Avatar of X Fiendfyre X


Recent Statuses

6 days ago
Current "Take yer fuckin' pills!"
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2 mos ago
Whoever designed Hunt: Showdown's new UI can kiss the fattest part of my ass.
4 mos ago
"I just want to say I'm a big fan of your work. The way you write dialog reminds readers it's really hard to write dialog."
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7 mos ago
When the status bar is civilised and sensible, it makes me uneasy.
1 yr ago
I'll stick to heroin and laxatives, thank you very much.


You can call me James, if you like. I live near Toronto, Canada (EDT, UTC-4). I'm one of those weird nerds that also loves sports of all types (I'd better. It's literally my job to watch hockey, and it keeps me very busy.) I am also bilingual, so you may catch me speaking/swearing in Québec French.

My roleplay interests vary greatly: anime and video game fandoms; gritty, modern realism; maybe historical fiction; or fantastical tales of monsters and magic. I wouldn't say no to a clever combination of any of those! Interesting, multi-layered characters & intriguing, thought-out plots always catch my fancy... as do enthusiastic and involved partners. I do my best to respond every day, and I will always try to inform you of an extended absence.

I've been doing this twenty years. I was on the old guild, but I lost access to that email address and could not import it from the other site. You'd think the experience would improve my writing ability. The jury is still out on that one.

Go Leafs!


P.S.: Misusing affect and effect is a pet peeve of mine. Watch yourself! XD XD

Most Recent Posts

Alright, look. I know I'm probably a little old for it, but dammit... I really want to roleplay Pokémon right now.

Oh... and I'm James, by the way. Come on in.

Anyway, I have a metric ton of plot ideas buried in the recesses of my mind from over 15+ years of doing these. You come at me with a basic premise, and I'm bound to have done something similar. I will gladly expand on your idea by drawing on this experience. With that, we can create something fun and unique. They can be anything from gritty and mature to something lighthearted and even romantic. I will do whatever you're comfortable with. As for pairings, I am only interested in MxF. To those of you wondering, I will not say no to a relationship between a human and a Pokémon.

That being said, if you want to play something akin to 'Two trainers run into each other at such-and-such a place and decide to team up', I'd be game. If you can string a cohesive paragraph or two together, you'll do. Anything more, and you're marvelous. However, if I do not receive a reply after a week, without advance warning of an absence, I will consider the engagement to be over.

We can get more into detail once we've established some sort of premise (ages, region, limits, rules for battles, and the like). Just know that I am comfortable with mature themes, including sex, violence, death and the like. If that's not your bag, we don't have to include it. No worries. You don't need to have an encyclopedic knowledge of the games, manga, or anime to make it with me. Of course, if you do, that's even better. As for myself, I'm currently 'studying' the newest generation, for lack of a better term. I'm a completionist, so my playthroughs are somewhat lengthier than most.

Drop me a PM with your questions and potential insults. I will do my best to field them. That is also where these roleplays will take place. Please do not post here. If you do, then I'll know you didn't read the whole post. XD
As the title implies, I'm hoping to find a female partner for a Wheel of Time roleplay. I have some ideas for a plot that could take place some years after the conclusion of the series. Depending on how far in the future we agree to have it done, some characters from the series could appear. However, I would want it to focus on main characters of our own creation. An Aes Sedai, somewhat recently raised to the shawl, and her warder, specifically. My plot is not really all that fleshed out at the moment. Suffice it to say that it involves a dangerous enemy, though it is unclear as to whether they serve the memory of the Shadow or seek only to empower themselves. I expect my partners to be of age, and I certainly hope them capable of stringing a couple paragraphs together for a reply. My range varies, but I can adapt to whatever you bring to the table. As for limits: I have none. Please bring up any you may have as soon as possible. If you wish to discuss this further, please PM me so we can begin coming up with ideas. I look forward to hearing from you soon!
Give us that OOC, if you would. I'm aboard.

Keep movin' on....
UnendingEmpire said
But which one did I do first, change my avatar or start playing this? >:)

Oh dear Christ. :D


Dem breakdowns doe.
Oliver obliged, trying his best to keep up with her. She was so quick, bounding up the steps without any trouble at all. It wasn't that Oliver was clumsy or anything; he just liked to take his time with a lot of things. Michi, on the other hand, was always such a fountain of energy. It was quite the relief that she was the meister and he was the weapon, because he tired out far too easily and couldn't move very fast.

"We'll be better!" he assured her loudly, "Better than anyone!" They were nearly to the front doors now. Plenty of students became visible, milling about in front of the Academy or entering through the doors. None of them really seemed to pay he or Michi any mind, as they were mostly more experienced students. That would all change one day. Everyone would know their name soon.
Oliver couldn't help but notice the wonderful scent that trailed behind Michi as they made their way through the building. He thought it was rather strange for a moment. It was most unlike Michi to wear anything like that. She typically strayed away from overtly feminine things like that. It wasn't that Oliver didn't like it; it was rather exhilarating as a matter of fact. It was just a little out of the ordinary.

Michi and her mother had a short exchange in Japanese, which Oliver didn't quite follow. Sure he'd been living with them a few months now, but he couldn't pretend to be an expert in the language just because of that. Taking the offered rice ball, Oliver devoured it rather quickly whilst following her outside. It was their customary weekday breakfast, of sorts. They were always fresh and hot, and they did much to disperse any of the remaining cobwebs left from sleep. "Thanks!" he was sure to call out before they departed.

Once outside, they were greeted by the looming oddity that was the DWMA. Impossibly massive, it dominated the view in this part of town. The absurdly large front steps of the Academy were just a couple short blocks' walk from the Ueda's residence/restaurant. As it were, it was almost impossible to be late for class living this close. As the pair made their way towards the steps, Oliver turned to consult with his meister. "So... whaddya reckon? Think we get that first mission today?" he asked, looking rather hopeful. It had to be only a matter of time.
Oliver nodded in response to Michi as she scurried into the bathroom. He didn't mind having to wait. It was pretty common for him to be up and ready way before her. Mornings were pretty easy for him to bear, even if he stayed up late the night before. Oliver barely even noticed her state of dress, or rather, undress. It had been pretty clear from day one how comfortable she was around him. Indeed, her entire family seemed extremely close, and it was as if he was just another member. Still, it wasn't like he was going to start walking around in his boxers all the time. As the shower water began to run, Oliver took his phone from his messenger and consulted it. There weren't any outstanding messages or otherwise for him to respond to.

Oliver reflected as she showered. He had certainly learned a lot about Japanese language and culture, even in the short time he'd been living here. Moving to America had been quite the culture shock, but moving in with a tightly-knit family with far-eastern heritage was even more so. They were incredibly accepting of his eccentricities, it seemed. Also, they weren't harsh on him for doing things differently. Indeed, it had turned out to be quite the positive experience so far.

Michi exited the bathroom in a haze of steam, fully dressed and seemingly ready for the day. "Lookin' smart today, Mi," he observed with a smile, using his personal nickname for her, "You about ready?" His accent wasn't showing any sign of leaving, and it wasn't likely to no matter how long he lived here. It drew odd looks every now and then, but most people at the Academy had learned to get used to it, along with his unusual words and expressions. One such example was his use of the word 'smart' just then. It wasn't meant to be an observation of intelligence. No, it was more a way to compliment her appearance without being overtly awkward.
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