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    1. xXSaojiXx 10 yrs ago


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Sorry I made a mistake and posted a OOC reply in the IC tab...=/
@Hebigami Shiho Hey I'm going to wait until HangedMan post first. edit: oops...this was meant for the OOC tab...sry guys =/
![](http://i120.photobucket.com/albums/o200/GuardianXarlus/sumnightta_cs_0527_nwfgal-5-1.jpg "enter image title here") Name: Saoji Makami Age: 15 Gender: Male Personality: Humble and wise. Knows how to choose his battles. Usually analyzes the behavior in those around him; and predicts the person they truly are. Talent: Saoji found that he is able to persuade many unskilled individuals to his cause by telling them harsh truths about reality. "Unlocking the mind" as what others may call it. He is able to debate with someone until they finally give in and agrees with him. He believes that the world around them has been corrupted, therefore, he uses this as a means of making the world a better place. However, ever since attending the school, this task has been difficult for him. Everyone seems to have their own agenda, therefore, convincing them to change for the better has been a tough one. Also, if one individual's mind is strong enough, he is not able to convince them of anything. Ability: Dream sequences - The ability to give an individual a dream like state if the individual is caught daydreaming or is asleep. Within these sequences, he can manipulate the dream into whatever he desires. Usually he would make someone dream of a world without evil and corruption. Sometimes, he may even joke around and manipulate one's own desires and use that against them in the real world. While giving the dream state, his pupils turn hazel and he becomes focused on the individuals. Bio: Saoji Mikami, one of many students who has a superior sense of reasoning. Saoji grew up with a healthy set of parents, however, he considered himself the black sheep between his older brother and older sister. He clung to the shadows, paranoid of the violent world around him. He found that he was very passive, but when confronted, he becomes aggressive. He seems to know a bit of martial arts as well. Before attending the school, his father allowed him to have his most precious hand crafted sword made of a special material. When sticking to the shadows, Saoji keeps this sword on hand. He grew up believing that many around him were below him mentally, as if they've shown no proof of being smart to live safely. His father, unknowingly to him, had enemies. His father owned a growing company that many others wanted for themselves. Fortunately, his father was able to evade the assassination attempts but failed to keep Saoji safe since he was attending the school. Saoji is now aware that there was no way he could contact his family any longer, they were far away with no record of their whereabouts...Saoji is alone. His father's enemies started coming after him, therefore, he protects himself with the training his father gave him, his sword, and using the shadows to his advantage. He's not sure if the other students are aware of his secluded being, but if they are not...a potential dangers could threaten the entire school.
While Saoji was standing there speaking with lone, another had approached them. She seemed to be a lot more experienced at the school, perhaps she was one of the rulers that everyone spoke of. Aside from everything else, she didn't seem out of the ordinary, but Saoji knows that it is not wise to underestimate someone based on their appearance. The girl called lone a "poltergeist." Perhaps now it all makes sense. Saoji turned his gaze back to lone, attempting to ask her if she could see ghosts; but the new girl asked them about being within a group...or staying neutral. Was that how the school works? mastering an ability and cooperating with many groups around the school. When he first arrived at the school, Saoji barely noticed anything of importance. He skipped over much information that could have answered the questions he had about the school. That was because he was in a panic when he first arrived a week ago. Ever since, he's been gently coming out of his dark room in the dorm and is now beginning to find comfort speaking with others. Perhaps being inside of a group could help him. He barely had any friends and most people here seemed to be within their own worlds. Then a question sprung into Saoji's mind...he asks himself..."Is this place dangerous?" Glancing back over to the new girl who approached them he finally replied... **"No, I have not been able to find anyone to partner up with. And don't worry about me being scared. One who closes his mouth, releases his paranoia, and narrow his eyes, becomes his or her very own true identity to the world. I do not care much for fear. Fear is a weakness, fear causes you to lose sleep, fear forces the body to adjust to different situations in an unlikely fashion. Fear is what drove my family into hiding...it is what drove me here to the school. But I don't feel fear anymore. You are pretty confident, Ms...but isn't it a bad thing to go around and think that everyone is afraid? You of all people should know that you should never underestimate someone, no matter how new they are." **he said with a equal scowl that matches her own. Saoji turns his back to them as he looked down slightly at the ground and clenched his fists, closing his eyes. He continued... **"But if the ruler's are that evil to take advantage of lesser students like that...then that can be problematic. Watch your thoughts, they become words. Watch your words, they become actions. Watch your actions, they become your hierarchy. Watch your hierarchy, they become your destiny. If the rulers of this school really does the things you mention and if the latter is true...that only means one thing."** he said, sharply turning his gaze at both lone and the other girl, looking over his shoulder. **"Then that only means that in the long run, students here will be better off without the rulers. In hindsight, they must die."** he turns his gaze back to the ground. ** "There can never be peace until the instruments and the puppeteers of war are slain. I don't know who the rulers are, but if they think they can get away with whatever it is they are doing...then we MUST kill them. Even then...I could be wrong about them. People think that death is the ultimate curse placed upon us all, but it is actually a gift given to us. Some people use it to make the world a better place, some uses it for their agenda. It just depends on who you are as a person and what your heart and mind tells you."**
@SillyGoy Ahhh sorry lol. I'll do that in a moment. Edit: Alright I put my character sheet in the character section. Sorry if I confused anyone. =/
Saoji stood still as the door to the entrance of the dorm opened in front of him. He saw a girl (Lone) who looked a bit older than him. Looking at her facial expressions, he could sense that she seemed a bit annoyed. Suddenly, a slight chill ran through his body but he ignored it overall. Perhaps it was just the cool breeze of today's weather than gave him a cold chill. Once she said the name "Paige" this definitely caught his attention. Exactly who was she? and who was she speaking to? As she walked away he turned and watched her go on. Before she left his gaze he decided to gain her attention. **"Hey."** he simply said, slowly taking steps toward her. He had the facial expression of a permanent scowl. ** "When nature feels her very own world closing in around her, and when she realizes there is no one left to turn to; she pretends to speak with herself. Not one living being understands her, for we failed to show her how much we honor her in our presence. She has turned against us for rapidly killing her spirit. As such with other laws of life." **he said, steady giving her a blank face. **"I sense that inside of you. Who were you speaking to?"** he finally finishes and asks. Saoiji's voice had a child like demeanor going about it, but one could notice that he is full of wisdom. Although a bit shorter than her, one should never underestimate his capabilities.
@Boboclown89 As far as being new, in the IC, HangedMan said it was a week into the new semester. I'm assuming we're new?
Saoji Mikami, known for his incredible ability to give positive thoughts to an individual, stands on top the first dormitory building; looking out into the distance. As the breeze that filled the air rushes past his face and through his bangs, he takes a deep breath and heavily sighs. After moving his stuff into his dorm room in the building beneath him, he decided to take a chance to rekindle his thoughts. This was the first time he has seen a school this large and the first time he's seen many students attend it. He wasn't much of a social type when he wasn't confronted or when he decides to confront someone else; something was different about him. As with all other students who seems to have their heads wrapped around something, his purpose was to bring peace and harmony to everyone...he was just stuck on how. His long navy blue cape wrapped around his body like a blanket, keeping him warm. After a while, he closed his eyes as he poured into his own thoughts. _Mikami! Mikami! You will tell us where your father is! If you don't we will hunt you down until we find you!_ He could hear the voices of his father's enemies, the men who wanted nothing more but to take his father's thriving business away from him. His father and the rest of his family went into hiding when he first arrived at the school...but haven't heard from them since. On his way to the school, he saw that men dressed in all black were chasing him...yelling and asking about his father's whereabouts. Luckily, he was able to escape and found himself here of all places. Good thing he suppose, he is now amongst people who may be able to help him. Standing on top of the building was relaxing, he could see anything. Calm and peaceful...like the world should be. After collecting his thoughts together, he stood up straight and looked at the pavement below him in front of the door to the first dorm building he stood upon. Suddenly, he leaped forward, allowing his cape to guide him through the wind as he landed graciously on the ground. He faced the front door to the dorm building. "This is it..." he whispered. "It all begins here? My journey. Is this the place where it all begins? at this school?" he sighed afterwards, closed his eyes, and hung his head low. "Or could it be the beginning of my own fate?"
I've edited my cs HangedMan, I hope that is accepted.
Blade Master Academy? hmm...can you send me the link?
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