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The Truest and Most Ultimate Showdown has beguneth. Goofykins V.S. SpongeByrne!
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Does anyone know where I can figure out how to unfabricate memories? Asking for a friend.
6 yrs ago
Check out our new and improved thread. Just an interest check for now, but oh boy is there so much more to come! roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
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Oh Bleach RP oh Bleach RP where art thou oh quality Bleach RP. Why hast thou forsaken thee? Seriously though, WHY!?!


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ℳℵaecilia ea' lh oncere. . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Theme I Theme II

M N A E C I L I A R E A ' E L H M O N C E R E
mm-nay-sill-ea ray-ah el moan-sare

Three-hundred-twenty-eight. Female. Prae. Proxy.
[ ⊰⊱ ] Ⱥppearance

Standing at 5'7 and weighing in at 128 lbs, she is a rather lithe prae, typically wearing a ceremonial eye covering that shields her startling white eyes from others, and the world from her gaze. Her form could be considered healthy with an above average figure for a prae woman. She moves with a regal grace becoming of one with her station. Despite her gaze being obscured, many a prae have faltered at her presence and withered beneath her scrutiny.

[ ⊰⊱ ] io

[ ⊰⊱ ] quipment & elongings

[ ⊰⊱ ] apabilities

I'onriyi Stonehand

Though he only caught her seating herself from the corner of his eye—leading him to if he had seen things properly—the enchanter made sure to pay special mind to his guest from that moment on. When she set about answering his questions, clearly eager to please, all he could do to hide his growing amusement was to use his bread to mask his mouth. Periodically he took bites from it, watching her as he ate, absorbing what she was telling him and sorting it mentally. He had never met an angel before, let alone an archangel, so this was truly a novel encounter, and that thought combined with the reminder of the associates he had made the day prior finally brought him to a breaking point.

So it was that as she finished her explanation he burst out, laughing for a brief moment. It would be the most cheer she had seen from him yet, something of a treat given his normal demeanor, and to think he wasn't even drinking! After a moment or two to recover his wits, I'on shook his head, a smile upon his lips as he spoke. "Oh my, I'm sorry. I'm not laughing at you, it's just," he chuckled lightly and shook his head again, grinning, "Well, I came across a number of...let's call them interesting folk last night and now, this morning, an archangel possessing a deigan girl stumbles through my doorstep." Letting out an uncharacteristic chortle, the mage turned to gaze into the fire, a wistful look coming into his eyes as he pondered his current circumstances.

A long minute passed before, rather abruptly, he rose to his feet and stepped over to the steeping tea. As he checked it—and found it ready—he continued their conversation. "It is very possible that the other two that I may consider traveling with are...of the more unsavory variety. I mean to meet with them later today because they owe me an explanation or two." He cast a sidelong glance her way as he finished removing the sieve, turning his gaze away as he went about locating some cups.

"Though I have a small measure of prior dealings with the aforementioned two, their explanation will let me make a decision as to their trustworthiness. I expect that whatever they tell me will be...insufficient to garner that trust. Of course, regardless I think I would like to have you along. Perhaps I might find a way to allow young Male'dai to sleep and so restore some of her reserves." He set the tea pot, and then the two thick cups on the table and poured each of them some tea before walking over to get some sugar. Without asking her preference, he put two cubes of the stuff in her cup, before letting one fall into his own.

Sitting down he met her gaze once more. Taking a deep breath, he focused his energies and his will. Bringing a hand over his tea, palm downwards, fingers relaxed the penin's features took on a look of concentration.

After a brief moment, he intoned, "Thoph dregoth. Harteor thoph dregoth menrirl." His fingers moved in tiny delicate patterns as he said the words in the arcane language, an incredibly small amount of magical energy passing from his fingertips invisibly. The invisible wisps made threads, traveling into his tea, suffusing it briefly, before steam rose from the cup and then in a gentle wind dispersed outwards with a gentle puff of air. The process had taken about seven or so seconds. That done, the penin lowered his hand, took up his cup and took a sip of tea.

He winced slightly, it was still a bit hotter than he'd like, but no matter. Acting as if he hadn't just used magic for the most mundane of tasks—cooling tea—the penin mage turned his attention back to her.

"All that business aside. Male'dai is an arcanist. While she can't use her magic now, I wouldn't mind knowing the extent of her abilities," he smiled at 'them' and took another sip of his tea. He didn't wince this time.

Having opted to fly the others most of the way back to HQ for the sake of expedience, he swapped forms and entered the building with the others, the surge of emotions and clarity from using his powers still quite potent. Despite the devastating loss of tinkertech, one side of Outsider's lips remained perked upwards slightly. Just experiencing the world clearly brought him a certain joy that was almost impossible to dampen.

Then there was a loud concussive explosion and debris flew everywhere. Still standing by the entrance to the apartment, he shielded himself, though it proved largely unnecessary. When the dust cleared he looked to his teammates, to find them relatively unharmed. Kyoshi's mouth moved, in reply to yelled words from...somewhere? He couldn't entirely understand her words, but he acted nonetheless.

Jaw tight he spoke, yelling so his teammates could hear him over the ringing left over from the explosion, "I'M GOING TO CHECK THIS OUT," he said, giving them a meaningful look before he jogged through the apartment to the blasted hole in the wall. He shot a glare across the gap between buildings to where he saw...a kid in a costume. Eyes narrowing he did something that in his normal mindstate he might not have, he ran towards the gaping hole in the wall and leapt out into the open air. Curling into a ball midair Outsider activated his power.

Air was violently displaced as his Second Vessel manifested into being, his senses shifting into place along with a distinct nausea, both from hurtling downwards, and from swapping bodies. It lasted only seconds, and then he swooped upwards through the air and shot directly towards the other cape's location. However, thinking somewhat better of it he stopped halfway across the distance and swam through the air lazily, his senses tuned to the kid.

He could hear the sound of other voices in the building, specifically the room, where the cape was standing. Either teammates or hostages...and given that none of them were moving much or making intelligible noises, he'd guess that they were hostages.

Not good. He also couldn't barrel through a building. It seemed the cape had actually planned fairly well for assaulting them. He was offsetting the rest of the Minutemen by keeping a distance, while neutralizing his own effectiveness by being both inside a structure and near what he was fairly certain were civilians. A low dissonant growl vibrated through the area, emanating from nowhere in particular. The sound didn't stop like a normal growl might, instead becoming more intense, vibrating through things. It wasn't harmful at all, but it was disconcerting to say the least.

"You've got one minute to give us a good reason not to retaliate," Outsider intoned in his hollow voice, the growl continuing throughout. It was clear that he was not at all pleased by the current situation.
Lilliana Merrycure

Listening as she began glancing between nakama to check for wounds, she had made her way to Boone by the time he started giving orders. As he revealed the gun shot wound she frowned, but nodded and directed him to sit down somewhere. Once situated she glanced up at him, making sure he was ready, before she let a bit of B-MO slip into the wound. It would hurt, but not as much as bullet extraction normally would. She had applied a small amount of numbing agent and antiseptic to the bit of B-MO that had pried the bullets out. Once done she began cleaning the outside of the wound and then wrapping it tightly to help staunch the bleeding and let it heal. When she had finished she checked Boone over and dealt with any minor injuries before moving on to the next crewmate: Feya.

Setting bones, giving her shots with her special healing elixir and tending to anything else, it took her significantly longer for her to finish helping Feya. Any complains would be met with a sharp look and little else. Her elixir helped with the pain significantly, but it was still an unpleasant endeavor. To finish she gave the woman another two shots, though one of them was something to make her sleep—a high dosage given the woman's stubborn nature and incredible constitution. She left her with orders, from one doctor to another, to stay in bed for awhile and rest up. The drug would set in soon enough to make sure she listened.

Despite any fussing, she took care of Caeser next, as Bonesword seemed largely intact and really only needed a hug, some headpats, and a glass of milk. Dirk and Slick were perhaps the easiest to take care of given that neither of them had really come out too roughed up. Though it appeared that Dirk had taken quite the punch to the face.

After tending to everyone she returned to the helm of the ship with Boone and sat down, watching their approach to Clock Town with a small smile. She wondered what wonderful things they might find there.
I'onriyi Stonehand

At being corrected, the penin raised an eyebrow; his mind recounting her introduction, her inclusion of gestures now somewhat more meaningful. A small light came into his eyes as his curiosity was stoked, his thoughts clawing their way up from the grogginess of his mind. Her words now put those prior into a new light, and it was one far more intriguing than he had first thought. Despite this he kept quiet, his expression remained the same as he paid attention to her words and expressions.

He was not disappointed either, for her expressions tickled him, while her words both stirred his pride. His impression of her was shifting, for before she had seemed a mild oddity, worthy of some attention, and some food, but little else. Now however, it appeared that he may have stumbled upon a gem. Though it remained to be seen whether it was a diamond in the rough or something with less potential.

Checking the tea, the penin mage mulled over her words, turning them in his mind as he stirred the water somewhat. It was beginning to bubble slightly, nearly boiling. "Hmm," he said, shooting her a pensive glance as he walked back to the counter and made sure the herbs were prepared. He drew out a kettle and opened the top, preparing it for the water that would soon be ready.

Once done he turned back to her, noticing that she was still standing. His eyes flicked to a chair near her and he gestured to it. "Sit," he said sternly. Once she was settled he found that his thoughts were sufficiently organized for him to give her a proper response, or at least the beginnings of one.

"So to tackle one thing at a time, let me see if I am interpreting this right. You are two people, the body—Male'dai—and the one to whom I now speak: Nimbus." While a question was implied, he gave her no time to respond, unless she decided to nod or shake her head in affirmation. "An apprentice and an archangel, what a strange combination, if I am understanding correctly?" He checked the water again, allowing her a moment to respond as he found that it was finished.

Taking the boiling pot of water in his hands—their bony exoskeleton protecting him from the heat—he brought it over to the kettle and poured some of the water in, before placing the pot someone out of the way to cool. He brushed off his hands, before placing the herbs in the kettle, still in their sieve. Finished he turned back to Nimbus, he supposed, and took a seat across from her.

He took another bite out of his bread before crossing his arms; his gaze on Nimbus. "As to your goal..." he let his words hang a moment, "...I admit I am somewhat impressed." He held up a finger, "However, we have also just met, so I have—I think—understandable reservations about your accompanying me. On one hand you have caught me at, well, something of an advantageous time I suppose, since I am soon to set out on a adventure proper. Of course, I am not sure of my destination nor the exact purpose of this journey, but I must go despite this."

He paused a moment, considering that he was telling her quite a bit. He changed tacts, "As such, to take you along, I think I would need to know you better and, furthermore, understand what you are capable of. After all, I can hardly take someone along with me who I would have to babysit," while it was said with a measure of severity, a small smile tugged at the corner of his lips, a glint showing in his eyes. He was teasing her it seemed. If only mildly.
Actually, I'll just post it, should be fine I think.
@Dark Jack in my post that I'm working on now, I'on gives Male'dai a moment to respond to something he says (basically him confirming that Nimbus and Male'dai are two people sharing a body, with the former being an archangel and the latter being the apprentice arcanist). I want to keep writing from there, so is it likely that she'll just confirm his suspicions on this bit and not say much else, or should I cut the post short and let you respond somewhat (or perhaps send you the question so you can write a small bit for me to insert into my post)?
I'onriyi Stonehand

Observing the deigan woman's bow, exhaling in a huff at her apology he awaited her actual reason for disturbing him. Perhaps she was someone's errand girl and he was needed elsewhere. More likely she was a beggar who had heard of his occasional generosity to people in the lower classes. He did have a penchant for giving, even though he would often act as if he disliked doing so. At the thought, one edge of his lips twitched upwards, before being forced down once more. Listening closely, despite the grogginess he was still shaking—not to mention the growling of his stomach—I'on tilted his head to the side slightly as the deigan stated her reason for bothering. He raised an eyebrow as she identified herself and her background. It wasn't much to go off of, but it was interesting in its way. Particularly the statement referring to Laon's Archangels.

Appraising her once more as he considered how to proceed, he let silence hang between them as he scratched his chin thoughtfully, turned, and walked into his home. He had to admit he was intrigued and it was because of this interest that he left the door open. When he was just turning a corner he called back, "Make sure to close the door behind you!" He took to fetching some bread and starting a fire in the hearth so he could perhaps make some tea. Of course, he could use magic, but that was an awful misuse of it, even if it would hardly tax him at all. Besides, every time he had heated water for his tea or soup it had come out tasting different.

Still, while he had invited her in, and indeed turned his back on her, he was no fool and did not trust her. He decided to say as much, glancing in her direction as he did so, "I do not trust you, Male'dai, but you have my attention. Just don't try anything funny, you won't like the result." He waved a wooden spoon at her as warning, before setting it down on a counter and opening a cupboard to extract some herbs.

"I must ask," he begun, putting the herbs in a metal sieve, which he then placed on the counter while he waited for the water to boil. He retrieved a knife went to cutting the bread into smaller pieces, placing some on a plate before pushing it her way. "...why follow me? Why adventure at all in fact. There are other ways to spend one's life and there are more well known figures than I." He shot a glance her way before taking a bite from his portion of bread. He kept his gold-eyed gaze on her as he ate, his focused scrutiny of her person making it a piercing look. He hoped there was more to her than the posturing that her introduction might be. Then again, if there was little else, there was likely little harm in letting her come along. At the very least she was likely to be significantly less shady than the individuals he had recently encountered.

The thought brought a tiny smile to his face, his eyes crinkling slightly as the edges of his lips turned up to a similar degree. It was a subtle expression, one that she might not catch. Not that it mattered.
So, clearly since there is no post, I fucked up haha. Um. I may be able to get a post up today. At the latest it'll be on Saturday. I set aside time for it like three times yesterday, but then got distracted or busy because I am bad.

Apologies for the delay. I'll try to get something up "today" after I get home from my night shift.
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