Avatar of Yatagarasu


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Mahz showing up for a short while and disappearing, while distressing, is also almost objectively hilarious. Can't wait til he comes back in... *checks watch* 18 years.
1 yr ago
Anyone else feel like they've lost IQ points steadily since their teenage years? No? Just me? Cool.
2 yrs ago
"It's so hard to believe I'm on a planet full of primates. You're all so fucking wise!"
2 yrs ago
The only thing I want destroyed is myself.


Most Recent Posts

<Snipped quote by Yatagarasu>

Ohhhh okay. I hope Stella likes her eyes!

Me too.
<Snipped quote by Yatagarasu>

What’s that mean?

It means I have a different body than I did then, basically.
<Snipped quote by Yatagarasu>

How come?

I don't actually know. I assume it's due to the genetic difference between me then and now.
<Snipped quote by Yatagarasu>

How were they different?

They were... more like mine at the time. Yours are all different than mine were then.
<Snipped quote by Yatagarasu>

They had magic eyes too?

<Snipped quote by Yatagarasu>

*Hugs your leg*
Do you think Stella will have special eyes?

Well, if you and your other siblings are any indication, I'd assume so. I don't know for sure why with you three, though. Your eldest siblings had them too, but theirs were very different than you three's.
<Snipped quote by Yatagarasu>

Well... What do you think they mean?

I don't know. It could mean a lot of things, but I know you'll figure them out someday. You're a smart girl.
<Snipped quote by Yatagarasu>

Okay... I didn't mean to make anyone upset.

It's okay. Nobody's upset.
<Snipped quote by Yatagarasu>

Yours are different too... I'm sorry.

No, it's okay. I'm just trying to figure out more about what you see. Everything's fine, okay?
<Snipped quote by Yatagarasu>

*Shakes my head*
Everyone has them. But everyone's is different.

Except ours?
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