ℳℵaecilia ℛea' ℰlh ℳoncere. . . . . . . . . . . . .
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M N A E C I L I A R E A ' E L H M O N C E R E
mm-nay-sill-ea ray-ah el moan-sare
Three-hundred-twenty-eight.♦ Female. ♦ Prae. ♦ Proxy.
mm-nay-sill-ea ray-ah el moan-sare
Three-hundred-twenty-eight.♦ Female. ♦ Prae. ♦ Proxy.
[ ⊰⊱ ] Ⱥppearance
Standing at 5'7 and weighing in at 128 lbs, she is a rather lithe prae, typically wearing a ceremonial eye covering that shields her startling white eyes from others, and the world from her gaze. Her form could be considered healthy with an above average figure for a prae woman. She moves with a regal grace becoming of one with her station. Despite her gaze being obscured, many a prae have faltered at her presence and withered beneath her scrutiny.
[ ⊰⊱ ] ℬ io
Will update. Unsure of how to explain it currently.
Notable Traits:
Notable Traits:
- Confident.
- Believes in TRUTH.
- Adores the God-Queen and holds her to be above all else (in importance. God-Queen is top priority always).
- Intelligent.
- Observant.
- Serious.
- Dislikes having her time wasted as she sees it as an affront to her cause.
- Fair and Just, but unyielding once she makes a decision proper.
Revealed ICly.
Aevyrion vec Lyvaeris: Twin sister.
Maerysir lye Lyvaeris: Younger sister.
Lillith Lyvaeris: Youngest sister.
Maerysir lye Lyvaeris: Younger sister.
Lillith Lyvaeris: Youngest sister.
[ ⊰⊱ ] ℰ quipment & ℬ elongings
Communicator: Something of an implant, Mnaecilia has a high tech trans-planar communicator made with prae technology. The ‘item’ is not visible due to being subtly worked into her body and protected by a variety of methods--primarily through shielding and the enchanted durability of the materials it is composed from.
Heirloom: Something of a signet ring that she was given by her mother, this family heirloom is a reminder of her relatives even though she seldom sees them. The item is incredibly durable--clearly enchanted--and she continues the long standing tradition of repeatedly imbuing it with vis so that even when their family is gone...the ring will still remain.
She wears the ring on her left index finger.
Heirloom: Something of a signet ring that she was given by her mother, this family heirloom is a reminder of her relatives even though she seldom sees them. The item is incredibly durable--clearly enchanted--and she continues the long standing tradition of repeatedly imbuing it with vis so that even when their family is gone...the ring will still remain.
She wears the ring on her left index finger.
Ritual Cloth: A single length of opaque black cloth that remains wrapped around her arms. This cloth is engraved with what appear to be faint runes, which do not glow and are only visible at a closer inspection. This cloth seals her vis, stabilizing it within her form so as to keep her Manifest under control. Further, the cloth serves to conceal the appearance of her markings and to somewhat suppress her awareness of vis. The material is much more durable than it appear as it is enchanted by a constant flow of vis from Mnaecilia herself. She is fully capable of using them to block most mundane weaponry and, with further augmentation and a fair deal of skill she may even use it to dampen or block some vis-based assaults. Wrapping the cloth around someone else will have the same effects as it does on her, but they will appear to affect others more than they do her.
Ceremonial Veil: Always draped over her eyes and forehead where it remains despite outside interference, Mnaecilia's veil has two purposes. The first is to dampen her ability to perceive and affect vis, while the second is to seal off her eyes excepting in extreme circumstances. As such, the veil is seemingly impossible to remove or destroy, both protecting and restricting access to her eyes at all times.
Prism: A refractive crystal typically used by Mirage prae to seal beings within; Mnaecilia's Prism is instead utilized to store vis in addition to containing Crescendo, on occasion.
Ceremonial Veil: Always draped over her eyes and forehead where it remains despite outside interference, Mnaecilia's veil has two purposes. The first is to dampen her ability to perceive and affect vis, while the second is to seal off her eyes excepting in extreme circumstances. As such, the veil is seemingly impossible to remove or destroy, both protecting and restricting access to her eyes at all times.
Prism: A refractive crystal typically used by Mirage prae to seal beings within; Mnaecilia's Prism is instead utilized to store vis in addition to containing Crescendo, on occasion.
[ ⊰⊱ ] ℭ apabilities
Prae Telepathy: As common an ability as it is among her kind, it is one that is seldom mastered. Like many magical and psychic talents, the art of Telepathy is a complex one, though it is defined by a small number of relatively simple concepts. One might boil Telepathy down to the art of communicating mind-to-mind without physical medium in order to transmit emotions, sensory impressions, and the abstract idea. While human telepathy and even licentia telepathy tend to have abject limitations based on the physiology and psychology of both the sender and receiver, prae telepathy takes things a step further. Most notable perhaps is their ability to treat thought, emotion, and sensation like a computer would files, allowing them to codify, encrypt, decrypt, zip, and unpack information and send it through not just their own vis, but ambient vis as well. While doing this with human or licentia telepathy typically results in information loss or corruption, doing so via the prae method does not due to the way the information is passed on; though communication between realms is still nigh impossible without a medium more stable than ambient vis.
Of course, despite its superiority above the telepathy of other races, Mnaecilia’s unique connection with the God-Queen has barred her from certain uses of her incredibly powerful talent. So it is that as long as she wears the Ceremonial Veil and Ritual Cloth she cannot use her telepathy to assault the mind of another being regardless of race or strength. Despite this weakness, mental barriers serve little to no purpose against her, allowing her to transmit thoughts, impressions, emotions, and sensations over a vast distance with minimal effort.
While Prae Telepathy can certainly be used to lull another being into believing that transmitted thoughts, emotions, impressions, or sensations are their own, Mnaecilia’s is not unless she enters her Manifest. As such, so long as she does not do the aforementioned all transmitted information is undeniably distinct from the mind of the receiver and its contents, allowing them to immediately recognize the presence of a foreign psyche.
Analytical and Emotional Intelligence: As one might expect from a spiritual leader among her people, Mnaecilia has an incredible capacity for understanding both the mindstate of others as well as the world around her to an exacting degree. She is able to--even without her telepathy and empathy--discern the general emotional state of people in her direct vicinity provided that she can hear, smell, and/or touch them. If she utilizes her vision as well, this perception gains an even more potent clarity as her gaze pierces the veil of deception and trickery to unearth the truth of the world around her. Similarly she is quick witted, observant, and beholden to the truth making her difficult to fool even on the worst of days. Yet, perhaps because of her nature she is less likely to have sympathy for those who lie to her and so a small untruth can lead to a rather significant consequence. In short: Woe shall fall upon those who dare deceive this proxy, for through her they deceive the God-Queen herself.
Of course, despite its superiority above the telepathy of other races, Mnaecilia’s unique connection with the God-Queen has barred her from certain uses of her incredibly powerful talent. So it is that as long as she wears the Ceremonial Veil and Ritual Cloth she cannot use her telepathy to assault the mind of another being regardless of race or strength. Despite this weakness, mental barriers serve little to no purpose against her, allowing her to transmit thoughts, impressions, emotions, and sensations over a vast distance with minimal effort.
While Prae Telepathy can certainly be used to lull another being into believing that transmitted thoughts, emotions, impressions, or sensations are their own, Mnaecilia’s is not unless she enters her Manifest. As such, so long as she does not do the aforementioned all transmitted information is undeniably distinct from the mind of the receiver and its contents, allowing them to immediately recognize the presence of a foreign psyche.
Analytical and Emotional Intelligence: As one might expect from a spiritual leader among her people, Mnaecilia has an incredible capacity for understanding both the mindstate of others as well as the world around her to an exacting degree. She is able to--even without her telepathy and empathy--discern the general emotional state of people in her direct vicinity provided that she can hear, smell, and/or touch them. If she utilizes her vision as well, this perception gains an even more potent clarity as her gaze pierces the veil of deception and trickery to unearth the truth of the world around her. Similarly she is quick witted, observant, and beholden to the truth making her difficult to fool even on the worst of days. Yet, perhaps because of her nature she is less likely to have sympathy for those who lie to her and so a small untruth can lead to a rather significant consequence. In short: Woe shall fall upon those who dare deceive this proxy, for through her they deceive the God-Queen herself.
Martial Training: As a proxy, Mnaecilia must be prepared for the possibility of violence in the pursuit for the truth and the continued prosperity of their illustrious race. As such she was trained in the martial skills and while not what one would call a true warrior, she is no slouch in combat. Capable of handling a number of weapons as well as conducting herself without them, Mnaecilia has gone through extensive training regimes to make sure that she is in shape and ready for whatever the world throws at her in her services to the Will of the God-Queen. As a result she has considerable stamina, enough physical resilience to take a couple of armed hits with little to no damage, and of course sufficient physical strength and speed to allow her to match most combatants that don’t completely outclass her. One would consider her martial skills smack dab in the middle between “Novice,” and “Master.”
Domineering Presence: A result of her Divine Connection, her bearing and her mastery of the art of Telepathy, Mnaecilia’s presence acts much like a physical force as she strides through the world with confidence and purpose. For a prae, standing in her presence is both exhilarating and terrifying for to do so is to be as spiritually close to the God-Queen as most will ever get. This effect can cover a radius anywhere between 10 and 85 meters, though its usual range gravitates towards the lower end of the spectrum. This ‘aura’ fades in strength only once outside of the aforementioned radius, though it does so more drastically if it is stretched over a greater distance to begin with. As a result, her presence and imminent arrival can typically be detected several minutes before one ever sees her, lending a sense of imminent jubilation or doom depending on the relative innocence of those affected.
It should be noted that Mnaecilia is entirely in control of her Presence at all times; allowing her to extend its breadth over a 20 meter radius when under the effects of her limiting garments. It is only when these garments are removed and her Manifest unleashed that it may expand past this point. Furthermore, due to her control over this Presence, the proxy may focus it more intensely on someone if she chooses to, essentially mimicking the effects of a piercing--and all seeing--gaze at will. Perhaps most frightening is the fact that she can do this to up to 8 people at a time though the effects on them will vary depending on their mental resilience and race.
*Prae are more susceptible to this ability than the other races due to the influence of the God-Queen.
Divine Connection: A connection that all proxy are afforded once they have gone through their initiation; the Divine Connection is one established via ritual between the God-Queen and a Proxy. This link, once established, allows the God-Queen’s Will in its purest form, as an impression, be passed onto any--and all--proxies. This lets them act in accordance to her wishes even without any direct input from her. Additionally, this link allows proxies one other boon, that being one of temporary infusion for the in their times of need, a proxy may draw vis from the God-Queen, bolstering all of their abilities drastically. The extent to which their abilities can be bolstered depends on their capacity, which is improved via rigorous training and regular rituals to strengthen their bond to their eminent Queen. It should be noted that a proxy’s rank is decided by three factors, which are as follows:
The clarity, accuracy, and frequency of their interpretation of the God-Queen’s Will; the depth of their intelligence, devotion, and spiritual wisdom; and of course their capacity to receive and weather the power of the God-Queen in times of need both great and small.
Imbuement: An inherent ability among prae, Imbuement allows a prae to impart their vis not just to individuals upon their death, but into objects or people to influence them magically. While this ability has many uses, its two most common applications being telekinesis and enchantment. To initiate this ability a prae must either establish direct contact with their desired target or transfer their vis from an already imbued object/entity into their new ‘target(s).’ Once this first step is accomplished a prae may manipulate the imbued object in a wide variety of ways. In the case of telekinesis, a prae imbues an object or substance with their vis and then ‘binds’ the vis to the structure of the material, allowing them to move it according to their will. Enchantment on the other hand is typically more complex and, as it turns out, is Mnaecilia’s specialty.
While Imbuement-Telekinesis merely binds an object or entity’s structure with the user’s vis and then moves it, Imbued-Enchantment is the act of altering the inherent structure and properties of a given object, substance, or material in some way. While those unskilled in Imbued-Enchantment might only be capable of bolstering the base properties of their chosen article, someone with greater mastery of the art can do incredible things; often resulting in the properties of the final product being wildly more exotic than before.
A chief example of this departure into the exotic is Mnaecilia’s primary weapon: Crescendo, which takes Priscan air and vis to create an object that not only exerts its own force, but also acts more like a solid object than a gas. Due to the incredible amounts of vis packed into Crescendo it doesn’t exert physical force normally. Instead the Vae Maoris may output almost any amount of kinetic energy on impact--or in close proximity--to itself so long as it possesses vis to fuel the process. As such, even passing contact with Crescendo can result in a disproportionate amount of structural damage.
*Vae Maoris: A term utilized by prae to describe enchanted objects created via imbuement. The term is roughly equivalent for the human/licentia term “Artifact,” which is used to describe incredibly powerful enchanted items. However, unlike Artifacts, Vae Maoris include substances that have been sufficiently altered by Imbuement.
Crescendo: Depicted in her appearance, Crescendo is a unique one-of-a-kind construct composed of approximately one ton worth of Priscan air infused with enough vis to blow clear through a twenty foot thick wall of steel. By compacting this vis-infused Priscan gas into a crescent-shaped construct bound to her will, Mnaecilia has managed to create an object with incredible--if unconventional--durability, cutting power and utility. As almost any object infused with a prae’s vis, Crescendo can be moved telekinetically within a certain range of the proxy, allowing her to use it as both a defensive and offensive tool as she wishes. By exerting the incredible forces contained within the construct she may cleave through most materials and magics with varying amounts of effort depending on their durability.
Conversely, she may exert these forces inwards or outwards on a flat plane perpendicular to the edge of the bladed crescent, effectively allowing her to create a powerful force either that can be used for a variety of purposes. With focus, this force can be applied inwards in a more particular fashion, allowing Mnaecilia to ‘anchor’ Crescendo to herself, an individual, or an object with significantly less vis--provided it is not being actively infused by a wielder. Once ‘anchored,’ Mnaecilia may move herself, the individual, or object(s) in question as if she brought them telekinetically under her sway, but only so long as Crescendo remains anchored. This allows her to amplify her own speed, resilience, as well as allowing her flight even outside of her Manifest.
Manifest: Ascendant Nova

Discarding her restrictive garments, Mnaecilia may unveil her Manifest, the removal of her scarf and veil resulting in a tremendous eruption of force as her vis pushes against the limits of her ostium. So fierce is this shockwave that it sunders even Crescendo, scattering the construct over a wide area. Her eyes and skin begin to glow with mottled blue light, revealing her once unseen markings. Thin formations of metal overlay her skin, her markings connecting them as they reveal themselves. Those upon her back spread into the air as her vis suffuses them and gives them physical form, causing air to condense as her vis wrests control of it from nature itself, condensing it rapidly.
A shortness of breath briefly results before winds gradually escalate in intensity, ever flowing inwards towards the proxy. Light takes on a bluish hue as her vis saturates it, metal fragments forming as if from thin air to create the outline of wings at her back. The metallic substance continues to form around her throughout the duration of her Manifest.
While her Manifest is active, Mnaecilia becomes capable of infusing objects, materials, and substances with her vis merely via proximity. The state amplifies the range of her Presence, the potency and application of her Telepathy, but most of all it brings to bear the terrifying power of her Imbuement. So long as she is in this state she can freely enchant and manipulate ‘objects’ infused with her vis, endowing numerous qualities to them in the process. However, unlike a normal prae whose Manifest can only be active for a limited amount of time, Mnaecilia’s tremendous stores of vis coupled with her connection to the God-Queen mean that she is feasibly capable of maintaining her Manifest indefinitely. Of course, this has its downsides, as it has always, with the most serious one being that without the God-Queen’s vis her Manifest will remain active until her vis is completely depleted, which will kill her. This reveals the true purpose of the Ceremonial Veil and Ritual Cloth, which act as limiters for her mutated Ostium and tremendous stores of vis. Without those two items--particularly the Ritual cloth--Mnaecilia’s Manifest would inadvertently kill or drive her into a coma. Such is the price for so great a power.
*With the boon of the God-Queen’s Divine Connection, Mnaecilia will not die from her Manifest, but may be struck unconscious when her own vis runs out, leaving the God-Queen to trickle in enough vis to keep her alive, if unconscious.
It should be noted that Mnaecilia is entirely in control of her Presence at all times; allowing her to extend its breadth over a 20 meter radius when under the effects of her limiting garments. It is only when these garments are removed and her Manifest unleashed that it may expand past this point. Furthermore, due to her control over this Presence, the proxy may focus it more intensely on someone if she chooses to, essentially mimicking the effects of a piercing--and all seeing--gaze at will. Perhaps most frightening is the fact that she can do this to up to 8 people at a time though the effects on them will vary depending on their mental resilience and race.
*Prae are more susceptible to this ability than the other races due to the influence of the God-Queen.
Divine Connection: A connection that all proxy are afforded once they have gone through their initiation; the Divine Connection is one established via ritual between the God-Queen and a Proxy. This link, once established, allows the God-Queen’s Will in its purest form, as an impression, be passed onto any--and all--proxies. This lets them act in accordance to her wishes even without any direct input from her. Additionally, this link allows proxies one other boon, that being one of temporary infusion for the in their times of need, a proxy may draw vis from the God-Queen, bolstering all of their abilities drastically. The extent to which their abilities can be bolstered depends on their capacity, which is improved via rigorous training and regular rituals to strengthen their bond to their eminent Queen. It should be noted that a proxy’s rank is decided by three factors, which are as follows:
The clarity, accuracy, and frequency of their interpretation of the God-Queen’s Will; the depth of their intelligence, devotion, and spiritual wisdom; and of course their capacity to receive and weather the power of the God-Queen in times of need both great and small.
Imbuement: An inherent ability among prae, Imbuement allows a prae to impart their vis not just to individuals upon their death, but into objects or people to influence them magically. While this ability has many uses, its two most common applications being telekinesis and enchantment. To initiate this ability a prae must either establish direct contact with their desired target or transfer their vis from an already imbued object/entity into their new ‘target(s).’ Once this first step is accomplished a prae may manipulate the imbued object in a wide variety of ways. In the case of telekinesis, a prae imbues an object or substance with their vis and then ‘binds’ the vis to the structure of the material, allowing them to move it according to their will. Enchantment on the other hand is typically more complex and, as it turns out, is Mnaecilia’s specialty.
While Imbuement-Telekinesis merely binds an object or entity’s structure with the user’s vis and then moves it, Imbued-Enchantment is the act of altering the inherent structure and properties of a given object, substance, or material in some way. While those unskilled in Imbued-Enchantment might only be capable of bolstering the base properties of their chosen article, someone with greater mastery of the art can do incredible things; often resulting in the properties of the final product being wildly more exotic than before.
A chief example of this departure into the exotic is Mnaecilia’s primary weapon: Crescendo, which takes Priscan air and vis to create an object that not only exerts its own force, but also acts more like a solid object than a gas. Due to the incredible amounts of vis packed into Crescendo it doesn’t exert physical force normally. Instead the Vae Maoris may output almost any amount of kinetic energy on impact--or in close proximity--to itself so long as it possesses vis to fuel the process. As such, even passing contact with Crescendo can result in a disproportionate amount of structural damage.
*Vae Maoris: A term utilized by prae to describe enchanted objects created via imbuement. The term is roughly equivalent for the human/licentia term “Artifact,” which is used to describe incredibly powerful enchanted items. However, unlike Artifacts, Vae Maoris include substances that have been sufficiently altered by Imbuement.
Crescendo: Depicted in her appearance, Crescendo is a unique one-of-a-kind construct composed of approximately one ton worth of Priscan air infused with enough vis to blow clear through a twenty foot thick wall of steel. By compacting this vis-infused Priscan gas into a crescent-shaped construct bound to her will, Mnaecilia has managed to create an object with incredible--if unconventional--durability, cutting power and utility. As almost any object infused with a prae’s vis, Crescendo can be moved telekinetically within a certain range of the proxy, allowing her to use it as both a defensive and offensive tool as she wishes. By exerting the incredible forces contained within the construct she may cleave through most materials and magics with varying amounts of effort depending on their durability.
Conversely, she may exert these forces inwards or outwards on a flat plane perpendicular to the edge of the bladed crescent, effectively allowing her to create a powerful force either that can be used for a variety of purposes. With focus, this force can be applied inwards in a more particular fashion, allowing Mnaecilia to ‘anchor’ Crescendo to herself, an individual, or an object with significantly less vis--provided it is not being actively infused by a wielder. Once ‘anchored,’ Mnaecilia may move herself, the individual, or object(s) in question as if she brought them telekinetically under her sway, but only so long as Crescendo remains anchored. This allows her to amplify her own speed, resilience, as well as allowing her flight even outside of her Manifest.
Manifest: Ascendant Nova

Discarding her restrictive garments, Mnaecilia may unveil her Manifest, the removal of her scarf and veil resulting in a tremendous eruption of force as her vis pushes against the limits of her ostium. So fierce is this shockwave that it sunders even Crescendo, scattering the construct over a wide area. Her eyes and skin begin to glow with mottled blue light, revealing her once unseen markings. Thin formations of metal overlay her skin, her markings connecting them as they reveal themselves. Those upon her back spread into the air as her vis suffuses them and gives them physical form, causing air to condense as her vis wrests control of it from nature itself, condensing it rapidly.
A shortness of breath briefly results before winds gradually escalate in intensity, ever flowing inwards towards the proxy. Light takes on a bluish hue as her vis saturates it, metal fragments forming as if from thin air to create the outline of wings at her back. The metallic substance continues to form around her throughout the duration of her Manifest.
While her Manifest is active, Mnaecilia becomes capable of infusing objects, materials, and substances with her vis merely via proximity. The state amplifies the range of her Presence, the potency and application of her Telepathy, but most of all it brings to bear the terrifying power of her Imbuement. So long as she is in this state she can freely enchant and manipulate ‘objects’ infused with her vis, endowing numerous qualities to them in the process. However, unlike a normal prae whose Manifest can only be active for a limited amount of time, Mnaecilia’s tremendous stores of vis coupled with her connection to the God-Queen mean that she is feasibly capable of maintaining her Manifest indefinitely. Of course, this has its downsides, as it has always, with the most serious one being that without the God-Queen’s vis her Manifest will remain active until her vis is completely depleted, which will kill her. This reveals the true purpose of the Ceremonial Veil and Ritual Cloth, which act as limiters for her mutated Ostium and tremendous stores of vis. Without those two items--particularly the Ritual cloth--Mnaecilia’s Manifest would inadvertently kill or drive her into a coma. Such is the price for so great a power.
*With the boon of the God-Queen’s Divine Connection, Mnaecilia will not die from her Manifest, but may be struck unconscious when her own vis runs out, leaving the God-Queen to trickle in enough vis to keep her alive, if unconscious.