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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hebigami Shiho
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Hebigami Shiho Shinoa Squad Leader

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

**Name:** Ione (Juliet) Barnett & Paige **Picture/Description:** This one is Ione! ![](http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/13/c6/89/13c689e04afe3cb9483e25e48c0fbd4e.jpg "enter image title here") This is Paige! (She's a ghost. :P) ![](http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/172/b/2/20130621pico02_by_huninki-d69z00s.jpg "enter image title here") **Age:** 17 **Gender:** Female **Personality:** One way (Maybe the only way) to describe Ione is as odd. She is aloof, absent and some times, she seems to be looking more through you than at you. All of this combined with the fact that she talks a bit too much about ghosts and spirits make her seem crazy more often than not. You see, Ione has two personas inside her, but of course, this isn't a Multiple Personality Disorder, it is just her playing around, and also, a way to hide her bashfulness when talking to others, after all, who would be able to talk about ghosts, spirits, demons and such without feeling if even a little bit embarrassed? Her first persona is Juliet, a cold, sharp tongued girl who tries to scare others with her stories about ghosts (Yep, she named it). The second one is her real self that often peeks out when she is acting as her Juliet persona and someone shows some kind of interest in what she is talking about, the real Ione that is more of a ditzy, naive and a bit playful girl. While it may seem that her ghost ramblings are nothing but nonsense, Ione does indeed have a talent for contacting the occult. Such talent allows her to speak with ghosts and even see them, and, given her lack of friends because of her odd personality, she spends a lot of time talking with her ghost friends. Given that she is one of the few people who can actually do that, she is often seen talking alone or with some imaginary friend, as they guess, though the reality is actually more spooky than that. Ione also has an unwavering love for Horror movies, though she often comments on the many discrepancies between the movies and actual ghosts. Regarding her constant companion, the ghost Paige, she is a bit of a pervert that is deeply attached to Ione, and would do whatever Ione wants as long as it is reasonable. Regardless of her appearance and due to the fact that she's been dead for a long time, Paige is more mature than she lets others know, and also someone with very strict morals. She likes playing pranks, but she would never abide to do something that would put others in danger and will also pressure Ione to do the right thing sometimes. The two of the get along really well and are almost like sisters, so Paige is very prone to feel jealous when someone else interacts with Ione. **Talent:** Mediumship, Ione is able to communicate with and see ghosts, to a really frightening extent, as she claims that, sometimes, she can even touch the ghosts without the use of her ability, though it is a limited and scarce number of ghosts she can actually touch. The reason as to why she can touch those ghosts is still unknown, but she thinks it is because of some kind of grudge they hold. **Ability:** Poltergeist, Ione has the ability to secrete ectoplasm from her body, a substance invisible to those without her talents of mediumship. Through the secretion of ectoplasm, she can give a ghost the ability to touch things in the mortal realm, from objects to humans, giving the illusion that she has telekinesis instead. With enough extoplasm, a ghost can become visible to the naked eye of any passerby. Though her ability is useful, it does not give her the ability to control ghosts, so there are few ghosts who actually listen to her, though, luckily, she has one she is very good friends with. A ghost covered in her ectoplasm can also posses someone, however, the subject must be unconscious for it to succeed. It seems she can also use the ectoplasm for battle, but given that she barely knows how to fight, she doesn't know how. **Bio:** Always the odd one out, Ione at first cursed her talent for seeing ghosts, since it caused nothing but troubles. In the past, she was always bullied, because of how she tried to include her invisible friends into conversations with others. Unable to see what Ione was talking about, the other kids merely tried to tell her that there was nothing there, and that she was crazy. At some point, and tired of being called crazy for believing in her ghostly friends, she distanced herself from them. She pretended as if they didn't exist, as if she couldn't hear them. She saw how they detached their own heads and things of the like in comic ways in an effort to make her laugh, but she choked down her laughs and put up a poker face. She lived a normal life for a while but, to be honest, she found it boring. After being able to talk with ghosts that had been decapitated or had died young, well, she just found everything else boring. She had seen gory scenes before, but she didn't seem to really mind, in fact, that helped her develop one of her greatest interests in life, her love for horror movies. After a while, she finally realized that her fun days were because of her ethereal friends and decided to go back to them, instead of trying to be someone she wasn't with the other kids. She apologized time and time again and the ghosts that were her friends eventually forgave her, with the sole condition that she wouldn't turn their back on them ever again. After agreeing to it, she was then introduced to the newest additions of the gang. Juliet and Paige, a pair of sisters that strayed all the way to where they were. Ione grew close to both sisters in a short time, but one day, Juliet, the bigger of the sisters, disappeared. Juliet always talked about how it would be great to finally pass on and let go of all her regrets and things left undone, though there was still something holding her down. Ione soon connected the dots and figured that she couldn't pass on because of her little sister Paige, but after Paige grew close to Ione, maybe Juliet knew that her little sister would be able to pass away eventually too, and left this world. Ione was now resolved, knowing that Juliet must now be able to be born again, and she decided to help all the other ghosts pass away and thus, her Juliet persona was born. She helped every and each one of her friends pass away, except for one. Paige was the only one that remained there and, though Ione didn't knew why, she decided she would think about it as it went, given that Paige never left her side. **Other:** She likes to wear gothic lolita fashion. She is quite good at sewing and handicraft of the like, though she is terrible at cooking.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by a00000000000
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![Appearance](http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/272/a/b/some_anime_guy_on_his_ipod_by_taylor360-d6ohs7b.jpg "enter image title here") **Name-** Zaen Henko **Age-** 16 **Gender-** Male **Personality-** Zaen is rather secluded when he wants to be, which is quite often, so he only rarely ever makes _good_ friends. He loves Music and anything about it, most of the time being seen with headphones in his ears listening to music. He's very smart and the only athleticism he has is how fast he can run. He likes spending his time doing nothing but sitting down and listening/playing/making music, whichever he's in the mood for. **Talent-** _Instrumental Talent_: Zaen is extremely gifted with instruments, and he can play most instruments and can read music with ease, making little to no mistakes. He's also able to make music himself, and can tell what kind of music someone will like. **Ability-** _Siren_: Using his ability, it allows him to make special music and summon instruments. The musical pieces he makes all do different things, but to work he needs a few seconds to make the music, the music must be in some way music that a person would like to work. After making a special piece of music, it would only be able to be used within a near time, and could only be used once. **Bio-** From a very young age Zaen had discovered his instrumental gifts, and due to this he was able to enhance said talent, being able to play most instruments and play most music by the time he starting schooling. His parents supporting this talent of his incredibly, spending money on instruments and tutors quite often. His school that he attended was a mostly musically-focused school, where they taught students how to play, put them in a band equal to their level and let them perform in local concerts, the higher bands competing in competitions. He was put in one of the highest level bands when he was 10, the age limit to when you are put in your respective band level. He went out on competitions and easily got sweet victory. By the time he was 12 he was in the highest level band and was at the top of it, sometimes even playing better than the band director. Although he got all this attention between his fellow band-mates, he rather disliked all the attention, and would've rather just stayed secluded. Nevertheless, he was suggested to make his own Music. He decided that he would, and he began making his own pieces of music, and the band director would sometimes let the band play some of these pieces. He eventually ended up leaving the band, mostly due to the unwanted attention he got. He spent most of his time after that being secluded away from most other people, except when his friends invited him to something or he had to be at school. During his seclusion he spent most of his time listening, playing, and making music.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Monochromatic
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Monochromatic Manic Episode Full Blast

Member Seen 5 mos ago

**Name:** Hide Fuchs ** Picture/Description: **[Hide](https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/4e/59/41/4e59414c008cc4cc3204b9b0c7d7f0fe.jpg) stands at roughly six foot nine, though it is difficult to tell unless he stands up straight. He often slouches or keeps his head lowered, he does things to always make himself appear smaller than he actually is. **Age:** 17 **Gender:** Male **Personality:** Calm and adaptable, Hide is easy to make friends of various kinds, be they loud and aggressive or quiet and shy. He goes with the flow of things, knowing very well when to be silent or when to be a chatterbox, or even a shoulder to cry on. He doesn't like to make people uncomfortable, preferring to be the uncomfortable one himself. Though most often he is rather relaxed in all kinds of environments, enough to the point that he can easily begin to daydream. His focus is not easy to obtain once he starts to daydream, and he can actually become somewhat irritated if interrupted. Though his irritation only last a short few moments, if even that. If anything, he is more likely momentarily burst into tears over it. In truth, Hide holds himself back a lot, be it emotions or otherwise. With rather low self-confidence, he doesn't often speak up for himself and is easily pushed/dragged along into things he doesn't really want to be involved in. It is rare for him to actually voice his opinion unless asked directly, though it does happen if something catches his attention that he feels needs to be addressed. **Talent:** _Heightened Empathy._ Since he was young, Hide always had a knack for reading the mood and understood how others were feeling, maybe a bit more-so than others. Though because of his lack of assertiveness, people most often just think of him as an overly passive fellow that cries a bit too easily. **Ability:**_ Doppelgangers_; All of Hides repressed emotions manifest themselves into entirely separate beings from himself. They all take the appearance of Hide, be it the current version or younger variations of himself. Each emotion has its own personality with one dominant emotion-based trait, leaving Hide to have little to no control over them. Though most often they will listen to Hide and regard him in the highest esteem, or well, most of them do anyway. They can follow instructions and orders rather well, most often much more capable than their creator. No one is quite sure what they are made of, as they are solid, physical beings that can talk and do harm and the alike. But if they are destroyed _(I.E; killed/wounded)_, they either regenerate or merely reform entirely in a matter of seconds. The stronger the emotion, the more powerful the doppelganger. Most often he can only have one or two out at a time. They can appear even when he is not trying to actively use his ability, in times of great distress and anxiety. Though when summoned against Hide's will, the doppelganger has a highly reduced effect, being nothing more than a mere shadowy ghost-like image. It cannot cause any harm or trouble and most often can only speak in whispers. **Bio:** Hide grew up in a large, 15 person household. The household consisted of both of his parents, grandparents, uncle and aunt, their children, and his five siblings. As the second youngest and most docile one within the home, Hide was often made to be the one in trouble for most pranks or mistakes made in all of their daily lives, even if he did not have anything to do with it. He did not fight back against any of the accusations or anything of the alike, he merely bowed his head and accepted whatever punishment he got. Around the time he turned nine, Hide had the option to move out of his families home with his eldest brother and his wife. He took the offer gladly and moved rather far away from his entire home, into a much more calm and nurturing environment. It was here that it was discovered that he was naturally receptive to the emotions of those around him, almost alarmingly so. His brothers wife took it upon herself to help Hide become less docile and help deal with the emotions he gathered from others, and for the most part it worked out rather well, aside from the fact that he never really got angry, even when pushed far past his limit. By the time he was twelve, he had become a mostly normal kid besides his lacking self-esteem. **Other:** [x]
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by SillyGoy
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SillyGoy Goius Sillius

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

##Timothy “Tim” Aquinas## --- **Description:** ![Timothy](http://i.imgur.com/0LIwCgG.png "Timothy") An unassuming youth with pale skin, brown hair and emerald eyes, Timothy is lean and rather thin. Thin-framed eyeglasses sit upon the bridge of his nose, windows to eyes that brighten up in a charming, childlike way when he smiles. He stands at a good 6’0” tall, and prefers simple clothing: many of his shirts are black or grey and without print, and the ones that do have only minimalistic designs. His pants and other apparel are equally unassuming. But never is he seen without his only apparent accessory: a small pendant in the shape of an elaborate Celtic crucifix of silver, hanging from his neck by a chain. Described by Cadwal as having a "cherub's melody," Timothy has a deceptively effeminate voice. --- **Age:** 16 **Gender:** Male --- **Personality:** *“Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to Your Name give glory.”* The foremost thing one might notice about Timothy is his zeal. A devout Catholic, he is well-read in the Bible and zealous. And unlike some others, Timothy has taken the teachings of the Scripture to heart, making him a genuinely friendly and caring person. Love his neighbor, love his enemy? Timothy most certainly does. Honest and loyal, his care for the well-being of others extends to the spiritual: he is convinced that those of heathen faiths – especially the People of the Book But Do Not Believe – and true unbelievers must be enlightened sooner or later. Then there are the Ones Who Come in His Name but Twist His Words, like Westboro, which he finds especially despicable. Timothy is especially fond of literature, especially medieval history. He knows full well how Duke Enrique of Savoy invaded Monferatto from the Duke of Mantua as he had run out of patience with waiting for Emperor Rudolf of the Holy Roman Empire to answer his petition to have the mentioned territory transferred to the custody of his daughter, Margherita, as she was kicked out of the Mantuan Duke’s court for not having sired a child for her husband, the Duke’s late brother, before he died. Always hungry for more knowledge, his learning of this subject which he most adores is supplemented by the Holy Ghosts whom he summons and who are more than willing to answer his many, many questions. They may also be the reason why his favorite video game is Medieval II: Total War. Quite softspoken, the mildness of his words is such that people are often left cynically wondering whether or not Timothy is mocking them. The sincerity with which he prays before eating his meals is viewed by some as merely an exaggeration: a mockery of those who practice Christianity. However, Timothy does not practice deceit. What he does is honest. He believes his unique ability to summon fallen Crusaders is given to him by God. --- **Talent:** *Esoteric Knowledge:* Timothy is well-read in obscure history books, and can regurgitate most of what he has learned, knowledge extracted from the literary works of people Like E.B Sledge, Sir Arthur Lloyd, and Peter H. Wilson. But, ever humble, Timothy only shares what he knows when the situation calls for it. *Communicatio Larvali:* Timothy can communicate with summoned Holy Ghosts telepathically, surmounting any distance and time and in pure thought, eliminating the language barrier. Cadwal is a special case, and is an exception to the rule. --- **Ability:** _Legiones Ecclesiae:_ At his command, Timothy can call forth Holy Ghosts of the most proactive members of the Church-Militant, namely, Crusaders. Having had this unique gift since early childhood, he has improved the ability in that he can keep indefinitely one Holy Ghost and dispel them at his whim. With a whispered plea and holding a holy symbol of Christianity (like a cross, or his pendant), Timothy beckons the departed souls of those who killed and died in the name of Christ from the ether and into the worldly earth. Fading into existence, they are then at the summoner's beck and call. However, the summoned are picked at random: Timothy does not yet have the ability to call specific people. _Holy Ghosts_ are the summoned spirits of Christian martyrs. These can be an unknown Crusader or even someone famous like Joan of Arc. Partly transparent, hued an otherworldly blue, and possessed of bright, glowing eyes, these entities are twice as strong and fast as a man and immune to pain – but not harm. While they are ghosts in a sense, they are still shackled to following the laws of physics. However, they do not need their spectral organs to live as they are already dead. Therefore, a bullet is most effective at tearing a Holy Ghost's tendons than holing their heart. Maintaining a Holy Ghost is done automatically by the soul but at the expense of the body. Timothy is completely alright with one summoned, but is easily winded when he has summoned two. At three and four, he is forced to sit down, with him being pale at the latter. Having five summoned simultaneously will knock him to deathly unconsciousness and will take heavy tolls on his health. While Timothy can keep one Holy Ghost indefinitely, having two or more will strain Timothy's soul so much that after fifteen minutes, they will be forcibly dispelled. Holy Ghosts are summoned with what they had on their person the moment of their death. While her visit could potentially be a very enlightening experience, Joan of Arc would not fight at her fullest since she wore a dress during her death at the pyre. Crusaders who died in battle are more valuable in that they are usually in full gear when summoned. However, all are prized and valuable relics of the past, and some of them possess ancient knowledge no longer available in the present. It would appear that Holy Ghosts have lost much of their personality during their centuries in limbo. What they haven't lost, however, is hatred of the heathen, the unbeliever, and the heretic. Holy Ghosts, being soul-bound to their summoner, are able to communicate with Tim telepathically in pure thoughts, defeating language barriers. Holy Ghosts can be seen, heard and touched by other people. However, they don't feel much due to their slightly incorporeal properties. They mimic the natural body temperature of a human being, but have got no odor of their own. _Cadwal of Godwyn_ is a deceased English Crusader knight who perished in the First Crusade, struck down by an arrow to his thigh, knocking him off his horse, that subsequently became gangrenous and from which he did not recover. Acting as a sort of guardian angel, even he himself is not sure what is exactly at work as he shares his mind and soul with Timothy, acting as the boy's second conscience and trying to steer him towards the right path. Cadwal "sleeps," becoming completely inactive for four hours each day. This is to relieve some of the stress of Timothy's soul from having to maintain another thought-form. Cadwal does his best to time this with Timothy's regular sleeping hours. --- **Bio:** Born to two middle-class parents as the middle child of a litter of two boys and one girl, there isn't much to say about Timothy, considering his overall and overwhelming averageness which is offset only by his unique and (as he believes) God-given ability. While he was baptized, going to Church was never something routine for his family. Therefore, he sees his powers as a gift from God when they emerged when he was six years old. Like many children, he thought up an imaginary friend. It was a knight, and his young mind could only describe it as "blue" and "like glass." When he was alone, he would play with the knight, and started a little game with his older brother and younger sister when he introduced the knight to them, and they made their own imaginary friends. Little did Timothy know, however, that his siblings' imagined creations were far different to what he had, for as time went on, the knight's responses became purely his own, and Timothy slowly lost the need to parrot them. Like another person living in his head, the knight would comment on day-to-day life, and when the young Timothy eyed upon a Bible, the knight energetically pleaded the boy to read it. As little Tim read, his young mind was full of questions even from the starting book of Genesis. He would ask the knight in his head, who formally introduced himself as Cadwal of Godwyn, to explain it all for him, and he spent so many sleepless nights doing this sort of cooperative storytelling that his mother became worried at his lack of sleep and consulted a physician. On his third grade of elementary school, his family had to move elsewhere, and he was saddened by the sudden loss of friends; but Cadwal was always there and would never leave his mind. Upon his insistence, his father took him to Church one day, and was deeply happy at finally worshiping at a proper place. As he became older and thus more aware of the sheer unnaturality of his unique ability, Tim wondered if he could do more with it. Praying to God, and after consulting Cadwal, he tried to call out an angel to advise him on what to do when his parents were divorcing. However, the only being that faded into existence was not a magnificent scion of Heaven, but a short-lasting, flickering blue ghost of a woman in armor. Timothy could not but gasp "Who are you?" at the figure, who replied with a sagely "Who I am is not important. But your faith in God is," before fading back into nothingness. Encouraged by Cadwal, Timothy was henceforth convinced of his being blessed. Ever since then, he has been practicing and perfecting this unique ability of his by prayer and meditation. Speaking with wizened words, Timothy prevented his parents' divorce by driving them to tears as he preached about the sanctity and inviolability of the oaths a couple takes in their marriage ceremony, with the help of his two beloved siblings. --- **Other:** Drowning in early adolescent male hormones, Timothy wanted to masturbate once (just to try it) but was halted by Cadwal (whom he thought was sleeping), who lectured him fiercely of the value of the "seed" and how it must not be wasted.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Name: Mars Picture/Description: ![Mars](http://th01.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2014/199/5/f/boxer_by_taylor_moon-d7r6gdi.png "Mars") Age: 18 Gender: Female Personality: Tomboyish violent, easily offended. is willing to get into a fight over anything and is confident in herself enough that she believes that she will win. She can be very smart if she applies herself but usually can't concentrate that long, however she has an excellent tatical mind. Talent: Boxing Ability: Slight future sight. She can see the actions someone is going to do a second or two before they do it if she concentrates. Bio: Mars was born into a troubled family and grew constantly wacthing her parents argue. When she was about 10 they finally divorced and she was given to her father, shse was constantly made fun of at school having no mother and got into a lot of fights. Her father made sure she could win them, he had done a lot of boxing in the past and Mars found it to be very helpful. Of course this skill naturally got her rectruited into a boxing club in which her skills improved further. She quickly showed she was a natural at it and rose to the top, claiming first place in local competitions. Proud of her ablility she wanted to move to a different scholl, she was bored with hers and wanted to go out and find some poeple who didn't constantly tease her, even if they did it when she wasn't looking. Other:
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Apokalipse
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Banned Seen 5 mos ago

![Poppy O'Conner](https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/d3/17/f2/d317f2f52e3dd1a3c75f3ec530912fe5.jpg "Poppy O'Conner") **Name:** Poppy O’Conner **Age:** 16 **Gender:** Female **Personality:** Poppy is an awkward girl who often says the wrong things when around people she doesn’t know well. When with friends, though, Poppy is loud, talkative, and, unfortunately, punny. She doesn’t understand the point of keeping things secret, so she has no qualms with saying exactly what is going on in her life or what of the likes if someone asks her. Poppy has the unfortunate habit of bottling up her emotions and, even when telling her “sob” story, keeps a straight face or shrugs it off when people ask her how she is feeling. The blonde has a hard time connecting with people on a personal level and when she attempts to express her sadness, she is often deterred by sympathetically distant responses. She is not particularly motivated to do anything and tries to find the easiest ways to do things. Her worst habit is procrastination and most of her work does not get done until the night before it’s due. **Talent:**_ Learner_: Poppy learns new things with relative ease and has a near perfect memory where she can store all the new information. She dabbles in most genres of information and knows many random facts. **Ability**: _Know-It-All_: By pressing her hand anywhere on a book, or anything that holds information, she can absorb the information and remember it completely. This gives her a higher level of intelligence than most. Due to absorbing psychology books and pamphlets, Poppy can easily read people by their body language. If an animal is sick? She can check for any symptoms of the million of diseases and illnesses in her knowledge. However, after absorbing too much information, Poppy gets queasy and dizzy; if she goes past that, though she never has so far, she would probably die. **Bio:** Poppy is an American and was born on an Air Force base in Florida. Her father is in the military and she has had to move around a lot for his work. Her parents were always busy with work – not that Poppy minded, because when they weren’t, the family was always hanging out – and so Poppy took up the habit of reading constantly. Because of her father’s work, Poppy’s dad would get deployed many times and Poppy would be stuck with her mother. It wasn’t that Poppy didn’t like her mother, in fact, Poppy adored her mother...that is before her alcoholism came back after ten years of sobriety (she quit before Poppy was born). Her mother spiraled into a pit of depression and, in turn, Poppy too had begun to feel depressed. Later on, she was diagnosed with depression and anxiety and was prescribed medicine to take. Poppy, often than not, does not take her medicine because “it makes her feel funny.” One day, when Poppy was fourteen and her father was home from deployment, the blonde girl came home to her mother crying in her bedroom, drunk as per usual, and attempting to call a rehab facility. Not knowing what to do, Poppy attempted to call her dad to help her, but he wasn’t picking up. After the police came (one of the rehab centers had called the cops on her mom to make sure she wasn’t harming herself) and Poppy finally managed to get a hold of her dad, everything just froze for Poppy. Her mother went to rehab until the week before Poppy’s fifteenth birthday, but that wasn’t what the problem was for Poppy. She discovered that, in her time of need, she was having a hard time connecting with her friends. They would tell her that “it would be alright” and that “at least your mom is getting better” but that didn’t satisfy Poppy – they felt distant. After her mom was released, Poppy’s dad got a new job in Wales and the O’Conner family jumped at the chance to go for it was “a new start.” Other: Poppy is terrified of not being able to control herself (therefore, she stays away from drugs, alcohol and such and such)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by xXSaojiXx


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

![](http://i120.photobucket.com/albums/o200/GuardianXarlus/sumnightta_cs_0527_nwfgal-5-1.jpg "enter image title here") Name: Saoji Makami Age: 15 Gender: Male Personality: Humble and wise. Knows how to choose his battles. Usually analyzes the behavior in those around him; and predicts the person they truly are. Talent: Saoji found that he is able to persuade many unskilled individuals to his cause by telling them harsh truths about reality. "Unlocking the mind" as what others may call it. He is able to debate with someone until they finally give in and agrees with him. He believes that the world around them has been corrupted, therefore, he uses this as a means of making the world a better place. However, ever since attending the school, this task has been difficult for him. Everyone seems to have their own agenda, therefore, convincing them to change for the better has been a tough one. Also, if one individual's mind is strong enough, he is not able to convince them of anything. Ability: Dream sequences - The ability to give an individual a dream like state if the individual is caught daydreaming or is asleep. Within these sequences, he can manipulate the dream into whatever he desires. Usually he would make someone dream of a world without evil and corruption. Sometimes, he may even joke around and manipulate one's own desires and use that against them in the real world. While giving the dream state, his pupils turn hazel and he becomes focused on the individuals. Bio: Saoji Mikami, one of many students who has a superior sense of reasoning. Saoji grew up with a healthy set of parents, however, he considered himself the black sheep between his older brother and older sister. He clung to the shadows, paranoid of the violent world around him. He found that he was very passive, but when confronted, he becomes aggressive. He seems to know a bit of martial arts as well. Before attending the school, his father allowed him to have his most precious hand crafted sword made of a special material. When sticking to the shadows, Saoji keeps this sword on hand. He grew up believing that many around him were below him mentally, as if they've shown no proof of being smart to live safely. His father, unknowingly to him, had enemies. His father owned a growing company that many others wanted for themselves. Fortunately, his father was able to evade the assassination attempts but failed to keep Saoji safe since he was attending the school. Saoji is now aware that there was no way he could contact his family any longer, they were far away with no record of their whereabouts...Saoji is alone. His father's enemies started coming after him, therefore, he protects himself with the training his father gave him, his sword, and using the shadows to his advantage. He's not sure if the other students are aware of his secluded being, but if they are not...a potential dangers could threaten the entire school.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by PlazmaStryke


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: *Harold Frankfurt* ![](http://chronicle.su/wp-content/uploads/guy-at-computer1.jpg) Age: *16.* Gender: *Male.* Personality: Harold is a Robot at heart. Not physically, no, but emotionally. Little sways him, except when he's panicking, pissed off, or just annoyed. Other than that, little has ever pierced his cold metal heart. He has come to the conclusion this is due, at least in part, to his own Talent. His amazing ability with pretty much all things mechanical he thinks has led him to take on personality characteristics of them as well: Logical to the best of his ability, indifferent to others/not apart of programming, ruthless, held back by only their lackings and their programming (Such as Harold's Honor, while a Computer's Programming), etc. While this is true for him, he does have a little chip of himself that still a normal(ish) human. He likes to tease and mess with people, he likes to have fun, he's selfish (To a fault almost), and he can understand a lot of things about people....but that doesn't mean he does anything more than sympathize....and even **that's** a maybe. He isn't really that bad of a guy, as he's easy to get along with for most people, but it doesn't take a genius to recognize that Harold doesn't usually care all that much. Be friends with the school's bully and servant? Sure, he doesn't care. Little makes him, and only slightly more has proven to hold his actual interest. Boredum is practically a constant for him, he once said. He's also snarky and sarcastic, like any good and proper teenager! Talent: *Mechanical Mastermind*: Harold has amazing talent when it comes to all things mechanical. If it's a computer, or a mechanical weapon or armor of some kind, Harold can understand how it works with almost frightening ability. He also has worked with such elements for several years as a hobbie, thus gaining extra experience in the know-how and inner workings of many mechanical appliances. His personal field of study into his ability is Robotics and Cybernetics. While he may be capable of many things like hacking, he has yet to par take in any....apperently, there wouldn't be any fun in that. Ability: *Techno-Babble*: Harold is able to freely speak and converse with any sort of mechanical technology, from the simplest phone, to the most advanced super-computer AI(In theory anyway, he hasn't had the chance thus far for that). He can ask any question, and persuade to any amount, however this requires an insane amount of logical thinking- because they're computers at heart, and as computers, they think with the logic and programming they were designed with. This makes convincing them to do or say anything extremely hard, even for a ruthless guy like Harold. This ability has proven to be unbelievably helpful in keeping anything he doesn't want seen on a video camera, to be deleted, by the camera itself no less! Also, if he can convince them to, some mechanical objects can be convinced to "fight" for Harold, however this is a draining technique and not every techonological piece is capable of being swayed under it. Thus is two of the abilities of *Techno-Babble*. However, the Internet, for obvious reasons, can'y be convinced to do anything. Or, maybe it can be. If it could, it would undoubtably be incredably draining for Harold. Bio: Harold is a new transfer student to Saint Dymphna's Highschool, and has had no contact or real experience with the school or it's policies-known or unknown. His parents made him transfer schools when they found out he had been trying to put together a fully fledged self-aware robot. He didn't get it down yet, but he still tries. However his parents didn't view this as a productive use of his time, and after many, many arguments, offered him the opportunity to go to boarding school for a year. Needless to say, he very happily accepted. To him, it would mean a practical, and free, reign on his own life now. Harold is a guy who most would find both easy to get along with at times, and one of the weirdest, biggest, nerds/geeks and one that acts and seems like a human robot. It gives him few real friends in the world, and most he was convinced he'd see in a year anyways. He doesn't know whether or not he'll be leaving Saint Dymphna's before senior year. Overall, Harold's life has revolved around Gaming and Mechanics, one due to the fun and love he has for the sport, and the other due to his talent, which he also loves. He can commonly be found working on a new robotic project or playing a game of some kind in his free time. While able to be proficient in many fields of science due to his talent, his choosen specialty is the field of Robotics and Cybernetics. Nobody knows if he's actually made any progress in either though. All others know about him other than that, and the basics of life, is that there have been rumors of an odd amount of strength or speed in some of his limbs before. Of course, these are only rumors, and nobody can comfirm them or their truth. He is currently unaffiliated with any group of the school. Other: The Leaderboard is where Harold aims for in life. Both as a Gamer, and not. So long as he can prove to be one of the best in the world, and make his own mark on history somehow, that wasn't stupid, Harold would be quite happy with his life. However, he does not seem to hold any real ambition beyond this....at least, not yet anyways. Also, Harold has had strange occurances happen with the strength, speed, etc. of his Left Arm before. It was never revealed WHY this happened, but to any who know of the extent of his ability might be able to piece this mystery together- for just because you have a supporting power, doesn't mean that everything you can do with it is supporting as well, or maybe it would be more accurate in this case....super-supporting? Finally, he views all things that would impair judgement and the like to be....unhelpful, and generally stays as far as he can from them. His reasoning being that "I'm bad enough already, I don't need to take something that'll just make me worse- if even for just a while."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Damiann47
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Damiann47 Local Planetary Body

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![enter image description here](http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2014/077/3/5/kawaii_anime_girl_render___by_artbymelody-d7aq3pr.png "enter image title here")

Name: Theresa “Thisa” Thompson

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Personality: A fairly quiet and reserved girl, not for reasons such as shyness but from indifference. Thisa prefers to stay out of the daily affairs of others, sometimes life can be troublesome enough without bringing in someone else’s issues. That said Thisa is normal socially, friends come easily enough and a conversation is welcomed, even she can get lonely. Due to her naturally reclusive nature, Thisa is slow to anger and can be extremely patient in fact she can’t remember the last time she has ever been angry, which is what she may say. When pushed Thisa has a very harsh temper, when truly angry she can and will become quite aggressive. A good analogy would be to describe her as a stick of dynamite with a very long fuse, it'll take a while but the results would still be drastic. There one true fire way to get Thisa talking is to mention technology, its one subject she can never get enough of.

Talent: *Skilled Mechanic*: Thisa for her age makes a great mechanic, and a small time inventor. If its physical Thisa can understand it and even reconstruct it just with a few quick glances. Her skills have also been somewhat lucrative with people coming to her for repairs on broken down items. Her prowess in mechanics don’t translate quite into computers, sure she’s competent in their operation but otherwise is about average.

Ability: *Finely-Tuned Mechanisms*: Thisa’s ability comes around the idea of creation, she can manipulate inorganic matter into virtually any machine, and theoretically of any size. There are limits of course, to create something requires an equivalent exchange, the middle of a grass field leads to very little useable material, which limits or even completely nullifies her usefulness while a junkyard can lead to endless opportunities. Another thing the initial creation of a machine taxes the body, two factors are considered, the size of the machine and the complexity. A small pulley system has almost no affect on her stamina, something of human size would be very draining at the least, and something like a full semi truck can leave her almost comatose.

There is also a limit to the number of machines that can operate at once, how many again depends on the size and complexity. Once this said limit is passed machines start to break apart, or even meet a violent end for the more volatile creations. When a machine is deassembled the matter that made it up returns back to its original form, that is unless the machine is destroyed by force.

Bio: Thisa is a single child who hails for a standard middle class home. From an early age her parents pushed “constructive toys” onto her, ones such as Legos or Lincoln Logs. Her father worked as an automobile technician, and her mother an aerospace engineer, because of their own success they wanted to pass it down to their daughter. Thisa took well to the toys eventually progressing from simple plastic pieces to tool kits and personal projects. Thisa created a scrapbook filled with designs and other miscellaneous drawings, some of which became a reality. One such was a robotic arm designed for a competition, a simple middle school level one so needless to say Thisa’s arm won without contest. Moving onto the present day Thisa is a fresh transfer, Saint Dmyphna's Highschool offered great opportunities despite the cost of moving out there in the first place, and while Thisa isn’t much for people the prospect of meeting new people was still exciting in of itself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

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**Name:** Isabelle "Belle" Freyone **Picture/Description:** [Belle](http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/f6/c6/f8/f6c6f84d91add157b6bb450911a26f22.jpg) [Belle, with hair down](http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/35/ca/60/35ca604961b8c98b05f0c1d211975673.jpg) **Age:** 17 **Gender:** Female **Personality:** Belle is known to be the loner. She does enjoy the company of others, but for whatever reason she will often times run off on her own to do her own thing. Not much is known about what she does but all know that it usually has something to do with the fine arts. She will often times lock herself up in her room to work on something, or even one of the classrooms, and will stay there for days. **Talent:** _Fine Arts_: Belle is what one would call a crazed artist. Whether it's painting, drawing, music, or literature, Belle has dabbled in it all. She will often times become 'enlightened' by her 'Muse' and leave suddenly to go work on something. _Muse_: Belle has an imaginary friend she calls Muse who talks to her and gives her ideas. He's mostly just a voice inside her head but sometimes he appears to give her characters inspiration or inspiration for a drawing, or a music piece. **Ability:** _Paint/Sing_: Belle can use paint, ink, or her voice to inspire an emotion. She throws paint/ink onto someone and they suddenly are overcome by a certain emotion, be it sadness, fear or happiness. She can also do this through song. (Credit to idea goes to my good friend 'FaithRose') _Listen_: Belle has very good ears and can hear whether or not someone is being honest. She can use this skill, along with another similar skill, to ascertain the intentions of someone. _Heart's Song_: Belle can feel/hear the heart's song of the people around her. Through this, she can know if someone is sad, happy, or feeling vindictive. She can also hear these songs from anywhere in the school within about a 5 mile radius. Sometimes it can be a blessing and sometimes a curse and she finds it very hard to zero in on a certain song. **Bio:** Belle grew up in an abusive home. She, herself, was never physically abused but she definitely was mentally abused in many ways. Her father was an alcoholic and would often beat her mother and blame Belle for it, saying she was the reason he had to do this to her. The only way Belle was able to cope was when she ran away from home. That day, she found an abandoned home with books, art and writing aplenty. There, she met Him, her Muse. He stood in the door way, standing tall like a King and greeted her. He played games with her, made her feel like a princess. They played and played and played. That day, her parents found her, but since she has found ways to sneak out to this place and play with her Muse. Eventually, he even followed her home. Since, Belle has been shipped off to Wales, to attend a school her grandfather suggested to her mother. She, and Muse, seem to like there but tend to keep to themselves for the most part. **Other:** Belle dislikes technology and will avoid it if at all possible but she does use a laptop for some of her writing and has a cell phone for practical purposes.
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