Avatar of Yatagarasu


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1 yr ago
Mahz showing up for a short while and disappearing, while distressing, is also almost objectively hilarious. Can't wait til he comes back in... *checks watch* 18 years.
1 yr ago
Anyone else feel like they've lost IQ points steadily since their teenage years? No? Just me? Cool.
2 yrs ago
"It's so hard to believe I'm on a planet full of primates. You're all so fucking wise!"
2 yrs ago
The only thing I want destroyed is myself.


Most Recent Posts

<Snipped quote by Meta>

*Starts taking off my clothes*

Whoa, wait. Not here. She wants, like, medical gowns.
<Snipped quote by Threads of Fate>

And also why I’m gonna analyze you two.

Ready when you are.
<Snipped quote by Yatagarasu>

I suppose.
*Goes to follow you then turns back to Dawn*
Farewell, Dawn. With luck, maybe we'll learn something from this.

*Leads you to Stella*
<Snipped quote by Yatagarasu>

Do you think that would be useful?

Worth a shot, right?
<Snipped quote by Yatagarasu>

Mm. Why does she want to do that?

Cause I told her she could.
<Snipped quote by Yatagarasu>

Get anti-Shion later and I’ll look at both of you extra closely.

... Yeah, okay.
*Goes to where Dawn and Shion are*
Yo, S, Stella wants to compare the two of us.
<Snipped quote by Yatagarasu>

It’s only creepy if she wakes up.
*Takes your arm and bends it back and forth*
...Are you offering?

It's more creepy if she doesn't.
*Thinks a moment*
Yeah, sure.
<Snipped quote by Yatagarasu>

I don’t know, that’s not my specialty yet.
*Changes my focus between several segments of your body*
I’m looking for anything that reminds me of Nimbus’ body. I looked at her really closely while she was sleeping.

That's not creepy. Do I need like, a medical gown or something for this?
<Snipped quote by Yatagarasu>

What a weird thing to be a gene.
*Grabs my magnifying glass and holds it up between you and my eye*
Maybe there’s a major difference neither of you noticed.

Do we technically have "genes?" I feel like dad would contest that. But do you have an idea of something?
<Snipped quote by Yatagarasu>

Well, congratulations I guess. What did dad say about it?

He thinks that it's a good step forward. He still can't really figure out anything about us, but he says if we can do it, it's probably hereditary.
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