shoot a dagger look at Devin when he motioned to get up. Sitting back down in his desk he let the class drone back on and return to teaching students about what it means to be late or absent from class.

After class ended and Devin was released into the hallway he cut left towards his next class, but then took the stairs instead of going to his second period which was on the first floor. While clearly a powerful scream it was also clear it came from above. He didn't need to push his way through the sea of other students as the face he had on told those that saw him that Devin was in a mood. As soon as he was at the second floor he saw that the music room door was cracked open. This was weird considering the music room didn't have classes in it till the afternoon when the part time music teacher was in school grounds. Making his way over and walking into the room he was met with the same thing the others were.

Once inside Devin saw that Felix hadn't just ran off to play hooky. 'And yet my phone was such a disturbance' he thought with an eye roll. Walking into the room and seeing the yardstick next to the chalk board he grabbed it and started looking around the room. He took his phone out and started to snap some pictures of the obvious parts of the crime scene which included the finger as the center piece.

The glass under the piano and the finger were the most obvious parts there was no liquid found around the glass so it wasn't likely a vase or cup plus no flowers or anything else for that matter seemed out of place. "There any glass in a piano?" Devin asked Felix not being too familiar with the instrument. While he was making his way around the lockers to see if there was anything else, specifically anything made of glass that made sense he heard an adult voice asking if students were supposed to be here.

"It is a classroom." Devin said while looking over at the white haired woman. He didn't want to be interrupted and was thankful that Felix had been mostly quiet while they both walked the room mostly independent from each other. "I don't think unaccompanied adults without visitors passes are though." he said with a somewhat dismissive tone. He then returned to the room and, using the yard stick, started opening any lockers that were partly open already.

<Snipped quote by World Traveler>

Yeah I can make one (I think...)

This would be greatly appreciated!
NOt a problem. Words come when they do :D
I don't have a discord for this role play. IF someone would like to make one that is great, but sadly I don't have the skill set to confidently create one.
I should have my first post up before the end of day Sunday *didn't realize a major event was already happening!!!*

Is that too long a delay? If so I can try and work something up in the next few hours. If not you can work like my character softly followed the other students into the room in question and just poked around using a ruler instead of his hands.
I am very interested. please keep us in the loop on this! I would be very interested in a cartographer style character who isn't so much earning money by finding treasure but earning money by creating and drafting maps of the regions on the other side of the gate.
Okay silence speaks volumes in this case. I will be reopening this role play for applications at this time.


Are both of you interested in staying on and joining in the reboot of this role play or would you like to step down as well?
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