I apologize if you think I am being heavy handed. I am just hoping to motivate people to get posting! Right now it's a rather small group of us despite the interest. No harm in trying to get everyone to get cracking is there?
Well, I'll be honest. It's stuff like that tends to make me want to *leave* RPG's. It's natural some players are going to drop out, it happens,
it sucks, but it happens. Trying to force it...well, from my end..
I've been sort of immersing myself in history on the Italian city states and the philosophies (rereading key parts of
The Prince) thereof I'm basing my vampires on-being told I've got to basically rush it through instead of doing a good job to get the piece of land I want is a bit....demoralizing.
And then my other worry is people will end up rushing for pieces of land, instead of talking it out OOC-which could cause the bane of all RPG's, OOC conflict.
it seems irrelevant now.