Avatar of Yatagarasu


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Mahz showing up for a short while and disappearing, while distressing, is also almost objectively hilarious. Can't wait til he comes back in... *checks watch* 18 years.
1 yr ago
Anyone else feel like they've lost IQ points steadily since their teenage years? No? Just me? Cool.
2 yrs ago
"It's so hard to believe I'm on a planet full of primates. You're all so fucking wise!"
2 yrs ago
The only thing I want destroyed is myself.


Most Recent Posts

<Snipped quote by Yatagarasu>

For our kind of lives?

<Snipped quote by Yatagarasu>

Are we supposed to... like... read a book or something? Do they have books?

They have a lot of books.
<Snipped quote by Yatagarasu>

*Pulls you aside and speaks barely above a hushed whisper*
I've decided I have no idea how to be a parent.

*Whispers back*
Same, honestly.
<Snipped quote by Dynamics>

*Opens my eyes for a split second and then closes them*
Apologies, Mother.

Oi... Don't go implying things like that, please.
<Snipped quote by Threads of Fate>

How do you feel about having a sister?

Good question.
<Snipped quote by Yatagarasu>

How do you think Shion will take it?

*Looks at her*
<Snipped quote by Yatagarasu>

Well... that's that. Dawn Cloud. I hope she likes it.

So do I.
<Snipped quote by Yatagarasu>

It's just, I can't read your mind and you're being so quiet about such a big thing.
*Pauses, looks at you, and then looks back*
On second thought, I don't want to read your mind.

*Smiles* Exactly.
<Snipped quote by Yatagarasu>

You're not just saying that, are you?

You worry about that way too much. I say things when I mean them. I also say when I don't mean something, that I don't mean it. So stop worrying, Love.
<Snipped quote by Yatagarasu>

You sure? Do you like it?

Yeah. It's good.
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